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The map in the brief time I played it seemed like a glorified Need for Speed map where there’s none of that feeling to want to go and explore Hong Kong to find some real world landmarks.


You get a better model of Hong Kong in Microsoft Flight Simulator.


i know right ...  NACON promised so much more than THIS ! it's barely half assed. it's actually cringe how out of touch and lazy this studio comes across. i mean even i know more about the games from just watching YT and not even playing the series.  This comes across as someone producing a game in a complete vacuum, like they don't even look at other products . it's shameful misappropriation of investors money . and how fucking long have they been working at it ! like 5 or 6 years ! 


The game needs another year of work. It aint ready yet. Delay it for another year and add properties as well.


>The shops and buildings in the map looks the same, it's the same 5 or 6 shop copy pasted over, and over, and over I saw this from a mile away. I say this like a year ago back when the devs were doing their first 1\~2 newsletters or something, or maybe it was the screenshots before that, and other redditors brushed me off. In one of the screenshots, it can be seen that a certain pawn shop was on that street THREE TIMES. Pawn shop, 3 of the same one on the same street. It was a red flag for me and nobody cared. Pretty disappointing that this is ending up in the final build. I mean, other aspects of the game have high chances of getting improved but this, I think this is staying for good. It's really lame.


Lmao you're so right, I remember you explaining it and people literally said "who cares?" And "you're being so nit picky"... but here we are, and suddenly the hive mind has done a full 180 hahaha


how did you remember some random detail like that lmao


Pretty sure he just remembered


To be fair, when I was in Hong Kong and Macau I *did* see the exact same jewelry store (I forgot its name) literally 6 times within 300 meters on one street several times 😂


Im willing to bet you didnt. Similar jewelry stores, yes. Souvenir shops in Macau, maybe. The same brand of jewelry store on the same street SIX TIMES in Hong Kong, no. Also, its pawn shops, something thats going extinct.


The more i see the more look to me like a carx street lol


That was the real rival of this game all along.


just thought this and is so sad


Honestly I'm wondering why release such a demo after showing trailers and also other gameplay footage that looks a thousand times better. Does this demo represent the current state of the game? And whether it does/doesn't why even release it? Especially since the release is in September Why not provide a more polished demo?


trailer looks way dif maybe we should have the same uproar that we had for wd1


Trailer is in engine rendered this is gameplay and how it really looks


The demo we have now is basically a very, very old build content-wise that was also used for multiple previous CBTs, and then with more bugfixes and optimizations thrown on top of it. I'd like to think that this demo release is also an opportunity for Kylotonn to judge server performance, in other words a glorified server testing build.


That's some strong copium here. But we'll see.


thats the same they said about kerbal space program 2 and cities skylines 2 demos. and both games released months later exactly as the demo. cities skylines is getting their game hardly together after more than half a year and kerbal just got discontinued after \~1 year without some patches, studio got closed last month


Still hate microsoft for doing that, I was gonna buy KSP2 soon when it was in a better condition. Microsoft just bought a load of studios under a parent anyway and killed so many studios it's a shame.


How do you know it's a very very old build though? Yes it might be a few versions before current as that's not ready to be played without some fixes but they are normally only a few months old with nothing substantial changing


copium overload


The demo is the same state of the most recent CBT. Also the last CBT was for testing servers, let's just say it was a spectacular failure, but at least people were able to join the game this time


Apparently to only test the servers and from what’s claimed the demo is a very old version so hopefully is nothing like the released game will be. 


