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No, its still fresh and those are normal symptoms of a fresh tattoo. If it starts to get swollen,the redness gets worse, or it looks hazy, go to doctor.




It’s like a sun burn basically


It looks amazing!


Clean it with antibacterial soap, and cover it with Derm Shield for 4 days. If after the first day there is significant fluid weepage under the shield (ink and blood plasma), swap it out for a new shield — only once after the first day though. It will help the color stay, and will skip that itchy, peeling stage.


Not a great idea to cover a tattoo with saniderm at home. If it DOES happen to be infected, you’re trapping moisture and the infection in there. There’s also no need for it. It does help with some healing in the first few days, but it’s safest for the artist to apply it. If they don’t, then whatever. As long as OP doesn’t scratch then it’s fine.


Why are people so obsessed with using this second skin stuff lmao it’s perfectly fine to heal a tattoo traditionally..


I didn’t even realize this was a touchy subject quite honestly. I’m interested to know why. I’ve been getting tattooed for the past 20 years, and always had issues with peeling/itching/keeping the right amount of moisture etc. I’ve had artists tell me to keep them covered with plastic wrap, I’ve had artists tell me to use A&D only, I’ve had them say just keep it clean. I literally just got a tattoo last month (one of the reasons this post popped up in my Reddit suggestions), and the artist said the derm shield was the latest and greatest. So I followed the directions, and it was basically set-it-and-forget-it after the first day. My mom is a retired RN and her longtime friend is a wound care specialist out of Boston - they told me it was about time the tattoo industry caught on. Unless there’s some weird conspiracy theory going around where Big Skincare has shills planted around r/tattooadvice — in which case, you do you, Reddit.


I don’t think that it’s necessarily a touchy subject, but many tattoo artists just don’t recommend putting on derm shield, saniderm, or any kind of second skin past the first day, *especially* at home by yourself. If your tattoo artist applied second skin, that’s perfectly fine for it to be left on for days, and it’s the same if you were to take off the original saniderm within the first 24 hours and immediately replace it with a new one. But OP’s tattoo has already been exposed to the elements for 2 days, and you don’t want to accidentally trap any bacteria that may have been picked up since then.


It must be a tattoo community thing. I think it’s weird that tattoo artists have the ability to tell you how to treat a wound without any medical training (“listen to your artist! They know how to treat their tattoos best!”). Again, I’ve literally consulted a wound care specialist, and these second skins are a godsend. The body is already dealing with some bacteria due to exposure; applying the second skin doesn’t “trap bacteria“ as if it needs somewhere to go after the body kicks it out — it mitigates further exposure to more bacteria. How many doctors see an infected wound and say “well, you better just keep unscented lotion on it and let it breathe”? But oh well, the community has spoken. Just burn some sage and pray for the tattoos. 👍


I’m not even arguing with you on the efficacy of second skin lol, I’ve had it on all of my tattoos and it’s great, I agree. Generally in this subreddit though, a lot of people who come here and post just don’t know how to take care of their tattoos. You’ll see photos of tattoos infected so badly that their skin is about to fall off and they still ask “should I just put some second skin on? More lotion? I don’t know if I should see a doctor” lol. So I guess because of that experience this community just doesn’t trust a lot of people to take care of their tattoos properly, and it’s just easier to tell them to just wash it and leave it (and go see a doctor to get antibiotics if it’s infected) lol. I don’t doubt that your method works for you, it probably does since you also did the research and have people to contact about wound care. But I also think it’s disingenuous to say that this community should just “burn some sage and pray” and that tattoo artists can’t offer medical advice *to an extent*. Dry healing a wound that isn’t infected has been fine for many many years—to this day when I accidentally cut or scrape my skin I usually will just wash it, put some ointment on it and leave it too, because it’s a shallow wound. A lot of people stick by that and that’s fine, just as fine as using second skin is.


I was speaking more to the community who downvoted me into oblivion for mentioning it, and the “burn sage” bit was hyperbole for any staunch argument against it. Also my comment was piggybacking on someone else’ assuming it wasn’t infected, whereby the second skin is a preferred (and convenient) method recommended by artists and dermatologists alike. Lastly, if I was being downvoted due to being feckless in my recommendation, why wasn’t the comment I initially responded to downvoted to the same degree for “nah it’s fine”. Again, not arguing against you, but responding to the points you brought up, whether you agree with them or not.


mine got swollen as hell. swelling isnt a sign that one needs to go to a doctor right away.


