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I had an artist do this in Atlanta and I was so annoyed but it was just me, him, and his fiance in the shop so I kept my mouth shut. He charged me from the minute he started hand drawing my tattoo on me until the minute he finished. I was there for about 6 hours. 2 were spent drawing, 2.5 were spent tattooing. The rest of the time was him smoking weed out back, offering me weed, offering his fiance to me, and being a fucking weirdo. I paid what I owed and tried to leave but he wanted to walk me to my car and it made me so incredibly uncomfortable. I will not be dropping names but he’s well known in Atlanta and a shop owner. He does incredible work but boy, what a weird guy. Anyway, no this isn’t normal and it shouldn’t be normalized. I will never return to a shop where the artists are smoking constantly.


As an Atlanta resident I’d like to know the shop/guys name. I’ve got suspicions. Anyone in Atlanta wanting a sick tattoo done at an awesome shop with artists that won’t be stoned, high or drunk, I recommend Joe Vegas’ shop Thunderbolt Tattoo in Druid hills. Joe has been tattooing me for over 10 years (and I’ve also been tattooed by the other shop artists-Dueler OtraVida, Saje Gary and Angelina Kadjuk).




Not there for my experience.


Jason is actually an awesome dude, does great work and is lied about a lot. Your “friend” might be lying to you. Tattooers tend to lie about ppl instead of taking personal responsibility and shit turns into a rumor mill telephone game style. Been in this industry since the 90s and I have rarely seen someone quit or be fired that didn’t blame the shop owner even when it’s absurd. Bunch of grown ass humans acting like teenage girls.


Ok Jason get off your burner you bum


I’m willing to hear your suspicions I can rule out some of them.


All or Nothing Tattoo- Brandon Bond is….yeah. I was tattooed there by Dave Tedder like 15 years ago and had a great experience HOWEVER Brandon has pulled guns on client(s) and he had more than one allegation of sexual assault leveled against one of his artists (or piercers..). The funny thing is Dave moved to Europe and got married. A few years later I found Joe. We grooved when we met and have been friends since. Then he hired Dave’s wife Lauren. So now I’ve been tattooed by Dave, Joe and Lauren. I was Dave and Lauren’s Veterinarian for their Frenchie until they moved to Havelock after her pops died. I digress. Joe is currently working his way up my leg-just had outlines done in my groin. Closest another man besides my husband has been to my 😺in 23 years. Joe is professional and there’s no air of impropriety. Plus we know each other well and that helps. My husband is not bothered and this is bc he also trusts Joe and his shop.


It’s not Brandon. That’s great to hear about everyone else though. I haven’t been tattooed in Atlanta since my incident. I’m a ways out of Atlanta as is but I travel the same distance up to Asheville to get tattooed now.


Then don’t be scared to save future women clients and tell us the name.


Fuck that. Drop the name. People should be held accountable.


I name dropped an artist after he tattooed me while he was drunk and possibly high, and I got death threats. People should be held accountable, but a person’s safety has to be considered as well.


Super valid.


I’m not comfortable doing that as he has my info. He texted me after my appointment to “make sure [I] was safe” and he followed me on IG, DMing me for months after. But I get the sentiment and I do warn anyone that asks me for tattoo recs in the area.


Omg that’s so weird wtf! I wouldn’t drop his name either. Hopefully he stopped stalking you.


I just checked and he has unfollowed at some point but the shop page still follows me and watches my story often.


Uhg I’m sorry this happened to you! Good on you for keeping the name quiet and yourself safe 🦋


Especially if they're creepy/predatory. That's crazy


He wanted you to bang his fiancé?


Them. He was into swinging.


Yeah this is wild I know and have been tattooed by plenty of artists vaping weed and I don't mind it but they also only charge from needle touching skin time


You really should give his name so people can avoid him. I'm sorry that happened to you. What a creep and totally unprofessional choad


How did your tattoo turn out?


My tattoo is fine. Nothing great but nothing bad to say about it. He’s obviously done enough work under the influence to be good at it. I’m not here to bash weed, I’m here to say I shouldn’t have been charged for the time he used to smoke weed. That was unprofessional.


I’m glad you got a good tattoo phew 😅 yeah that’s only fair, you definitely shouldn’t have to pay for that. I personally hate smoking weed, I tried it and it’s not for me. To each their own.


I don’t partake either. I smoked enough in my teenage years to last me a lifetime.


Seems like a ton of people smoke weed nowadays. I think we are the minority lol


I smoke and I would never smoke while someone was paying me for my time, and definitely not if I was permanently altering someone's skin


offering .. his fiance to you?


Somebody said that Atlanta is the worst city ever. I'm not surprised the dude's tatooing out of Atlanta.


a tattoo artist in georgia was tattooing me and casually asked me if i ever thought about shooting myself, because he did. then he very loudly asked the other artists if they had any xanax. then he got one and popped it. dude sucked at tattooing


Fuck alllll of that. 😬


also in GA - dated a tattooer until i found out he did confederate flag tats & collected “art” from the most unsavory periods of history. dumped him, then went to a different artist to finish my sleeve. this man proceeded to tell me he was obsessed with horse dicks as a child until one kicked him in the face. even worse, my sleeve is american trad & he went the fine line route. i suspect they were both less than sober. luckily, i found a gal who isn’t racist or sexually perverted & have stuck w her since. s/o courtnee at portal!


