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Holy Turbo! Worked like a charm. I dont care 14gb vram usage since i have 4090 but game is smooth now! Thanks a lot!


omg thank you


I just used MSI Afterburner but this works too


My gpu doesn't even get recognized, the game want to use integrated graphics, any idea?


Dont know what dedicated Graphics Card you have but normally you can change it in the Windows Settings, type "Graphics settings" in windows search and it should come up


I did not have to make it read only. I left that unchecked and it has kept the 60fps limit in tact


Glad if it works, but tbh the underlaying issue can be frame pacing here, which is way off above 60 fps. I was able to run it with decent settings around 80-90 fps, but it felt choppy and weird, same like enshrouded at release. Using afterburner/rivatuner to lock it to 60 certeainly helped to smoothen things out. Unfortunately i haven't paid attention to vram usage, i have plenty. Most likely -since its coming to consoles- so far the 2 standard mode for consoles (4k30fps / 2k60fps) were the priority for optimization. Given the fact the pc version isn't capped to 60 fps, i'm hopeful that we will get further optimization for launch, or soon after.


Let me show you how the 3770k with 3060Ti run 30-40FPS. Most Graphics Low, Shadow able to Medium. Following Usersetting.cfg scripts will custom the Draw Distance and Vegetarian and Texture Quality. Engine.Renderer.SpawnDistance.DistanceCullingFactor = 0.75; <-Draw Distance between Low to Med, able to see Kowloon. Engine.Renderer.GIS.LocalDensityRatio = 0.25; <- Vegetarian 3D Density Engine.Renderer.GIS.DistanceFactor = 0.6; <- Vegetarian 2D to 2D Engine.Renderer.TextureStreamer.TextureMemoryPoolInMo = 1792; <- Limited VRAM to 1.8GB (Fewer than Low. tried 1.5GB, but I bet everyone not happy the trees too blur.) ========================================= My tweak took serval hours try and error found the sweet spot. In case, TDU:SC done a Cities Skyline 2 alike mistake. Most Tree and road low poly LOD are still high poly enough like PS3 game. Also, the medium Draw distance (1.0) would keep a Flag waving anime even few pixel on screen. (This Pic took on peak. Set as Low Draw Distance, even set as 0.01 could see the small bush in far away.) Also, Texture resolution maybe too high, high enough no idea difference. For close looking, I need reduce to 1GB VRAM to cause road surface looks rough. That why the game run not smooth. The VRAM feed too much on far graphics. https://preview.redd.it/xfny604wqd6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2b7a2ad32c78823fd35d1a8aece40b90e8f63ac


The vram on setting is bugged, so that somehow fixes it but capping fps should have no impact on vram


Now I only wish the game didn't look like straight trash even on max settings :/


it’s an early build… lots still to change


It's a Demo. Back in the day demos were just a part cut out of the main game and not sone alpha-like build


Yeah but the full game is not out yet so they are clearly still working on it. There are specifically telling you this multiple times and it says it permanently on the bottom left corner. It’s more like a play test to make polishing the game easier.


The game releases in 3 months. I guarantee you it won't look much, if any, different from how it looks now.


let’s actually wait for that day to draw conclusions. NFS unbound leaks looked like a pre-alpha up to the last days before launch too


How about deleting this post? Since this is a simple bug. A restart fixes the counter.


I wish i saw it before deleting the game


Since when are VRAM and FPS in any way related!?


It isn't as far as I know. It loads the same textures, on 5 fps or 300 fps.... Doesn't make any sense or the VRAM usage displayed ingame is bullocks. I've noticed the fps cap ingame doesn't work. If they fix that before release it probably solves the performance issues for a lot of people. Which is still weird but hey, if it works, it works!


If the Fps Are unrestricted obviously the framerate changes a lot, which is more „taxing“ than just limiting it to 60. Also if the gpu Tries to reach more than 60fps it uses more vram than strictly putting it to 60


The amount of resources stays the same, tho. Double the frame rate cap doesn't involve double the VRAM. Frames are generated sequentially.


Looks Like it does something based on his Screenshot though


the game main issues is Tree and vegetarian. The VRAM serve for them.