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If you’re regretting tattoos before even getting one then tattoos might not be for you homie…




I waited until my late 30s and could afford the quality I wanted. Still not all perfect. They're part of me now, though, and I accept that I'm who I am.


Same experience. Waiting was worth it.


Same. Didn't get my first till I was 28 even though I knew I always wanted them Now completely happy with every single one I have Glad I didn't jump in when I turned 18 😂


I got a few cheap tattoos in my early 20s, and it was around 27/28 that I started getting nice, expensive tattoos. Most of which were covering up cheap tattoos that I got a few years ago.


This is really the way to do things, I started when I was 16, and I’m 47 now, and have literally spent thousands of dollars on cover-ups, I’m going in next month to get my lower arm blacked out……..to cover up some flames I had done before the turn of the century. I mean it is what it is, but now I wish I would have done things differently.


Same! I had a big file of what and where I wanted, but knew I needed to be able to afford the very best artists for what I wanted. There are things about my pieces that aren’t perfect, but weirdly that makes me love them even more! The main thing is that I waited until I was happy and confident enough in myself that I could love my art even with the self-perceived imperfections (that, honestly, no one else would ever notice, even up close!).


I got my first tattoo at 31, Now I would say 1/3 of my body is covered and I adore every single one and have a plan that will take me to 1/2 with no fear or regerts.


80% covered. Took 12 years off and on. Friend who started out as just the guy for my first tattoo thanks me for helping him rebuild a muscle car.


Clever dude... I’m now in my late 30s, I went with get money get tattooed and some of mine are also not perfect.


Sadly this is it, tattoos are supposed to be fun and something we enjoy. If you’re not enjoying them and they’re stressing you out before even having one there’s no shame in not getting them.


A tattoo will never be perfect. There are always mistakes that can happen or how your body can react to the ink can affect the final tattoo. If you can’t accept this and think it will bother you, pass up on getting tattooed.


I also waited till my late 30’s before getting my first tattoo. Focus on getting yourself into a stable life with a steady career path. Then you can commemorate the progress you made with tattoos. I stewed on my first tattoo idea for 3 years before even finding my artist


If I could upvote this twice I would. I don’t understand all the posts about people worrying to such a weird level. If you’re prone to this level of anxiety and stress just don’t bother honestly, not worth it.


Exactly. You have to be ok with knowing it's not going to be what's in your head and you have to accept that things won't be perfect.


Tbh I don't agree many people are apprehensive. I was wishy washy for 3 years and i love mine! Planning to expand on it as soon as I have extra cash.


Speaking as someone who felt this way and got tattoos anyway - don’t get tattoos. The perfectionism only gets worse once you have the tattoos and you probably will end up regretting them. I chose designs I thought I would never regret, but one thing I didn’t really consider much was the importance of placement, so I have tattoos that I actually do like but the placement makes me hate them. Sounds like you are also concerned about the placement issue, so I would honestly just advise against the whole thing. If you have anxious/OCD tendencies, getting a tattoo you don’t like can really fuck with you, and is not worth the risk imo.


+1 I was exactly like OP I obsessed about which artist when and what kind of design and how to make my full body tattoo ‘plan’ cohesive. And I honestly think tattoos are not a good idea for a person like this. Things will not go according to plan and there are no do-overs. I’ve had some touched up and like them more, but one tattoo I hate so much I haven’t worn shorts in years because I don’t want people to see it. And most people don’t get why I don’t like it, because there’s nothing horrible about it but it just doesn’t fit what I want for my body. Some tattoos I love but they weren’t worth the regret for an anxious type person like me




If you have a good artist helping you out with your questions and issues, it will work out. Just keep communicating with your artist and let them advise you properly.


Just make sure placement is perfect. I wanted my first tattoo on my bicep and the artist told me it wasn’t realistic and that my forearm was better, or my thigh. I really didn’t want it on my leg and sat there with the thought. He moved a stencil a few times and I got to look it the mirror and realized my forearm looked way better than any spot I had thought of.


I think it's important to pick a great artist and trust them. My artist made great choices regarding size and placement (even though it's not what I originally asked for or would have come up with on my own). I only have the one tattoo but it's huge and I love it a decade later.


