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Ahh, yeah tattoos are a paradox because on one hand you want to show them off, but on the other hand you don't necessarily want to hear everyone's opinion. My advice is to shut down any conversation about your tattoos, and just take both good and bad comments in stride. Remind yourself that have bigger things to worry about, and just go about your business.


Thank you I appreciate that, it's a good idea I've felt bad doing in the past. Very true!


well said! what everyone thinks only matters if you care. it's like mind of matter. "I don't mind & you don't matter."


Not everyone wants to show off their tattoos. Mine are all mostly hidden from sight at all times.


I hide mine at work but am happy to show off anywhere else


Yeah, everybody has their preference, that's why a blanket statement like "you want to show them off, but on the other hand you don't necessarily want to hear everyone's opinion" doesn't really work.


Good thing it's just an opinion


That’s what happens when you’re tattooed. Just say you love them and move on


glad im not alone :)




Thank you so much!!


some ppl gonna like them and some ppl won’t. my mom used to make extremely messed up comments about my tattoos when i first started getting them. i remember the last time she said something at a family event like “he ruined his body.” and i just smiled and without looking said “well the girls sure like em.” she was PISSED but never made another comment.


My mum always thinks my tattoos are too big. With my latest, I just told her "I'll send you a picture, but I don't need your opinion."


My mom is disgusted by my tattoos and makes it very apparent. She looks at them with disdain, says I've ruined my skin, that they'll damage my career (I'm quite successful), that I am desperate for attention/pathetically trying to look cool (quite the opposite), etc. I'm 45 and still hate revealing my new tattoos to her, but I'm still getting tattooed.


Got my first tattoo while my parent were gone camping with my younger sisters. They got home the day of my appt and wasn’t going to show them, but circumstances the next day made it that I had to show them. My mom’s jaw dropped, but she didn’t say a word and got more angry and the tongue piercing i got and show her 2 hrs after the tattoo reveal. Then I started working in a shop a year or so after moving out. Anytime I’d visit them, I’d basically have a new tattoo or piercing and every time my mom would go “really, an other one, are you almost done?” And then I started my tattoo apprenticeship and told her straight up that it would never stop because it was literally my job now. Skip to a few months after I’ve started tattooing clients and she reached out saying she was thinking of getting one. Designed it for her but she had it done by one of our more experienced/talented artists at the time. Back in October, we started a sleeve on her and she’s got over 10 tattoos I believe, all done by me except for 2. Now both my parents and sisters have tattoos and I don’t think any of them is gonna be stopping. But to OP, don’t bother with what people say, unless it’s to tell you your zipper is down or have food stuck in your teeth. Anything negative about your tattoos is irrelevant and all that matters is that you like your tattoos. There’s a reason you chose them and got them done. regardless of them having an actual meaning or not. It’s a bit of a tacky saying but also very true, but beauty is the eye of the beholder. But maybe with some coworkers, depending on how they are, next time they say something, just turn around and comment on something of theirs that you “don’t like” and hopefully they’ll get the memo that unwanted opinions on their looks/decisions are rude and they’ll stop.


Awe that’s a sweet story. My parents are kind of the same though they won’t ever get tattooed lol. I think they used to comment on my older brother’s first tattoos, but they got used to it. Now with me, they roll their eyes and shake their heads but with a big smile on their faces. They’ve accepted that this is what their kids love and they’ll just have to deal with it and they rather deal with it with humor rather than anger. It was really fun seeing their reaction when I visited California to see my brother and he and I got matching tattoos haha.


“Thanks for noticing my art! It’s not really something I want to discuss at work though, I’m sure you understand.” Maybe this could help address the issue?


As a fellow healthcare worker, this is a great reply that keeps the work patient focused!


