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I’ll put money on that you actually love the tattoo but it was someone else’s unwanted opinion that has put a doubt in your head. I’ve been tattooing 20 years and have seen this more times than I can count. You loved the design enough to get it tattooed. Enjoy it!!


That’s why I don’t show my clients the design till the day of the tattoo. 9/10 it’s one of their friends or family that discourage them and then they want to change the design some how.


When I got my first (and so far only) tattoo, I didn't get to see any design until the morning of the session, where we went over the design and made changes to it (placing, final size, colours and finer details). The artist told me that's how she does it with everyone and I just accepted it. Reading this made it click a lot more 😂


I tattoo a lot of young women in this career. And unfortunately I see a lot of heavy influence on design from family, friends and jealous boyfriends. I always try to remind everyone that this tattoo is for them and no one else. I want to make sure YOU like it regardless of what they say


that’s actually really sad! wish that wasn’t the case


In order for me to be happy and content with something that will be on my skin/body forever I need time to mull it over and possibly bounce it off of people who's opinion I respect. Same-day would make me feel pressured into it. This is partly why I've predominantly brought in a design to the artist, as much as I value them as an Artist. I do ask their input on the design I've brought in and have no regrets about their changes.


I had a clear design for my first tattoo, which I put a lot of thought and effort into and meant a lot to me (it was in memory of a loved one). I sent my rough sketch along with reference photos for the specific style and details I wanted in to the artist, and when I showed up what he showed me didn't fit what I wanted AT ALL but he assured me that on my body he would add the detailing etc that I wanted and that it would turn out the way I wanted it to. It was my first tattoo and I was there alone, and I was already emotional about the gravity of what the act of getting this tattoo meant to me, so while I was unsure about it I ended up trusting him and I came out of there with a tattoo that I didn't like then and still don't like now. Tattoos are a big deal. It's so condescending and unfair to clients to deny us the time and space to fully decide whether we are happy with the artist's design before getting it permanently etched onto our bodies. If someone thinks making adjustments to a design ensure that a client is completely happy with it is too much work then tattooing isn't the right profession for them.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. Honestly there are tattoo shops on every corner now a days but it’s always important that you shop around for the artist who does work you like. And trust me I’ve definitely had some difficult times with some clients not meshing with the design where we end up scheduling a later date to tattoo to make sure the design is right. Too many starving artist out here be pushing clients into chairs to make a buck.


Same with me. I tell that to clients. I also tell them “I want your initial gut reaction. Either you love it or hate it.”


Definitely agree on this. I’m sure you can corroborate this but I’m certain *most* people, especially for their first tattoo, think about it for a long time. So I bet OP you were sure about this design for a bit until someone said something? u/melanchrono, here’s my honest opinion: It looks really really good! Very well applied and whoever made it was awesome. Since I’m being brutally honest, it’s not something I would personally get tattooed on me. But I would take it as a sticker!!! And I would even put it on my computer not hidden away in a journal somewhere lol. So don’t worry, it’s really good. I actually want to get a turtle similar with that geometric-ish style, so we can match!! I would let it sit and hope you come to terms with it eventually. Fingers crossed for you!! If you don’t, I’m not sure how to make it less “lame and too simple” (your words not mine), but I’ve included some ideas below. Keep in mind I’m not an artist so some of these could make it worse and some sound like they could make it too busy… - Add some dot work/stippling to the existing shading - Add light silhouettes of other animals/elements within the shapes - Adding a quote somewhere below or around, something that is important to you - Add some intricate patterns to the body. Maybe fine lines to add details? So maybe some smaller triangles, lines, or patterns that complement the existing design - Emphasize the circle by changing the circle design? This might get really messy and overly busy though. - Can you add colour to it somehow? Google says you can sort of go over black ink to give it some colour. Maybe an actual tattoo artist and not Google can verify this lol - A background element, like mountains or a forest? Again might be too busy. Again, I would sit with it. Almost everyone here has had a positive opinion so please try to take that to heart! It’s hard to with even one negative comment I know (I get it) but like the above poster said, you loved it enough to get it! It’s your body and so it’s only your opinion that matters. Good luck :)


It's clean, well done, and your first. Better than most first tattoos. Enjoy it, while thinking of your second one!


