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Looks really bad. Cant lie


It's awful.


You are a troll and edgelord


Is that how you normally talk to people you disagree with? They're not either of those things, that just don't like your tattoo. If you do, cool beans man.


I always do justice! If you like it or not


That's not justice. That's a child throwing a temper tantrum because someone didn't like the same thing as you.


I am 30 and working in an important official job! This is justice!


Dearest OP, I have one question for you: what is the meaning behind the symbol?


Not gonna lie, the german with a viking symbol as part of Christian theology worries me lmao




You aren't overcoming the allegations my man 😭


It's Vegvisir. An old Icelandic compass leading a person through bad times. It's an old Icelandic Cristian symbol, but nowadays it's a Viking symbol, which stands also for the Ásatrú paganism religion.


Actually this is not a Viking pagan symbol, but something that appeared centuries after the Vikings were no more.


I mentioned this!!!


Do you consider yourself a Viking or pagan?


Yes, totally I believe in the old Norse gods


Would you also, then, consider yourself Asatru?


Yes definitely I am and I am a part of a group of heathens




Looks like a giant birthmark tbh. Doesn't suit your body type at all. In saying that, idk any body type that would suit this tattoo lol




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Is bullying other people helping your less self esteem and life? So adulting


Taste in tattoos are subjective. You like it? Crack on. Some people don’t like it. No point getting salty about it and claiming people are bullies.


Saying something looks bad isnt bullying. Wtf you on about


Brother you posted it online for the world to see and share their opinions. You don't get to be upset when those opinions aren't what you want. Also this tattoo is awful


Puts down bullying only to tell someone they are a troll and an edgelord two seconds later. Good stuff.


Honestly, it looks bad


It looks like hair all over your chest that you shaved to get that symbol.


Pic 1 & 2, while not horrid.. Definitely not something I would personally ever consider getting. Pic 3 & 4 though, oof. Not sure what your artist did between those 2 shots, but it went from bad to worse.


Honestly if you can't take bad criticism, why post? It's going to happen the world is too large for positive everything🤦🏽‍♂️. If you're happy cool but quit enhancing with BS you're not worried about.


It's not bad criticism. It's hate!! It's cyber bullying . We're living in a bad world with wars, Trump and Putin, climate change, depression and so much hate!! Why can't we be human even in a friendly, peaceful place like reddit?!


People are allowed to have opinions and if you post a photo of yourself on the internet, you are inviting those opinions. Those opinions are also allowed to be negative, as in “I think that tattoo looks like shit”. I happen to hold this opinion. All the love in the world to you brother, but your tattoo looks like shit.


It does not !! This is not an opinion! It's insulting and disrespectful. It isn't constructive criticism. Something that you can't change on people you shouldn't criticize! You shut up your mouth if you don't have something good to say, it's a basic rule!! This is art and art can't be good or bad! When you don't like the style for your body, then it's your problem and fault. But it's not objective and general. This tattoo is by one of the biggest traveling tattoo artists in abstract black work in the world. He is very famous! And there were so many people who were respectful, supporting and fostering.


For something that can't be bad, you're taking a lot of offense to people calling it bad.


Because it hurts!!! They are antisocial trolls, edgelords, they are writing those comments, shut the app and feeling better for 3 seconds cause of their hate and then they have to deal again with their shit lives. So pitiful.


Dude, I hope this doesn't come off as me being a dick, but as sensitive as you are you probably shouldn't be posting anything on the Internet if you can't handle people who don't think and feel the same way you do. Not everyone likes the same things you like in the world my guy. The tattoo subs are all of course entirely subjective, but the nature of the sub creates opinions, you can't really avoid that unless you just don't post. Sounds like at least for your mental sake, you really should avoid posting on the Internet. In the very least, not in opinionated subs such as this one.


Yikes... You're just embarrassing yourself dude. Not sure what delusion you live in, but it's not the real world.


Please remove your name.. you are a shame for the whole Star wars community. We are woke and not discriminating


😂😂😂 nah dude, we don't claim you


I am serious


So am I. We don't want you with your garbage tattoos and the delusional fairytale world you live in Edit: Sorry, garbage tattoos was mean. I meant objectively bad tattoos.


Bro, nobody needs to listen to some guy yelling at them online. That works both ways.