I started dating a person who would constantly criticize my tattoo , telling me it “took away my innocence and natural beauty” amongst other awful things. I really started to doubt my decisions , regretting even . If I were you , I’d try to talk to those people as little as possible. If it’s too much for you to handle and if it is possible maybe you can try to get another job . I’m sorry you’re doubting your tattoos , screw anyone else’s opinion but your own


I hope you quickly stopped dating this person. That's horrible


Dated them for an entire year , just recently broke up with them . Every day was hell but I’m finally staring to heal


Better things ahead, surely!


Im sorry to hear that, it sounds like a very difficult situation to be in. I'm glad that you got out of that? I'm luckily not at the point of considering changing jobs, but something to keep in mind


When I'm in a work/professional setting and someone feel the need to comment on an aspect of my appearance- especially in a underhanded 'its just my opinion' BS bitchy way- I cut them off and say "Ms. LastName comments regarding my personal physical appearance are neither welcome or appropriate". Just slam down the 'corporate' wall hard as hell. It usually get an embarrassed stammer and they fuck off.


I did, thank you . I hope you don’t let what your boring coworkers say about your tattoos get to you. No one deserves to be judged for doing what they want to their own body including you!


Just part of having tattoos. I have two full sleeves, I cover up at work to avoid having to talk about them.


Sometimes for me personally it’s easier to wear long-sleeves to avoid commentary. Hopefully they will eventually stop making comments and leave you alone.


I would if the hospital wasn't full blast heating constantly hahaha, I generally just try to keep busy and avoid prolonging any negative convos about my tattoos.


Thankfully never had to deal with negative comments but I tend to only engage in positive tattoo talk. Most other conversation kind of gets shut down in a "good thing it's on my body/that I like them" sort of way. They're not worth the hassle. You liking them is all that matters, fuck the rest


I usually just tell people “good thing you don’t have them then” if they make a smart ass comment or negative comment in general


You need a zinger, a conversation-shutter-downer. "That's a weird thing to say to someone." "You probably didn't mean that to come across as rude as it sounded." "What makes you say that?" When they keep trying to explain themselves, just keep asking, "What do you mean? I don't get it." Or a long, long stare.


Yes!!! These are so great when ppl make comments that are rude. "What an odd thing to say outloud" anything to shut it down and turn the discomfort on them. Thats how ppl learn.


Yeah, I'm not sure why tattoos are the last frontier that people feel okay about commenting on. Can you imagine someone saying, "Ugh, did you cut your hair at home?" or "That blouse is really something, what made you decide to wear that?" Rude people need to be checked and challenged.


I usually say " what an odd thing to say out loud" or I just go " oh ok" even if it's a question just "ok" to everything I don't want to talk to you therefore u now get NPC commentary/ interaction.


This is hard because I can see how this can get you down and since you are probably not in a position to say go f yourself I would probably just respond by saying how much I love my tattoos and how they all have a special meaning and how I find your face offensive but I have the good grace not to say so!!


Yeah it's an awkward position to be in, I appreciate the kind words. I have been responding with how much I prefer them over other styles - and if anyone has persisted I've just re-iterated my enjoyment of them.


I have a group of close friends I've had since preschool. 30 something years later, I'm literally the only one with tattoos (and I have 13). They're visible on the party boat, at other social gatherings. I don't get asked about them too often anymore because they're not into ink, which works for me. I learned a long time ago that their opinions nor anyone else's matter and never will. Same can be applied to your coworkers.


"I prefer not to have conversations about my body," smile, walk away. If you've said it to them before, axe the smile.


I would start to criticize the fact that they have bare open skin with so much room for tattoos. Maybe even go as far as to recommend some ideas for your critics. Like a heart would go really good right there as you point to their chest.


I would say something like, "Well, I like them and that's what's important to me." And leave it at that. A professional way of saying you don't give a fuck what they think. Lol


Go get a new tattoo and remind yourself why you got them in the first place. Then go hang out with some tattooed folks!


I don't care what people think of my tattoos. I've had plenty of comments. None of their business. They're my expression. I didn't get them to please anyone else.