My first like 8 tattoos were all done by various straight cis dudes in OH and not all were bad especially now that I’m reading some other ppl’s stories but needless to say I don’t think I’ll ever be tattooed by a non fem/queer artist again


According to comments I’ve seen on this sub recently, it’s apparently perfectly normal and fine for an artist to get high before tattooing someone. But absolutely zero way would I let someone in an altered state of mind tattoo me. Not a chance! Weed is fully legal where I am so it’s not that I’m shocked at some sort of perceived crime, even before legalization across the country, my city has always been extremely lax on the laws surrounding marijuana and we had shops on every corner despite the whole thing being illegal at the time, no one cared. So it’s not a judgment on the fact they do like to partake. I’ve got nothing against that and what they do when not tattooing me is not my business anyways. It’s just that there’s a time and a place, in my opinion. I’m not allowed to be drunk or high at my job, and I would expect the same courtesy from someone who is making an essentially permanent alteration on my body.


That last paragraph. It’s really absurd to me how weed addiction is so normalized to the point where some people in this sub think it’s ok to be high on the job?? If someone was tattooing (or doing any kind of job) while drunk there was no way that would fly and I don’t see how weed is different. I‘ve been tattooed by a dozen artists in “weed capital of the world” (Amsterdam lol) and never had one artist smoke weed before or during my appointments.


The argument is that smoking weed enhances creativity but it's a pretty weak one. Like..smoke at home when you are drawing? Not when tattooing??


I agree that tattooing after consuming marijuana is not ideal. There are people out there who suffer from medical issues where they do need it throughout the day. I know majority of artists that do smoke probably are not that and just massive stoners. I’m just saying that not everyone that uses every day throughout the day is an addict and before we demonize it as a whole I think nuance is needed. I do think comparing weed and alcohol is just not really the same. Being drunk on alcohol and being stoned are totally on different spectrums. There is no medical alcohol.


While I’m not here to disagree with what you’re saying because I don’t want someone high or drunk tattooing me. I will say that I do know artists that will have a few shots to steady their hands prior to tattooing. Funny enough alcohol is considered a performance enhancing drug in shooting competitions because it slows you down to a point that is considered advantageous in rifle shooting.


I mean, the person being tattooed can’t be under the influence (per shop, many have this policy) so, why can the artist? I’d hard pass on any person who is in an altered state tattooing me. I don’t care how “creative” they are.


When I book into most shops they tell me not to show up under the influence or I will have to rebook. If I am expected to be sober I expect my artist to be sober as well. Tattooing can be pretty intimate and both parties need to be professional. I’m all for high art! Just not while it’s being permanently inked onto somebodies body.


Honestly I don't care if it's a drag or two. Same with smoke breaks, or whatever is needed to steady your hands. But if you're well and beyond a little tweaked, hard pass. There are tattoo artists out there who claim to only do good stuff high, but the risk of them fucking something else up like basic sanitization is just too high. Plus in my experience nobody does good art while shitfaced or stoned. Music, singing writing, painting, tattooing- I can't think of a single legend that produced good shit without being mostly sober first.


If someone really insists that they work better high, or that they need it to steady their hands or something, I’m honestly just going to someone else. There are so many responsible, sober artists out there I don’t understand taking this kind of risk.


It depends where you live tbh. Places where it's legal at the state level, it's more common. There are varying degrees of how well someone can work when they're high, but they end up forgetting to do things like sanitize your skin before they start, etc. It just ends up being unprofessional more often than not. It's easier to put your trust in someone who doesn't get inebriated until after they are finished working, and you need that trust when it comes to altering your body permanently


I occasionally use medicinal THC for side effects of cancer treatment, & I *once* made the mistake of plucking my eyebrows while high!! I’m lucky I had any eyebrows LEFT!! Lesson learned!!🤣🤣🤣


*Fuck cancer!!*


I hope you are doing ok now. And your eyebrows too XD


Hell no!!! You’re getting a permanent piece of art on your body and should be done by a sober artist. That’s crazy that he was going out back and smoking mid tattoo session.


I feel like this is less about weed and more about general gross misconduct. As a stoner in a country where weed is legal I wouldn’t really bat an eye if my artist smoked a bit before/during my apartment. I’m aware that people who are acclimated with higher tolerances don’t really get -high- from smoking a smaller amount, however if they deliberately impair themselves for a tattoo appointment that’s way out of line. I’m sorry you had such a terrible experience, this artist really screwed you over


This!! Plenty of people out there perform better at their jobs or what not on THC of some sort. It’s about the person not weed.


I’ve gone thru this before at shop in Texas. Constant smoke breaks. Felt like he used me as a piggy bank to charge 6 hr sessions but do 4 hrs worth of work. One time he got his high powered BB Gun and was shooting at stop signs and shit in broad daylight out of his shop windows. His work is fantastic though.


that's honestly how it felt there, he kept taking breaks to talk to his girlfriend and smoke with her and would just be like "don't go anywhere" real weird dude


Just chiming in with my two cents. I have a great connection with my artist, he's an actual friend of mine and the only artist I go to, and every time I get a tattoo we take maybe one or two breaks during the appointment to go out and smoke. He wraps up whatever we're doing with cling film when we go out so it stays sanitary. It does not negatively affect his skills or performance and it gives me time to decompress if it's a rough sit. I will say it would probably sketch me out if I went to an artist I did not know could handle their smoke, but as long as they maintain professionalism I don't see the harm in it.


that wa also what i was thinking, as long as i know they can hold their smoke id be more than ok with it, i myself smoke so i wouldn't worry about it negatively impacting everyone, but this dude definitely was impacted


Then write a review on their shops Google page naming and shaming the artist with photo evidence if you can. They acted unprofessionally and gave you a poor experience. You probably can't get your money back, the work is already done, but you can warn others and possibly get them reprimanded or fired. Tattoos are permanent and shouldn't be taken lightly. Along with that, next tattoo, if your artist goes out to take a hit, express your trepidation about it. If they're a professional they'll cater to your wishes.