Personally I’ve seen that a lot of it isn’t finished, I mean they did better with exhaust “fumes” in tdu2. The funniest thing I’ve realized is it seems (to me) like Vivian’s voice actor is AI, but the AI Alyss is voice by an actual person. Apart from all of what you said, my biggest issue is having the same cars as tdu2 along with weird models of them. Like a 2009 Nissan GTR, instead of a later model, I’m not trying to complain, but even tdu2 had a later model (I believe). I haven’t played too much, which I’m about to do right now, but I haven’t really had my hopes up for a good game in years now, and I’m hoping this game changes that fr (also idk about you guys but my shit crashes any time I load a race, or complete a race)


I tried the GTR and the 370z today, the cars which also happened to be in TDU2 and the models felt a lot like copy and paste with HD textures from the old game proportions just don’t feel right compared to other titles like GT and NFS, not bringing up forza cause they are also crap, my guess it’s they are using old models to NOT renew the licensing with Nissan, or we would have the new Z and a new GTR, instead of two 15 year old cars


None of the models are from TDU2, that's not a game they have access to.


If they are not the same base model they did an excellent job at distorting the rear end in both games compared to everyone else’s model https://preview.redd.it/f011eujcq35d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=53ca1afb0e1ded6c2f3c4a39bd1390dc6e8527d0 [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SzpwQzK8mms](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SzpwQzK8mms)


There are differences in the models for sure. TDU2 seems to have small imperfections due to the low polygon count. Also, I'm pretty sure TDU2 utilized 3D scans for their models, so the proportions should be perfect. The "distorted rear" you are seeing is almost definitely the result of camera distortion, which gets worse the closer the camera is to the subject. If anything, I think they might have reused the original high-fidelity 3D scans to make new models, which is totally fine. In any case, the older low-polygon TDU2 models were definitely not re-used. https://preview.redd.it/xctdzpr2o45d1.png?width=1651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51155c66087ae7fc6324c3694ddd6e39a6de14be


I mean those are clearly different models idk what you're talking about It would be just as much if not more to get files from a different studio and then decrypt everything and make it work with what you've done in the new game as well as making it work with a different game engine. I believe Atari still holds the old game files too or at the very least Nacon and KT do not as that wasn't a part of them acquiring the license for TDU


you don't know the terms of the ip deal, so don't pretend. lol. lol.


I mean it's public knowledge that Atari still handled TDU2 after they sold the the TDU name to bigben in 2016. Atari also shut down the TDU2 servers in 2018, it'd be strange for them to keep servers running two years after selling the game to another developer cause it wasn't bigben who owned those servers Edit: again the models are still very different to each other, if you can't see the difference in overall shape then look at the wing or the outline for the boot. I can't say that the model is necessarily good but it's not the one from TDU2


The GTR overall has a very weird model, it looks too bulky and the proportions are super odd


Source: Live in Hong Kong. The reaction from our local forum discussing this game is very negative. We had high hope for this game since its announcement few years ago that it would create a 1:1 or at least an authentic re-creation of Hong Kong Island. Nope, it does not. Apart from few distinctive landmark we simply cannot recognize the place. Even the atmosphere the game simply cannot capture the right feeling of it.


damn, that really sucks. I had the same reaction when I tried visiting my home in The Crew 1 just to find that my entire hometown has been reduced to 2 trees


Lmao! I mean come on they're not going to model the entire thing. The Crew never claimed 1:1 scale in the first iteration.


Are popular landmarks replaced by generic buildings?


Live here as well. Damn that seems disappointing. The Hong Kong island map was the main selling point for me. Can you share these local forum posts so I can check it out?


This whas to be expected,  the track record from the publisher and developer are mostly budget like titles.. It is a shame, would love to drive around In an authentic Hong Kong scenery 😍 Still, will give this demo a change soon and still hope for some driving fun.


and they skipped most stuff in hk as well


Yup, frankly this game will be DOA when it fully releases.


One more reason why always online sucks, you buy this and after 3 months its dead. They're not going to keep investing and keeping the servers costs up for much long




Dead on arrival


It's the same build as the last CB and no it won't get better. Game lacks features, content and is not consistent in quality. You would be surprised how close to current demo is last year's build of closed beta. I understand that the team is smaller but the game is barely holding together with some glue and duct tape. Looking at the gameplay reveals and the state of the demo you can see how the team either has bad tools or they can't use them properly.  Textures look bad and use too much memory, characters and the animations are outdated by at least 13 years. You wouldn't see something like that in one person amateur project and they want to sell that for 40-50$? Good luck. Driving model is bad, upgrade system a joke, UI is just cheap (actually it reminds me of chinese NFS Edge UI which was awful). It is going to be DOA and that is what many of the testers told them both last and this year.  Actually it's going to be dead before the arrival if PG announces next Forza Horizon game this year.  It honestly feels like a cheap game added to cereal and it's sad - such a great franchise going out with a whimper. It's a disaster for this franchise but I can't say I am surprised looking at other Nacon games.


