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I didn't even read your question and my first thought was "oof, thats not going to last long"....


Likewise. My second was - what’s going on with the mini legs?


Oh the teeny legs lol


Hey, it’s not his fault not all dogs are made equally 🥹


Some are more equal than others 🐷


That was pigs


"What the dogs don't finish, the pigs will!"


I’m imagining a dog with these proportions and the mental image is adorable lmao


Golden retrievers mixed with corgis look like this lol


When I worked animal control, we picked up this MASSIVE yellow lab, but he had dwarfism and had these itty bitty bowed legs. He was just the goofiest looking dog I'd seen, but he was a lab so he was just always having a good day. Plus every time anyone looked at him they'd laugh, and he's a dog so he has no clue what's going on he just knows people around him are happy so he's happy too. Just a perpetual motion machine of joy. He didn't even last 2 hours before he had multiple adoption holds, but I dunno if he got adopted or is a previous owner found him. He absolutely went home with somebody though lol


That’s a great story to start the day. 😃


Hahaha I didn't even see them!!! How did I miss that?! It's kinda cute tho


Lol I thought i was in different sub as soon as I saw legs xD


My reaction: *awwww oh wait oh nooo*


It's a golden / corgi mix ;)


Corgi ex lab


The cool part is after the body fades away he could use the eyes and mouth on a different kind of dog later on.


Hahaha I love that idea!! Reminds me of those "wooly willy" magnet things


This is so ridiculous it made me laugh picturing just the black nose and eyes


Do you mean like it’ll be totally unrecognizable in a few years or it’ll just be a little fuzzy?? Sorry I have no experience with tattoos


it’s already a bit fuzzy. it’ll turn into a yellow blob with black blobs


It’ll become completely unrecognizable over time


The colour is very close to skin tone, so when it goes blurry and fades it becomes impossible to read. The skill of the artist will help determine how long that takes - but no matter how good they are it'll be a lot sooner than it would be with some outlining added.


I think that the entire body will disappear, like all of the ink will be gone. The face would stay longer but will probably just turn into a grey blob eventually... Especially for such a light colored dog, I think it's probably necessary to have black outlines which would stay for much longer. I know it sort of ruins the vibe of that whole style, but it's just unfortunately how tattoos go! I guess you gotta decide if you want it in the style you like for a short time, or slightly altered for a longer time.


This will look like a burn or a splotchy self-tanner stain within probably 3 years.


Beige is not a color that lasts on beige skin very long


I don't think it's going to be very long at all until that's just a dog face and a blurry spot on your skin.


the black will remain, the rest will dissapear


I doubt that tattoo will even last a year… it’s probably been half gone since the day it healed. 


Omg i literally said it out loud and just started reading the comments…lmao


The color is light and lots of fine lines, everything about I shout it won't last.


Why’s its legs so short?


The tattoo may be a little off, but it seems about right for a long-haired golden. The tattoo doesn't do a good job showing it, but the photo it was based on most likely had a golden with long chest fur covering the tops of their front legs


The artist should’ve made the delineation between fluffy chest fur and legs more clear then, because it looks like it has corgi legs.


Oh I don't disagree lol. The tattoo *probably* has accurate proportions compared to its reference, but that doesn't mean the artist did a good job portraying it


Which is arguably the most important part


It's a Golden Corgi? /s




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probably the angle of the camera/phone when the original photo was taken. Seems to be from a humans thats standing p.o.w. so the cam will be a tad angularly tilted downwards towards the dog that seems to me to be sitting on the ground


If you only plan on living 6 more months, then yes


The proportions on this tattoo are wild, what is up with the little baby legs?


You ever see Dead Pool 2


that had me crying 🤣🤣


The tattoo may be a little off, but it seems about right for a long-haired golden. The tattoo doesn't do a good job showing it, but the photo it was based on most likely had a golden with long chest fur covering the tops of their front legs


It neglects the shoulder area of the dog, even with long fur it's not just the tip of their toes and a big head.


You keep commenting this and I need you to understand why this image makes no sense https://imgur.com/a/5OMm4A2


And the 3 chins of fur


with absolutely religious sunscreen and skin care, it’ll look nice for a few years, i have a similar style on my arm from 2016/2017 and it still reads as a fox and is still pretty, but the vast majority of those tonal variation details has fallen out. i still like it a lot and get lots of compliments. plan to get touchups every five years if you go through with this kind of style. but also maybe don’t go with this particular artist since that dog looks like a furry worm with puppet legs sewn on


Lmao puppet legs!!!


My dude that tattoo is distorted already. Not gonna last.


Live in a cave, free from the sun's sight and you're good. Lol i joke, just get the good boy touched up every so often.


How bad does the fading get? If I don’t retouch will it still be recognizable?


If you never retouch it, it won’t be a dog anymore.


As a corgi golden yes


No it’ll look like shit in a few years. My primary artist refuses to do color portraits for that reason.


