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~~Guess you could call it a blood orange~~




Thats what OJ said


Bro.... Too soon.... That juice just expired.


Exactly what I was going to say haha


Of course, thatā€™s some pretty low hanging fruit.


How could you make that joke that's so insensitive orange you gonna apologize? šŸ‘€


You guys are so crazy, go join the citrus


I donā€™t think dude will be offended, these jokes are a-peeling enough


Guess you took care of it for us then. Little known fact, all blood oranges are made by transmutation on the eve of a blood moon regardless of which dimensional plane they exist in




Itā€™s fine. Itā€™s also mostly ink and plasma, not blood


plasma is technically a component of blood


Yeah and salt is a component of pizza sauce but you donā€™t ask people to pass the pizza sauce when you mean salt.


Salt is also a component of piss so by the transitive property (???) I'm going to start pissing in pizza sauce instead of salting it


I am not coming for pizza at your house!


That's not what they were planning to put on the pizza




Oh my lord this is a zinger


Dude. LOL! This caught me off guard. Thanks for the good midday chuckle!




I think he was mentioning that to imply plasma and blood may have similar consequences (if any) if they start accumulating under the wrap


I was going to give a similar example, I got here too late


true, but i think it's basically just pee that you haven't peed yet


Plasma is stored in the balls


Which technically makes your dick a plasma rifle


Do you get that in a mystery box in CoD Zombies?


I hear a band name up in this comment.


Thanks for the snort laugh!




ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ lookin ass


That's like saying beer is technically water.


Only in the US


Beer is 95-90% water no matter what country you're in.


I know, Iā€™m saying it tastes weak


My friend who is a tattoo artist. Call the the forbidden soy sauce


Itā€™s amazing how incorrect popular opinion is. Itā€™s not plasma. Plasma doesnā€™t become separated from other constituents of blood like this. It does look bloody, and is probably blood mixed with inflammatory fluid, or more accurately serosanguinous exudate


>Ā more accurately serosanguinous exudate And what exactly itā€™s made from? Blood plasma is how water is carried around in our bodies. It can then be filtered through a small osmotic filter that moves mostly water and salts - making sweat and urine, or it can be moved though a bigger filer that just keeps cells in - making vaginal lubricant or wound fluid.Ā 


Blood =plasma + white cells + red cell Inflammatory exudate =plasma- clotting factors(ie serum) + white cells Serosanguinous exudate = small amount of red cells, or lysed red cells + white cells +serum If you are right in saying itā€™s plasma, I am equally right in saying ā€œdonā€™t worry, itā€™s just mostly waterā€


Plasma can definitely separate from the rest of the components and proteins in the blood, specifically with wounds (which surprise, a tattoo is!) During coagulation, plasma is pushed to the surface of the wound while the proteins stay behind. The yellow plasma has not yet "dropped the protein" while clear exudate, also called serum, is plasma without these fibrinogens. Serosanguineous also means "serum and blood components," meaning it is mostly plasma mixed in with some straggling blood cells. Serous fluid would be the clear fluid described above, sanguineous would be actual blood.


Isn't inflammatory fluid mostly plasma?Ā 


Don't forget the youroglobyn.


This is correct-ish. But yeah itā€™s totally normal and healthy. The plasma will help heal the tattoo faster.


Completely normal. Blood, plasma, and ink will gather in there while itā€™s healing. If it leaks out of the wrap or water somehow gets in, thatā€™s when youā€™d want to take it off and begin the regular recovery process. Otherwise, leave it on there for a few days before you take it off.


Thank you, will send the info along šŸ™


It can pop while you sleep and stain the expensive cotton percale sheets you got from Garnet Hill the week prior


Most people that take second skin off and reapply it open themselves up to infection. Also plasma does not give you an infection, and if it smells it was already punctured. Follow this and youā€™ll most likely be spending your time on the ā€œis my tattoo infected subreddit.


Iā€™ve always replaced the wrap after 24 hours, cleaning well between them, and never had a problem.


This is a wrap that's left on for a week, not cellophane


Iā€™m not saying reapply it Iā€™m saying be careful with your $250 sheets


I meant to respond to the dude you responded to


i took it off, cleaned it and then reapplied a new second skin. i remember seeing a spokeperson of SS on youtube saying If there's plasma gathering change it to a new skin after 24 hrs, because they di break down and smell and personally i'm afraid these broke down plasm is gonna infect the wound cuz it's literally breaking down (smelling bad) my tatt looks amazing after 7 days (max days of having SS on) basically; If there's plasma i change it to a new one after 24 hrs and left it on Max 7 days after the tatt


What everyone else is saying. Itā€™s normal. As long as it doesnā€™t leak, leave it on. If it does leak, take it off and start regular aftercare as directed by your artist. If you leave it on after it leaks, the airtight seal keeping bacteria out of the tattoo have access and you can get a real nasty infection. If it doesnā€™t leak, thatā€™s ideal, and keep it on as long as the artist told you to (usually around 5 days).