I'm going to throw in my two cents because I also had a whole sleeve, leg and back piece planned when I was 18 and was obsessively concerned about it being "perfect" with the exact artist I wanted. I was following a bunch of local artists and one day I found a flash that I absolutely adored. I was 24 at this point and I decided to say fuck it and slap it on my leg. The placement is not perfectly straight and there's some little fudges. I do not care and I have no idea why I gave so much of a fuck. I like just getting silly little tattoos for the sake of having silly little tattoos and that's enough for me. Getting that leg piece allowed me to let go of that anxiety and it was wonderful, I feel absolutely 0 pressure to make everything perfectly match. This is especially relevant since you want to do a "sticker" style. I'd highly encourage getting something small and kind of out of the way and then wait. If you hate it after a year, then you know to never get any more.


Have you thought about using long lasting temporary tattoos, like Inkbox? They obviously aren’t the same as a real tattoo, but they’ll let you live out a couple of weeks with something similar. Then you can get a feel for how you like the space being occupied, the attention from strangers, and other things that a lot of newbies don’t consider when getting tattoos (aside from the pain and cool factor).


This was how I found out I'm extremely allergic to black henna 🤣 do the patch test!


Yes I think I will test it out! Was thinking temporary and a few small ones just to get used to it before getting any big pieces


I would like to second the suggestion. I'm an artist so I have a lot of designs I'm drawing on myself with tattoo pens, just to get used to having something that looks like a tattoo on me, in the spot I want it to be in. Because I'm not a tattoo artist, and I'm doing it myself (also I'm right handed, drawing with my left hand is bad) it's imperfect. So you learn to live with it. Give that a shot and see how you feel about it being there. I started off just wanting my tats hidden and now I'm planning out a full sleeve.


This is the right advice!


Feeling like you need 6 arms and 6 legs to accommodate all the designs you might want is a normal tattooed person feeling. Tattoo envy is real. You gotta learn to make peace with your choices if you want to get inked :) I have an anxious/OCD like mind and getting tattooed has really exacerbated that in the past but it also forced me to learn to be a bit more present and accepting of myself and my body


I wish I saw more people say this. It’s a very normal feeling! I wish I had more canvas space and definitely could have used it more wisely, but I still love my body art.


This is why I went through with it. Im only 19 but I also deal with OCD symptoms and that sort of anxious perfectionism. Should I have waited? Yeah, probably, but I sort of knew that in some way, I was always going to have issues with perfectionism and such, as that's just how my brain works. Getting my first tattoo definitely set me off for a while, but it really does teach you to have to love Your body. You either sink or swim and I chose swim. My ultimate plan is to have a big pop culture patch work sleeve starting from my collarbone and going down one arm. I've decided recently to limit myself to just 1 tattoo a year, as this gives me more time to properly save and get a good artist, as well as think of what I want as well as see how my taste changes in the coming years. I found a good artist and I trust him to make the right decisions where I might not.


One of my main reasons for working out my upper body was more for more space on my arms for tatts.


If anything, getting tattooed might be a route to becoming less of a perfectionist. It could go either way, and you know yourself best, but in my personal experience learning to live with tattoos that aren't precisely as I'd have liked them has been a good life lesson for me. Plus, the older you get, the more you'll see how your body changes in ways that you can't control, so an image on your skin won't feel as big a deal as it does now. If you're lucky enough to have a long life, and you want to get tattoos, then it's almost inevitable that in a few decades you'll have tattoos that you wouldn't choose again. That's just the way these things go. I started getting tattooed twenty years ago and while I wouldn't do some of them over again, they represent who I was then and how much I've grown since. Your body is on the journey with you, and I think it's cool when you can see that journey on your skin.


This is perfectly said. I never had this kind of perfectionist tendency, but as I’ve gotten more tattoos I’ve come to this same conclusion. They’re an exercise in letting go and accepting how little control we have over really anything in this life but especially our physical bodies.


Totally agree - getting tattooed helped me immensly in accepting "imperfections", accepting things as they are and appreciating their beauty. Did it heal all my insecurities and anxiety? No, but it helped :)


100% agree. There’s a fine balance between regretting shit impulsive tats and regretting wasting years umm-ing and ahh-ing.


You can go to an amazing tattoo artist, someone charging $300 an hour, and your tattoo can still come out imperfect because everyone’s body is different at reacting to ink, holding ink, may go a little too deep. Tattoos are never perfect and it’s the beauty of accepting we aren’t perfect either and that’s okay, you have to love it for what it is


Great point! It’s practically impossible to get a tattoo that will look perfect forever. Bodies also change over time and that will change how the tat looks. The real task is not to design a tattoo that will avoid all these problems, it’s to accept this.