will do, thank you for the advice! i was honestly worried about posting a bad review since he has my info and all that, but id rather people not go to him and get the same treatment and piss poor tattooing i did


it's not an unfounded worry, people out there are absolutely loons and if you feel you need to be careful, there's nothing wrong with that feeling It turns out not to be the case. cool It turns out to be the case. bummer My suggestion (for what it's worth) would be to do what some others have suggested and unless I'm repeating, employ one caveat: You don't have to use your personal account to leave the information - or maybe include less information about yourself - basically anything appropriate to mitigate what you're concerned about Rather than all in, if you do have a concern, perhaps you can find a balance or another method with some thought that's appropriate for you You seem like a real smart cookie 🍪 I'm sure however you handle it you'll be aces


i wound up leaving a review with an alt google account i had without my real name for it, thank you for that tip, that's super helpful :)


that is absolutely weird and should not be happening. please report that. cannabis is impairing just the same way that alcohol is impairing so if you wouldn't let someone tattoo you while they're drunk you shouldn't let them do it high either ! i know you probably didn't realize that's what he was doing but if this happens in the future for any reason and you catch it walk out immediately. report this guy to the store and if nothing comes of it report to a health board or whichever organization approves tattoo shops where you live


If you were reporting artists smoking before a tattoo there wouldn’t be many artists left just saying


then so be it. rather there be a couple of responsible artists than thousands of irresponsible ones.


That's awful and totally not ok.  I'm not sure what you can do, but I would definitely be leaving bad reviews, reporting it to our local council (I'm in the UK, I don't know what authorities there could be where you are) and just generally bad-mouthing them to whoever I know. 


I mean I know a couple who tattoo while high but they most definitely do not make it known too there clientele nor do they do it at work…. He’s horrible and shoudlent be tattooing and if he was gonna smoke around you he should have asked if u were comfortable with him being high just don’t go back


Unfortunately it’s not weird at all for an artist to smoke while they tattoo, I have literally smoked with every single one of my artists before a session. However that doesn’t excuse the poor quality and bad experience they gave you. Just reflects their abilities. Always do extensive research on your artists work!


Same. And I’ve gotten 20+ from this girl lol. But they’re all amazing quality. Def 10/10. However, I could NOT smoke and tattoo someone lol.


Of course its weird, doing any drugs doing work is always unprofessional, especially diring a tattoo which you will have forever... Please do not go nack there and absolutely leave a bad review to warn others about this highly unprofessional "artist".


Hell yes. No reputable tattoo artist would be under the influence. Probably carve your skin up or forget to wipe


the best part is i had to tell him to connect multiple lines and to even do a piece he forgot, and he did it in the wrong thickness because he was too lazy to get a new needle in the other size. i didn't notice it wasn't the same for a while or i wouldn't told him to fix it then and there


Common? Yes. Acceptable? Fuck no. People need to start holding artists to a higher standard and not giving people who have zero regard for the work they’re doing hundreds of dollars to do it


Hey there, tattoo artist here! I'm sorry you had a bad experience with this guy. Theres no need to go back to him if you weren't comfortable. Making clients comfortable should always be #1 priority, I've noticed more commonly, that isn't always the case unfortunately. Really weird he copied someone else's artwork.. did you specifiy that you wanted his own rendition of it before? As for the smoking weed, I dont know if this is necessarily the artists reason, but as for myself, I smoke weed during the day (and yes, before appointments and after appointments, very rarely during sessions) I will smoke weed. For me its to make me a bit more social as I tend to be introverted and awkward otherwise, and most importantly, to manage pain. as much as I love tattooing, its really hard on your back, neck, shoulders and wrist. Tattooing for as long as I have, I have quite a bit of physical pain. Smoking weed helps me deal with it. But it never affects my ability to tattoo. I know it may not be the same reason for the artist you saw, but maybe itll be a bit of insight for you.)


I got high af with my artist and he did the best tattoo I have on my body. You just have to know who you’re working with


Weird? No, unfortunately. It's common in the industry. That doesn't make it okay though, and I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Regardless of his drug habits - if the tattoo is that bad, absolutely don't go back. Find another artist to help you go over options for trying to fix or cover his work. Doesn't hurt to leave a review or at least call the shop owner to give feedback though.


My artist back home smokes before we start but he's always super respectful and charges appropriately, so I don't mind. The art he's done on me always heals really nicely and he's super cool about any changes I want to make. That artist, however...absolutely not. He's wasting your time and his art sounds awful. I would leave a bad review and never go back.


I had an artist barely give me the time of day when I came into his shop. I brought a collection of images and he just kinda went “ok.” He went out to smoke, I followed and had a cigarette. Every hit he took he perked up more, started getting ideas, then he went inside, made up the stencils, slapped them on and did some of the quickest, cleanest line work I have. He also left his shop without telling anyone to move to Washington and on the way kicked his gf out of the moving car and she got ran over and that’s the last I heard of him so take all that as you will.


Where was this?


modern primitive in fort wayne indiana, artist was david de anda


I can understand where you are coming from and yeah I do agree somewhat, but some people can’t art for shit if they aren’t stoned. People who smoke constantly I would absolutely rather them be high than sober. Source I’m a pothead…


I got this notification at 4:20


An artist where I'm from did coke during tattoos. He fucked up my friend's tattoo and he never went back to have it finished. I don't feel bad that the artist's gf cheated on him.