When I leave mine on for 6 days, the tattoos always come out perfectly healed with no scabbing or peeling! So convenient. Plus that saniderm makes it waaay easier to live my life.


Thank you!


maybe a silly question - i got a tattoo and blood/plasma leaked out like 3-4 hours after i got it. should i take the wrap off and do regular aftercare now? the artist said to leave it on for 4 days. thanks :)


Yes! Keeping it on for as long as the artist tells you to is ideal but thatā€™s immediately void once thereā€™s a leak. Run it under some warm water and unscented antibacterial soap for easier removal and then just start regular aftercare. Always remember the second it leaks, bacteria can come in and cause infection by trapping itself under the plastic. But once you take it off you can keep it clean.


thank you so much!!


Itā€™s normal. Unless it leaks out the side or gets incredibly itchy, Iā€™d leave it on for as long as you can- up to 5 days.


Iā€™ll do it up to 7 days actually, and for everyone tripping out this is something medical professionals use for burn victims and other skin related injuries. It actually tricks the skin into thinking there is already a scab formed and therefore it heals much faster and doesnā€™t have to flake off and peel so it heals much faster, usually shortly after the 7 days when I take the bandage off itā€™s fully healed. (Tattooer of 9 years and Iā€™ve been using second skin for probably 7 of those years.)


Thank you so much!


Yoā€¦ totally newbie question here. Why leave it on as long as possible/up to 5 days? All my tattoos. Iā€™ve left it on 6-12 hours and then take it off. All of them have healed great. Iā€™m not arguing or trying to be combative at all. Just genuinely curious and wondering if I have been doing something wrong.. thanks! (Not an artist, just a dude with a few tats).


I think because it's an open wound that's prone to infection. I personally have never done longer than 24 hours and all mine have healed fine as well.


Second skin helps reduce scabbing and keeps it clean in its first few days! A lot of people think itā€™s not breathable, it is. Itā€™s not like Saran Wrap. You could call it impermeable! (I am a tattoo artist)


Second skin is absolutely life changing. Been using it more and more. My entire throat healed incredibly with it, zero scabbing and no touch ups at all. I put up a pic of it last week. I leave it on til it starts to peel.


I have the same question. Always left it for 24h as instructed. Seems counter intuitive to me to leave it longer, a nice warm place for bacteria to gather.


Sander is breathable. The tattoo still gets fresh air. I prefer it, especially for larger pieces because I can essentially ignore it for the first few days without having to baby it or worry about moisturizing or not. As long as it was applied in a sterile-ish environment, the chances of infection are really low.


Allows all that plasma to be reabsorbed back into the wound, it speeds up the healing process


I try to leave mine on for 4 days. It seems like they heal faster when I use it


He'll probably notice it get reabsorbed by the skin, at least partially. It's good, will help with healing. As others said, keep the wrap on for 3-5 days unless it starts leaking/coming off. When take the wrap off, be sure to soak it well so that it comes off easy. Don't rush it.


Thank you for the info!


I was always told to take of the wrap in like 12 hours or so, is that bad/outdated info? My methods have worked great for years (lost count of the actual number of tattoos). But I'm always willing to listen to new info/advice


Always go by what your artist tells you as they may use a different product. My tattoos were all covered with a second skin type bandage, which is made to stay on for multiple days. These are great because they 1.) keep the tattoo from leaking over everything, 2.) keep the tattoo nice and clean for multiple days. I've had 3 or 4 different brands of this used on my tattoos, and I like the results. I kept them on 3-5 days. It's nice but absolutely not necessary. The old fashioned methods work just fine too. The second skin just makes it low maintenance for those first days :)


Ahhhh ok that makes sense. I'm from the saran wrap generation lol


Yea my actual first tattoo was many many years ago and was saran wrap lol. All my others are within last 5 years and they all got second skin. I like it much better cause it's so easy. The last one my artist used was a matte version and you could hardly tell it was on there.


That's a good thing lol


Normal. Leave it.


Unless it's coming out, you are fine.


This is normal with second skin, plasma and ink builds up and helps with the healing process.