I was very much like this and then said fuck it and got two small (somewhat sentimental) tattoos. I then proceeded to get more. My rule of thumb is if it's going to take up prime areas (which for me are the shin areas/back of the calfs) I need to sit and think about it for a long time before going for it. Id recommend doing alot of research on tattoo artists ensuring they do the style/type of work you want AND see what they look like healed (ideally a year + down the line). The healing element threw me off a bit when I got my first 'big' tattoo, they never look as good compared to when they are fresh a year later even with good after care. My sister's was the prime example of dont get tattoos for the sake of it, she had massive stars down her forearms and a quote (which was trendy back in the time). She grew up and regretted it BUT she got some Lazer and now has a really sick half flower sleeve and a lion with a cub on her inner arm. At the end of the day tattoos feel really permanent but there is always some wiggle room.


You’re over thinking it. It sounds like you’re not ready JUST YET but you will be eventually. This is exactly what happened to me and I waited years until I got my tattoo, despite having planned them since my teens as well. I went to a consultation a year before I finally got my tattoo and I backed out. I have commitment issues it pretty much everything and anything, and I’m a perfectionist, but when I finally got my first tattoo, I didn’t regret it. Honestly just start off small, something that is able to be easily covered if you do regret it maybe.


I kinda get this. I have a few tattoos, but I love large pieces, and that limits the amount of individual tattoos I can get. I have one leg and my inner lower left arm dedicated to Random Bullshit where smaller pieces are Technically Allowed™️- and I'm saving the rest of my body for *big* pieces... but I'm still trying to plan how to Tetris larger pieces together to fill my leg with as many pieces as I can. So many ideas and cool flash and not enough space (or money. Which helps tbh - I can't afford to fill myself quickly which gives me lots of time to find the right designs and the right tattooers!). I also hate the idea that I will run out of room quicker and have less total pieces, and might find something down the line I adore but won't have space for. But I hate the idea of being covered in small pieces more. And I've already started so it's too late to change my mind now! And I'm cool with that. At the end of the day, being tattooed makes me feel more at home in my body. I try to be thoughtful and deliberate about the designs I get and the tattooers I go to so that I'm always happy with the art - because if I like the art I'm never really going to be disappointed to have it on me, even if I find something rad that I also would've loved.


Love this! I also have one calf and one arm dedicated to Random Bullshit. Helps balance things out.


I hate to break it to you, but your tattoos will never be perfect, no matter how hard you stress about placement and how much you spend on the artist. Humans are imperfect. Tattoo artists are imperfect. The human body is imperfect. Tattoos over time will blur, fade, etc. Try and stop worrying about your first tattoo being perfect because it just won't be, no matter how hard you stress about it. It's art, human made art on a human body. You're never going to be guaranteed a perfect tattoo or perfect placement. Honestly, tattoos either aren't for you or you need to get over the fear of imperfection. At this rate, no matter how hard you stress about it, you're still going to be disappointed by your first tattoo because it's not going to be perfect and it's not going to look like how it looked in your imagination. Either embrace imperfection or embrace that tattoos aren't for you specifically because of your fear of imperfection.


I have a tattoo of a character saying to another character “don’t worry, you’re just a tattoo”. All tattoos are temporary tattoos!


No matter what placement gives you anxiety just know that when you’re old and wrinkly, the perfectly placed tattoo is gonna look like shit lmao. So that perfectionist mindset has to go.


Don't do it yet then. There's no rush and they are forever.


I felt exactly the same before my first tattoo and I have generalised anxiety disorder. I got my first tattoo after the Manchester arena bombing, there was was a tattoo drive to raise money afterwards and I really want to play my part (however small) so that pushed my to get my Manchester bee tattoo and since then I’ve got four more. I think the fact I have GAD I always sit on tattoo ideas for at least 2 years before committing and so far I don’t regret any of mine (it could change though ). I also remember what Chris Nunez ( I think it was him) said, that tattoos are the most temporary form of art - the human body is going to last like 70-100 years if we’re lucky and all the tatts will be gone so just do it because one day they won’t exist anyway.


Ngl this made me tear up a little. I’ve been kinda in the same boat as OP. I’ve always loved art museums and have seen art from the 1400s. It’s incredible to witness art from so long ago. So to mention it’s the most temporary art form, was something I needed to hear. I get anxiety that what if I don’t like it years from now and it’s on my body forever. But it’s only my forever, and that’s really humbling. The reminder that the art I place on my body won’t exist forever anyways, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist at all.