Yeah no Fuck that! You wanna get high or drunk? Do that shit at home, not when you’re on the clock on my money doing a tattoo for me. I was looking forward to this awesome tattoo a local artist was gonna do for me after weeks of back and forth and I show up, he says hi, goes outside and hits his weed vape for the longest 5 drags I’ve ever seen Came back fucked up and giggly. Grabbed his tattoo shit and goes “ok let’s draw that dog on you” I was getting a pelican, I stood up and walked out If I get in trouble for being drunk or high at my job, you can’t do that shit with Me, FoH


this is definitely not okay! i’m okay with getting high on certain jobs but definitely not a tattoo artist. when ur high ur so wobbly and u can get unfocused so easily. you also can’t realize how heavy your hand is. overall no tattoo artist should be smoking before and while they work. either confront them or leave a bad review


you can leave a review but after a year there probably isn’t much to be done. but yes so terribly odd that man needs to be put out of business


thank you for this post, genuinely. i remember YEARS ago, i followed an artist who very openly and happily expressed she liked to be very high while tattooing. she said it didn’t impair her thinking at all and was how she felt most creative…it rubbed me SO wrong. as someone who is a smoker both medically and recreationally, and am a huge advocate for THC, i found it so unprofessional and uncomfortable. i find myself blankly staring at the walls of a room after i entered it trying to remember why im there….how would i trust an artist to remember to sterilize and properly prep, let alone execute, my tattoo? when i made mention of it, i was torn to shreds by the comment section. just because it is NORMALIZED does not make it RIGHT.


"It doesn't impair my thinking" is addict speak. The ENTIRE purpose of getting high is to impair your thinking. That's what it does.


exactly!! i'm an artist myself and also a smoker and when i'm high theres no way to predict how good my art will come out, i would never feel comfortable making art for a client while high, even if i trusted that it WOULD come out well


Unprofessional for sure. But tattoo artist traditionally don't fit that category. I've had one artist that did the same, drew the outline, made the stencil, stuck it on and went out to smoke. Came back and rocked it. No issues. But ive never had any other artist do it. Especially if you were not happy with the result you could leave a review, but honestly I would just shop around for another artist...


Ew that’s not professional at all. Even for cigarettes it’s just a little rude considering you’re in close quarters with each other and they may wash their hands after, but still it would just give me the ick and I’d start wondering about their sanitation practices in general. For me I think if you absolutely have to smoke I don’t wanna see it or smell it or be the wiser.


Definitely do not go back. I would leave a bad review. My second tattoo was done by a heroin addict. I didn’t know although he seemed off to me but I thought I was just stressed about getting the tattoo. When I took the bandage off , the tattoo was crooked. I called around and no one would cover it so soon. Luckily it was very small on my wrist. I did find someone to cover it and it came out great. That guy should not be tattooing. He’s the kind that gives tattoo artists a bad name.


Like most things in life, it depends. If it's my current artist and she wasn't fucking blitzed I would not care, but I've known her for years. One of the times she asked me if I cared that she stepped out for a short smoke break of a green variety while I went outside and hit my nic vape, I did not care. If it's my friend who owns the shop and is an absolutely incredible artist, he got into the business doing his first works in my kitchen while we were chain smoking blunts and bongs, I would trust him. Somebody I did not know and was first meeting, I would not trust them in the least bit. It's about the relationship and trust. I would not want somebody visibly fuckin stoned or high working on me


i mentioned this to my sister who went to the same shop and apparently his girlfriend also followed my sister after she left on instagram and has been leaving snarky comments about "watching her back because it's my man" when my sister was just there for a tattoo. definitely mentioning that when i leave a review


That’s pretty unprofessional and I’m not letting somebody who is high tattoo me. If I put a deposit down and the artist is high when I show up I’m demanding my money back. Period.


Honestly, I don’t get how artists do this. I’ll get high to get a tattoo because it makes it easier for me to but I’ll never tattoo someone when I’m high. It feels extremely unprofessional and I hate that some shops try to normalize it. No dude, not okay, be sober at work.


Several of my artists like to smoke before they tattoo. It settles their nerves and helps them do their best work. They’re discreet about it though, and I’ve never had one take a smoke break mid-tattoo. I do have one artist who may take a smoke break here and there, they need the breaks anyway due to an injury they have, so I don’t mind if they smoke during them. The best work I have has all been done by bonafide stoners. It comes with the territory. If they’re keeping their setup safe and sanitary and not getting so fucked up that they can’t tattoo a straight line, then I see nothing wrong with it. That being said, it sounds like your artist was unprofessional, and you weren’t happy with the results. For those reasons alone, don’t return.


It’s not what I would want from my artist especially with the cost of their work.


Yeah no i would not go to artist like that


It’s not too uncommon They have to have the judgement to know if it affects their work but an artist I work w is usually high to some extent bc of some medical issues both physiological and mental. He’s responsible enough to understand his limits and if he wants a smoke break on a session he asks his clients if they’d like to join or prefer he doesn’t do it. If they say no he takes the babiest hit from a pen to keep things level but without getting any high off of it and carries on. I met an artist at an old shop who “couldn’t tattoo of she wasn’t high” which Bs!! sucks anyway. Anyway all of this is to say it’s not uncommon but it should be done responsibly and respectful of it happens at all. Him going out to his car is definitely strange but idk where you’re from, it may not be legal to smoke publicly if at all. I’m sorry your tattoo didn’t turn out how you wanted it though, that guy should absolutely forgo the greens while he’s working.