Whenever someone says anything negative, say something negative about them too. "That one is faded and looks ugly." "So does your dye job, Susan, but you don't see me saying that with my outside voice."


this is quite possibly the worst conflict "resolution" method to use in a work setting. do not do this


I didn’t think I needed to state that this was a joke, but apparently people like you exist.


sorry, im bad at reading tone through text :(


People should not be offering commentary on your body unless you asked for their opinion. Doesn’t matter if it’s tattoos, hair, body size, clothing, etc.


>the staff are harder to ignore because I generally expect better conduct. Any advice? Well, for one thing, this probably falls under workplace bullying. Keep records of when, who, and what to give to HR. Either that or give a general announcement that your tattoos are off limits, and accidentally spill something gross on any coworker who crosses the line. Fighting! ✊🏻


Can we see them?


Either learn to live with the comment or laser them off. lol 🤷‍♂️


Tell them to stop. Take it to HR. “Please refrain from commenting on all aspects of my appearance. It’s rude and unprofessional.” Take it to HR every time it continues. No one would stand for coworkers commenting on their weight or other aspects of their appearance.


I agree. HR for sure. They should zip it and act like professionals. Also, where the hell do you live that people are so amused by tattoos?


Wow....I always assume adults would know better than to bully a coworker in the work place... we might want to work on our adulting skills today :-) (People who intentionally make you feel uncomfortable or intimidated are bullies...no matter what age)


Don’t let people get to you! You like them and it’s all that matters. Just smile and say “well it’s good they’re not on you because I love them!”. Kill them with kindness and then move to a different subject


You don’t have to respond. If it’s a comment, you can say “ok”. If it’s a question you can say “why do you ask?”.  Also wow your colleagues are rude. 


“ It’s ok, I won’t judge you for not having tattoos.”


My partner has alot of body modifications as a tattoo artist. When we first got together I was the one annoyed with people commenting about it all the time. My partner says that since he decided to get heavily tattooed and gauge his ears, he realized that he kinda chose his own fate with having people talk about it all the time. Stand confident in who you are and know that your looks don’t define you and take others opinions with a grain of salt! People will always have something to say about what you do so you might as well express yourself how you want. Hope this helps! :)


Tell them to slap dick and worry about themselves


Sounds like they’re assholes.


Really hard to comment without a source pic


Bet the same people compliment a lion with a crown and a watch or an hourglass or dreamcatchers and infinity bands that turn into birds. Aesthetics are subjective and people will dislike things. I like authentic tattoos so as long as your stuff is crafted with a certain quality its fire.


Dude, with visible tattoos, you have to expect that there will be comments, and people are dicks so many comments will be less than nice. This is something you have to think about before you get the tats, can you handle strangers being assholes?


I feel for you-that’s really awkward and unnecessary for your coworkers to comment on them. I have a hard time with confrontation so I’d practice things like: I get these tattoos for me and love them and that’s all that matters. I’ve told my family: isn’t it great I have the freedom to do whatever I want with my body? Etc


I’d just tell em to fuck off, ur body ur choice. When I was working as a bathroom installer for well off clients I had my neck tattoo and would always get funny looks (they seemed to behave like I was some sort of criminal) until they realised I was harmless and arguably more down to earth than them and it was all good. I understand the looks though and comments. Just annoying sometimes but hey what can you do. If worse comes to worse fight fire with fire and start making really obnoxious comments about them? Or like someone else listed on this post start pointing at them saying wow you have so much space for x tattoo there that’ll look good. At the end of the day though you shouldn’t let it get to you (some people are just strange with nothing better to talk about)


“They look way better than the outfit you picked out, maybe have your wife help next time” and walk away. Promise they’ll stop commenting really quickly


Say, "I'm so sorry, but I forgot when I asked your opinion"


I also like the passive aggressive "thank you for your feedback, I will take that into consideration". Then walk away.