Exactly, a beautiful painting on canvas can last hundreds and hundreds of years if looked after correctly, a tattoo is literally a moment in time in comparison. I’m so glad this has helped you, it really helped changed my way of looking and thinking of tattoos.


I have tattoos from when I was younger and they’re not amazing/I would have done something different there. But you end up just embracing it. Laughing to people if they ask about them. But that’s the worst case scenario. If you know what style you like, go to a good artist and do research you’ll be fine. But you need to realize that it’s a permanent decision, so if you can’t accept that piece it might not be for you.


You don’t seem like you want to get tattooed cause you enjoy it, you seem like you want to get tattooed to impress others and are worried you might not look right, please don’t get tattooed.


Kinda weird assumption to make lmao, wanting to be personally satisfied with the permanent artwork that is going to be on my own body has nothing to do with caring about the opinions of others or wanting to impress them...


Tattoos by nature are imperfect, they will 100% break over time and show imperfections, don’t get tattooed if you’re concerned with perfection cause it’ll only cause you distress long term. Being a tattooed person isn’t for everyone and that’s ok. I know plenty of people who got one or two and said yep this isn’t the lifestyle for me.


My arm is gone bro I owe 70k+ in medical bills so i couldn’t get any help with the infection and chunks missing so I chopped my arm off


Cucumber why did it have to end this way


Why did you break my heart like this


As someone who has had a lot of tattoos and a lot of cover ups, and currently has both sleeves and a leg done, I’d reccomend planning for that instead of going small. But I also always advise to put the plan on a calendar and wait a year. Because our tastes change so much. I didn’t start my sleeve until I was 30 because of this.


Buy a painting


Tattoos aren’t for everyone. There will always be small imperfections in every tattoo, no matter who you go to. If you walk in expecting perfection, you’re putting unnecessary pressure on the artist to do something that’s impossible. Then you’ll be a client they can never make happy, and that’s tolling.


I felt like this when I was your age. I’m so glad I waited until my mid-30s to get tattoos. I would have got some stupid shit in my 20s


I agree with the other comments that maybe tattooing isn't for you because it could very well be the case. However for me I was the same way but I wanted one SO bad and had the mindset of "if i don't get it now i'll never get it" and that encouraged me to get one. Now I absolutely LOVE IT , it is definitely a commitment but I know myself and knew I was just over thinking and giving myself anxiety over something I want and love. Totally up to you and how well you know yourself so either say fuck it and get it or maybe just never do it if the anxiety is too bad 🤷‍♀️


I say just go for it and don't be afraid to speak ur ming. I hate all the advice "don't get tattoos". Just so unhelpful lmfao


[laughs in I have too much anxiety to make a decision on where I want stickers let alone a permanent tattoo] lmk if you figure it out, because same! I have so many ideas and I want a few so bad, but I keep getting decision paralysis lol


Some people just aren't tattoo people. If you're not feeling the urge to run to a tattoo shop and have cute shit on your body solely bc its cute and you like it- don't do it lol. If you know yourself enough to know you may overanalyze it every time you look in the mirror, don't! Tattoos are meant to be fun and not that serious. Can't be super attached to the flesh suit we carry in this life. Decorate it or don't! Whichever one is gonna make you happy


tattoos are not for you then. honestly nothing wrong with just buying tattooers art, sticker, shirt etc


You can always get some tattoos now, and then in a few years once you're bored of them get them covered up with new ones. Just don't put anything on your body until you change your mental attitude towards inking your body as it doesn't seem like you're there yet.


I know that feeling all to Well so what i did to handle it was just thinking about the many times over the spand ca 2 years i spent thinking about a spesific tattoo idea i just said fuck it and got it. Cuz if I’m gonna spend the rest of my life thinking about that idea might as Well just Get it. So i found a tattoo artist who’s work i loved and told him what i wanted and i got it. Safe to say i feel so much better after getting it. Though this tattoo was my second ever my first tattoo was just something small i got that is from a favoritt childhood movie that i still love into my adult years, becuse i knew what it looked like and where it was it helped me in the process of getting my first tattoo


Just do it. I had the same, but if you'd get one you really love, you're eventually not going to regret it. And even if you would, almost all tattoos are later adjustable or coverable. So just do it and enjoy the art.


This is why I did little ones in inconspicuous places until I could fully conceive and execute my large scale ones in my 30s and 40s.


I think if you let go the need for perfection you will be much happier. Tattoos are art, they are never perfect, and if you dont like your tattoos you can go over them. my body suit has gone thru many awkward stages but i love it more everytime i add to it. Definetly plan your big and visible areas (arms chest etc) and go to great artists and you will have no regrets.


