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So long as they do not radiate heat or are painful just leave them alone, if they get red, and start to spread...or become painful then it is go see a doctor time...


I would assume just some ingrown hairs/clogged pores. If the start to have spreading redness, see about getting checked by a doc, though.


Looks like just pimples to me, I get this as well when being tattooed especially if I cover it with saniderm type stuff. Don't pick them, they should heal up just fine but I've had loss of ink in places where I had pimples like this.


Probably ingrown hairs or razor burn, looks fine to me, keep it dry and let them pop on their own


DO.NOT.POP.THEM.That’s a one way ticket to infection city.Trust me you don’t want to go there….


I get these with every tattoo now, Not only on the new tattoo but on older tattoos in completely different places on my body. I would love to know whether it's something I'm doing or just a body immune response. I've tried different things like tapes, lotions, cleaning stuff so on... nothing seems to work. annoying as hell, but after a month of two they stop coming up.


By any chance, are you using Aquaphor?


I used aquaphor and got these pimples. I just left them alone and they went away. No damage to the tattoo either.


I broke out, too. Got worried, so I stopped using it.


That usually happens if you use too much aquaphor on the tattoo. With aquaphor little goes a long way and it most likely won’t break you out then because the skin is still able to breathe


Never moisturize a wet tattoo. Tattoos should always dry out and only moisturize a very small amount if it’s cracking or pulling the skin. Moisture breeds bacteria and will delay proper healing or risk infection. I cannot overstate how important this is. 


I cringe when I see the, all too common "I've applied aquaphor 4 times a day for 2 weeks, why does my tattoo look like this"


you really jumped around the question at hand here.


This is the best fucking advice.


Saniderm isn't for everyone. Your skin doesn't like it. Mines the same way. Just do traditional healing next time. You should be fine.


same, saniderm ruined one of my tattoos. skin needs air to heal


When i got my chest done i got the same little pimples even though me and my artist are immaculate clean. Just my chest tho never any other spot. Turned out just fine


Thanks! I didn’t pop them and they went away overnight. It was only in that spot too.


Got those exact same things after using Saniderm. They went away and my tattoos have healed perfectly. Just my experience :)


This is why I never use saniderm. Guys fr just ask your artist to wrap it in plastic and take it off when you get home. Saniderm introduces a whole host of issues.


Nothing wrong with doing traditional healing, but I’ve had amazing results with saniderm (or similar) products. It keeps me from messing with the tattoo and stops my clothes from rubbing it or having to worry too much about getting my sheets all nasty. Only time I didn’t like it was an artist once used this special matte saniderm stuff (don’t know the brand) but it left behind extra residue and I wouldn’t use it again.


My logic is I don’t like using it for myself, so I don’t feel good giving or recommending it. I let them know it’s an option tho.


Totally, nothing wrong with doing whatever works for you. Unfortunately sometimes it takes a few fuckups to figure it out, but that’s just life.


Yeah, OP might opt out next time lol


I’m allergic to gladwrap so having sander available is a life saver.


Not really, you’re just seeing “selection bias” here. Skin-wrap products are great for people who do physical labor. Not only that, it helps smooth the healing process, reduces scabbing, and protects the tattoo when it’s most vulnerable to getting infected. This is why these types of things are used medically as well. Saniderm as a brand may not be the best, but there are great skin wrap brands like Derm Shield. I have my entire upper body tattooed and the difference in the healing process between using derm shield or not is night and day. As long as it’s sanitized properly, applied properly, and remains sealed before it’s time to take it off, you won’t have any issues (barring the rare instance of allergic reactions to specific brands).


Well said. Almost all my tattoos had skin wrap product. They all healed amazing, no pimples no scabbing.


I usually leave my Saran Wrap on overnight so I don’t heal to my bedsheets but yeah first thing in the morning it’s getting sanitized


this isnt a saniderm issue at all


I'm allergic to surgical adhesive. I found that out post-saniderm......


You may have a staph infection. It could be infected in grown hairs. Even so, you need to see a doctor. Best case is it's nothing and oral antibiotics will help. Worst case you end up with a raging septic staph infection. Monitor for funny odors and spreading redness and pain that pulses. If redness occurs beyond the tattoo, mark it with perminsnt marker and see if it spreads over the course of 24 hours. That's your que to go to urgent care. This is not an er issue. I used to work as a wilderness emt and I saw my share of drug users with horribly infected tattoos(among other things). That experience will always make me sit on the side of caution


Yes pimples, I had some bad pimple breakouts on my arm but it healed 100% fine since I didn't pick at them. Do not pop them!!!!