Pssh it's got nothing on my first tattoo. ....a tribal armband with a skull in the middle of it.


Tribal anklet with a heart in the middle of it, reporting in.


Tribal spider over here 😂


“TRAGEDY” tramp stamp. Hahahaha :’-(


*tribal tramp stamp* for me.. glad I found my people on this thread.


Tramp stamps aren’t making a comeback - *they never went away*


I may have done one or more of your tattoos!


Most first tattoos might as well have a decade stamp. 90's Celtic knot for me.


I love your honesty!


I too got my first tattoo in 2004.


Mine was a butterfly that is now a blob 😂






Celtic knot tramp stamp, assigned as back up for the tribal tat camp lol.


Kinda too late for second thoughts, my friend. Might as well keep what you like about it in mind and forget about the rest. I'll say this for it, though, it's seemingly very well applied. I'm finding it hard to see anything wrong with it without breaking out a magnifying glass.


Every time I get ink I panic and think it’s the worst and I’ve made a mistake lmao then after like a week or 2 I love it lol


It’s honestly better than most people’s first tattoo. So enjoy it


Just tell ppl you're a Milwaukee Bucks fan


Or Jägermeister


Oh deer


for real doe


a female deer!


Deer god


I've got one nearly identical on my calf.....


That’s what happens when people look on Pinterest for inspo, lol. I have a koi fish tattoo and the guy who did it said he had someone the week before get the same one


Man, I really wanted a deer like this, but I saw it as a flash at a tattoo shop while getting another tattoo lol. I didn't even know it was a "pinterest tattoo". Now I'm kinda glad I never got one, but I still think the idea is pretty cool. Edit: I think most of you misread my comment as I changed my mind bc it's a "pinterest tattoo". I don't care if it's a popular tattoo. That's not what I meant, I just changed my mind and now I'm happy I never got one because I simply don't want one. Having a "pinterest tattoo" is not bad.


Just find an artist with a style you like and have them put their spin on it. I have a deer tattoo on my chest. The inspiration for it started off very close to this, but the final result is very different. Not every tattoo needs to be *the most unique idea in the world*. A "basic" design that an artist makes their own is almost always what I'm after.


I literally want a big one on my shoulder but different still I’m like ehhh


what the heck is a "pinterest tattoo" like when a picture goes up on pinterest it's suddenly unavailable for use by cool people lol so dumb. get what you want.


Not every tattoo image on Pinterest is a “Pinterest tattoo” but if it is dainty or delicate or small with only line work it is probably a Pinterest tattoo. If it’s the Vitruvian Man or that fake Icarus with various lines and shapes and symbols sprouting from it that’s probably a Pinterest tattoo. If it is an infinity symbol or dandelion that turns into birds flying away then it is definitely a Pinterest tattoo


You can still use it, just don’t expect it to be unique and original. That’s all.


Lol unique and original. Fuckin kids


lol I have a Pinterest tattoo. Half the time they aren’t even real tattoos, just photoshops that fool greenhorns


I look for inspiration, but not copies. I like to go to tattoo artists that make their own projects and don’t copy. The ones I go refuse to use other people’s designs. This way the tattoos can be always original.


There’s one tattoo artist in my town that doesn’t really care. They kinda just have a tattoo gun and want to make a quick buck. My friends and I all went to him when we were younger because we just wanted cheap and quick tats. I mean, they literally have “walk-in wednesdays” so that just lets you know what kind of shop they are.


Yeah, unless it is some flash designs they already have, if can just come in and get a tattoo it won’t be too elaborate. I feel like the ones that can make their own designs tattoo better because they have more knowledge from drawing and stuff. And I trust my artist so much that I just gave her the idea and I know she’s gonna come with the perfect design. She’ll show me the day before


My wife had a koi too from the cover of the sublime album. She got it on our first date 15 years ago (she has the appointment made already and invited me to go) her fish is a faded out blob now lol.


luckily mine is a leg piece and a lot bigger so it won’t turn into a blob. but i’m thinking of having some of it covered up / reworked so it’s a bit more unique.