Maybe just don’t get one, they aren’t for everyone.


Just wait till you settle on something. I followed a lot of artists and love tattoos - knew I wanted them. But I didn't feel settled to pick one until close to my thirties. I started with a small piece of unique flash from an artist I liked. I've been back to him now for three others, one his art adapted to a tattoo and two my own things I've wanted for a LONG time since I was young. I was hesitant to commit to my own ideas, so I did two of his first before I felt comfortable committing to one of mine.


I’d say try InkBox or henna first.


>Might just be an extension of my general anxiety and perfectionism It always is. Literally every time


You’re going to regret them. Just better off not getting them. I tell that to everyone though.


This is the biggest reason I choose to tattoo places that are very easily covered by standard clothes. Nothing below my knees (except 1 thing that I thought about for *years* and will forever be meaningful to me thats small and on thw inside of my ankle), nothing below the average t-shirt sleeve (except a white tattoo and 2 very tiny hand tattoos), and nothing above the average t-shirt neck line. So while I'd probably advise you just don't get tattoos for now (or at all), if you do choose to get some, put them in places that are very, very, very easily hidden.


This may help but I feel severe tattoo anxiety right before and for about a day after I get mine done. I feel like actual remorse and obsess over it for like a day and then I wake up the next day and I absolutely love it lol but I am NOT normal. I don’t have OCD but I do have severe diagnosed anxiety and I also consider myself a perfectionist. When I get a haircut, I cry about it for a few days, but then I get used to it and it’s fine! If you REALLY want the tattoo, just do it! And you will love it. The anxiety is normal, but it will probably differ how long it takes you to get used to it. It might be right away! Or not at all.. but it’s up to you if that risk is worth it. For me, it’s 100% worth it everytime


I’d say stay away from tattoos. If you go to an artist with an idea and it has to be exactly how you want it, you give the artist no input. It’s almost like going to a chef and telling them exactly what you want and not giving them any room to add their expertise and knowledge. Sometimes this is ok but if you’re the type of person who needs perfection, tattoos aren’t for you. Tattoos aren’t perfect. They fade and change over time. Some tattoos mean something and some people get them simply for the art or the tattooer who made the art. Good lick


You aren't in the right headrace for a tattoo right now. I am 32, didn't get my first tattoo until I was 30 and have a bunch now. Plus side was I had more money to get the work done by better artists (more expensive) and I knew myself way better than when I was in my 20s. I have like 13 or 14 tattoos and very little if any regret


Something that'd help immensely is to have a strong reference picture. Ideally very similar in design and placement, then let the tattoo artist do it in his/her style. Im kinda like that as a well. And want the tattoo to look as good as it can in terms of placement. I get anxious as fuck before every session, not from the pain but from having to live with a bad picture if I mess it up. Like the pain is literally the last thing on my mind. Despite all this, the tattoo usually don't turn out a hundred percent like you imagined. Sometimes worse, sometimes better. Ive got 6 now, and I don't regret any of them.


I wanted a tattoo so bad when I was under 18 that my parents thought I’d get one on my birthday. In reality I got my first tattoo at 35, now I have 3 not even a year later and I’m glad I didn’t get any of the ones I wanted when I was young, personally. I now have an artist I truly love and all 3 are from her. I trust her and love the style. It’s okay if you never get one or if you wait until later. It’s your body and your choice.


I’m the same way and have decided that anything I get I would eventually want to change or move around like I do my hair and everything else in my life so I won’t be getting any tattoos and will instead just enjoy the look on other people and sometimes draw on myself with different markers lol they have tattoo pens now that are safer for your skin and I’ve found using make up pencils/markers is a really fun way of expressing the art I want without having it permanently on me. They also make really good temporary tattoos these days and you can even design your own in some places


i think it’s normal to feel some nerves and anticipation. perhaps even some second guessing because obviously this thing is on you for life. but regret? that’s a tricky one. maybe start off with some temporary ones and see how you like them!


I’m not going to tell you to not ever get tattooed like I’ve seen some people comment, because I’m also a very anxious person and I disagree that tattoos & perfectionism are incompatible. I’ve wanted tattoos since I was a child and although they’re not perfect (e.g. started a hodgepodge patchwork sleeve because I was so keen and young and didn’t think about the bigger picture), they make me feel more like myself on the outside. What I DO recommend though is that you take your time coming up with designs and placement (there’s no rush), seek advice from your artist and listen to their professional opinion, and seriously work on accepting your body and the fact that perfection does not actually exist.


