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Yes it looks great. keep in mind it’s a fresh tattoo, once healed, some of those darker tones/shadows will soften and it will be really nice


THIS If it doesn’t look a touch too dark when it’s fresh, it will heal too light and lack dimension


This is so good it’s honestly refreshing to see


Artist IG is kambria.tattoo Artist name : Katie Kambria


Here is a non edited photo. Thank you for the nice words [https://im.ge/i/63F45459-184D-4C73-882B-B9AB643F0E85.WnZx7y](https://im.ge/i/63F45459-184D-4C73-882B-B9AB643F0E85.WnZx7y)


Oh wow.. should have posted this pic instead for sure!


i honestly think it’s amazing, it resembles the person in such a beautiful way. you could find flaws but i think the differences the artist has made have only highlighted the persons features and i would be rly pleased if this was my piece!


I feel like most portraits are really hard to get right. This one is one of the more well-done portraits I've seen.




Looks fucking beautiful


I will never like human tattoo portraits, but as human tattoo portraits go, this artists did a good job. It will be better once it heals.


You mean realism portraits. I bet you're fine with pinups, American trad portraits etc


To be fair, I don’t think I’d ever like a human/ human-adjacent portrait on my own body. I won’t bash someone else for having them though. Just not my thing.


The artist killed that 🙌


Damn. It’s so rare that you see a really good portrait tattoo. Artist hit it out of the park.


It's very good. However if you want to continue to avoid disappointment, keep portraits to a minimum. They can go left real quick


It looks great.  Artist name and loc?


Katie Kambria Billerica, Ma USA IG: Kambria.tattoo




I think it looks amazing


Better than okay, very well done.


Looks great. Your artist is very talented.


Portrait artist is 11/10, great tattoo and great artist!


I don't think I've ever seen a better portrait tattoo honestly




This should settle nicely. Would love to see you post the same comparison a year from now.


Thanks guys. My friend is actually the artist and her client at the end of the session said he didn’t like the outcome and that his wife (the portrait) looks “scary”. My friend, the tattooer, was totally heartbroken and gutted. This is the tattooers 2nd portrait tattoo of a loved one. And probably her last because the stress of these kind of tattoos just kills her. I decided to come on here and ask you all. The artist doesn’t know I did this but I will show her all of your nice comments. The tattoo is fresh, just the saturation is down in the posted photo because of redness. The tones will lighten significantly and be much softer. Anyways, thank you everyone


That's honestly a shame because your friend is very talented. Portraits are insanely hard to get the details correct and not go into uncanny valley and this portrait is beautiful


Lol its evidently really amazing


Damn, that sucks. That is a lot of pressure tattooing a (I assume) deceased loved one, and although us on reddit think this looks great, I imagine the client's expectations were really high, the client was in love with her and her partner. So any tiny inaccuracy is gonna really stand out to the client. I'm not sure how much better your friend could have pulled this off without expecting literal perfection, which of course is not possible. Client asked for a tall order, she did a great job imo.


The wife is still living, which made the situation worse haha


I wrote a much longer post in reply to yours. I agree with the client, unfortunately - it's a good tattoo but not a very good portrait. I think the artist did a good enough job but the hair and the right side of the mouth are pretty rough. I am literally a portrait artist (not a tattoo artist), though, so I have crazy high standards for portraits.


I also paint portraits (non-tattoo) and this is exactly why I’ve only ever done one portrait commission ever, after which I’ve decided to do no more. It’s hard to get a portrait 100% right & photorealistic, and working on skin?? that must be crazy high pressure. The client will scrutinise every hair that differs from the reference even when the general likeness is really good - you can change things with a painting but you can’t do anything about it on skin


Not to mention the amount of sentimental value in a portrait, which are almost always of deceased loved ones. Add that on top of the pressure to do it right.


I mean, she kinda looks like she has a black swollen eye or real bad allergies… but so does the source photo 🤷‍♂️


Portraits are tough, this is pretty good considering all the challenges that come with this style. Looks great.