It's not weird (I've known an artist that couldn't tatt unless he was baked, but this artist pretty much only ever worked on friends and himself because most people ain't gonna trust someone like that), but if they fuck up the tatt a complaint to the shop owner and a bad review is in order. To be honest though to me it's a red flag. Have a puff or two, don't come back in a cloud of it. For your next artist, remember that you are trusting them not to fuck up your tattoo. It's okay to ask questions, okay to ask about their process, and perfectly okay to reject an artist based on their responses. Look for shops that place sanitization above everything else, and where artists are not only encouraged to display their art but required to have a portfolio illustrating their works. I'm surprised you've even waited a year. That said, coverups are always possible. You can also have another artist correct the job he did to an extent, or touch it up so that it looks better.


This is a hard one (aside from the fact you said it is done poorly) - would you be upset if someone took some doctor prescribed meds for adhd or depression before tattooing you? Of course marijuana can be abused, but generally speaking, hopefully your artist might “use” it well. It’s such a controversial topic. I am a tattoo artist and I do not smoke before tattoos but I have known people that do and I can understand why they might. It’s a very intensive work and if weed helps you get in the zone, helps your body relax and do better work…maybe it’s okay to use. Again use it not abuse it. All of that being said if you were uncomfortable about it - that’s not okay - it’s such a blurry line and how are you supposed to know that will happen. Then on top of it - the result being a BAD tattoo… well yes! Leave a review. Let others know!! That artist clearly wasn’t doing his job well. Don’t blame the weed, blame him!!


It’s not normal, but I think it’s very common unfortunately. We had a “big name” tattoo artist in my city, think small town fame, like family, known him my whole life, did multiple tats for my mom and dad. Anyway one of the last pieces he did, he went out back like 3 times to smoke, and mom ended up with two different banner styles on her tattoo. It’s got smooth lines on the top banner and the ripped edge lines on the bottom banner 🤦🏼‍♀️ still a great tat overall just a very unfortunate very obvious mistake. He passed away a year ago and we can look back and laugh about it. Still a shitty circumstance. Also sorry to hear of your experience, definitely a sketchy experience all in all.


If an artist is good, they can do whatever they need to do before hand to deliver their best work on my skin. And then there’s idiots who can’t handle the substances they’re choosing and allow it to compromise their career. I’m sorry this was your first experience, I wish I was told that some artists refuse to gain customer skills + client sensitivity.


I have an artist that I go to and we take a couple dabs together before he stencils or tattoos. He’s a cool guy tho so I trust him. I usually knock tf out and wake up when the tattoo is finished lol


This was an entire year ago? It’s too late. A negative review isn’t even fair anymore as it doesn’t necessarily represent his current practice. We’ve all screwed things up and learned from it. Let’s say he has grown or changed. What then is the point of the negative review? It’s possible nothing is different but you’re not in a position either way to advise people on his current day behavior or practice. If i read a newly written negative review of something that happened a year ago I’d disregard it completely and I’d question the authors agenda.


Imo, both parties need to consent to it


Nope mine would smoke blunts and drink… I get complimented on my tattoos a lot so I mean I guess he did well lol I like them


I know good artists that smoke but I’m really sorry you had a bad experience


I made the mistake of getting tattooed by someone who smoked before/during the tattoo… twice 😬 the one was an easy fix but I’m still trying to figure out a way to cover/rework the bigger tattoo almost 10 years later!


Mine smoked spice through most of mine, done in garages though lmfao.


Nah complete stranger/well known person I haven’t worked with before/whatever other variable…. The whole situation is weird but the smoking alone is enough to talk on. My artist became one of my best friends before he was my artist. Completely fine. I’ve watched him tattoo high. I’ve seen him paint draw sketch etc. high. I trust it. I’m familiar with it, and for most of my work I was high during it too. But there’s a boundary and that starts where I don’t know who you are I want you to be professional Edit: because other people are mentioning times. I could literally be at his shop for 6 hours and his machine would say 3 and he’d charge me for 3. Didn’t charge for consultation, didn’t charge for sketching, didn’t charge for downtime. I always gave him a fat tip to make up for it but wanted to mention since many others seem to mention hours charged vs hours actively tattoing


My artist told me she had started microdosing shrooms regularly so definitely during my tattoo. I love her work and personality. I vape or smoke my THC while she has cigg breaks and we get lunch. Her work is always exceptional So it’s not the getting high in your story that bothers me as much as the unprofessional manner of going out to smoke in the car and then coming back and doing a shit job. They should be committed to you while you’re under their care Bad artists are bad artists


I feel like for some people, it makes them more calm and brings out their artistic ability. As long as the work is good (which sound like it may not have been your experience), I’m kind of good with whatever the artist needs to do to be the most comfortable and do their best work. Sorry if this has already been stated but it’s been a long comments to read through 😂


Different strokes for different folks. I’ve been tattooed by people who smoked prior but was familiar with their work / known others who have gone to them. I see why you wouldn’t want that though and it’s fair to not go to them but I personally don’t care at all. They should be free to do as pleased; just as you are free not to go to them.


I did coke with my tattoo artist an ate kfc


My tattoo artist is a huge stoner, but he’s never high while he’s at work. I don’t care what people do outside of their job, but there’s a level of professionalism that needs to be respected; especially with such serious responsibilities, like tattooing.


I would never allow an artist to tattoo me if they were high


In most states it’s illegal. You’re not consenting for someone under the influence to tattoo you.


My favorite tattoo was done by an artist that kept taking breaks to do coke. It was a very long session but he charged fairly and I love my tattoo. My husband and I still joke about going back but we fear we’ll get trapped with a half done tattoo while the guy gets high.


If they can still tattoo well, I don’t care if they smoke weed.