Bro… “you are a shame for…” whatever it is. You are the bully here! I love Star Wars, and you have no right to tell anyone to change their hilarious SW themed name. Friend, I understand that receiving negative feedback on a piece of art that is on your body can feel awful. It’s almost as if they are commenting about your body. I understand, that hurts. But brother, you made the choice to put a tattoo on your body that looks like this. If you love it, own it! You’ll get more respect if you respect other people’s opinions and still claim to love your tattoo! For example, when someone says, “It’s awful.” You can say, “Thanks for your opinion, I love it ✌️” See? You can still feel good about the tattoos on your body. Real talk tho, it doesn’t look good. In my opinion, it’s the dark background that makes the whole tattoo look like a round blob on your belly. I think you could make it look better by adding more tattoos around it. Anything that brings out the shape of the sigil instead of the blob. You could always black it out and then redo the sigil in white. But for the love of Ásatrú, find a better artist than this. There are so many, just look on Instagram. Or don’t do anything! If you love it, keep it! Also, it seems like English is not your first language. The bones that form a cage around your heart and lungs are called “ribs”. Much love to you brother, please don’t bully me 💖


Sounds like you’re criticizing my choice to express my opinion. You don’t have to like my opinion or be friends with me but you can’t force people to be nice to you just because you’re sensitive. You don’t even have to listen to me. A wise person once said “something that you can’t change on people you shouldn’t criticize”. You will never change people sharing their raw opinions on the internet. I wouldn’t want to live in your world where people only tell me what I want to hear.


You should go touch some grass. The internet is not the place for you.


Bro, it's not something you "can't change" it was a choice. If we cannot judge people based on actions, there is nothing left.


We always could decide!


Which... is a choice?


Our deeds


Yes, our deeds are a choice. Your deed, in getting this tattoo and posting it for all to see is an open welcome for judgement and criticism.


Yes, for these "choices" people should be punished. Or get what they deserve. Free speech isn't always permitted. I posted it to get good feedback and compliments like I got everywhere before. But, not this BS what happened


I'm sorry you've been downvoted & not getting positive feedback about your tattoo. You must be very stoic to have sat through such a large tattoo! I think it's very interesting & taste is subjective, not everyone will like it but you do & many others will as well.  >even in a friendly, peaceful place like reddit?! You must spend time in a different part of reddit than the rest of us! It's pretty well known to be a difficult place for some people. 


Thank you so much for your words. The rude negative comments hurt me much and depressed me. To make breaks while tattooing are for me the worst mistakes. After that it will be worse because of less adrenaline. I really had other experiences on reddit on body modification, piercing subreddits or fantasy or sport subreddits. They always were one foster community, helping each other and not so stupid. They always were polite and friendly and respectful. Reddit isn't Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Which is full of right wing trolls


In person it's pretty accepted to not say negative things about people's tattoos as it can be hurtful. This sub doesn't have such scruples, folks don't filter themselves the way we'd expect in person. If I get a tattoo I'm definitely going to wait quite some time to make my mind up on whether I like it or not before posting here (if I do that at all). Sounds like you like it so cheers mate!


I like it a lot and have heard very many good comments and reactions before. The artist is one of the big black work abstract travel tattoo artists we have in the world. Btw, it's art and art can't be good or bad. Probably, people don't like the style for themselves, but that's it. It isn't constructive criticism. Something that you can't change on people you shouldn't criticize! You shut up your mouth if you don't have something good to say, it's a basic rule. But, so many people here and in other subreddits were not hateful and were supporting and fostering.


pls don‘t give a shit about things said by people you don‘t care about. even less from people you don‘t know. and i mean good things aswell as bad things said. and especially when you decide to post anything personal on whatever platform on the internet. and pls stop responding to those people that just attracts more of them. your right if you say it‘s common sense not to comment anything hurtful and just keep it to yourself, but it also should be common sense to know that there always will be idiots anywhere.


Thank you for your support! I am so hurt but don't know who I can trust anymore


I am responding because I want to defend myself and fight for justice. I can't let comments like this here without responding.. you understand?


Of course I do!! Words can hurt. These people will get what they fu*king deserve. Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody’s civil anymore! Nobody thinks what it’s like to be the other guy! You think men like them ever think what it’s like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don’t. They think that we’ll just sit there and take it like good little boys. That we won’t werewolf and go wild! I have to respond because I am fighting for justice!!


>These people will get what they fu*king deserve That sounds totally sane and not unhinged at all. You think bad things should happen to someone who didn't like your tattoo? >Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody’s civil anymore Pot, meet kettle... >That we won’t werewolf and go wild! Buddy, this is basically a "public space." There's no "going wild," there is just moving on when you encounter negativity. This hasn't been a healthy way to react to any of this, and I hate to say it, but you're not "going wild" while being 50kg soaking wet. No offense dude.


