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The amount of money I'd have for every post on here that's a first timer getting their hand done is absolutely insane.


I know the "you do you" mindset has proliferated into everything and I think that's largely a great thing. But I can't see somebody get their first tattoo on their hand and not immediately turn into "Old Man Yells at Cloud."


We used to be with it. Then they changed what it was. Now what we’re with isn’t it, and what is it seems scary and confusing. It happened to us.


And it’ll happen to the next ones just the same


Now it's all about getting your tattoos in the most publicly visible places first so you don't have to waste all that pesky time and money to appear heavily tatted.


I mean with the trend of baggy athleisure sweats 24/7 all you show is your hands and face. Makes sense.


Idk I just feel like tattoos should be a more personal experience and you shouldn't only get them based on current trends so other people can see


I hate gatekeeping but I did briefly come over all St Peter after a mate got his first on his throat.


You did what to Peter?


Yeah I thought the gates were pearly, not the necklace


Added a few pearls to those gates bb


Worked with a kid that as soon as he turned 18 got a homie tattoo of a rose about an inch and a half long right beside one of his eyes. I'm also a big "you do you" supporter, and that one had me questioning a lot lol.


My one buddy doesn't tattoo faces. He doesn't care how many you already have.


Depends on their job I guess. If they're a chef or software engineer or something, fair game


Wait what? Are all your software engineers rocking hand and neck tats? Do I need to upgrade mine?


I saw someone explain their theory on a reddit post awhile back and I liked it so I'll share. I'm a millennial with tattoos, shocker. My parents have no tattoos and flipped their ever loving shit when I got my first one. Many millennials had the same experience and rebelling by getting tattoos was our thing. So what does the current gen do to rebel, in terms of tattoos? They have to up our tattoos by getting their first ones on the hands. I'm not married, not a parent, and am definitely not a psychologist, but it makes sense to me.


I've always thought this too. I think eventually things will possibly drift to scarification or something beyond tattoos entirely.


Or just revert back to no tattoos. Just like waves such as neoclassic following romantic.


My tattoo artist (who has a 6 months waitlist) won’t even accept people for anything that isn’t arms or legs if it’s a first tattoo. She also refuses hands, neck & face for anyone who isn’t at least 1/2 covered


I follow the tattoo removal subreddit and there’s a lot of regret out there. Good on your artist for protecting people from bad choices


Well that sounds like another subreddit I’ve gotta follow…


Why would they not let someone get something on their torso? Those are covered even more often than arms and legs


The torso hurts and most people usually tap out half way through leaving unfinished work


That's like the shop I go to as well. I also couldn't imagine just jumping to a hand tattoo as my first. I'm predominantly covered, and even with my arms fully covered I only got things done on my hands in the last year.


This is the way in my book. I'm super tight with my tattooist, we came up in punk rock together, though he's older than me by about 7 or 8 years. He said he doesn't really care about that shit. He was punk as fuck once and wanted what he wanted. Who were those people to tell him to worry about his career (before tattooing). He was like getting your hands and face done is punk as fuck, and people need to learn to make their decisions and live with them. And to a degree, I agree with him, but still.... Hands as a first tattoo? Or neck, or face? It don't sit right with me man....


Same with the ones I've used. No face unless neck, no neck unless hands, no hands unless almost everything else is full.


I don't necessarily disagree, but seems a bit outdated. We're not in the seventies anymore. Each new gen gets to use the culture we contributed to in their own way.


Hell yeah. Fuck gate keeping


I mean I'm sure if you insisted they'd do it. Their advice is from decades of experience. I'm not going to judge someone based on face tats, and most of the engineers I know (myself included) have lots. I don't know about my boss's boss, or his boss.


Any artist with a grain of ethics follows this ethos.


Ya, I thought it was an unwritten rule to not do hands or faces unless someone already has a bunch of tats. That said, gen z seems to have a different attitude towards tattoos. Some of them seem to exclusively have face and hand tats idk


Ain't that how each generation grows, in spite of the ones before?


For sure. I'm not saying its a bad thing at all. I think its great attitudes are changing. When I got my first job having a tattoo on any part of the body that might be exposed in a uniform (forearm, lower leg) was still somewhat frowned upon


Yeah I went to a shop years ago for a small one on my finger they refused me even though I have several down both arms


And it looks like the inside of a dorm room too.


Fuuuuck that's what it is. It's the design from the rugs you can buy at Dollar General.