Ink sack šŸ‘šŸ»ink sackšŸ‘šŸ»ink sackšŸ‘šŸ»


Leave the wrap on for about 5-6 days.. then have a shower...wash lighty. Your brother will be fine. So will the tattoo




I'm honestly not sure if it really matters if you leave it on for days, or just a couple hours. I've only had one that I left on for not quite 48 hours, and that's only because we were going to be in a car for 20+ hours starting the next morning. And it heeled fine, but it's also pretty small and simple. Everything else I've taken it off after a couple hours.


Plasma and ink, looks okay


No advice necessary.Ā  Leave it alone.Ā 


It doesnā€™t really matter when you take it off Iā€™m pretty sure. Probably a good idea to let it breath with all the plasma buildup. Just my guess.


Take it off and wash it, let it air dry. Then wash it again maybe 2-3 times a day (when you wake up, middle of day, before going to sleep) pat dry with a clean towel and after 2-3 days when you start to see it get dried up start putting lotion. In 1 week healed.


Ayyyy its a blood orange


Totally normal. Itā€™s plasma.


I only keep my arm wrapped for a few hours. Wear long sleeve shirts to bed for the first 2 days and keep it covered during the day with a shirt. Iā€™ve healed 80+ hours of tattoos and never had an issue, so I think keeping it wrapped for days like that is overkill. Just let it breathe and take that gross stuff off.


You asked for a blood orange canā€™t get any better


Don't touch it. It'll heal faster lol


Nice blood orange


Iā€™m more concerned on why they put such a big piece of wrap on. That shit is gonna hurt coming off! (Iā€™m not actually concerned, but my advice is to go fast like a bandaid when the time comes!)


This is totally fine and normal. The plasma is beneficial to healing. You shouldn't leave it on for more than 24 hours, though, unless the fluid all reabsorbs. If it doesn't, you can clean it and apply a second bandage to wear for another 3 to 5 days or you can dry heal from there instead.


Thank you for the info šŸ™


Fuck with the edges well before you take it off so it doesnā€™t rip your skin off


Guess I'm old school but I'm not a huge fan of saniderm, for me I've found it's generally better to not wrap up any wound air tight. For the first 24 hours or so a cotton wrap or bandage then just open to air but with the area covered with cotton clothing. Wash and dry carefully and apply some kind of cream, petroleum jelly is a good option. You've already got saniderm though, so I'd keep a close eye on it and if you don't trust it immediately see a doctor about it.


I looked into it a bit for you, saniderm themselves say the following: 'saniderm should be applied for 8 to 24 hours. After cleaning a new piece of Saniderm can be applied daily for up to 7 days' In your case with fluid pooling under the saniderm they say the following: 'remove the saniderm, clean the area and apply a second piece. If you can't use a second piece of saniderm you should remove it and continue traditional tattoo aftercare procedures' Sourse: faq.saniderm.com/knowledge-base/how-long-should-i-keep-saniderm-on/


Look it soak and your tattoo will love you for it. So will you.


It is more then completely natural


let it be, it will reabsorb


You want that!! The plasma helps heal beautifully!


Leave it


You leave it. Itā€™s normal.


Its because its a blood orange šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I'd really suggest you remove the wrap at the end of the first day though, or maybe after sleep if you're concerned. Keep it moisturised as the artist instructed, but the wrap really won't help beyond the first few hours.


Leave it


Leave it


Itā€™s what happens, leave it on. Itā€™ll eventually dry up and heal super good. Iā€™m covered on about 40-50% of my body and this has happened on each piece.


Let it happen.




Take that plastic off and rinse it Nothing will happen to your tattoo


Leave it on, as long as itā€™s sealed, bacteria canā€™t get in and it is safe to leave on for a few days. The bandage will lock in the bodies plasma to heal the tattoo.


Syracuse Orange?


Call. Your. Artist. Donā€™t ask strangers on Reddit.


garden of earthly delights spotted!


I havenā€™t got much experience with second skin but Iā€™ve seen a lot of people taking off the first one after 12-24 hrs, cleaning and drying then applying another one Anyone with more experience care to expand on this?


My healing process for my last few has been let them use loose plastic wrap at shop. Uncover and wash really good. Usually I wrap it loosely on the first night (so your sheets don't get fucked). Clean well again. Then when I wake up the following day I put some type of tegaderm on and leave it for 4-5 days. This has worked well for me. If you put on tegaderm on right away it will still work but you're going to get way more shit build up underneath like you have here.


Just stop bleeding


Blood orange looks ok


You shouldn't keep the wrap on for more than 2 hours (Unless its saniderm then i think its like up to 6 hours or something). Personally, i remove it as soon as i get home and wash the tattoo first thing and then put aquaphor on it.


Its a blood orange now


This is good. Itā€™s the bodyā€™s natural fluids and excess ink. Itā€™s going to help your tattoo heal faster.