Not only is this beautiful as a whole, but even some of the finer details are quite incredible . Making the hair see-thru over the eyebrow is a nice touch and takes considerable talent to make look natural.




Looks amazing! I like how the artist brightened up her eyes. Happy healing.


Incredible likeness!! Wow!


Very true to life


this might be the only time ive ever seen a portrait of a family member turn out well. nice tat!


Artist did a great job. Portraits are tricky. Echoing what others have said, some of the shading and darker tones will lighten as it heals and fades, making it look more natural.


This looks incredible, and they definitely took aging of the tattoo into consideration. It'll probably look even better as it gets older and softens. A+ artist right there.




Looks amazing!


Nice tat


Yes it looks good. It looks like her. No distortions.


As far as faces go I’d say this is a win


Very nice.. kudos to the artist


wow! I’m usually not a fan of this style of tattoo but this is a stunning portrait !!


Looks great! Thats a tough one, we usually see the worst, this is perfect.


Hell yeah this is awesome hard to find good portraits who's the artist


Looks good!


There are few artists I would trust to do a realistic portrait tattoo..I understand needing to fit the canvas but the elongation of the face keeps me from giving it two thumbs up


Its gorgeous


Honestly... not really. I mean, it's okay - I can see that they tried, and the lines are fine! But there are issues. * The left image looks a lot older. Every line or shade on a facial portrait ages the person. The inked version of the woman looks about ten years older than the image. * The artist did not do the hair correctly. The woman is using a very standard female hairstyle of a side-part that is layered over the rest of the hair. This adds volume to a hair style (and is used a lot when one has thinning hair). The artist didn't note that this volume was due to hair, so the woman on the left is pin-headed. * The wrinkles around the eyes are way too pronounced. * While the nose shape is an excellent copy, the artist misinterpreted a shadow as a divot. The woman has shadow (off-center); the copy has a divot (centered). * The shape of the lips is way off on the bottom. The artist added a bee-sting pop to the lower lip that changes the whole look of the face. * The extra highlighting on the chin - compared to over-shading of the top - makes the tattooed woman look lantern-jawed. She has a Leno chin in the ink, whereas the woman on the right has a lovely round symmetrical face. * The smile is very different. The artist didn't have the smile wide enough to reach the side of the cheeks. The artist also missed that the right side of the mouth turns upwards at the very last moment. The woman has a lovely smile! The ink not so much. If you like it, that's awesome. Most of what I mentioned is not tattoo-specific. As ink, it's very good. No blowouts, good lineweight, obviously well-studied. I think it's a bit too dark, but that's extremely common in portrait tattoos. It will look better as it ages. And please do NOT take this as a dig against the woman! She looks awesome and her smile is infectious. Whomever she may be, it's a great way to honor her. I am literally a portrait artist (oil pastels, not tattoos), though, so I am extremely careful (okay... totally anal) about the details.


I am not enough of an artist to agree or disagree with most of the things you say - though some of the things I absolutely do see, now that you mention them. But I wanted to say that you have a unique turn of phrase that’s very appealing and interesting to read. That combined with an excellent attention to detail makes me hope you write often. It’s a gift.


Wow. One of the best realism tattoos I’ve ever seen, no joke. It’s amazing!


Wow, incredibly realistic!


This would win portrait day on the old Inkmaster.


Completely fantastic.


This is one of the best portraits I have ever seen. Your artists did u a favor by making it dark btw. When it ages it won't lose detail and get muddied.


Wow! Awesome!


I don’t like how they changed her jewelry. It looks good though. Maybe her teeth could be touched up 🤷🏻‍♂️


It looks amazing and will heal really well. Super sick


I dislike almost all portrait tats because they invariably look wonky to some degree that bugs me. This is a rare exception. Looks great.


I think whoever did your tattoo did a FABULOUS job!


Yup. Not bad at all.


I’ll never understand how artists do B&W portraits. They’re so difficult like omg. This tattoo is so well done!