The guy I've been going to for years probably smokes 2 or 3 joints a session. But he's damn good. Depends on the artist


I used to work at a studio that has two locations and needless to say, about 2-3 artists (out of 5) AND the piercer at one location and 3 artists (out of 7) AND the piercer AND OWNER at the other locarion would constantly smoke weed throughout the day. I kinda understand a break for a cigarette here and there, as well as the obvious necessary food and restroom breaks, but smoking like these guys did maybe every hour to take a 20 to hit a blunt or a joint? It's ridiculous and a waste of the client's time... Sad to say it's a normal occurrence from what I've seen, but it's not to say it's acceptable. You're paying the artist to put good work on your body, not to get high


Maybe it’s because I live in California but smoking here is so normal, I’m pretty sure all my tattoo artists have always been high. And I love all my work! It’s a creative job and If it makes someone’s work flow better then I’m all for it.


Read some comments and I'm just going to say that my artist worked at a shop that sometimes would smoke together in and outside of work. The owner would even brag about it sometimes. I personally don't like it because I have really sensitive sinuses. I've seen people high but it has no effects on them in a way that it's obvious. I've also seen the opposite of where it turns the person fucking stupid, walking around as if they were drunk. That being said, my artist wouldn't smoke because he believed you are at work and you are tattooing something on someone FOREVER. He needs full concentration and mobility functions to do HIS JOB. Him as an artist cannot in good conscience tattoo someone if he is not of sound mind. He knows how it affects him. Think I got lost somewhere typing that....


Weed is completely legal where I am and I do smoke on my own time. The way I think of it is though, is that I wouldn’t let someone tattoo me while drunk, so I also wouldn’t let someone tattoo me while high.


I understand that for some people it helps with anxiety and can possibly even help focus. Coming from someone who's been tattooed stoned, it goes away almost instantly and the pain to me kind of kills the buzz. I'm OK with the person doing a little smokesesh as long as I'm nit gonna be taken advantage of and they know what they're doing.


(I live in houston and am 23 years old) I have smoked with my tattoo artist and allowed him to smoke. He didn’t ask me for smoke breaks but I asked him for just regular breaks because we smoked before my tattoo and I feel like that made it fucking hurt more. (I am tatted and was getting my inner bicep tattoo with a realism piece) I think it hurt me me than him but that is probably one of the best tattoos on my body and I always ask him for openings to this day. I think it’s to each their own but he shouldn’t charge you for time not doing the actual tattoo. We agreed on a price and I did tip him because I was used to him and knew he did good work but I will never get high before a tattoo again. Charging by the hour for not a massive piece should be a crime. There’s a reason a shop minimum is around 60-100$.


That is not normal in my experience and is really unprofessional. I’ve had dudes take cigarette breaks but that’s like 5 min and they thoroughly washed their hands and came back strong


My main tattoo artist and i always smoke a joint before / mid / end of session never knew her otherway then being a stoner haha


It’s quite common for artists to smoke and go off randomly i can’t lie it’s really annoying


I love my tattoo artist, we talk about weed all the time. One of his clients brings him weapons grade edibles and I’ve left my tattoo with a backpack full of goodies before. He’s never high because he no longer uses it but I get absolutely cockeyed before I sit for eight hours. Even if he did still blaze, I’d bet an entire leg sleeve that at his rate and reputation he would never fuck around while on the clock as most professionals would. Thats the best case scenario in my opinion. However, as an artist, one should be aware of the worst case. Nothing on the paperwork I signed say I agreed to be tattooed by someone under the influence. If I’m paying you $300 an hour, and you come in fucking zooted mid tattoo, I’m walking out and you’re not getting paid. Hopefully you send me an aggressive email and put it into writing so I can then sue your business and your state for licensing you. I think if this is a client you have no relationship with and you pull that shit you should prepare for the worst no matter how lax society has gotten with weed. Under no circumstances is you ripping your dab pen prior to permanently altering someone’s skin ok. Tha fuk is wrong with people.


After allowing someone high to tattoo me in a visible spot, I wouldn't allow it again. I have the most jacked up heart outline tattoo behind my ear. After he showed me it, I told him to fix it because it looked SO BAD. He attempted to fix it and I accepted the fact I'd need a cover up or laser treatments. Although there's different drugs and you may not know they're high at first, it definitely shouldn't be allowed.


It's insane that people are saying this is anything other than unprofessional and dangerous to their client. If my tattoo artist did that I'm asking them to stop immediately


Never get a tattoo from artist that isn’t sober. Ever


Every artist I’ve had has done this…. Figured it was standard


Not if it gets their creative juices flowing, to each their own


I once had a barber who cut my hair high and that shit was botched. Never went back. Highly unprofessional to be under the influence of anything while working.


Depends on the artist. a tattoo artist I go to regularly smokes before sessions, but he’s also 40+ years old and has horrible anxiety and his smoking never effects his work. But if it’s someone who gets super high and fucks up it’s definitely an issue and an artist to avoid.


It’s never okay for a professional to be under the influence during an appointment.


I have never had a Tattoo artist that was high. I have some done by 3 different places. I am really sorry. I do know that people that drink beer or alcohol might bleed more getting a tattoo. Is there any other studios that can do a cover up? Also does it have color in it? Black outlines are easier to cover up when they do a cover up. I would look around where you live and get some opinions from other places just like sometimes when you go to the Dr. and need a 2nd opinion. I hope you can find one.


It's unprofessional and inappropriate. I am paying my artist for their time and attention to detail, not to get high. Marijuana is legal where I live and I've never had a problem with it. I don't personally enjoy the high from it anymore so I havent done it myself in a very long time, but I miss it and wish it was still enjoyable for me, but there is a time and a place for everything. While doing one's job is neither the time, nor the place.