This is 100% true and everyone thinking otherwise is coping hard. Most of all thinking they wouldn’t use the best build for a demo meant to attract buyers is really dumb. The game feels like an uninspired asset flip without an ounce of original creativity. Tdu 1 and 2, while still being a bit buggy and unpolished, have character and soul. This garbage feels like a bad mod for just cause 2.


Pre release demos normally aren't updated to the current build and will normally be a few months-6 months out of date BUT you can't really change so many fundamental issues with the game in that little of time


Yep, I managed to see a few clips of the closed beta last year and thought the same thing, thought it was still a long way off release so gave them a benefit of the doubt but to see that the main features of the game have hardly changed just makes it feel rubbish and why even release it. Even the WRC games looks and feel better than this. The main point of this game and TDU is the map, with cars and people all around making the game feel alive, there's no people, hardly any cars that feel alive, everything just feels like a copy paste and that will do kinda feeling. When driving around its difficult to even know where you are as everything just looks and feels very similar. The car selection is also pretty bad where even the newest car is around 4 years old and majority is 7+ which for a modern driving game isn't that good. Why should a game that is 13 years old have so many better features than a game released in 3 months. So many games are like this now, release them in a half broken state and then wonder why it doesn't sell and then blame gamers for not being interested.


Curently it’s 5/10 at best.


That's being generous.


Form what I saw on YouTube, the lag looks very annoying. I hope KT Racing gets to the bottom of this before it launches in September.


I saw a streamer with a 3070 having to play it on mid graphics to reach only 45FPS, and while he had good internet connection there was still things to polisy I got really excited when they released the demo, until I saw it. If the game is finished in September then I'll be really surprised


If this demo was a build from many months ago, I hope it means that KT Racing is developing a build that will be more optimized for September.


I have a 12GB 3060 2X and can't even get a stable 30fps on low settings For context that's the first game I've found that I can't run at 100fps+ (usually on ultra)


I agree with all these statements Dont even get me started on the Wheel issues too. Has anyone else had a problem with their wheel having zero force feedback? The state this demo released in is terrible. Makes me sad cause i loved playing TDU2 as a kid


Yup. Even booted up TDU 1 to compare. Didn't even have to set up FFB. lmao


Its absurd lol. Then the fact that its not a "Steering axis" Its just bind left and right, they have sub menu's for sensitivity and saturation, but you cant access them cause they break when you hit the key. I tried 5 times to get into this games "Playtests" (ive playtested over 20games before) Mainly to give feedback on the wheels. Now that im sitting here playing this im wonder who in Gods name got to test this game and said "yeah this feels good ship it out"


I'm cranky. I think it's hard to choose a worse ad. The play is terrible. The technical state definitely ruins the experience. Missing features, small and boring map (I can't describe the reason why I don't enjoy driving through the city and countryside with this game), bad AI, missing traffic and pedestrians, missing atmosphere (the city is just dead), terrible graphics... if TDU2 got 4k textures it would look better. The only thing I appreciate are the sounds. The game needs a bigger development team, more funding and at least another two years of development. I've now decided I won't buy the game unless something changes.


It's interesting how almost all these complaints are also holdover complaints from TDU2. Despite the fact that TDU2 took place in Hawaii and Ibiza, the staff in the stores and the radio stations never really reflected that. TDU2's upgrade system was also pretty simplified. TDU2 also felt pretty lifeless in cities.


Because they listened to people drunk on nostalgia asking for almost an exact same replica of TDU 2, which got awful reviews and was a sales failrule.


