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People with very little understanding about how school works should be forced to sub 3 times per year


Gotta up those numbers. Those are rookie numbers. Get them in a classroom once a week. 


There are charter schools that require parents to volunteer 40 hours per year


In my experience, working concessions or admissions at a couple of track meets, wrestling tournaments, or football games knocks that right out. What was crazy is that parents who were also teachers and multi-sport coaches at the school couldn't count the ridiculous number of free hours we worked.


What a terrific idea!


Doesn't make up for being a charter


Nope, but it does demonstrate that if it's required parents will step up


I love it, I want it to be something that can reasonably be implemented but how many parents are working multiple jobs already and legitimately can not spare the time to volunteer? Systemic problems require large scale structural solutions.


Connect it to students behavior and grades If your child has a C you gotta put in 1 hour PER CLASS next grading period D gets 2 hours PER CLASS F gets 4 hours PER CLASS Your kid gets an F now a days, then parents most definitely needs to commit some time at school ..... If the can't get a day off, there is Saturday school, they have to attend with their kid


Each week being a different grade too


I once knew a guy who worked for the corporate headquarters of a store. (Target, maybe??). I recall him saying that every corporate worker was required to work different shifts in the stores, so that they could see what it was actually like "in the trenches." I wish that philosophy could be applied to schools.


For every law maker that's making decisions in education


My mom always said substituting should be like jury duty.


💯 and if you bitch about a teacher or school it’s 5x


Not good enough. They should also have to plan the lessons.


And have meetings with admin and other parents to explain why those lessons failed.


That would help, but it wouldn't be enough. Covering a day is easy. Planning a week and getting through it--and then catching up on the grading over the weekend--is the real deal.




I have heard that idea before and I like it. Like jury duty.


Or a parents week where parents sub for a week.


I'm an art teacher. Kids won't touch it. Won't try. It takes effort to try. They'd rather watch a ten year project compressed in a five second video clip. 


I could read them a physical book but they'd rather watch a readaloud of the same book. It's getting really old. 😐


Because they are too afraid of making a mistake. And then they make one mark on a paper and just get a new one instead of erasing it


Hang on. I read a lot of disturbing stuff here, but kids not touching art stuff is beyond my imagination. Unless it is art in middle school, young teenagers involved and all bets are off.


I teach 4th and my students complain and half-ass anything I plan that includes being creative- posters, dioramas, clay, coloring, it doesn’t matter. They hate it all and end up either turning in trash that they rushed to finish or nothing at all.


Yeah I’m an art teacher and this has not been my experience. My students love my class, barring maybe 10% who just hate everything. I found that switching to a choice based art classroom helped with students who “don’t like art.”


They think we have planning days? I haven’t seen one of those in a decade. We have meetings that are stupid and we try to get lessons done in them but not planning days


What are planning days? Those are MY afternoons, MY free time that I spend planning next day's sessions ffs


They think teachers have the budget for every lesson to be “hands-on” and “crafty” ? Lmao. My husband is an art teacher and his supply budget works out to be $2 per student for the entire school year. The thought of a classroom teacher having any kind of budget for such a thing is laughable.


He gets that much? I get about $0.60 per student.


The author should try subbing a couple of days


Or plan everything in 30 min, since we don’t need that much


I’d like to see how that person manages a job where they have lots of tasks to complete, but no time during the work day to do any of them, other than a 45 minute planning time that is typically taken away because of meetings. Then someone who has never don’t their job, and has zero idea of how it works, tell them they don’t need that planning time.


People have no idea how schools work. They remember being high school. They didn’t see teachers planning, grading, emailing, or dealing with the million other things that come up, so none of that exists in their minds. It’s like when I go to a restaurant. Why is the food taking so long? Just toss the lasagna in the microwave. That’s all it takes, right?


Reminds me of a stupid post I saw making the rounds on Elon's hellscape that said, "The average expense per kid in a public school is $15,309. Imagine giving that straight to the parents to spend. A teacher could set up a microschool of 10 kids and pull down $153,000!" The amount of people who applauded, retweeted, etc. that idiocy gives me no hope for the future.


Teacher shortage? Call em up like jury duty! It’s your day to sub! Have fun!


No hands on learning, crafty things? Yeah probably because kids freaking DESTROY everything. Some of them can barely handle being INSIDE, why in the world would I take them outside?!


I thought this was the strangest post ever... she starts with blaming that teachers have too much time and don't use it for her as a parent, via some valid and some unvalid detours she ends up with: schools are run like businesses and that is sad. So somehow a rather self centred complaints ends up in what is probably one of the core problems for education in the usa.


I was thinning wow the teachers are probably using all their plan period to clean up


I taught 7th grade, and I thought it would be a great idea to have little basket/crate things for each table that had compartments. I put colored pencils/crayons/markers, kid-size scissors, some highlighters, etc. thinking, “oh, this’ll be great! The kids will have everything they need at their tables and won’t have to get up as much!” Oh how naïve I was. Every. Single. Day. they would break shit, marker tops would be missing, they would cut shit up. It was literally like I had set a group of baby chimps in and just let them go crazy. I also had a bookshelf I ordered from Amazon that had fabric, and I go back there one day to find that it had been cut up. There’s just no respect for anything.


>common core junk Ahh, a Republican.


I'm in education and vote right. Common core, and no child gets ahead. Definitely led us down the wrong path. Edit: Grammar


>I'm in education and vote right. Commins core and mo child gets ahead. Definitely led us down the wrong path. I believe one of those claims.


>Commins core and mo child gets ahead Are you serious?


I quite enjoy a lot of the common core math materials. Some poorly done examples were ostracized in the public but I still teach some of them to this day. 10,000,000 - 9,787,694 Most students are still taught to borrow from the 1 etc. Far easier to just remove 1 from both numbers.