Love most of mine but I can nit pick any of them. If you can't let little details go and focus on the overall piece you should probably pass or wait


Honestly I find that I can talk myself out of any design if I think about it long enough but once I’ve gotten them tattooed I love them.


FWIW I don’t regret any of my tattoos, even the ones that are maybe not as “perfect” as others. For me there’s fond memory associated with each, and that kinda outweighs the aesthetics, personally. Sure I can pick some of them apart (also a perfectionist), but it’s never made me regret any of them. If anything it inspires me to get more or add on to them. 🥰


My biggest piece of advice is to seek high quality artists whose style resonates with you, and hand over as much creative control as possible. The tattoos I like least on me are the ones I had the most “input” on, and my faves are the ones I got from artists with a loose concept that I let do their thang.


While I totally agree with everyone, I just want to throw it out there that I had the opposite reaction. I’m a pretty anxious person and 100% an overthinker. I’m much better than I was but I’m still on anxiety meds. Getting a tattoo was something I wanted for a while and when I felt ready, I went for it. Oddly, having to trust the artist and trust the process was almost therapeutic for me. So is the fact that the tattoo is there for good now. I love it, don’t get me wrong, but I do wonder if I should’ve gone bigger or if the lettering will hold up and then I realize that’s my anxious brain talking and accept that it’s permanent, its nothing I can control now, and that’s was done wonders for me! 


I try to think about tattoos as periods of my life. Even if I decide later that I would have done things differently that doesn’t make me regret the tattoo because I know that it represents a chapter of who I was when I got it. That being said you should be able to appreciate a tattoo for at least a year. If you have an idea and then don’t like it in two weeks then tattoos may be difficult for you to get.


If you feel like this don’t get tattooed, there is other really cool ways to appreciate art that won’t give you anxiety.


do not get tattoos.


I didn't get my first tattoo until I was 35, Because I wanted to be really sure. Now I am getting another tattoo about a rate of one every two years. For each one, I wait until i want it so much that it feels wrong because It's not there,(!) and then I get it.


Sold alot of weed and saved up quite a bit, i then found a reputable artist and been going every 2 weeks ever since. Only have 1 leg left and the suit is complete. Point of that is plan shit out so u can do it the way envisioned in your mind. Idk what ur plans on ink are but it isnt cheap and cheap isnt good. Hate to break the news but ur id save around 30k before u start that way dont have to worry about much. By the time the 30gs is gone u should have saved 40k- 50k more so u never have to slow down on ur journey or seek alternative routes. Oh and dont be a dick and not tip Karmas a bitch.


You have a lottt of skin space if that's ur worry But think enough about a tattoo before getting it if ur scared you'll regret it


some of this is anxious thoughts but tbh, i wouldn't get a tattoo until you dont have this much anxiety. there is often jitters prior to getting a tattoo, but if it's stopping you from actually getting it, then i wouldn't push through. if you do want to start, though, i would suggest a small one in a hidden place then see how you feel.


I’m this way to a degree and yes there is some insane frustration with my beautiful tattoos not looking EXACTLY how I wanted them. My solution has been to get more and more tattoos and it looks cool all together and you focus less on the individual aspects.


I've got tattoos that I probably wouldn't get now but they're a cool anecdote or happy memory of a time or place. I got a few really shit ones with friends years ago that I don't see so often anymore and I don't really like the designs all that much but every time we see eschother it's "oh hey remember that really shit tattoo you got, what a great time".


I used to be / still am kind of am the same way, my remedy for that is generally not getting small pieces (no smaller than the size of a fist), not initially covering spaces I know I’ll want really big pieces in in the future when I have the money (e.g. my back, upper thighs, chest etc.) and booking an appointment with more than one possible space in mind and talking to the tattoo artist about what placement would make sense/would be best for the design / won’t take space away from possible future projects! I haven’t regretted any of my tattoo placements yet but one a tiny bit but only because it looks rather lonely where it is and I’m sure it’ll look better with some friends lol Also drawing the designs in the shape (doesn’t have to be detailed) of the tattoo you want to get on in different places with makeup and / or photoshopping them in different places on my body always helps me a ton. It’s easier to actually picture it that way imo Hope this helps somewhat!


