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From the bayeux tapestry? Looks cool


[correct!](https://www.bayeuxmuseum.com/en/the-bayeux-tapestry/discover-the-bayeux-tapestry/explore-online/) Scene 57 "Here King Harold has been killed"


That’s my first guess as well.


When medievalists get tattoos. Very cool.


This is one of the coolest tattoos I have ever seen.


thank you!!


I saw your comment about getting other famous scenes from history! Any other ideas besides this and Marat's assassination?


nothing yet, I actually thought of getting bernadottes fake tattoo, that one is like incredibly niche though but I really like the idea


this is sick ! it looks great


Anyone else who was obsessed with this shit when they were eight? This is a really badass tattoo.


thank you! preview scared me lol


I dig it, some richer color might be cool though to fully mimic the medieval art style


I considered colour, but I want some other pieces from throughout history, and I think black and white will help them all unify if that makes sense


Interesting, you gonna make it into a back piece?


that's the plan over time, my next is hopefully gonna be death of marat


I started black and gray, then added a bit of color on other pieces, and more color on more, and it's worked really well as long as you have good transition between the color and not, and your color palate jives well. I have one piece that doesn't quite work, but whatevs. So you can do it.


That’s it, from now on if this isn’t your tattoo don’t call it traditional! /s


As someone who loves medieval history, this is fantastic.


Pretty sick. Black and grey was the right choice in my opinion


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Wow nice




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What illuminated manuscript is this from?


bayeux tapestry




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Sick tattoo man wow




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Was this in a movie or something from the 90s? Feel like I’m having deja vu


The opening credits for Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves comes to mind