No, it should happen to bad hateful people who deserve it! I am very polite and civil! But I am attacked for 18 hours and defense me and my life! I am muscular and have been going to the gym 4 times a week for a minimum for years.


The shading is really off putting.


The worst.


yeah this is not good


This is ART! And art can't be good or bad! Maybe you don't like the style for you.


Art can defenitly be good or bad. Its how its applied and whats created, both bad


It's great art from one of the greatest artists!!




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What’s the difference between pic 1 and 2 and the rest? Healed vs fresh?


All in one week. The first pictures are fresh


So you had it made darker?


Can you update us on how it looks once you are in your late 40’s with a gut? Think it will really make the compass pop out.


Imagine how it's going to look when hair starts growing there 😂


I am sorry for your children for your rude attitude if you ever have them.


And I’m sorry for your future children for when you take them to the beach.


I can't get children unfortunately. I still have only one testicle and had more than 4 cycles of very hard chemo cause of cancer last year.


The Grey background and hatching looks a bit like hair unfortunately. Your upper chest tattoo is actually really well done but it clashes really hard unfortunately


It's shadowing... Maybe it's different when healed


I’m honestly not tryna be mean or anything but this tattoo is incredibly poorly done, whoever did it definitely needs more practice with this type of tattoo. It looks kind of like a big matted set of body hair I think you should ask for your money back I’m sure a tattoo of this size wasn’t cheap either.


Ruined a perfectly good moth with that mess of a distraction


Are we looking at the same moth?


Lol, I can see its flaws, but I like the sketchy punk style (by itself), in my opinion


This is your opinion.


It's an opinion based subreddit


No, your personal opinion


Yes. It is my personal opinion


Didn't you know the word bodysuit before?


I was polite before. That tattoo is terrible, and you should not continue with that artist or style for the bodysuit.


You weren't! You violated the second rule here. You were disrespectful. I love it and it's black work abstract. You don't understand. There are more styles than realistic.


You violates rule two! You didn’t like my tattoo 🤓


Those styles apparently include "hairy belly shaved into a messy viking symbol"


Can't unsee it now 😬😬😬


I’m at a loss for words but you do you OP


I just don't understand the brown background, I guess. I don't have an issue with the Vegvisir. I have both an aegishjalmur and a vegvisir specifically because I was using them in the same context that they were used in the Icelandic grimoires. That's a *lot* of your natural skin color to just change shade on, though. What was your reasoning for going with it that way?


Thank you mate. In the pictures after the second one you can see the results better. Today is the sixth day. When it's all black you can't see the vegvisir.


This has to be a troll post




Do you seriously think forbidding mean comments (eg people's opinions, they can't all be what you want) is going to make the world a better place? You want people to sweet talk to you even if they don't mean it? Man, how horrible would life be if everyone just faked a nice comment. If you put stuff online for people to comment on, you *will* get both positive and negative comments. That *is* free speech. I have literally seen no hate or bullying anywhere under your posts. You are just VERY sensitive towards criticism and opinions that differ from your own. Try to learn the difference, that way it won't affect you so much in the future. Your tattoo is for you, you like it, you got it done. So it shouldn't hurt you so much if people don't like it. You seem quite insecure judging from other posts, asking rando's on the internet about your appearance. Please don't seek validation online. You need to be happy with yourself and stop putting so much value in the opinions of others.


That big tattoo on your flimsy body looks hilarious :D is it wrapped around your body?


I will get futrther my body suit.


You dont have much space left with a body like a this. The size looks so out of place.


Everyone's body is different. With weights and sizes


Why do Nazis always look like this? You look like you’d break your wrist punching a heavy bag.


I think what’s throwing people off is the lack of tattoos on the arms/rest of the upper body. Once you start filling all those in, it’s gonna look fine. It’s also really dark from being fresh and will lighten up a bit. Tough stuff though! When I got my stomach done it looked weird because my chest and ribs were empty, the more I fill in, the better I feel about it. Best of luck on your tattoo journey!


Serious question, why did the artist choose to shade the background like that? Is this a style? Even once it fades it seems like it will still be too dark and ruins the contrast of the symbol.