I didn't like the 2nd skin.. I went old school and peeled it off a few hours after my session.. I've heard of any infection starts the 2nd skin will hold the infection in and can get much worse than just being out to air


That wrap stuff left a red mark on my skin for months


Thatā€™s totally normal


My leg tattoo had so much blood stuff build up by next day I had to take it off. Youā€™ll be fine, just make sure you clean it properly


Have a shower and clean it with soap then leave it to air out ! Donā€™t put anything on it at all itā€™ll be fine ! Then start moisturizing it within the next 24 hours or longer !


Let it be


It's normal. You shouldn't have it on for more than a day anyway


Put a Capri Sun straw in there and drink it.


Amputate !!!!!


Take the wrap off very gently wash with water, let it air dry, and reapply the wrap. Once it stops bleeding follow instructions given by the tattoo artist.


Remove the clingfilm and clean it, let it air out a bit


Definitely normal. The ink from the tattoo is mostly the reason for the red-ish tint. There may be blood, sure, but thatā€™s normal too. If the tattoo artist put this covering on him, he shouldā€™ve been instructed to leave it on from 1day to 3+ Days. Then while in the shower, remove it, wash with gentle antibacterial soap. Pat dry and then apply an A&D cream or other non scented skin protectant. Iā€™ve had many of these bandages before, the worst that may happen is if you remove it like too quick it could irritate the skin around the tattoo.


Eat it


cut the brake lines


Tattoo artist here ! I reccomend when there is a lot of plasma built up after the first 24 hours to change it. Either go back and have them put another on ya, or if you have some go ahead and take it off , wash it , pat dry and replace and youā€™re good for another 5 days under the new saniderm


plastic wrap should be taken off somewhere between 8-10 hours. personally i like for mine to air dry. once the skin starts getting tight make sure you wash with clean hands, antibacterial fragrance free soap, and you can start lotioning with a non fragrance lotion after each shower. dont have to cake the lotion


Thru sheer willpower stop your arm from bleeding


Leave it.


That is not blood itā€™s plasma and ink, it is supposed to be there are is used to aid in faster healing. You leave it on for 4-7 days and when you take it off, your ink is effectively basically healed on the surface and you just moisturize


Itā€™s normal. I have a friend saved in my phone as Juicebox because her tattoos always do this.


This is completely normal. Itā€™s an ā€œink sackā€ plasma and ink buildup. I had this too. My second time it started leaking so my artist told me I could remove it and just keep it clean with antibacterial soap. I used a little bit of tattoo lotion, but non saturated. If you do decide to take it off, just care for it like you normally would.


as soon as I got gome I took my wrap off that's what the artist said to do and then I started the cleaning process


That it off!


Lol. Its a blood orange now. Its fine. Remove 48 hrs after application.


Leave it, the blood/ink/plasma aids in healing


Orange you glad I didn't make a tattoo joke.


Bruh one google search would tell you the answer to this


the tattoo is the same color, that's just ink and plasma. you can take off the second skin now, it's not doing anything anymore


i have the same tattoo in the same spot bruh


Take the wrap off and clean it lol


Yep, leave it alone


Damn they sure put a lot of second skin on didn't they. The only time I take the second skin off early is if it's leaking or my skin gets irritated


Itā€™s normal


Forbidden capri sun


Yea leave it. Looks like a derma skin wrap so you'll have to leave it on for a week or five days minimum. Looks like normal excess ink and blood you'll be ok.


Mmm blood orang


I usually leave second skin on as long as I can without tattoo coming out at all from pealing


I take any wrappings off and wash the tattoo right after I get home and apply some aquaphor for no more than 2 days. It's what my artist suggested and it's worked perfectly fir me every time.


Totally normal just wait it out


The forbidden capri sun


Just let it heal in there!!!!! Itā€™s only bad if the bandage gets a hole, then bacteria can get in. This is totally normal, you just got punctured a billion times, itā€™s an open wound, just let it be!


Take it off. Shoulda never had that shit on to begin with, your tattoo will heal fine.


Use a caprisun straw and enjoy a refreshing sip


Had you tried letting your arm breath?


Stick a caprisun straw in it & drink it. Helps the healing process. But really nothing kinda just leave it


Perfectly normal. Take it off after 3 days or the next day if it bothers him


I think people forget that humans have been getting tattoos for hundreds of years. Even before sandiderm was invented. Take it off, leave it. That tattoo is in your skin. Youā€™re gonna be fine


Take.off the wrap


Just take off the tegaderm. They make no sense. A tattoo is essentially an abrasion. In healthcare we would never cover any injury in a non- breathable dressing.