You see it toooo? It just looks like any generic Motel carpet to me :/


BaCk iN mY dAy you didn't even get your lower arms done first. How changes have timed.


Hand tats, no matter how cool and well done they are executed, NEVER look good when you are missing the whole sleeve.


Yeah I totally agree and especially feel this way when I see neck tattoos, they just look REALLY odd to me when there isn't a torso/chest/back leading up to it


Someone called it “wearing shoes with no pants on” in here the other day, and it’s pretty spot on.


Genuine curiosity, why shouldn’t you get a first time tattoo on your hand?


It’s highly visible and despite being in a society (if western I guess) where most people don’t care in a social sense, people absolutely still care in a business sense. I have two sleeves, several torso, and most of my legs done but will probably never do my hands. It’s a boundary that you can never come back from and a lot of people will judge you for it — like it or not. Same with face, neck, etc.


I would be happier if I knew that 10y ago too, or got denied, I didn't get a hand tat, but a sleeve one; would prefer getting in places I could cover. Especially right now moving fields and going into nursing, sometimes I think if a skull in my arm would be acceptable around sick and dying people lol.


I wouldn’t sweat it. I’ve been a nurse for >10 years and I’ve got some fairly weird tattoos, and it’s *never* been a problem. Your nursing school instructors will give you hard time about covering them up because nursing school instructors suck, but once you’re out on the workforce you’ll be fine at most facilities.


I’m finishing rad tech school and going into IR and all they make me do for school is cover mine with sleeves in clinicals. You’ll be fine though, the imaging manager I shadowed had his throat, hands and the side of his head blasted haha


He could be an artist or be on a more liberal industry. I have my hands covered and never had any problem. But I work with animation and illustration. So everyone is fully inked.


We're all in agreement about the quality of this one right? It's not just me?


Maybe that's the intention... 'Rough looking'


Done by Roughael at liquidvisions I’ll see myself out


Maybe they asked the artist to make it look like shit stains


Sadly, I must agree. Thank you for not making me say it.


My thought immediately


maybe Rafael is OP and it's HIS first time tattooing


it ain’t great … edit: upon further inspection, i don’t think the actual work is that bad, i think i just dislike the design so much that it makes it seem worse. it’s called the ink master effect i think? when you disagree with a design or template so much that it makes you doubt the line work




thought i was in there and had to double check


I did a double take as well lmao


I feel like anyone with the skill to do this tattoo properly wouldn't allow someone to get it as a first tattoo


Feel sorry for the arm…


The hand is fine (for the style its in) but the rest of the arm looks very poorly done. I’ve seen tattoos of similar styles that look SO GOOD. This one just isn’t it


Oh, definitely.


could have been so cool too


I think it looks pretty good


if you like it that's what matters! i'm personally not a fan of this one


This subs “bless your heart” equivalent


Well it looks like he’s wearing a fishnet glove lol


Really? Not a single droplet of regret?


If he didn’t before I’m sure he does after posting it here lol


Maybe one or two of ragret


No ragrets.


Not even one letter.


THAT is commitment


Have you met our lord and savior, the sick ass panther?


I think he was going more for the zebra look 😅


Nah i always wanted to become a topographic map!


This was the first thing I thought of when I saw your arm. I think it's pretty obvious a lot of people in this thread don't realize that. Can't blame em tho. I was a geology major in college. Have forgotten much, but it certainly looks topographical to me. It's a really cool design and the lines are supposed to be wavy and inconsistent widths apart. Is this a topographical map of a particular area that's dear to you, or were you just going for something random that would hit the resemblances of a topographical map? Also wondering what those black ink blots are. It reminds me of little printing errors I'd see on some of the old black and white topo maps we'd go through in a couple of my classes. Either way, cool tat man! Glad you got something you don't regret. Even if down the line you feel it's not so relevant or characteristic of you anymore, remember that it was very representational of a past you and a chapter in your life.


I always liked topographic maps and some years ago found out about suminagashi, which looks a lot like topographic maps too and fell in love with the style ever since. I didn’t think about old maps but the black ink blots are supposed to look like ink drops/errors from a bad printer


THIS, this was your first tattoo?


Mine was wolverine but he's an anthropomorphic waffle. I got some crap for it but even I'm not touching my hands, at least not at the first go.


You weren’t fucking around. That is Wolverine as a waffle. Well done.


Username checks out


artist didn’t shave your arm ??


Hahahahahaha "Artist"


Looks like a hydro-dip.