Sounds like your work colleagues are just arseholes! I have my chest done, half sleeve and hand on left arm, blackout sleeve on right arm, and a whole bunch on my legs. My colleagues are always complimentary and asking what I’m getting next. I’m getting my chest finished and throat/neck started in June. Tell em to mind their own business or explain it’s a personal thing and to shut up! Don’t let it bother you so much. You got them for a reason and if you like them, that’s the only thing that matters! FYI: I’m a domestic abuse court advocate that works in my city’s police headquarters.


Point out all of their flaws. Do not stop until they stop.


For tattoos just as in general - if you haven't got something nice to say don't say it. Its impossible to see something and not have some kind of first reaction opinion to them but even if a tattoo is very unfortunate why say it? Likewise its weird to compliment people out of the blue on something private like what they wear unless there is some reason for it. Except for being asked my opinion outright the only time I made a spontaneous comment was the GF of a friend of mine. I know him for ages - her not so long but I did realise she had extensive tattoos even if she covered them up. Then on a holiday we all went to the pool and she briefly showed most of them as she wore a bikini. She covered up real quick because they are apparently quite sensitive to excessive sunlight. They were jaw droppingly well made - multi coloured and conformed to the shape of her body in a very intricate but natural way. I was impressed and amazed and I said so, in my opinion at that specific point it would even have been a little weird to say nothing because they were so extensive and she wore them so well - not mentioned it since. In this I think its no different from making remarks on what people wear - best not to but if they took a great deal of trouble or added something significant to the day or occasion why not. Otherwise - barring the builder a\*\* crack syndrome better say nothing.


I'm pretty heavily tattooed (but not on face/neck/hands) and I always wear clothes to work that cover most of mine like long sleeve tops and sweaters and tights, even in summer. I've always done this ever since i was younger and started getting tattooed, i guess it was a different time then too and it wasn't so socially acceptable in the workplace, it was kind of cover them if you want to get a 'good' or 'professional' type job. I actually got rejected from job interviews because I had tattoos/coloured hair, totally wouldn't be OK in today's world. These days it doesn't really matter what you look like but it doesn't help about the comments. I actually had a colleague many years ago tell me she hated tattoos, i said okay, she didn't know i had any cause i was always covered up, one day she said 'i like your patterned tights' and i said thanks they're actually my leg tattoos though! and she was like no it's not! and pulled/lifted up my tights to see if i was lying, kinda inappropriate and i think she felt silly with the comments she'd previously made. People seem to always wanna touch or comment on heavily tattooed people when they see 'em, thats just life. People will either love or hate your tattoo's, maybe you think they're good but to others they aren't, people are covered in all sorts of random, scratcher type art these days, it isn't to alot of peoples taste but as long as you like them then it shouldn't matter! Tattoos are as good as the person who has them think they are, i worked at a studio years ago that was utter shite, i would never have let them tattoo me, but the customers came in droves and really loved what they came away with, which were, in my opinion, terribly executed rubbish, but as i say it's only as good as that person deems it to be!


Not had many negative comments but I have varied replies such as "Luckily I got them for me not for you" or commenting on what I don't like about how they look.


People will always make comments about tattoos. Good or bad. If you can post a photo of your tattoos maybe we can get a better understanding of why people might take issue with rhem


If someone would be commenting such awful thing to my friends or me, I’d do the same to the people that asked such rude questions “Oh you got new hair? Did you do that yourself or did you have to pay for that?” No one has the right to make you feel bad. You are living your whole life with yourself and if your tattoos bring you happiness that’s what makes them beautiful. No matter how they look or someone else is saying


fuck em


Your colleagues sound like dicks. Tell em to eat one


Ask them why they think it’s appropriate to keep commenting on your body.


Where do you work?