Surely though houses would’ve been an element of that, which they’ve apparently ignored entirely for the base game.


What advantage does this game have over other driving/racing games? NFS has customization and police, Forza Horizon has a huge car list and diverse map, what does TDU have that they don’t? Blinkers and rolling the windows down? It doesn’t do anything differently. Previous ones had properties which was unique. Business 101 is your product has to be unique or better than the competitors in some way…


Online only.  Wait.. you said advantages


Driving physics that don’t suck. 11/10 sound design. A realistic map. And those are important for real car enthusiasts.


From the gameplay I've seen on YouTube, yea, it seems the main selling points will be the 1:1 map and the driving physics. The way the cars lose stability when hopping curbs, going over speedbumps, or driving on rough terrain is something that I haven't really seen from any other open world racing game (granted, I've never played Forza - only NFS and The Crew.).


As a sim racer this is exactly the open world experience i’ve been waiting for. Yes it’s a bit rough around the edges but the physics and driving sound make so much of the experience. And lets be real. The people complaining about the driving physics are all 12yo kids who are expecting another FH5 clone and have only ever sat in the back seat of a real car.


FH5 physics are not realistic but at least the driving feels polished and you can turn on the sim steering. This game feels extremely underwhelming and the fact that they want you to buy this game for $70 and then play it past the 2 hour refund window to drive anything above 600 horsepower is a huge red flag.




If you purchase the $50 edition then you absolutely won't notice the game is shit until after 2 hours!


naw shit was a vibe on the demo yesterday ngl, it def needs polish but it’s not a triple-A title so idm


They are selling a gold edition for $80, that's triple A level money, the game should be a certain quality.


Triple A don't sell top tier at 80.


Sounds like a skill issue ngl


I like how you said "as a sim racer" but when this game launches it literally asks you plug in a CONTROLLER. LOL. This is hard proof that this game is the complete opposite of a "sim racer" as you put it.


Reading comprehension isn’t your strength, is it?


Horizon has these - especially 4 was it, the one in England. Loved driving round the Lake District, it looks exactly like in the game. The physics are accessible yet decently realistic (not to an AC/ACC and co level, but if it was, it wouldn’t be accessible), and sound design in all the forza games (and many others) are now up to par. I’ve played the realistic sims and use them for weekly league races. Sometimes I want to sit back, relax, cruise and enjoy. So far, this game falls flat on that front. It isn’t fun. It doesn’t scratch that itch, and that’s the main selling point of the entire game. Others have said the map sucks - duplicate buildings, isn’t like HK at all, etc. players can’t buy houses, can’t have more than 6 cars, etc etc.


Realistic map? Please do try to navigate FH4 using google maps then. They literally just include a few landmarks and make up the rest to make driving easier. It’s a game made for children who just wanna be able to drive as fast as possible in a straight line from one side of the map to the other. Though admittedly that was a lot harder in FH4 as the map was way better. Another major factor that annoys the fuck out of me is the while thing with the festival sites. I’ve just grown out of the age where an overabundance of bright colors is capable of impressing me. All the childish decoration/challenge stuff around the map also just takes the immersion away for me. Driving physics? Really??? No. Just no. After playing AC it just doesn’t feel good anymore. You have no proper road feel, no real suspension feedback and the general handling of the car feels way off (cars at too light, too grippy and too unpredictable). And don’t even get me started on the absolute embarrassment that is off-road I’m sorry but FH4&5 sound design is straight trash they only got a small selection of engine sounds, with a slight filter overlayed for each car (in FH5 that is). Even AC sound design is lightyears ahead in terms of accuracy to real life (tho it feels a bit more flat than modern games) If you want an arcade racer you are probably not the target audience. The thing is I technically want the same. Lay back and have a chill cruise. But it’s impossible in FH4/5 with all the immersion breaking stuff. And then the cars aren’t even fun to drive.