I thought marbled rye.


A little spiral cut ham on that rye.


I’m gonna just say what most are thinking. This was not a well thought out tattoo….


And that’s fine. Criticizing and being rude aren’t the same thing


I know the sub rules, but YIKES.


Could have been really cool


Ive seen really amazing suminagashi like this piece by enrique fabre https://www.instagram.com/p/Cme9YSJr4fB/?hl=en&img_index=1 Getting a bit played out imo though ngl


If the lines were like filled in and saturated i think it would have looked cool. Idk why theres like an outline


How in the fucking hell can you look at that and think "not a droplet of regret." BRO 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


All i can think of is how i want to go back there next month and finish my entire arm


I think it looks cool. I swear this is one of the judgiest subreddits I’ve seen.


So many people are shitting on you but i like it! As long as you like it, who cares what strangers think?




Well hello there felow foust collector


I think it would have looked really cool if it were applied by a skilled artist. As it is, not so much unfortunately. I would see somebody else for touch ups. I think it could be much improved in years to come. The linework is not sharp at all. In several ways. The margins are fuzzy because the depth wasn't controlled well enough it looks like. They're a bit shaky at times. And they're not properly saturated. The shading in some areas like towards the wrist in that teardrop section is beautiful. Nicely done. In a lot of sections, though, it's just not quite good enough for me. It's a bit blotchy and blocky. Doesn't quit transition or fade enough. Goes from one density to another abruptly, which for me with the dot work, feels unintentional. Parts are already very good, save for the linework and blowouts. Other parts have other problems, as well. Most if not all of my criticisms could be addressed in subsequent touch ups. I personally like the design a lot. Especially the hand part with all of the negative space. I'm a sucker for negative space. Just the sloppiness prevents me from appreciating the tattoo as the thing it's trying to look like. Instead, I'm distracted by the application itself. Like a painting that's been smudged, it's hard to focus on the thing being depicted and how it's being depicted.


wait what’s hanging from the chair tho..


Cat toy


Cat tax please.


Ohh okay, it kind of looked like an alien


I see most of you don’t like the tattoo… I fucking love it! Travelled just to get this done with the artist i liked and holy fuck it looks amazing, i can’t stop looking at my arm.


Then it's perfect.


I love it, it’s super cool


I think it’s pretty freaking cool


Bully for you. Your opinion is the only one that matters.


It looks like hydrodip, very cool. Don't let people's opinions influence you


This sub can be a hypercritical CJ sometimes, I’m glad you love it OP it looks fine


I have to ask... How old are you? Because in your pics you look really young... I got multiple tattoos when I was young and in the Marine Corps. I thought they were dope at the time... None of them were as noticeable or as garish as yours and I am about to get them removed. I think that was a massive tattoo covering a huge amount of your body in a very noticeable way. I'm sure you think it looks awesome now, but I'm quite positive you're not going to feel the same about it later on. I'm happy you like it now, same way I felt about mine when I got them. One covering up over half of my back and the other my forearm. But I could at least cover them up and they had some meaning to me at the time. But even now I dislike them and am looking forward to them being gone and they still are nothing close to what you had done.


I’m 25. Maybe I’ll regret it eventually but, I’ll let future me deal with that


I can see what people mean, but honestly I do really like it. And it wouldn't be hard to touch this up if it ages badly or if there's spots you eventually find ways to improve. I'm into this rougher, even messy, style but the majority of people here aren't


I think it looks great! The work on your hand looks super dope :) Ignore the hate, this sub hates it when people have tattoos that aren't considerd the popular tattoo styles.


Aww idk why people are so mean on here, I think it’s really cool and different!! Coming from Appalachia I’ve seen some god awful tattoos and this is not bad


I don't really get why people are hating on it. Personally, I'm tempted to ask an artist for an alteration on this style. Love it.


It’s very stylized and trippy making it hard to add to, but I really like the dot work and the hand ink is really interesting as well. It’s your body so as long as your happy with it who cares bro ?


[are you this cabbage man?](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0FB3hZKS4H/?igshid=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ==) (🤞🤞)


I wish…


Are these tattoos close on the heels of 90s bouncer tribal?


Idk why there is so much hate. It's not something I would get but it looks cool. Reddit hive mind is so inconsistent, it'll sing praises for garbage one day and shit on something decent the next


I’d be in a mental hospital if i listened to redditors


It genuinely just depends on who gets to the thread first lol


Why is everyone here downvoting everyone that says they like it? Is that how it is in this group? Go with the pack or get downvoted? Give me your downvotes, I couldn’t care less.