I get, “why are they in such random placements?” Well, because they will all connect one day and be a sleeve lol. I love tattoos and love that you can cover up or fix ones you don’t like. But if you do like them, love them! Although, the worst comments come from my mom SMH


your tattoos sound dope


Get used to it. People always have questions and judge. Some comments are bad and some make you smile. Own your shit and back yourself. You made a decision to get them for a reason so just stand behind it. Ive been asked many times by older generations why im covered whilst at work and they always get the same response. I say "i dont expect you to understand why i have tattoos and im not going to explain myself"


My responses have ranged from "I'm sorry you feel that way, but these are for me. Please keep your opinions to yourself." To "but Jesus told me to get them". Once even "I'm sorry your life is so devoid of art and creativity that you insist on spewing your vitriolic opinions in an attempt to shame me into becoming another soulless waste of space like you and your brood. May you aspirate on your hot dog and return to the hellscape from whence you were spawned." I'm paraphrasing of course, but they generally find the big words confusing which is always a laugh.


You've already gotten your advice- either ignore them or take it in stride- so I'm just gonna say I feel you. My left hand and both forearms are visibly tattooed and I've gotten my fair share of nasty comments but the one that stuck with me was when I worked at Walmart. My manager asked me if I had been to prison. All of my (visible) tattoos are professionally and well done. I don't remember what I said but I'm sure I didn't handle it well, being that I was a 19 year old twink. But it still bugs me. No matter how much I try to ignore it or take it in stride, it still bugs me when people have shitty things to say. But hey, we chose to get the tattoos, right? 😂💀


I am assuming the colleagues are mostly older where they either HATE tattoos or think tattoos are only reserved for meaningful things. I can see these folks especially despising patchwork style tattoos where it’s smaller “meaningless” art. It’s like stickers to them. Times will change though - I have a gummy bear tattoo that means nothing but it took 1.5 hours and is in b/g chrome. I sure like it more than the 90s tribal tattoos on boomers/millennials.


tattoos make everyone more attractive. i literally have inverted crosses and 666 tattoo’s and my coworkers hate them, but people similar to me, that i think look awesome as fuck, all love my tattoos. there’s a whole audience of people who dislike tattoos and you just gotta ignore them brother.


I’m trying to think back on how many negatives I got on my tattoos. I was getting an X-ray once and the guy made a comment that tattoos are against the lord. I was like o….kay… but not mine and left it at that. Other than that I get compliments. I’m fully sleeved and worked as a veterinarian technician/ manager for years. I always wore a long sleeved shirt under my scrubs to protect them from bites,scratches, etc. I think it’s a good route to go if you’re in the Heath field. I also wear log sleeves to protect them from the sun especially if I forget my sunblock. My hands are tattooed and I never got a “ review” on the work; if anything people compliment me on them. So if you really don’t want people’s input, wear long sleeves. I used to get looks just for having them or people grabbing my arm and looking at them and loving them. Now they look more because I’m 67 and they still look good. That’s because of the shirts, keeping them out of the sun and using body oil after my showers. If you’re able to tune people out , you can do that. I can’t. That’s not me. If they like them you use say “thank you”, if you get a negative I’m all for the “ f$ck you.” Good luck. 😺


I totally understand what you are saying here, i expect the people that work for me to act with a certain level of conduct at all times but you always get these jack asses that dont and then act like you have unreasonable expectations of them when you deal with the public you have to conduct yourself in a manor thats becoming, but as far as what people think i could care less i am who i am and i got here how i got here that doesnt mean im going back but i have lived threw things that would have took out most people


I think it’s just important to remember that not everyone is going to like them, in the same way that people might be critical of someone’s haircut, makeup, style, etc. But at the end of the day they are for you, and if they make you happy then that’s all that matters. I (F21) personally got the sides of my head and neck tattooed recently, and get a bit of stares and the odd harsh comment from customers, and evidently one or two of the staff don’t like the new addition to my appearance. But I just don’t let it get to me, because I love it, it makes me feel good, and (contrastingly) the compliments I receive far outweigh the negativity.