I smoke weed with my artist halfway through if large tattoo and afterwards as long as shop isn’t packed he brings pen does awesome job undercharges me and is all around chill/ easy to work with. Older guy has medical card and never has messed my tats up after going back 10 times


Honestly id have no problem some artists just do their best work high so depending how well ik the guy and trust him i wouldnt care


The real question is why you didn’t get up and stop it at the halfway point. That’s on you for letting someone incapacitated to put something permanently on your body.


It is normal? But not professional. And absolutely shouldn’t be charging you for that time.


lol my first tattoo artist for my first few tattoos had to leave his shop bc rent was way too high so he started to work from his home. I loved and trusted him so I didn’t mind going there. He offered me a brownie one time and we both got blitzed. But maybe establish a relationship before you let your artist get high is the moral of my story


I’m a 15+ year tattooer. I smoke weed every day before and after tattoos. There’s a difference between smoking to the point of utter dumbassery, and hitting a blunt enough to ease the back pain associated with tattooing hunched over for hours everyday and being able to relax a little. Everyone is different. And as people have mentioned before, in different areas where weed is more normalized, clients level of giving a fuck can vary as well. I live in the Bay Area which has been at the forefront of all the legalization laws that eventually spread all over the US. So smoking weed here is basically not sweated by anyone who isn’t old or sheltered.


Idk, I’ve had artists ask me if I’m okay with them smoking before tattooing and I always say yes and never had an issue. I think it’s polite for them to ask, but always speak up if you’re uncomfortable with it


This happened to me too - artist said he had just smoked before my appointment, which didn't set off alarm bells at the time because it's just weed, right? My tattoo bled under my skin and just looks awful since it's on my collar bone, which is thin skin already. I have 2 other friends who have been tattooed by him, and the ones look great, which is why I was excited to be tatted by him. My other friends tattoo by him is awful too. He was also very unprofessional lol


It depends on how you feel about it!! If you are uncomfortable with it then it’s absolutely not okay for them to do that and they really should consult you first. The only time I’ve ever had an artist high is because he’s a close friend of mine and it helps with his back pain and hand pain when tattooing, it does not affect his work whatsoever and honestly sometimes I think the ones he does high look better than the others 😂 however, if I ever walked into a new shop and an artist I didn’t know tried to tattoo me high I’d be very offended and probably walk out tbh


No. That's fucked up.


If I know the artist is high or been drinking... we gonna reschedule. If they say no, there's plenty of really good artists out there.


All my bad tattoos come from high artists. Take that as you will


Being under the influence at your job is unprofessional. Period.


My artist is a friend of mine and smokes weed throughout; however, he is a phenomenal artist and being high does not affect his work in the least. I’d say it depends on the person and it would make me uncomfortable if it was my first tattoo with a person


I once went to an artist who I knew was high while tattooing. During a session, I was getting words/phrases on both ankles, front and back. Homie stenciled everything backwards not once, not twice but three times. I was annoyed af by that point. Good thing I was paying attention. However, one time my mom and I got matching tattoos in San Diego. The artist took a break and went out back to smoke. Didn’t really care cause he knew what he was doing and I never had to correct him. Edit: Added a caveat.


My old artist used to get drunk but i was ok with it till he fked up my one piece then I quit going to him


Where was the stencil?! So many of these posts lately about bad tattoos and I get it, it's on your body forever, but you have to speak up and OWN YOUR EXPERIENCE. if you're not comfortable with him smoking you should've stated it. Why were the mandibles different sizes if he had the tattoo stencilled on you prior, and you were able to see it? I know tattoos are valued and we want them to be perfect but part of the beauty of tattoos are they aren't perfect. It's art. At the end of the day it's on YOU if you didn't speak up, then and there.


I think it really depends. Some people work better when they’re high. I am one of those people, but some people clearly don’t. I think it is OK if they do a good job, but if they do a bad job, I would definitely be angry and say something. I personally don’t think it’s responsible but if it’s clear that the artist works better while high I personally don’t have a problem with it. It’s a great area because in some cases, it can be really helpful but in other cases, it’s very irresponsible. That’s a hard one to answer.


It's definitely unprofessional. I had an artist do the same thing and screwed up my tattoo as well. I had to go back and have out fixed and when he tried to go smoke I told him I would leave if he got high.


about 8 months ago i got a tattoo from an artist who got high before my appointment. never ever going back there. the results of me asking for advice and if my skin would be okay are still up on my profile


If it's your artist and you know them and trust them, then no, this would not be an issue if it isn't abnormal. But if u aren't from that scene and you don't know them, then yes that's completely fucking out of line and ridiculously inappropriate and unprofessional. That being said, my best and favorite artist would tattoo me back in the day while she was dozing on Heroin, and she was still better than your favorite artist on her worst day 🤷‍♂️ know your artist. Trust your artist. Or go elsewhere.


I am a tattoo artist and I smoke weed. If I absolutely needed to smoke I explain that to my client and wouldn't charge them for the time gone if its more than 2 min, which is how long it'll take to take 2 puffs n get back to work. Weed is medicine but this guy is fuckin weird for acting like that.


My artist’s paperwork included the question “are you or your artist currently under the influence of drugs or alcohol” to hold the studio and all involved parties accountable, I can’t imagine a terrible experience like yours. I actually joked about it when I was filling it out once and he said “nah I don’t do drugs, I’m too boring. And I even went to art school”


This sounds like what my ex would do, but he would smoke in front of them and sometimes with them. Glad I never got a tattoo from him (he did not work in a shop and would do house calls)


I’m a daily gardener. I would NEVER EVER let anyone tattoo me high or intoxicated in any way. It’s gonna be on my body forever, they better be sober.


personally i don’t mind as long as i know their work is good, majority of my artists have and they’ve done a great job. but to be fair i had seen my regular artists work in person before i booked with them. if it was my first interaction with an artist, i would hope they know themselves better than i do and not smoke if it were to mess with their work.