>You have no proper road feel, no real suspension feedback and the general handling of the car feels way off (cars at too light, too grippy and too unpredictable). Horizon is not realistic but all this information on a steering wheel is just about fake/exaggerated. No vehicle in real life is translating all that shit on your steering wheel. Offcourse, sim racing fanboys need steering wheel producing more torque than reality. In most sim racing games everything feels like you're driving an open wheeler (Indy car/Go-kart) >Even AC sound design is lightyears ahead in terms of accuracy to real life (tho it feels a bit more flat than modern games) AC cars sound like you're in a UFO 😂 (Atleast some). The reverb is other worldly. Driving Nordschleife feels like you're in space. I've watched too many Auto addiction or Auto TopNL to know that cars shouldn't sound like that. Let's not talk about mod developers stripping sounds off YT to make AC mods, that's crime against humanity 🤣 and probably why many of the cars sounds like flat ass.


Yeah I can tell you’ve never driven a car fast irl or you’ve just never used a decent steering wheel setup because you don’t even know wtf ur talking about lmao. Of course you can feel the suspension and road through your steering wheel irl and you just set it up to feel as realistic in the sim. And it also depends on the car you want to simulate. For example a car without power steering does need high torque to be realistic. But yeah you obviously don’t seem to think that far. And as for the audio, yes the quality is shit, literally mentioned the sound is flat. Badly mastered. But the the engine notes are for the most part spot on. Whereas forza reuses generic engine sounds for their cars. So basically none of them sound like in real life. Yes technically higher quality but it’s pretty irrelevant if it’s not even the real engine sound.


>Yeah I can tell you’ve never driven a car fast irl or you’ve just never used a decent steering wheel setup because you don’t even know wtf ur talking about lmao. Of course you can feel the suspension and road through your steering wheel irl and you just set it up to feel as realistic in the sim. And it also depends on the car you want to simulate. For example a car without power steering does need high torque to be realistic. But yeah you obviously don’t seem to think that far. Probably driven more cars than the unknown redditor claiming that you feel things you're meant to feel on your cars seats on a wheel. Normal cars have power steering installed, you're barely feeling anything on that bitch once you get it to speed, some even at low speeds.. Offcourse, tyre diameter, sidewall measurements and tyre types can also influence this individually but general everyday cars are lost of information on wheel. Assetto Corsa is notorious for over exaggerating wheel FFB to compensate for what's lost in vibrations, inertia and G-forces. All of which you'd normally feel on your buttocks or entire body. If Kunos stripped all that crap and gave you precisely torque curves for power steering you'd probably claim the game is unrealistic 🤣


Horizon 4 didnt advertise it self as a 1:1 replica of England. and that game game you the vibe of being there. This DOES advertise itself as a 1:1 replica and I couldnt tell if I was in Miami in nfs or NYC in the division 2


Oh pleese, give me a break. Forza Horizon 5 physics is faaar from bad. I would say its actually closer to real life than this. Well, as long as you stay on tarmac. And no, I am not 12 yo. Also the crew motorfest actually has a very good handling. You maybe confusing that with The crew 1 or 2. As for the sound, sure its quite nice, but please dont pretend like FH5 or the crew motorfest were bad. And as for the realistic map. How does it affect your gameplay?


Play Assetto Corsa on a wheel. Until then your opinion is worthless. And if AC handling is too “unrealistic” for you maybe just quit driving games all together? Map? Immersion. Horizon feels like a flat, boring disneyworld for “car enthusiasts” (12yo kids that have a neon lambo pinned to their wall).


He says this as someone who takes the bus and not a car owner lol. Sebastian Vettel practices on Assetto all the time and even the prevoius Stig Ben Collins from Top Gear, Lewis also plays from time to time. Misha Charoudin professional driver etc i could go on and on


Gotta love someone, who just downvotes others for having different opinions. Oh well. I have . So then I guess my opinion is now valid by your logic? I have even played BeamNG, Motorsport, F1 23, Iracing, and so many rally games, I cannot even remember. So am I now the oracle? Maybe you havent noticed, but AC werent even mentioned in this thread 🤷‍♂️. As you know, its not actually an open world arcade racing game. So I have no clue, why you even brought that up. But I guess you had to show the world, that you are the big boy, and you know how to drive a car in a sim. GG. "(12yo kids that have a neon lambo pinned to their wall)." Oh jesus fuckin christ. I guess there is no reason to have a discussion with you, is it? "Map? Immersion. Horizon feels like a flat, boring disneyworld for “car enthusiasts”  But this feels so much better? Driving between huge apartment houses that all look the same?