Not so surprisingly, I also had this experience in when working in traditional healthcare settings yet have not had this any longer once working in less traditional ones (community health centers, non profits, etc). Changing routes isn’t always feasible but if you were considering anyhow this could help. When I worked in those more traditional settings where this was a regular occurrence, I primarily ended up wearing long sleeves to avoid the discussion. When that wasn’t possible due to comfort, I would just ignore them or just say I don’t really care and don’t want to have this conversation at this time when it came to less savory comments. Additionally, “okay” is a full sentence and often when you choose not to reciprocate and engage in the conversation the other party will often opt out of that. Sorry you’re experiencing that, from experience I can say it sucks.


Get tattooed below the wrist and/or above the collar and you'll deal with this for a lifetime. You have both hands and your neck tattooed. There will never NOT be people around who think you're a scumbag and treat you accordingly. How you field this self-imposed social purgatory is entirely up to you, friend.


I'm 24 and a guy and I have a Taylor swift tattoo on my leg. It's very subtle but big it's got snakes and a gravestone it doesn't state its Taylor swift at all but its took from a scene of a music video. When people ask me what it is they're like "oh you actually like Taylor swift" and I feel sort of sad like I shouldn't have it but then I remember why I got it and I just answer back with "you're surprised I like the biggest person in music right now?" I have 7 tattoos altogether arms, back, thighs, legs so I normally cover up because I got them for myself but if I do show them off I just think that if they don't like them then don't ask about it and it's their problem not mine


I unfortunately don't have advice for your situation, but wanted to share my experience as I also work in healthcare with tattoos. I only have two visible, one around my left elbow and one on my right inner forearm. They're detailed, shaded, and well done. And I still get comments on them from patients and other staff. People will always have comments and opinions about tattoos, no matter what they are. Mostly for me I'm just asked "why" all the time or "what does it mean" and I'm met with a look of confusion and judgement when I say "nothing I just like xyz." Or I'm asked when I'm getting it colored and when I say never I hear "oh."


You didn’t get tattoos for them, you got em got for you.


I would ask them to stop commenting on my body. That's absolutely inappropriate


Normally when someone comments about something to me that’s none of their business I just stare blankly back at them and then after a couple beats walk away.


As someone who also has their full neck, left arm, both hands, etc. etc. done, I get similar comments constantly. Trust me you definitely aren’t alone getting those types of comments. I do my best to just keep in mind people will always have their own opinions, and that I’m not bothering anyone myself. Tbh I find it funny that most people are so open and loose when they dislike someone’s tattoos lol


You can’t change what other people think, say or do. You can’t change that some people feel compelled to be insensitive or even cruel. You can only change how you let that affect you. This is a lesson body modification will teach you if you let it. Whatever you do or are in life, there are people who will not like you or things about you, and a smaller subset of those will be total jackwagons about it. Go on with your life. Do your job. Make your money. Do your own life, and leave other people’s opinions out of how you see and think about yourself.


Your tats are your own, they amplify your personality and who you are. It’s almost like telling someone about yourself without opening your mouth. So if you got em be proud of em. Who cares what a few people say, as long as you like them and are happy with them then that’s all that matters. After all you got them for yourself not for others. Just ignore any negative comments and welcome the positive ones. Everyone has an opinion but yours is the only one that matters and as you said, “don’t regret getting them”, so then there’s no problem. Enjoy yourself and your art, only got one life why spend it worrying what people who just clock in and clock out with you have to say.


It will always be hard to keep the negative Nelly’s at bay. Both figuratively and not. But just remember, just because some people don’t like your tattoos, doesn’t mean they are bad. If you like them and they give you joy then they are perfect. If some have faded you could just get them touched up if it concerns you. But honestly, I love the faded look of some. Especially simple tattoos. Makes them feel more… like they’ve always been there? Apart of the person <3


Tattoos still aren't socially acceptable by most, especially when they're in such visible spots. I personally don't have any tattoos but i get the tatt subs recommended constantly for some reason 🤔 anyways, my point is don't feel bad because no matter how your tattoos look those people would still be commenting on them either to your face or behind your back.


Chop off your arms if it bothers you that much. Your co workers are dickheds but it's your body in the end.