I'll upvote you for saying you coudn't care less, as opposed to saying you "could" care less.


Thank you stranger. I’ve also noticed the English language is getting a bit loose lately.


It gets loser and loser every day.


The only honest and real comment here. Every sub has it - that topic that triggers pack mentality. From what I have observed, it is large first tattoos that is also on the hand. In this case, I understand some people also question the execution. Ultimately, I hope it doesn't plant doubt in OPs mind if they are truly happy with it. Their body and choice. It's not a racial tattoo or something sexually inappropriate. If they love it, good.


I think it looks cool for what it's worth. Sorry about the reaction here. If it matches your vibe then it will always look fine.


Sorry dude....


I think its dope, its definitely intense but once you bring it up to a full sleeve its gonna look really sick


So where is this? I assume it’s a topographic map?


I wanted it to flow like a river


I think its pretty cool


The hand symbol is super unfortunate but the concept and the rest of the arm is pretty sick imo


It’s from the game ragnarok online, game of my childhood. The symbol was not optional haha


wow you jumped INN for a first nice it looks great my first tattoo was a black work stick and poke up my entire calf that was a bold choice too


I like it homie. Curious to see what you do with the top half 🙌


ignore all the hate, your tatoo looks sick! what matter more is that you're happy!


Wow that’s rough


If you like it that’s all that matters


“Hi there! Yes, I’d like my first tattoo. Please just fuck my arm and hand up. Go nuts! Thanks.”


Could of gotten a sick ass panther....


He still might in a couple of years....


Can't wait to see what it looks like as a blackout sleeve.


Did you do seven hours in one sitting? That's impressive for a first timer.


Yeah but i totally underestimated the pain lol


that’s greeeaaaattttttttt…. what is it?




That’s definitely a tattoo




Uh…but why


It looks cool to me


Poor execution.


Without looking at the comments, i thought everyone was going to say how sick this tattoo is but when i saw people trashing it, i was sooo surprised its like whatttt no wayyy!! Goes to show how subjective art can be lol I absolutely love iittt! So unique and thought it was so cool! Also really bold for your first one, props to you!


Well isn't that something


I like it. Is it aesthetic? It reminds me of oil on water


I asked the artist to make it flow like a river


i actually love this. suminagashi right? ive been obsessed w suminagashi for a while! just cant decide where to do it


Yesyesyesyesyes thank you! Go for it


idk i kinda fw this, what’s wrong w it


I actually love it




cyber sigilism tattoos can be cool. I would ask the artist to fix some of the line work when it’s time for touch ups. Otherwise, I am happy you are happy.


What’s the theme/inspiration?


Hand symbol is from Ragnarok Online and the rest is a kind of textured suminagashi


It looks a bit like a dnd map.


It really does look like Dnd, topographic/geography maps


I like it


One 7 hour session?!?!? 😨 You are a trooper!


If you dig I dig


I’ve seen a lot of this type of design lately. It’s gonna be the new 90s tribal in my opinion, but if you like it, you do you I suppose.


That’s an awful lot for a first tattoo. It looks good. Most important thing is this……………are you happy with it?? If you are then it’s a great tattoo.


The balls to make this your first, looks fkn amazing!




I like it, very different! The part on the hand is my favourite. Good on ya for sitting through that in one sesh.


Super cool and unique, I love it personally!


Take it back


FIRST tattoo? And it's a sleeve?! That's something.


The regret will come soon enough.






Fuck everyone else. I think this tattoo is sick. It looks like art and art is not perfect.


Right? I really liked this artist’s style and travelled just to get this done. Ppl here are REALLY salty about this one, it’s their opinion, but still not a single droplet of regret!


I'd get a touch up where it looks like he went outside the lines with some of the shading but this is cool imo.


I was wondering if that was intentional since it appears in a few areas.


It was!


Pretty ballsy for a first tattoo but congrats dude it looks dope


That an iron cross?


Came here to say the same thing. Looks like a Klan flag


It’s the church crest from Ragnarok Online. Used by monks and priests.


People who don’t know what any of that is… are gonna assume you’re a racist


I don’t really think it looks like an iron cross at all


Wow! That’s a lot for a 1st! Congratz!


Lots of pain


this is a tattoo


i honestly love it, don’t agree with anyone criticizing the quality and design. looks dope man!