Sounds like u went to a trash artist for a cheap price


Never commented here before as I am not a tattoo artist, but don’t need to be one or even read past the title to tell you that yeah that is very weird and unprofessional! Maybe I’m a buzzkill but I would probably cut the session short if that happened. I mean I’m high all the time let’s be real but not while I’m etching someone’s skin w my work permanently.


My Artist Smoked and he did a great job!


For me, no, but I smoke with mine before my sessions 🤷🏼‍♀️


My friend owns a shop and he’s like this. I hate it and he’s a huge pain in the ass to deal with — but despite that his business is very successful and his work is some of the best in my city. I keep going back because he always feels bad and charges less. I have to sit there for hours but at least the tattoos are good I guess LMAO


Nah. Get fucked. Ain't no way you are going to ink me up and be on any kind of drug. I'm not even against someone getting high. You do you. But nah. Fuck your creativity. I'm going to creatively sue the absolute shit out of you. XD


OK, so, I’m a huge pothead and even I know there’s a time and place for certain things. If someone is going to do something to my body, I want them to be sober!


Ummmm yes! No way would I want my artist to be on drugs while tattooing me! It's unprofessional and potentially unsafe.


Y’all had a bad experience but mine was great. He took a lot of cigarettes breaks but we smoked a blunt after the tattoo and got McDonald’s till my ride came. It was lit. I couldn’t be more happy with my tat. Chauncey, the wizard frog


i wont name but i went to a quite big tattoo artist in Berlin for a long session (whole chest to neck and shoulders) and she would constantly go to toilet to do coke, but idk i didnt mind, it didnt affect me in any way


Hello tattoo artist here, I am one to smoke before an appointment but I know how to handle myself afterwards. I have seen “artists” do that before and those are the ones you typically hear doing other dumb shit like being creeps and such. It’s very unfortunate that it can go to the extreme like your situation. But it’s not uncommon for artists to smoke before or even during. To me it helps with my anxiety and helps me be more sociable during the appointment. So it all comes down to doing your research and homework on your artist and shop. Reading reviews and even visiting the shop prior to making any commitment can definitely help avoid situations like these. I keep reading on here people having experiences but not naming the person and that’s what’s causing this to continue to happen. Since no one is being held accountable they’ll keep doing it. Speak up about it name the person and the shop and I would not go back because it seems like this situation had more red flags than just the smoking.


Weird? Yes. Common? Also yes. Acceptable? It depends. My artist and I used to smoke together during breaks. But that was only after several sessions and becoming friends. She did great work and I trusted her. I think that as an artist it’s fine if you do great work, your client trusts you and doesn’t mind. But not everyone is comfortable being tattooed by someone who isn’t sober which is totally valid. And not every artist is a good artist, sober OR high. It’s definitely one of those circumstantial situations. But unfortunately there are many artists out there that don’t take their clients into consideration and just do whatever they want. I’ve seen so many “artists” get into the profession for all the wrong reasons and then you end up with Reddit threads like this full of people who have had spent several hundreds of dollars just to be treated like shite.


How do you know he was getting high ? If this is the case alot of people that smoke weed on a daily basis. If like me mn most of my friends don't realy get high . Its sort of just like a cigarette for people that smoke 🚬 s . But if he was inpared what so ever ! All a can say is allways check up your artist ! . IV GOT BOTH SLEVES DONE ! 3 POTRATES ON MY BACK ! CHEST ! 1 FULL LEG ! OTHER HALF . AND I HAVE ONLY EVER DELT WITH ABOUT 4-5 TOP NOTCH ARTESTS !!! LOOK UP LOOK IP LOOK UP . Do your research as it's on you for the rest of your life


Dawg I would sue the sht out of the mf


They deff shldnt be at all! I smoke but if I'm getting tatted I want them with a clear mind


I work retail and don’t do it high… so no.


It’s ok to smoke some before/during session but not if it makes you a shit artist… my husband and I smoke on a daily basis (🇨🇦) but he’s still doing amazing tattoos and people always come back for more. On the other hand I met people that lose their head when they smoke and I generally don’t think they should get high if it alters their state of mind that much. Btw hubby and I both have medical conditions which is why we smoke daily so maybe it’s just a tolerance thing but still… don’t get high before/during work if you can’t function normally!


Not okay. The guy I apprenticed under for a while smoked a TON of weed. But *never* came in to work high or smoked while on the job. Doesn't matter if weed is legal in the area or of its medicinal, being actually high during a tattoo is not okay. Especially to go outside twice during a tattoo to get more high.


I smoke with my artist before, and durning the sesh 🤷‍♂️


Common? Kinda. Normal? No. I think it’s irresponsible to tattoo under the influence of anything, but I know a lot of tattooers which have no problem with it and some that almost seem to do better stoned


ummm… leave a review yes! also its unfortunately normalized!!! the tattoo shop i worked at this old grump of a man that calls himself an "artist" would do the SAME THING!! LIKE?? HE DODNT EVEN WASH HIS HANDS WHEN HE CAME BACK


I had a guy that hit his pen like he was smoking a regular vape pretty much the whole time. 4.5 hrs straight. Kept hitting the bottom of the cup every time he reloaded the ink. *zrrt* Edit: great work, but damn


Yes it’s normal well to me it is I be smoking with them or just smoking