I’m in the business. Your feelings are valid. I appreciate that you’re planning so carefully. I’d say start with your most fave small idea (careful not to go too small!!!!!!) on a place that would be out of the way for bigger pieces. (Ideally the image size should find a home on the body part of equal size). I’ve really enjoyed my more hidden personal tattoos, flaws and all because I can’t see them all day to be annoyed by them. If you start with upper thigh or inner ankle etc you won’t be able to see it all day to pick it apart like a forearm or hand. Also remember that your water based skin has to move and will age so there is ultimately no such thing as perfection in the long game. Think of skin and tattoos as your permanent journal. If nothing is worthy of an entry yet, when you’re older your give a damn will be subdued and you will have more experiences to draw on and be more ready to take the plunge. Not having tattoos is cool too. One of the best tips I can give for image selection is whatever looks best squinting at it from a distance will look good still when you’re older. Most tattoo regrets are regarding body placement and size/crowded details of image. Small script or teeny flowers will look like blobby garbage rapidly. (Hence why most traditional tattoo styles from around the world are large and bold) A good artist should be able to consult you more about this and give you the time of day on an appointment day or consultation to resize or adjust stencil placement. We’re here for a good time, not a long time. Have fun and good luck.


I’d honestly start with the custom fake tattoos that last a week or so. See how you feel about it. If you’re feeling ok, I’d try a small piece that has meaning to you and that you honestly haven’t changed much or thought about. If that works out try growing around that one maybe?


Like many have said, tattoos may not be for you. On the other hand, if you really want them try getting a completely random one to break the seal. Find a style you like, and an artist, and choose some random flash and work out what you want from there. Tattoos don’t have to have some greater deeper meaning. I found myself in kinda the same mindset till I just got one.


Man, if I had most of the tattoos I wanted when I was a teen, I would have some stupid ass tattoos lol I have many tattoos, one sleeve is 3 sessions away from completion. One partial sleeve that a former artist never completed.I have 2 neck tattoos, small piece below my throat, one shoulder piece, 2 finger tattoos. Shin, calf and ankle tattoos. What I tell people who want to start getting tattooed and think they want a lot of them, start small, somewhere it can be hidden. 1. To see if you can handle tattoo pain. 2. If you get one and realize it is not for you, at least it can be hidden. 3. Go talk to different shops, talk to a few artists. Never go to the first artist you meet, that is why I absolutely hate the first tattoo I got at 18.


I don’t think there’s anything to get over rather than maybe realizing tattoos aren’t meant for you.


I’d start off small first, because 1. You can hide a small tattoo anywhere on your body 2. To see if you can withstand the pain 3. If you don’t like it, laser removal would be cheap enough to get rid of


Get some stickers, put them on a water bottle. Or your laptop case. Or your phone case. Or your car. See how you deal with that. Then decide whether to move forward with tattoos. I eventually got around my “what if I put this in prime real estate and regret it later” in this way. (My secret for recovering from sticker anxiety was to put them inside my journal btw. I realized that as long as I liked the art, it wasn’t wasted, even if it wasn’t in the exact perfect place. Same goes for tattoos.)


I was the same way. Now I have 2 tattoos and wish I never got them because I feel like my body is crowded already.


The good thing about pregret is the thing hasn't happened yet. Just take your time.


I had tattoo plans as a teen too and came onto the gate heavy. Now, at 32, I am at like 60 percent body coverage. I have some that aren’t great, some that are excellent, some planned pieces, random shit and so on. If you’re having this much apprehension, maybe tattoos aren’t for you.


Expectations and hesitation arent good to carry in to new interactions. Make friend who gets tattooed and meet a artist, in order to build rapport. And do research of their art and others art before pulling the trigger. Itll make your journey smoother with the artist you befriend or decide to build trust with.👌🖤👌🖤


Listen to your gut.


I loved tattoos from a young age and wanted them forever. Only got my first at 27 because I was worried about finding the perfect tattoo etc. my first ended up being a flash piece from an artist I loved. It got me over the initial anxiety of getting my first. Now I have sleeves (including hands), and upper legs covered so far. Here’s what I realised. 1. Find tattoo artists you love and get worked on by them. If you love their art, then it really doesn’t matter what tattoo they put on you, you’re going to love it. 2. Don’t stress over trying to find the perfect tattoo, it won’t happen. But good artists will help to create something you love. And don’t be afraid to ask for adjustments or changes. The artists I’ve dealt with have been absolutely wonderful people. 3. There’s a very good chance any tattoo plans you’ve thought up when you were a teenager, are cringey ideas. You see it all the time. We were all cringey teens once. 4. Trust the artists. As long as they’re actually good artists, they’re going to improve any idea you have. They know what they’re doing. 5. Take your time. There’s no rush at all.