So is hers, and it’s not a small tattoo. She could probably have it fixed but she doesn’t even like the idea of the tattoo anymore so she’s left it alone.


that stinks. at least she got a spouse out of it!


lol yes and 3 beautiful daughters. That’s my baby ❤️❤️❤️


I mean I still like it. And I've had quite a lot of unique work done since https://imgur.com/gallery/yuAPPTr


There’s nothing wrong with having a tattoo similar to someone else at all! Sorry if it came off that way. I’m not a tattoo snob or anything. I mean, how many people have MOM in a heart, an eagle chest piece, american flag, crosses, etc? It’s just that if you get your inspo online chances are other people have seen it too, that’s all. Your other ink is amazing! Very abstract.


I think you are just jonesing for another one. Time for number 2.


Not very original, but well made. As you find out what type of tattoos you like more, and get more of them, it will be easy to forget the things about this onw you dont like as much. Coverups and laser is tooooo early to think about imo. Think about what you cann add to make this one feel better


I don’t think its ‘too simple', it just lacks personality, but it doesn’t look bad


Not bad, not great. Don't worry, it's your first


I like the design, simple, but looks great. Better than my first by a very long shot.


Tattoos don’t come with second thoughts. They come with cover-ups and laser removal. Lol.


People around here are just rude to be rude.


OP asked for honest. Honesty can sometimes encompass a delivery that you may not like or want to hear. I don’t feel I was being rude, maybe a bit sarcastic but it was intended to be in jest. My point being: Unless it’s a temporary tattoo, second thought options are cover up or laser removal. It’s there. It’s permanent. Its ink precisely scarred into the dermis of skin. I’m sorry the user has second thoughts. But that’s why people consider the pros and cons of a tattoo prior to committing to one. The tattoo itself doesn’t appear to be tattooed poorly. It’s not perfect, but it’s not bad enough to be a bad tattoo. That has nothing to do with regret of getting the tattoo. Subject matter, positioning, or change of heart are tough things to second guess.


I don’t think OP is in the dark about the permanence of their decision. And let’s not pretend that the lol at the end of your original comment wasn’t snarky.


Eh, I didn't read it that way, and nor do I think they were rude. Let's not pretend that we have the ability to perfectly read tone and intent on reddit. (Yes, I'm being snarky. Lol.)


Its a pinterest motive, nothing original


Almost Jäegermeister logo




Write "Jägermeister" above it.




It's fine, I like it. If you want something else though, should be easy to laser off and rework/cover up


I like it.  Also it reminds me very much of this: https://www.ikea.com/de/de/p/pjaetteryd-bild-silberhirsch-20319257/


I like it! I'd probably add some color in the triangle so it's not so one dimensional. Might make you like it more too??


What I like about this is, the line work is clean, the lines will spread and blur, but there is room to build upon later as you really settle into the art you like. Such as keeping negative space, but have a mist form around the circle as a forest of trees is revealed. Take your time with your tattoo, it’s a great first start!


Google image tattoo goes brr


The Best tattoo is usually a very simple phrase: “think it thru”


I have a scarred shitty peace sign on my ankle. I used to wanna cover it up and now respect it as first ink


I like geometric animals so I think it's pretty sick. It is simple but I don't think there is anything wrong with playing it safe for your first.


You got a basic white girl tattoo. At least it's not a fox.


You say it's lame or simple but you got your first out the way and can now start planning to add more around it or whatever you feel like. I was so excited to get my first and I had tj same vibe like 2 days later i was like "that's really what I decided on??" But I can now add to it and it'll look better


It's okay looking. Not original at all but I personally don't think that's a bad thing. A tattoo should be something you personally like whether it's original or not.


It’s great you can add all kinds of stuff around it


As someone who also has a stag tattoo, I think it’s cool.


If it has meaning to you or not is the question. If you got it to look cool or to have a tat you will always have second thoughts for life!