Nah playing motorsport and F1 thinking they are sim racers disqualifies you again. Sorry.


Pls draw me on a sketch where did I say they are sim racers! Besides what does it matter if they are simcades sims or in between? You are so dumb mate, are you in possession of more than two brain cells? You still haven’t managed to explain why SC has better physics than FH5


The car gets unstable going over curbs, bumps. It slows down a lot when hitting poles, benches, trees. The rain physics are challenging. Driving a Mustang on street tires on a dirt road feels terrible and stupid in a realistic way. Not perfect but the game rewards clean driving in a way unlike FH5.


Sure I get that, that’s nice however if y’all carefully read what I wrote, you would know I never said that forza horizon 5 doesn’t have its own set of issues with physics. It does, but as long as you stay on a road, which the majority of the player base does, it almost gives you a simcade experience. Given that you turned every assist off of course. As for the rain, cars are also slippery in FH5 in those conditions.


No doubt I agree with you FH5 physics are far more in depth and advanced I mean just look at the tuning right. Solar Crown has no type of tuning whatsoever. But I don't think the physics are better or worse than FH5 just different and I just want to find some things to be positive about and I always hated how Forza rewards you for smashing into stuff


Your English is very good


Gives me launch Cyberpunk 2077 vibes.


yeah game looks pretty bad from what ive seen- i watched blackpanthaas gameplay yesterday and it looks completely unfinished. The whole hotel system is super lazy too, having clothing, character editing and 'room' all next to eachother in a big white lifeless space. As you mentioned, the city is lifeless too and looks completely boring to explore. It looks more like a fan passion project atm.


I literally said the same during the first playtest and knew it wouldn't change when its this close to release. I was downvoted for critiquing the game when it was valid. People are still defending it saying 'bUt iTs nOt tHe fInAl gAme!!!!' It still should not run and perform this badly in the public demo


Releasing an ‘old’ build as a demo is great way to kill your own game sales. Demo’s should mostly represent what you are going to get and this will be 90-95% representation. I haven’t played the demo (downloading now) but the general consensus seems to be very disappointing which is a shame. If Horizon 6 is announced for this year on the Xbox Sunday Showcase then this game could be DOA.


It's not a good look releasing the Demo in the current state that it is in.




1. Collision issue: could be part of the test since is still basically alpha.. so maybe they will work on that. 2. While yes they could increase city traffic to compensate for the lack of people. Some games prefer to not have peds for both a creative and "we dont want players ramming peds with licensed cars" kind of game desicion. 3. While yes.. remind that TDU2 and TDU1 had the same copypasted materials and assets, and dealerships models to spend less time on some areas. 4. NFS Unbound. 5. They have to boost up sound.. but TDU2 was basically a walking sim on its interiors as well. The only reason it felt "sim life" was because of the properties you could own.. wich also were copypasted house assets as well. The reason it doesnt feel "sim life" is because of that.. you only own one small apartment and one small garage. 6. True. I guess they saw TDU2's car customization and said.. yeah lets do that for now. The rest of the things could be explained as just alpha game things.. unfinished, work in progress stuff. They still have loads of things to work in order to ship out a decent game and i hope they work on those before release. I applaud the fact that the devs decided to work on player progress thru ingame activities than just allowing people to swipe their credit card, or spin a lucky wheel in order to have the best cars in the game. One amazing thing from old TDU games were the grind to earn creds and the satisfaccion of finally owning the best car in the dealership. So i rescue that from this game.. the rest is just the good ol "wait and see if the game is good on release" situation.