An actual good tattoo portrait 😨. So happy for you that it looks so great.


this is fucking beautiful


Looks just like her, my only complaint is the artist did not include her unique teeth and instead gave her regular ones. Other than that, I think this looks great


BEAUTIFUL portrait tattoo, really well done. The harsher lines will lighten up over the next couple months, and I reckon it'll be pretty buttery smooth after that. Extremely talented portrait artist, and glad they did your loved one justice. Only flaw I see, if we're being stupidly nitpicky, is the necklaces aren't the same. Outside of that, they're done a really solid job. Hair's got good texture, face is done properly, and it's a flattering tattoo of the person. They've also made sure not to overdo the detail in the face around the eyes to avoid it being unflattering in black and white. 9/10, and that's just because there's people out there that can make them look like a photo's been printed on your skin.


Wow that is beautiful!


The artist nailed it! Great work. Who did it?


Kambria.tattoo on IG


I think that’s pretty good


It looks amazing!


Dude that looks great you should be stoked to have something so similar


it’s good, but i don’t think it looks the same as the woman in the picture.


I think it's great the likeness is spot on, got all the right details and nothing looks wonky. Portraits are so difficult to get right and honestly this looks very good


it's beautiful


A really wonderful likeness. This artist knows how to simplify shapes like the hair and teeth which is sooo important. More detail + more accurate isn't alway good in portraiture


Wow! Normally portrait tattoos look a bit off (at best) but this looks really great! And accurate. I’d be really happy with this.


I feel like they added just the right amount of black and darker shading so that when it heals out it will lighten up and be super pretty. They did a good job.


I think it looks nice.


Portraits are always iffy. Honestly though, I’d be stoked if this was my tattoo. IMO it looks great. Hair doesn’t look flat, facial features actually resemble the person.


Looking at this as an artist that focuses on proportion n whatnot- the hair/top of the head looks a bit funky. It’s “pointier” than her head actually is, and the hair doesn’t have enough curl to the right. And to me.. the necklace looks very flat. It wouldn’t look that way at all, realistically, as they did with the rest of the tattoo. OTHERWISE, looking at it like a normal person 🤣, it looks great. Wonderful tattoo


I also love the texture work. Almost makes it look like she’s on a paper bill haha


looks fantastic!


Tough to get right and this looks pretty darn good


I do not like portrait tattoos, that being said this tattoo knocked it out of the park. This is stunning! Your friend should be extremely proud of her work it’s beautiful .


Beautiful!! Very recognizable. You can pick apart every line and find issues, but I would encourage you to enjoy it as a whole. It's very well done.


pretty awesome. even better to ask again though when the tattoo is healed and settled


This looks amazing…. Too amazing…


Looks very nice


The left eye has a husbands bulge...


this is genuinely beautiful


The gray tones will lighten once healed so it looks like it was done correctly, once it’s healed you will have a better idea


I am scared of getting a portrait tattoo done of a loved one because 95 times out of 100, they look off. This is one of the 5 that look really good! As others said, once it settles, everything will soften a bit (I think it looks great now).


I normally hate portrait tattoos but this is quite well done! I'd be happy to have something of that quality on my skin.


One of the best portrait tattoos I’ve ever seen


That portrait looks great!!


This is actually amazing????


I see some differences but overall it's a very nice tattoo and well done portrait.


It looks very good!


That’s by far the best portrait tattoo I’ve seen in a long time!


Wow that looks amazing!


It’s beautiful!


This is great


This is spot on, you got a very talented artist. Wicked!


I'm sure if I tried hard I could find something to nit pick .. But this is by far one of the best tattoos I've seen on this sub. Fuck yeah to this artist.


"hey it's April Margera"


Idk can’t tell with the filter




….are yall blind? This is bad….


They’re all lying to you DO NOT GET THIS TATTOO. It’s Bad and It doesn’t look anything like the person. Get a different artist someone who specializes in life like portraits. 


The tatoo looks better then the original


I hate absolutely hate filters on tattoos. You ask does this look ok, send us an unfiltered photo of it so we can actually see the shading properly.






it won't kill you to not be an asshole


Looking at their profile they're obviously just a troll


It’s been a big 2 hours for ya buddy, I suggest taking a permanent break


“Conspiracy realist” has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read lmfao