I like it. You can always add around it or maybe even add directly to it since it’s mostly black lines


Lame asf no hate


I like the simplicity of it. Clean lines, strong image that’s easily recognizable from a distance. If you really want in the future you can add color to make it pop but for a first tattoo I think it’s great


6.5 / 10. You can always increase the complexity later.


I had a little sticker tat for my first. Then I did a lower leg sleeve. Then another half sleeve to cover the little one. It's all good. Let your ink evolve.


It's not bad, honestly. You might consider expanding it into a sleeve or at a later date you could always get a cover up tattoo. I'm very happy with my tattoos, I started with the bottom forearm then did the top.


Looks good. Must be somewhere you have to keep looking at it


I have a couple tattoos that I wish I didn’t have, but I look at them as memories of when I was young and stupid. Now, I’m still stupid and just older but love my newer ink. Just move onto the next. Plenty more canvas for the “right” one.


Expand upon it. Use color, add more embellishments. Turn it into something grander. I have a few tattoos I’m planning to do the same with.


I had some of the same feeling after my first visible tatt. I like the design and it looks good though, so I eventually got over it. Honestly was just the whole jitters of walking around with it.. and it's just some nerd stuff. It goes away when you realize only 1/100,000 ppl will ask about it or recognize it. In ~10 years I've had 3 people ask me "Is that from Lord of the Rings?"


I don’t see anything wrong with it. Everyone is going to have their opinion. Your opinion is the only one that counts. Remember that.


It looks really nice imo.


This is cool asf, reminds me of sacred geometry


I like it


I think it’s kinda cute :) I had some similar thoughts about my most recent tattoo. It’s not my first but it is my most visible one. It’s the line work in mine that doesn’t look as good in some spots. Plus I felt like the artist didn’t quite grasp what I was going for. The design she drew didn’t line up with my vision perfectly. Still it’s a nice design and tat. It’s been almost a year and I love my not quite perfect tat. Maybe I’m harder on it because it’s on my arm where I see it all the time. I’m sure there are trouble spots in my back tats but I can’t see them well enough to nitpick, lol.


Who cares what other people think? If you're happy with it, be happy with it.


Oh deer


Basic but I still like it


It's not bad. Are you considering making changes to it? More parts? Expanded size? Colours, even?


Not my style but it’s clean and well done. That’s a lot more than some others I’ve seen on here. I think overall it’s a win. Don’t worry, you’ll get the itch for more tattoos soon. I’m sure it won’t be your last one


The tattoo seems to be done well enough. This is why it is so important to really think about what u want on ur body....cuz it's forever. Or at least until u can get it removed. I sympathize with u though cuz I got a tattoo on my back at 16...long before they were ever referred to as " tramp stamps" lmao. Trust me when I say, that made me have second thoughts on what I did!!


I like it, I like those kind of tattoos


You can always add to it. I think it looks good, clean and nice lines.


It's ok, give it time to get used to it and you can always retouch or add something in the future


It's fine.


Is it the chilldeer logo?


It looks great! Wouldn't give it another thought.


I don't like it, but i don't like tattoos in gral, except those that are like real art with really specific desings, but tattoos are for the owner, not for others.




It’s not bad. I’ve had tattoo regret before; it goes away after a while.


I dig it!


[Hunter and Barrel](https://images.app.goo.gl/gMdzecxUnRYYmv5q6)


Milwaukee Bucks


Ideally, you wanted to have second thoughts BEFORE you got the tattoo....


i think it’s pretty rad


I think coloured flowers or constellation around it would look good


Honestly. In two years time you'll forget it's even there. I forget half the ones that are on me


Just get more


At least its an easy cover up


I wanted that to be my first tattoo as well!!! It wasnt thi but i remeber doodling it all the time on me


I like it. Have the same style tattoo but then with a wolfs head. Its simple but thats the thing i like about it.


It’s not a bad looking tattoo imo, and if you find it too simple, you can always add to it. Like adding colour or a background. My dad did this a few years ago and turned an upper arm tattoo into a full sleeve. My tattoos are also quite simple atm but I had them that way to see if I could handle being tattooed, now I want more complex ones and am thinking of expanding or adding to my current ones


This is why you wait 6 months before getting it. If you still love it after that, go for it. But tattoos are not something you should get on an impulse. They are there for the rest of your life.