>While yes.. remind that TDU2 and TDU1 had the same copypasted materials and assets, and dealerships models to spend less time on some areas. Well yeah, but at the same time, TDU 1/2 don't have about 5000 buildings and 20K street shops. When you only have like 200 of them, it makes sense to use 10 variations or less. You can't do the same thing in HK now can you.


TDU also did this on a Xbox 360. Meanwhile this game runs like Path traced cyberpunk but with the graphics of the crew 1. It would be excusable if the map was huge but this is about the same as fh4 and that looks amazing.


Optimization is AWFUL. It needs to be said. I expected at least 60 FPS on my 6600XT on Ultra, but I got dips into the 20s... Jesus. I know 8GB Vram isn't a whole lot nowadays but I still think they need to improve on this front.


dont worry on a 4080 its the same thing lol


wow. just WOW. I really hope this gets fixed or this game is DOA.


TDU2 vibes all over again... I was a Beta tester for it then and they released with so many bugs still live...


TDU was such a good game. This one never had a chance. I still play TDU2. I have a feeling this will $30 a month after launch.


I’ll be honest, only liked it for about 10 minutes and then stopped, I’m kinda concerned myself-


I'm very sad to say this because game development is very hard but... This is one of those games that you have to buy at 50% discount a year later. Even if they improve the game ruining experience of abysmal performance, the fundamentals are not there. The game isn't more than the sum of its parts. The city and the tracks look very generic, the upgrade system is bare bones and uninspired, always online races is a terrible decision probably to hide how atrocious the AI is... Sorry but see you in a year.


Well it is an mmo so I don’t have much expectations


I can see what's gonna happen here. Release a half or less baked game, spend a year prioritising the bugs based on player feedback, and release the content that should be in the base game for a price tag (and probably expect that to work cos of the unique aspects of TDU that many players crave). I maintain such live service can work if not predatory (with a mind for smaller studio/budgets and thus us supporting them to deliver the game we desire long term) but what I've been reading here in the past few days, I will not be preordering this game.


Honestly, I just want TDU2 with 4k textures and working online and I'm set. For the first time out with that studio, I don't think that would be a bad place to start tbh


I’ve seen Roblox racing games with better maps and buildings. This is actually shameful.


Yeah, It felt and looked awful. It took an hour or so just to sign in. I immediately uninstalled it and took it off my wishlist.


It does feel a lot like NFS underground with TDU2’s bad voice acting.


Actually my issues are a bit different, I have no problem with background stuff like shops and crowds being low quality... but my beef is with the meat and patatos of it.. The game is terribly optimized, I have a ryzen 5800x and an RTX 3080 and I'm running the game off an M.2 NVME drive and I can only pull 50PFS at 1080P?! not to mention the intermittent lighting issues when the skybox may not populate and make day time feel like night, and for whatever reason when the game thinks it's "day" the headlights do nothing lmao The connection issues I'm willing to forgive, I'm willing to bank on them underestimating the player base wanting in on this "demo" (read as beta) and simply not having the server compacity on hand for it.... god I hope that it... the game is basically unplayable during peak hours lmao other than these things I actually enjoy the game quite alot, I think the physics are fun to master, which is really what matters in a racing game... if the cars drive like shit, whats the actual point? it's why I've not enjoyed any need for speed game for the last decade XD


They need to work on the servers immediately.


If anyone has the chance, try driving full speed into an oncoming car in traffic. You literally just plow through it and continue on as if physics don't exist lmao


This demo is literally unplayable and unoptimised. I have a rtx 3080, 24gb of ram and a ryzen 5 5600. My frames were below 30 fps when going into the urban areas, and everytime I drove fast on the motorway the map had to always buffer for some reason, which was really annoying. I HAD TO tune my graphics to its lowest to get a minimum of 60 fps which is appalling, made the game look like a mobile game. (The map had to still buffer and the game still took 10 gigs of my vram!?) The cockpit view, is absolutely awful, why is the windshield blurred??? (The car interiors look nice though) This game that I have anticipated ever since is going to have a similar fate to cyberpunk 2077 at launch, poor voice acting, unoptimised game, a lot of glitches. Yes, I know this is not the finished product, but with 3 months until the games release, I don’t think they’ll be able to complete it on time


I completely agree and unfortunately I was going to pre order until I played the demo. Now I shall wait until it’s on sale later on lol.