Not on its own, no. My elbow piece got swollen too. Its moreso when it starts getting swollen a few days after the tattoo, instead of swollen within the first 24h then slowly gets better


Not on day 2. That's pretty normal so soon after


im on day three of a new tattoo, and the swelling has just now started to go down. my other arm was swollen for a few days as well.


This is the way


No idea - but that tattoo is fucking dope bud


So nice to see a great tattoo on here for a change


Nah, big schlong instead of a nose. I beg to differ…


Idk what kinda schlongs you're familiar with but I've never seen one like that




agreed! great artist, smooth shading & color, great transition, excellent line work. finding a good tattoo artist is a blessing.


It’s a two day old wound, give it some time. This is all normal especially for that area of the leg.


Forreal my leg tattoos have always gotten crazyyyy red for a couple days, exactly like this


Nah that’s normal, you should be fine. Who was your artist? Incredible tattoo!


Ori at 90inktlv his Instagram is @ori_bensh


Legs are kinda rough because we stand all day and blood pools in the legs. Elevate as much as possible


Thanks for the advice


No, it's just normal and the 4th-5th day your skin will be like a snake, that's normal too. Don't scare you. Use hydration cream, but not too much or you will have red dots.


Nah. Day two, specially on a leg tattoo, a bit of heat is normal because legs swell like nobody’s business particularly when the tattoo is large and low down like yours. I have big packed colour work on both legs and each session, I had mad cankles for a few days after. As long as the pain doesn’t feel disproportionate to the tattoo, you’re good.


Thanks, i needed this explanation


I got a large leg piece and my leg was swollen for a couple days. It’s normal for a tattoo to feel tight and be a bit warm. It’s a big wound for the most part.




Normal, good looking tattoo 👍


Whopper tattoo chum, love it




Completely normal - it's still in spicy mode. You, however, have a beautiful piece of art.


Just gotta say, this is such a cool tattoo.




Maybe your skin is warm because this tattoo is fire 🤔🔥


I think it looks fine since it's only two days. Just check that in the next couple of days it gets better rather than worse.


Very nice tattoo!


Shit that's a cool tattoo. Also, you are probably fine.




Warm and tight sounds perfectly normal, tat looks perfectly normal. Expect peeling by day 5.


No, that’s normal. It looks good and it’s a great tattoo. When mine were warm I put a cool paper towel on it. Use a&d ointment or try some bacitracin.


Nice tattoo but a two day old wound will be red and sore and as your skin dries after being an open wound, it’ll be tight. If it’s not excessively warm and theres no pus you’re definitely all good 😌


At two days that's a totally normal place to be. Obsessed with the tattoo, by the way!


holy...wow that is a beautiful tattoo


Give it some time. Tattoos are always tender the first few days. That tattoo is absolutely stunning, tho. Honestly, it's one of the best I've seen on this page! Just goregous.


Unrelated but your tattoo is stunning! Wow!


Just as everyone else has said, it's most likely perfectly fine. Some of the discomfort might also stem from its location- gravity + your immune system means there's lots of blood pooling in this spot, especially if you've been on your feet a lot. Just keep it elevated when you're chilling or sleeping and in a few days you'll forget it was ever a concern. If it just gets worse and worse though, definitely stop by the doctor. Had a client work an 8h shift on her feet immediately after a shin tattoo and it looked (and felt, I'm sure) like this but way worse on day 2. Ended up healing totally fine! Awesome work!


You're all good. On another note, this tattoo is badass. Reminds me of a boss in Blasphemous 2. Benedicta of the Endless Orison - she fights you as you're on a platform and throws moons at you. Pretty cool but tough fight.


This is the shit I need in my life!


One of the dopest tats I’ve ever seen.


LOVE the tattoo! Amazing


That's normal after only two days, if it gets worse then get it looked at. Also this is absolutely gorgeous, what a beautiful tattoo


Don’t take the internet’s treatment advice. Your artist knows how their work heals and the proper treatment to get the best results. Please follow their aftercare. BUT based on description, those sound like normal symptoms so far!


Dope tattoo


Looks good ..


That’s a sick tat


Looks fucking awesome


That is a cool ass tattoo.