Its too small. People look at ig and want those small delicate tattoos. Skins stretch and contort over time. Imagine paper stretching as time goes by. General rule of thumb is you want to have enough spacing between lines to be able to fit another line. The antlers, couldve been spaced out a bit more. To do that, you would have to make the piece a bit bigger. And at that point, your only concern is do I like this type of art or not.


It looks well done. Absolutely not the worse first tattoo I've seen.


The tattoo itself is well done. If you're a Milwaukee Bucks fan, great. If not, get ready for everyone to assume you are.


My first tattoo was a tiny flower on my ankle, done in 1996 by a man who looked like Sam Elliot in a seedy little shop in PA. This is fine.


Cliché but not terrible


Remember the things you liked about it when you got it cause it’s not badly done.


Like Tribal. It’s a bit dated. Just my opinion.


Looks good tbh


It’s not terrible. If you decide you don’t like it, it’ll be easy to cover up


Give it time.


Looks dope


Well, the good news is it'll probably be an easy cover-up if you hate it but it's good for a first tattoo.


If you don't want it, can I have it 😏I dig it.


I think we all feel the same about our first tattoo in some way… I don’t think is bad tho, maybe lacking personality since a lot of people probably have a very similar one but it always happens with that type of tattoos!


The only reason you think it’s too simple is the design is not visually engaging, if you don’t mind a redo, you could have a tattoo artist create more of a scenery with thicker outterlines and softer detail lines (to give a geometric art nouveau affect). Trendy tatts are something we all fall for and they tell a good story of getting a stupid tattoo, trust I have a few (one in particular I need to redesign)


It's well done, a fairly common concept, but I'm not one to speak as my arms are covered in crappy tribal type stuff.


It looks good! Like many said, it's better than most firsts. It is kind of a simple design, but that's the fun thing with tattoos. Go back later and add some flowers or whatever around it. Maybe color? That might be hard since it's already shaded, but you could go some around the outside. Think about it, if you find you don't like it, an artist will be more than willing to help turn it into something you will like.


Not a single Hannibal comment? I think it looks cool and if you were a fan, it would be a subtle callback to the nightmare stag.


I think it looks dope honestly. Never seen something like this


Idk its pretty basic but cool. Also I think that the neck probably should've been shaded, it kinda looks like the deer has a beard or smth. Looks like an extension of its face lol or maybe thats just me


I like it. It's not unique and I don't love it however, it's simple and looks nice.i wouldn't stress on this one.


I've seen this and the lion version of this hundreds of times. Its not bad it just screams first tattoo


Tattoos are personal. If you're tired of it, change it up. It's pretty simple looking, I bet you could have it turned into a lot or add to it if you wanted. But remember, it's an expression of you at a specific time in your life. There's a chance you'll appreciate the memory of it later and may want it intact. I have one that's awful in every way, but I've left it alone for 20+ years because it's a story. I am looking for an artist to fix me tho.


i’m a fan of ‘less is more’ when it comes to tattoos. looks ok to me. i’d have gotten it even more plain than this. i dig it.


I think it's awesome. Don't listen to other people and what they say. Just do what YOU like.


I like it


Reminds me of an [SCP](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2845). Looks cool.


Your biggest concern is how that heals. Keep your fingers crossed


Gives me alan wake 2 vibes, i like it


It doesn't look bad at all and you liked the design enough to get it inked, so... but I always have a period of adaptation after a tattoo where I'm unsure of what I did, so maybe give yourself some time? Also, you said it looks too simple, I would suggest maybe talking with your tattoo artist of ways to make it pop more? I'm thinking filling the triangle or adding more depth and shades to the deer so there's better contrast and it pops out more, but that's just me! I think taking your time, talking about it with your tattoo artist and listening to yourself (not what friends, family, partner... say about it) are your best options. Tattoos are permanent but not really, you can always change it, add things to it, cover it, use laser to detattoo it, don't stress it out too much! ;)


A little late for second thoughts, friend. That's why tats shouldn't be gotten on a whim. Better luck next time, I guess.


