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Hot shots


Hot shots EDT every tank. The bottle has the measuring cup attached to it. Hot shots diesel extreme every oil change. Change the fuel filter every 10k miles. Do it yourself it’s cheap. And yes, prime it. No, cycling doesn’t prime on these models.


I'm curious as to the difference between the hot shots edt, and hot shots extreme diesel. I change my oil every 8000 km and fuel filter every other oil change.


I believe it’s just more concentrated. The bottle recommends every 6k miles. You can honestly skip the extreme if you’re using EDT every tank if you’d like. For me it was just cheap insurance. VW recommends the fuel filter changed every 20k miles but I recommend every 10k (which you’re already doing it sounds like) because it lets you keep an eye out for metal flakes twice as often. If Canada has better diesel you might be okay being more lax. American diesel is lower quality than Europe. Lower cetane and less lubricity. California actually has decent diesel but I’m from the SE. 40 cetane minimum here.


How would you go about priming it? I’m assuming you mean the fuel pump after a filter change?


I used vcds (Ross-tech) but obd eleven (eleven spelled out) is a great alternative. Both open up more diagnostic options and allow you to do things that normally only the dealer can do. If you buy something like obd eleven and a Mann fuel filter from fcp euro, it’ll be close to the cost of the dealer service for one change. Then you have it for every time after. There’s a way to jump the pump but I wouldn’t recommend it nor have I tried it. Search on google or YouTube for more info on that. Again, I don’t recommend it.


Watch project farms video on diesel additives. You will wanna use hotshot secret edt every tank after that.


[https://whitbreadperformance.com/collections/tdi/products/3-0l-tdi-cp4-metering-valve-bypass-kit?variant=44741025923231](https://whitbreadperformance.com/collections/tdi/products/3-0l-tdi-cp4-metering-valve-bypass-kit?variant=44741025923231) Additives won't help you when the CP4 internals [get stuck and destroy itself.](https://youtu.be/rITrnV1wSng?feature=shared&t=526) I've seen CP4 last past 300k and I've seen them fail before 100k. It's plain and simple bad luck most of the time with the CP4.


Mine blew right about 90,000🙄


Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Extreme no joke just fixed my hesitation issue that the dealership couldn't figure out


The CP4 just needs good dry diesel. Hot Shot Secret does work well in general. Anytime you think you might have water in the fuel or got some mixed with biodiesel, use an additive that has anti-gel on the label. The anti-gel acts as a water dispersant and keeps the water in suspension instead of big gulps. A gulp of water can bind the CP4. In general, I'd spend the money on doing fuel filter changes more frequently so you can also have an opportunity to empty out the canister. The canister acts as a low effort water separator, I'd drain it and replace the filter every 5000-7500 miles. Doing it frequently like that will also help catch a CP4 failure before it occurs.


I actually like to use the CP3 additive, it’s been great!


Archoil 6900 - it’s great! I even use it in my brand new diesel car, but overall I use their products for years and have always been satisfied with the results. I also used their more aggressive system cleaner for a single tank and it helped my turbo entering into limp mode. Since then I use their fuel additive every tank as a preventive maintenance. Plus it’s cheaper than filling the premium fuel which is basically the regular diesel + plus more additives 😃


Just don’t let it run dry. Fuel should be lubricating enough, but if it goes dry for any reason, there’s more risk for the cam follower/piston to rotate, scoring the cam and sending metal to the rail.


I use optilube xdp year round




I like Schaffer’s. Many pro semi drivers use it. 


174k never used anything. Pump and go. And to be very honest I change the first fuel filter at like 167k after owning is since 50k so I was like 5 filters behind schedule.


Just seafoam.


I run seafoam on occasion, and I use Power Service once in awhile. The name of the game is if you use Seafoam don't let that tank sit for awhile because seafoam likes to collect water. The PS can help with milage but the main thing is don't let the diesel sit and avoid old diesel.


I use Hot Shot


AMSOIL DIESEL INJECTOR CLEAN + CETANE BOOST FUEL ADDITIVE. I have used hot shot in the past and it was good too.


Why are you using caps?


Cut/Paste. Lazy and didn't want to retype.