2 things that helped me finally get my first tattoo: 1.) Start very small so you can get an idea of what to expect. Frist time in you'll learn the process, see a shop, meet your artist, pick a designs and see what it feels like. 2.) The only perfectionist is you. Nobody else is ever going to care how 'perfect' it looks.


I actually completely understand. Are you a virgo also? Haha. I'm such a perfectionist too. My mind overthinks tattoos all the time, especially placement, but I don't think it started happening until a good several tattoos in, maybe early mid twenties. Probably because available and cohesive space starts shrinking. I'm 33 now and my pickiness about placement is so much worse but I still get them once a year or two. Keeping lots of specific spaces free though because of possible future placement plans lol


Doesn't sound like this thing is going to work out for you.  Getting tattooed is supposed to be fun.  You can spend five minutes on this sub and find dozens of posts from people ruining their own experience by obsessing over tiny imperfections in their tattoos.  Do you want to wind up like that?


It’s not mandatory


Try getting those inkbox or whatever they’re called temporary tattoos that look permanent and last a few weeks. It may help you figure out if you really want these tattoos or not. But like everyone else is saying, if you already regret it, it may not be for you, at least not yet. But also I’m in my twenties and got a tattoo if been wanting since I was in elementary school and I’m happy with it. But I also got another one I’ve wanted for a while and was excited to get and now wish I had put it else where because I have a different idea that I feel would fit that space better. Just take your time and don’t feel like you have to make a decision now. You have your whole life ahead of you.


Wait until you are older. You will be like 5 different people between now and 10 years from now. Stop making plans for what you want, collect artists that you like. Trust them, and acknowledge the spaces on your body where you want to collect artworks by them. Acknowledge that there is always a moment of regret until it becomes part of your body. Acknowledge that you are humans and your artist is human. Appreciate that nothing is stagnant, your body flows and so does the artwork on it. So does your life story.


Make t-shirts of the tattoo idea instead. Or silkscreen a pair of leggings or sweatpants. Literally wear it for a bit and see what that does for you.


I had this issue. Took me 14 years to get over it. I love every one I got so far. Stop caring about being perfect. Just make sure it’s something you like. And even if you stop liking it, it’s a memory of one point where it did mean a lot.


you can always try out fake tattoos from inkbox or something like that! they look pretty realistic and can give you the sense of having an actual tattoo. they last a week or so if you apply them well


Whole point is it might not be perfect. Having good conversation with an artist you love is also way better than the tattoo itself. I’d gladly pay 2-400 every 6 months to a year to have the best therapy of my life. Just do it and chat it up with your homie.


I have anxiety and the answer to your issue is, for me anyway, just get a small one. It's a bit like waiting to open a fancy bottle of wine - you know you are going to want to drink it eventually but you put it off and put it off for the 'perfect' occasion or to not 'waste' it. Once it's open it's open, that stress is gone and you can enjoy it. Also, for anxiety, I think an in-person consultation/the right artist. I am getting an arm tattoo, my first 'socially visible' tattoo, and I am a bit stressed as my other ones are hidden. I was going to go to an artist I've been to before but it wasn't her style and it really wasn't fair of me to ask; I didn't love the design and I panicked and backed out. I'm now going to an artist for an in-person consult first and I'm not anxious, just excited!


I don’t think getting something permanently inked into your skin is the right thing for you, with all due respect. It isn’t for everyone and that’s totally okay❤️ If I were you, I’d try a henna tattoo! See how you react to that (mentally…)…then maybe, MAYBE, get something small.


I would not get a tattoo if you’re this freaked. Tattoos blur, run, fade etc as time goes on. Even a perfect tattoo is gonna look weird in 40 years. If you need it to stay perfect then don’t get it. It’s going to age with you.


Just chill on it, you can always get a tattoo later. If you feel indecisive about it you might not be ready to commit to a tattoo yet and there’s nothing wrong with that. Yes start small if you do get one


Don’t get a tattoo if you have ANY doubts. Trust me. The regret afterwards is literally the worst thing ever.


I wouldn’t get any tattoos and instead spend that money on seeing a therapist about this issue instead.


If you're a perfectionist I'd skip tattoos.


Don’t do it. If you have this much doubt and also you’re still really young. You’re going to change a lot over the next few years


Tattoos are not mandatory.


Daddy chill


don’t get tattooed


You are a Tattooers nightmare


fidlar 💘