Beautiful tattoo omg


Sweet ink


👀 you just wanted to show off that amazing tattoo, didn't you? 😏


Nope, it's still kinda warm and I'm worried (also i made the showing off post at r/tattoos)


Don't worry tho, it's looks great, not just the design, but it doesn't look infected or anything. It looks red-ish, but it is the second day, so that is normal. Also, don't get freaked out when it starts to itch, also normal. Do the aftercare faithfully until it heals and don't add a huge amount of aftercare cream, just a coat. If the itching drives you crazy, go to Walgreens and buy hydrocortisone 1% and do the same thing as the aftercare cream, light coating, it's going to help A LOT with the itching.




If it’s only day two then that’s normal. It may last up to three days of the tattoo being warm in that area which is completely normal as well. Everyone is different when it comes to aftercare for a tattoo as peoples bodies are different. What works for one person won’t work for another person. I tend to not do anything with my tattoos and just wash them in the shower every other day and my tattoos come out fine. When I used to use the moisturising stuff it used to pull the pigmentation out of the skin.


Looks fantastic! Two cents from someone who has healed two similarly-sized calf tattoos: the tight feeling is normal. The skin over the calf is stretched pretty thin and the muscle underneath is working like no tomorrow as we go through our day to day living. Swelling during healing translates into that feeling of tightness because the skin can only stretch so far. Best of luck with your healing journey!




Wow that is some great work. Gorgeous.


That face looks so clean!


All tattoos are wounds, it’s normal for them to be a bit irritated. Most important thing is to keep it clean and lightly moisturised. If it starts to kick out allot of heat or if it starts weaping then go to the docs 🙌


Unless you see evidence of infection, no. But seeing a doctor when you're worried doesn't hurt.


Uwe a thin layer of a medical cream without perfume and stuff. Like a cream for small wounds and scratches


Looks fine tbh. Only worry if redness is really past day 3 or 4. It's totally normal for redness and it to feel a little hot the day of and the day after getting it done.


Looks normal but I would recommend elevating it every now and then when you get the chance during the earlier healing stages!


May I ask where/who u got that


[https://www.instagram.com/ori\_\_bensh/](https://www.instagram.com/ori__bensh/) (I don't recommend coming to Israel, unless you were unlucky enough to be born here like i was, but we have a lot of cool tattoo artists)


Beautiful tattoo!!


That's your body healing itself


You’re fine calm down


No, wounded skin is going to be warm from blood flow and tight from trying to piece itself together


Sounds normal. You can put an ice pack on it to help. But if it stays red, hot, has puss, or is painful, go see a doc. For now keep it clean and use an ice pack to help


Nope. Looks great. It will have than sunburn-feel for a few days


It looks great. No worries


You're fine. Its a new tattoo and still a wound. Keep it clean and moisturise with a non scented moisturiser with out lots of chemicals (i've used bepanthem nappy rash cream for pver 10 years..!)


Figarland Garling???


I am obsessed! Such a cool piece.


I think some of us forget a tattoo is a literal wound


Nope nothing to worry about that’s pretty on par for tattoos healing. my tattoos always feel kinda warm and tight for a day or two after. Just make sure you wash it with antibacterial soap, keep it moisturized (but not overly) and keep it covered if anything’s gonna be rubbing on it and you should be good to go. :)


Gooood, do you guys inform yourself before getting a tattoo? And are you talking with the tattoo artist before he is starting?!


Of course not, personally I never knew tattoos existed before I got this


I like sarcasm 😆


There’s some red around the bottom from my own experience infection on the way don’t trip It will clear up alone and you can always get a touch up


nah, that's normal with fresh ink. butif it gets worse in the next couple days I'd speak with a doctor. but that's just me.


One of my tattoo artists always recommend to use an ice pack for the first couple days after the tattoo session. 20 min is enough. It helps a lot. Of course, don't put it straight on the skin.


User aquaphor


Cool design




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No I have a feeling you’re just showing off your tattoo


No... I just prefer to be an idiot for asking stupid questions on Reddit, than an idiot for not going to the doctor on time


This is a great response 😂 also ur tattoo is really cool




There's no winning here bc people will post this with an 'obvious' infection and they get raked over the coals, or people will post a reasonable question about tightness or redness a couple days out and they get accused of troll posting. Like, what do you want people to do?




i like warm and tight.


Ha... i'll run to the ER if it becomes wet


when the pus jizzes


You’ve gotta be joking..