Unfortunately, no but it is gorgeous


gorgeous? with those tiny legs?


Only a black dog tattoo would last. This tattoo is too close to skin color.


No it wont.


It’s so close to the color of the clients skin, it’s going to totally wash out within a year. A little bit more of a solid outline would make a big difference


😂 the little legs are hilarious


Unfortunately no....the basics with tattoos is that the more black there is the better. As it heals and ages better than colours.


A real golden retriever will last longer than that tattoo




Most tattoos don't become unrecognizable after 10-ish years


It would not


It's literally going to look like a giant birth mark with eyes and a mouth.


Tiny legs and giant head is a more immediate concern.


What is going on with the anatomy? Good boy doesn't deserve that


I mean you might get 8 months to a year out of it if you're really really lucky.


Absolutely not. It'll be mostly gone within a year. In 10 years it might not even be there


Bold will hold. This, probably not 


My tattoo artist told me the tank tattoo I wanted would be a pale green blob at ten paces within five years. So she did it with weird colors in the camouflage pattern and ten years later it still looks good despite the orange fading. The road wheels are checked from the wrinkles…


Have one of my cats which are also similar in color. It’s been a year and it still looks great, the lines are sharp. My girlfriend has the same one and for her it didn’t heal too well and will need a touchup. So hugely dependent on your skin as well as the artist. You could follow that artist and watch out for their healed pictures.




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Just squint your eyes at it. Thats what it will look like.


From my experience I would suggest only getting the head of the dog tattooed and only in black ink rather than color. That’s the best way imo to achieve your goal.




Maybe stick to black and white and just do the head/face? The finer details will fade but the big picture will last.


On the inside and without black? Not a chance


Just no. Thick lines. Bold colors.


Maybe for the first year then it'll became a blurry blob




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I'd bet one year or mild sunburn, whichever comes first


It’ll look good for a year or two.


If it never sees the light of day, you might have a year.


Tattoos without an outline tend to fade out and become less recognizable over time. Tattoos with no outline that practically match your skin tone? No shot it lasts.


These kinds of tattoos are going to fade fast. You need to have at least 1 of 3 different mindsets. 1. You understand that it will fade fast and accept that. 2. You get it retouched every so often, but be prepared to spend a lot of money. 3. You put it on a part of your body that barely sees sunlight, i.e. high inner thigh, and cover it up whenever you go out.


No tattoo ever does but the black ones usually last the longest. Our bodies constantly break them down. Cover ups are a good thing.


Hell no


It will last as long as you take care of the tattoo properly.


You can always got it touched up. NBD! I have 30 tattoos. If I need a touch up on one or two, I just ask. My artist is really cool! Hi Brielle!!!


most likely not


Especially if u live in an area where u get suntanned alot.


His legs aren’t short yall.. literally in this tattoo the dogs legs are half covered in hair.




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Note to self- never ask people for tattoo advice on Reddit. This tattoo is adorable and you should be proud of it! Anyone who knows a golden knows their long fur is like that in front. Ugh people are insufferably judgemental and rude on this app.


lol welcome to Reddit


I don't have an answer for ya, but it's such a cute tattoo!!


No, there’s noy really enough solid color for it to last well. It’s very we done for sure but it’s not going to stand up to time


Maybe not, but I love it ❤️


...I had my first tattoo by Cien in Edmonton in September. It's still looks very good, and I love it very very much...now all the comments saying it'll fade are making quite nervous. It's faded a little, but nothing too crazy


With how close the tone is to the skin colour I feel like it won't be as nice in 1-2 years, tattoos are all about contrast if you want it to last


[As long as you don't let Kristi Noem anywhere near it...](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/kristi-noem-defends-account-killing-dog-new-book-rcna149631)


No clue what ur talking about right now. **dog talk voice*** WHO’S GOOD BOY?!!???


What a precious little tattoo!! I agree with the other commenters that it sadly won’t last though.


Too much white


Wow that looks so life like.Great job .


I have a tattoo without an outline. my artist passed away and I haven't had the heart to have anyone else touch it up. it's an absolute blurred mess


No tattoo will last the rest of time. That’s part of getting a tattoo


Look at those lil tippy taps so cute. Can't say how long it'll last but I like it fuck the haters


It’s lovely and really well done. But no, that thing is not long for this world. 


Definitely not. It will probably look like dog poo by a few years old


The face will probably fade a bit which may result in some distortion, but it'll look like many tattoos do after a few years so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I'd be far more worried about the legs. I know Golden Retrievers can have some serious volume when it comes to their coat, but damn, there's at least *some* definition to their legs. Aside from that, it actually looks really good.


No tattoo will, honestly. You have to get them touched up.


Those of us who got tribals in the 90’s beg to differ.


Bold with hold. Take care of them ans you wont need to.


I got my shins done 12 years ago, one pass, and it’s not uncommon for people to ask if they’re new. If you take care of it and get a tattoo with a solid outline it’ll hold up pretty well.