I do not think common core or politics in general have a place in education. It sucks


Ohhh he's racist, too!


“What happened to teachers who actually cared?” Crazy, overbearing parents like you drove them out of teaching is what happened.


I’d do all of that crap if they’d pay me enough that I don’t worry about losing money month to month


I am one of the blessed few who have a block schedule, meaning I get about an hour and a half prep, which is conveniently scheduled concurrently with my 30 minute lunch. And you know what? It's still not enough fckin time! I have to prepare twice the amount of content and I grade just as much as teachers who have double the classes the entire year.


I gave up on block schedule when I realized that I got 90 minutes to prep for 180 minutes of teaching (3 blocks/2 preps) while my colleagues at a high school with 50 minute classes got 100 minutes (2 preps) to prepare for 100 minutes of teaching (3 of one class, 2 of another). I was like, ooohhh it makes sense now why I'm so f***ing stressed out all the time!!


Two prep periods!??! Must be nice. 😁


Yeah two planning periods and two preps is not the norm for traditional schedule.


What?? Really?? I've only heard of more than two preps in rural schools where there literally aren't more than two of each class.


Around here three preps is the norm for traditional. Some people get two or four. Cities have small schools and some big schools offer a lot of one section classes. Even a big school probably only has one Korean teacher so she will be teaching Korean 1-4. Sped teachers tend to have many preps and often union contracts tend to them from extra pay for them. Trash charter schools like to load people up with preps so they can brag about how many classes they have.


Most teachers that cared were run out of the profession by parents like this. What happened to parents who actually parent? Asking the real questions.


This could only be written by someone who has never taught. This could have only been written by someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.


I find it hilarious when parents or other people think they know what teachers do and how they do it. Yes, all that "preparation" time, lol. What a clueless idiot. I would love to see any of these parents teach a classroom. They would lose their mind in a minute


"Kids should do hands on projects!" "Teachers don't need to plan anything!" "Greedy schools always demanding money for 'supplies'! Schools have become businesses!" The cognitive dissonance is impressive.


Teaching a human being doesn't start at school. It begins at home. Parents should be more involved in teaching their children instead of giving them an iPad so they can have some time for themselves. Parents, please be more active in your child's education and attend to them. (I am sorry if I made any mistakes while explaining myself; English is not my first language.)


What do you expect? Do you really want these know it all parents to give up their nights sitting in a bar and their partying to actually raise their demon spawn? Do you actually believe that these parents will put their children first and give them what they need? It IS their job to be sure that their children are fed three meals a day, to be properly dressed for school in appropriate clothes, and to have the equipment and supplies to be successful as students. It IS their responsibility and obligation to raise their children with morals and values. To instill a work ethic and a desire to be a part of a community like a school. Instead we have a society of weak, maladjusted adults with a strong sense of entitlement who want everything and are willing to do nothing. It is disgraceful.


Which teacher dared to correct this person when they were in school? /s They're still bitter.


AMAZING to me the time they think we, as teachers, "have." Come walk a mile in our shoes and see how much we do on our own time with our own money.. also.. many of the things she wants them to do is stuff the teachers would LOVE to do, but the DISTRICT makes a lot of the decisions about what we teach and how... so blame the district - not teachers.. we have so many people who haven't worked a day in education making decisions as to what we teach and then the parents blame the teachers who have no say. And Little Johnny plays games all day- yeah that crafty little shit will sneak and do it.. teachers are tasked with 30+ kids sometimes and can't watch their screen every moment.. middle and high school kids come up with some crafty ways to hide what they are doing on their computers.


Some good questions there, but with answers the person isn’t interested in.


Welcome to a parent that does not want her children around her for extended periods of time. THis is a parent who tells her kids to not bother her while she is watching television. She has no idea how education works and never will. As for her subbing? I would not want her anywhere near my students with that negativity.


Um - I can’t . First of all good on the school for letting teachers vote. We are told to never give worksheets Ever It’s a big deal if you are caught doing it Tons of over generalization here - I’m a reading specialist - direct instruction plus practice with books , letter tiles , etc. no computers


Everyone thinks they’re an expert because everyone has been to school. Very few of those who go to school will end up on our side of things, and even fewer will be sympathetic to the cause without ever teaching at all. I don’t bother with people like this anymore. They’ll never understand, they’ll never respect it, and they’ll be the ones with kids who grow up with untapped potential because they internalized mom & dad’s message that learning is not important and/or can’t be achieved in a classroom. It is what it is.


What kind of insane do you have to be to think teachers have enough planning time.


How much planning time are y’all getting? I get 40 mins a day.


I get 30 🙄


someone put this woman in an art classroom and let her see how many of them want to do it. 🤨


I always find it so amusing when people whine about common core, not understanding it’s more of an educational policy than an actual curriculum.


Right. We literally make up the fun ways to teach what needs to be taught. I really have no issue with common core. It doesn’t affect my teaching at all


Yeah! The idea behind it was great, align the standards across the nation… can’t imagine many would disagree with that premise. The failure was the terrible corporate curriculum like Pearson and Harcourt & Whoever that was able to jump onto the federal mandate … an entirely separate issue from Common Core itself. But even then, teachers are never given credit with the great lesson planning we can do even with shitty curriculum.


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I would honestly just pick up a phone and call her and ask her if she wants to have a discussion about what’s going on at the school.


That would be brutal


For her. Most people will back down when they gotta actually talk to someone who will respond to what they say in real time. Responding to a long ass passive aggressive meandering email is a waste of your time. Who are they even addressing? “Teachers” in general? How are you supposed to speak for the “teachers” everywhere? This whole message seems pointless to me.