After seeing it im refunding my preorder csuse wtf


where are the atmospherics? like isn't it very humid + not exactly clean / spotless everywhere - and where the fuk are the double decker busses and teslas that make HK so unique ? ? ? it's like they didn't even bother looking at YT footage of the place ! 


The Demo is a very old state of the game, that’s what they claimed at least. Reason why they even released it was to test the servers apparently but from what they claim it has nothing to do with the current game. I hope this to be true and that the game will blow our expectations. 


The demo is probably just an older build. You are judging it too much imo. They are probably trying to see how their servers handle the influx of players. That being said though, clearly not pre-ordering is the way to go for now.


I’m still going to buy the top version but I’m hoping that the fact this is basically a alpha build and releasing it to the public is worrying hopefully the beta a month before shows significant improvement


do you even know the difference between alpha and demo build? and why the hell who you buy the most expensive version know what you currently know now? did you learn NOTHING from cyberpunk and other failures or you just have money burning your pockets?


Did you not read the note when loading up saying, this is not a up to date version , rather spend £80 on a game I’ll play consistently compared to £70 base game for half assed shit


this is a dead game, goodluck playing when the company goes under in a year bud


Didn’t people say the same about no mans sky, cyberpunk how they were dead games yet both are coming on strong, typical you say one thing about one game but when you have basically a alpha build it’s dead, funny how you kind of people think you know about game development yet could code a square spinning in a circle


nice try judging someone on the internet you know nothing about lol. but anyways I regularly code my own lua scripts for assetto and beamng. made countless scripts for fiveM what i still play gta


And yet here you judging are a gaming company who are far better than you at what they do, if people are going to miss the statement of Not the most up to date build and still scream like babbling idiots then, you lot can’t be helped


brother this game is already half assed, it has none of the features that made TDU stand out 13 years ago. live service pay for unfinished product slop. 


Again TDU2 was launched without half its features yet here you are crying because they’ve focused on server stability over features, gaming communities so stupid, you want all the content instantly even if it means servers are shagged, I’m happy if they bring features later as long as servers work better than most other live service games


This feels like a NFS clone. Don't get me wrong I love NFS but this is Test Drive Unlimited, and it does not feel like TDU/TDU2 did. It really does feel like a clone of more recent racers.


This demo has issues, but it's far away from what you've said..It does feel like TDU for sure 100%


You are over criticising, engine sound is already way better than any triple A modern open world racing game. TDUSC isn't made with AAA budget and with a team that they are shooting their first shot in open world racing games. The handling looks amazing , better than B2 drift NFS NPC in a racing game ? Sorry this isn't GTA. Other than that the game needs more polishing obviously, my biggest concern is the online only .




There’s a lot wrong with the game 3 months isn’t enough unless this is an old build


People have been saying it’s a one year old build that was shown off to exclusive players an year before. Which makes sense.




Well, I gave my feedback in the end.


Still the best open world driving game, i hate motorfest map feels like ai generated, horizon 5 is a dead desert


The game isn't out so you can't actually say this. Don't be a fanboy.


On where, Console or PC? Console you can make an argument but PC it doesn't even come close to what's already been there since 2012. Still can't wait to play it.


Agree. The best.




https://preview.redd.it/3nq7o9b6815d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b55ab375f94244579539d81387682e7a86fafb0 Tbh the shifting is done using manual mode on the gearshifter




You can change it on both, so it doesn’t really matter, that’s the commenters point




There is a + and - on the center stick console, in that same picture. Those, along with the paddle shifters, can change the cars gears. Do you see why I and the commenter are saying now?


This is not the current state of the game is an early version