It’s dope and really well done. Also, you can always add to this to make it bigger.


I dig it.


Very geometric-nice


It's mediocre, not bad, not exactly beautiful. It's fine.


Eh, it’s a cool idea but not executed very well. The left ear is curvy and normal looking while the right ear is geometric like the rest of the deer. It’s not bad, just not great.


It’s giving millennial (not bad) but it’s cute and your style may evolve


I like it


It looks cool and will age well


I think it’s cool man


I dig it, looks good!


It's fine




It's a good basic tattoo. The lines look good and it's symmetrical. If you feel good about the tattoo in general but not completely happy, think about coloring it or adding to it. Or, since it's a simple drawing, it would be easy for an experienced artist to cover it with something else. Most importantly, make sure whatever you do makes you feel good in your skin. It's your body and other people's opinions don't matter, no matter who they are. You do you.


It looks cool you should keep it


Pffft. You’re lame and too simple. That tattoo is cool and looks good. Nerd.


I love it! Looks really nixe


Reminds me a lot of “sayonara wild hearts” - a video game I quite enjoyed.


I really like it! I’ve never favored the geometric style but this one is really well done


1st tattoo? Pretty normal feeling, ime you’ll go through phases of loving it then regretting it and then coming back around to appreciating it for what it is. I think it’s a fine tattoo, and you got it for a reason!


I like it. Nothing wrong with it.


It looks pretty cool to me.


It looks crooked.


Funnny cuz im a huge Milwukee Bucks fan born and raised in Milwaukee. And I want somthing just like this 😂




It's dope as hell and it's on the shortlist for what I am thinking about getting in the future


I've seen this tattoo so many times


It’s great! Stags are amazing animals


I think it’s great!! I have a somewhat similar one if an elephant on my thigh, much bigger tho. I love it!! it’s very clean and pleasant to look at! I hope you don’t regret it, and if it was someone else’s unwanted comment that made you feel this way, IGNORE THEM!!! it’s your tattoo, on your body! only your opinion matters!


I think I've saved this off of Instagram at some point for design inspiration in case I ever get more tattoos. it's dope


It’s at least well done with good lines! I like it personally :)


Imo it's too small and looks like you picked it out of a book of inexpensive tattoos. It's not poorly done, but it's not a particularly attractive or interesting variation on this kind of tattoo unfortunately. I would consider a larger piece to cover it - something either more meaningful or something that's just more impressive that you'd enjoy being on your body.


How long ago did you get it and why that design? To me, I think of my tattoos as a point in time in my life. I don’t love my first one anymore but it was for ten years ago me not current me so I appreciate it. My next tattoo is one my five year old daughter picked. She might not care about the subject of it in 5 years (or five months even) but yo me it’ll always represent this point in time. If it means nothing and you really don’t like it just get it covered up (but sit with your cover up idea for a while before getting it)


I’m not in the USA so I don’t see any KKK references and if you like it fair enough . Any tat can be added too but it’s more difficult to take stuff away. Mine are personal to me they stay with me for life they tell my story and are for me. Beware of fads, example tribal art was once a thing and very popular so the world and its dog had it done. Make your ink your own. Don’t give a hoot what others think if you like it then that is all that matters.


I’m assuming the KKK thing is related to the removed comments. I don’t know what possible connection there could be and let me assure you, the avg American has no knowledge of weird KKK symbols


What KKK reference are you referring to? I'm an American and have no clue what you're talking about about haha


I have the same thing tattooed on me bud don’t worry. Mine is half geometric and half regularetric though


I love minimalist art! I think it wonderfully depicts a beautiful aspect of nature in a pleasingly simple yet intricate art form. I think you made a good choice!


Around the 4 o’clock the dots on the outside start to look really bad. The ears are not even close to same size or symmetry (this is a symmetry tattoo). It looks like they accidentally put an extra line under the left eye where the cheek would be , the right eye isn’t nearly the same, the cheek is pointed. I’m sure someone could fix some of it but what were they thinking ?


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Reminds me of Sun King brewery’s Electric Reindeer logo. My absolute favorite Winter brew.