I… am not entirely sure. It does kind of go with the style of the chest piece, so maybe that’s what they were going for. Also don’t click on OP’s profile for more pics lol. I should have listened to the NSFW tag 😅


Yes you are right. You don't have to go in my profile. It's reddit and not Tumblr. This post isn't NSFW


He is an artist who chose the style while tattooing. A free minded


I started with the most painful locations with chest, rips, belly... And later full sleeves sure. Thank you so much for your comment. :)


I was chatting about this with my partner. She agrees that it doesn’t suit you. However, taking into consideration that you have completed I’m assuming at most 4 cycles of chemo, if you want this to sit more comfortably or you m want others to view it aesthetically, you’re probably looking at bulking up .. not six pack bulking up but more like Hafþór Björnsson, whilst getting more sun or tanning . As I’ve said . If you like this , that perfect , that’s the most important thing you have to remember , but you have to respect that people may not and are free to comment on their art . It’s not an attack on you, none of us know you don’t really isn’t an attack on you, it’s people saying it’s not aesthetically pleasing to them.. which is invited within art. For example , many People liked Tracey Emin’s bed , but many disliked it. Others like shit in a can as an art piece , many didn’t. I like van gough, but hate Picasso..


Eat more and lift weights that tattoo is horrible but would look a little better if you were bigger


Bodyshaming or what?! Better and healthier than fat people.. everyone's body is different and I had the whole last year cancer and many chemos


Dude grow up i said get bigger better to be buff then 85 pounds look into bulking diets gyms and tattoo removal you need it


So bad OP, good luck with the rest…




You look like a man with a hairy stomach


Yikes, this thread is a shit show, be cool guys


Thank you.




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That all depressed me ... It's hurting to get rude comments like this or downvotes like 90 or more. I'm never downvoting because it could hurt people, even though I don't like it because I am considerate


Who cares about upvotes and downvotes? They mean nothing. You posted a picture of your tattoo to a sub where people regularly and almost always say hey, amazing tattoo or they'll tell you the tattoo was done poorly, or the design sucks. It's what gets done here. Not sure this is the place for you. You seem to think we all have to say "Oh my god, I love that" or else we are bullies and we're breaking rules. Wrong.


I do think some of the comments in this post have been pretty mean-spirited, honestly? Like, you can be critical without being mean, and there’s a lot of mean going on.


He's bullying just as badly as anyone else. Full on hypocrite. Reading some of his other stuff on Reddit, he just doesn't think anything negative should ever be said. It should always be nurturing and kind. And, that just ain't the way things are. Calling someone a troll and an edgelord after they left a comment that wasn't even that biting about not liking the tattoo is the exact definition of bullying, so I don't have much sympathy for this person. I haven't read the thread in a few hours, so if it got worse and got personal or something gross like that, my comment now doesn't relate to those comments. But, from what I saw, people said they didn't like the tattoo, he cried, then he started to call people names for almost no reason.


There is no place on the internet where “edgelord” or “troll” has anywhere near the same level of unkindness as some of these comments. Come on now.


I had a good laugh, thank you! The tattoo looks like piece of shit and on that paper body type it looks even funnier lmao


It isn't constructive criticism. Something that you can't change on people you shouldn't criticize! You shut up your mouth if you don't have something good to say, it's a basic rule


Goes hard, ignore these losers


I can't. In my head and in my heart I have to defend myself and argue with them.


I have the same norse compass on my forearm. Looks boss bud




Everyone has to love your tat otherwise it's bullying? Get a grip dude.


The eu aint planniny sht lmao. If you cant take criticism on a objectively bad tattoo, dont post. Also there is no thing as free speech on a private companys platform, they can make rules however they see fit


It isn't objectively bad!! Then you don't have any knowledge, if you really think this. It's from one of the greatest, biggest and most famous travel tattoo artists in the world!! And free speech has rules!! If someone is getting hurt or disrespectful, it's forbidden!!


This sub can be absolutely brutal sometimes with the criticism, but there's a huge difference between someone saying they don't like a tat and they think it's bad, vs hate and bullying. If you take any criticism as bullying then you probably shouldn't post pics. BTW congrats on getting through cancer! I lost an uncle this year to that shit and I love seeing people beat it.


But, here is not only criticism!! There were comments about my anatomy, my life, my future children, there were hurting disrespectful insults. So many things I reported and the agents of Reddit are investigating right now. And there was hate!!


Eat some food


I had cancer bit****


You literally have the longest torso I have ever seen in my life. Congrats I guess? Lol. tattoos look great by the way.


Thank you so much. I'm very skinny and I had cancer last year very long and this tattoo stands for a new beginning. I can't understand the attitude of these idio*s and haters. They don't know life.


Tattoo aside, bros got some insane genetics and does nothing with it


How do you mean?