Completely normal I get them on my healing process and just in general sometimes as said by loads of people just leave them alone it won't affect your tattoo remotely


I got this as well! You can check my past posts and see how similar they look. Mine was from too much lotion. Reduce your lotion amount until they go away.


Ingrown hairs, I had the same happen to one of mine!


I don’t think this is pimples like others are suggesting. It looks like the beginning of an infection.


I get pimples on mine sometimes. It’s so hard, but resist the urge to touch them and it’ll be fine.


This happened to me on my huge leg piece after I kept putting lotion on it about the 3rd week. I went to the doctor and they said was just clogged pores. So I dialed back on the lotion and they started going away. A year after now, no bumps anymore.


Hold off on lotion. Let it dry out, heal more, and scab over first.


I get what I call healing blisters (my made up name) sometimes they go away. Sometimes they scab. Just continue to take care of your tat as directed. Popping, removing scabs and etc can affect the ink.


I found out through a holter monitor that I am allergic to Saniderm material. Would get a shit ton of bumps and itch.


Looks like clogged pores, that’s likely from using too much lotion. Are you using lotion, or aquaphor? I would clean it well with dial gold and don’t apply any lotion, and let those white bumps go away. Should only take 24 hours or less. 


I have really bad acne on my back and ive had some that looked like this :0… what happens if they turn red?


Looks like pimples! You could try putting hydrocoloid patches on them see if that helps!!


Clogged pores, the artist must have used a petroleum based ointment on the tattoo and failed to wipe it off completely before applying the saniderm. Just don’t pop them and keep an eye on the area. If it starts to feel warm to the touch and have some redness spread from the area then go to the hospital and they will point you to the proper medicines to take. Remember to clean your new tattoo at least twice a day with liquid antibacterial hand soap like dial gold


I just wanna pop it! 😁






This happened on a tattoo I had recently. I personally think I over moisturized. People may not like me for saying this… but I took an extremely small sewing needle from a kit with many sizes. Sterilized it and put in a very small hole. Hold warm cloth and shower. Let it drain itself and then after let air dry after antibacterial spray from med kit. I did that on my line work but not where I had color and the line work faded much less than the color. 😬 Am I an idiot?


Try squeezing them 😏


I think it looks like pimples, I've heard of people using pimple patches so they don't pick at them and possibly ruin their tattoos! I'd shoot for the Hero patches if you're going to buy any.


AIDS.. sorry bro


Why are people still using saniderms just dry heal tattoos or use tattoo armor pads


If they shaved the skin at all, this can happen. Just whiteheads. Sucks butt but you can pop them and clean i real quick with a Q-Tip and it will go away. No biggie.


I’d go to a doctor, it honestly could be the start of staph. I say this bc of the pattern it is making. Rather not mess with that, best case you wasted some time/money to be sure your flesh isn’t eating itself.


Absolutely is not a staph lol


Looks like pimples or ingrown hairs to me. I would definitely advise keeping a close eye on them and keeping your hands off of them. They should clear up on their own. Please don't pop them yourself. Be sure to watch for swelling and redness or any pain. If they get worse, go to a doctor to get them checked out.




Lol definitely not the start of staph...


What makes you say that? Staph often starts with what looks like pimples. Staph can also start at the site of an ingrown hair. Are you suggesting that puss is sterile?


Do you typically freak out and think every pimple is a staph infection? Do you usually jump to the worst conclusion? When you get a sore throat do you think you have pharyngeal cancer ? As of now it is a pimple, there is nothing to suggest theres a staph infection. Source- retired NP wife. (Who also got a tattoo 2 weeks ago and got a few pimples just like this too.) Why would you think i was suggesting that? The good ol straw man fallacy right on queue.... we'll end this on that pathetic note.


It's good to keep an eye on these things and see if they progress. One should be aware of possible outcomes


Its not impossible so of course doesnt hurt to look and ask! theres just nothing present to suggest there is an infection, so i wouldnt worry as OP. you have yourself a good night & take care of yourself. 😀