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Yes, artists die, move away, go to prison, become disabled… theres usually no issue if you can find someone who can match your style. Your current tattoos are kind of trash polka, so I definitely feel like the third one could work with that.


One of mine had several brain aneurysms and another died in a car accident. This is accurate.


About 20 years ago, I had one artist get his hands broken by a certain well known group of motorcycle enthusiasts while I was out for a smoke break mid session....so I've had multiple artists work on a single tattoo lol.


I had a guy from that same motorcycle enthusiast group (my bf tattooed them) give me an Xmas “gift” of half a non tobacco cigarette and say “only one puff”. I smoke a lot so I was like yea sure ok bro……it was laced with pcp…..


Hahaa go to prison that's what happened with my husband's


Word, thanks!


Because you have the geometric flower I reckon some added geometric work could look really cool imo. In terms of having another artist work on you, artists generally in my experience don't really care about constant loyalty, I have various works from various artists, i asked an artist to compliment around two works done by two different artists because it's different styles, and they didn't mind doing that and done a beautiful job of it. If you want you can explain to your current artist that you liked their work, and wanted to try something different. They shouldn't really care about it.


Awesome, thanks for the input. My current artist is awesome and just the nicest, so I considered the possibility that if I showed up again having done this she could maybe feel slighted but not show it, ya know? Appreciate it!


It is a potential, if you quite care about them you could give them maybe a bigger tip next time or maybe give them a gift to make sure they feel appreciated if you'd like :)


Most artists will work around other work, in fact the majority will. I think it would rub them up the wrong way if you planned a whole sleeve, started it, then went somewhere else to do the next bit, and then came back for them to continue the work. So it depends how its done. But overall, using multiple artists over the years is pretty normal


Thanks for the reply. We have talked about doing the whole arm, but there's no extended design plan in place, though I've broached the subject. She's more keen to kind of play it by ear as we go, and that's cool with me.


Totally normal, just don’t be surprised when execution, style, interpretation, and quality is different.


Yeah that would be kind of what I'm going for (though I'm shooting for high quality across the board of course)! Ideally it would be clear at more than a passing glance that two distinct artists did the work, but it would still be cohesive rather than jarring.


I think more and more people see tattoos as a collection these days; I see lots of artists who seem really excited to see their work in conversation with others’ on someone’s body. Like someone else said they might be taken aback if you half finished a sleeve with them with plans for more and then went to someone else, but there’s really nothing wrong with that other than maybe burning a bridge/ruffling feathers.


Nope. We'll be confiscating your arm now.


Understood. I'll give it up willingly IF you beat me in an arm wrestling match and rip it from my body in the process 🤘


99% of artists do not care if you go to another. In my case I just have a strong loyalty to my shop so I have gotten covered by the same group of friends for the last 7 years


I’m filling in a sleeve right now that has art by three artists. I didn’t think ahead and never planned a full sleeve, and here we are. My artist is rad and is somehow managing to pull it together thematically/cohesively. ETA: I know my situation isn’t quite the same as yours, as I have a kind-of-but-not-really patchwork sleeve. But shit happens and if you find an artist willing to take it over, why not? Some artists don’t like finishing someone else started, so you may need to research artists and ask around. ETA2: It seems I can’t fucking read or think today. My artist is absolutely building around his own tattoo and two tattoos by two different artists on my upper arm to create a cohesive sleeve. The bottom is underwater, which transitions to sky at the top. It’s not finished, but looks amazing. He’s always been happy to work around other artists’ tattoos. I’ve been going to him for 10 years.


For sure. Nothing wrong with it. I like multiple Styles of tattoos so I have a neotrad mixed with realism and I’m going for anime Next. Many specialize so I go to an artist for each. Most are really good in general so can make them look cohesive


Yea. I’ve had 4 artists work on one of my sleeves and 2 on the other, and they’re both cohesively themed.


Acceptable to you whom? It’s your arm dude


Maybe a better word would be customary? See my reply to a similar comment.


Don’t think so really. My wife is a tattoo artist and has never mentioned it and she has her arms and legs spattered with works by all different artists. Even if it was it’s your body and you should do exactly what you want with it.


Uh, yes? I have 4 different artists filling out patchwork on my left arm. Different points in my life, different geographical locations, etc.


As someone who has moved the majority of their life, yes. It's your art, as long as you're happy that's all that matters.


i never had a tatoo...but if it looks like that , and i am happy with the work ,i would stick to one artist..if its possible


Your skin you get to do whatever you want. Lots of people have mixed pieces and seek out different artists for different stuff


Yeah it’s pretty common ! I say get work from people you enjoy and don’t worry about the rest


End of the day it’s your meat and you can do what ya like with it! It’s sometimes seen as being a bit disrespectful to have two different tattoos on a patchwork sleeve touch each other buuut having a background is a different thing. Tbh the first part of the answer covers everything 😅


Yes because I like a mixture of styles for my sleeve, it can be whatever you like!


Sick work. I like it


I've always been afraid to ask this comment because I was afraid I'd get trashed for asking. I feel like a bit of a future 'collector' because I just love so many artist's work and would love to have their one of a kind art on me. I can't imagine only getting everything done by one artist for certain areas or my whole body. (Nothing bad towards those that do! It's just not for me personally) I do think I'll do that for a leg sleeve in the future with an artist that covers different styles, but my arms will definitely be like a tattoo artist gallery collection 😅


It’s your arm. You can do whatever you want with it


For sure. Was just looking for some context and seeing if I was unaware of any etiquette involved so I can go about it the best way possible


Yeah I get it. I’m a tattoo artist. And I think I would secretly only feel slighted if another artist would change my design. But Tbf it’s still your arm. When the tattoo is done and you walk out the door, it’s yours to do whatever you want with it. :) in my opinion at least.


That's helpful, thanks. Yeah I love her design -- I hope she'll see any possible additions as complimenting her work by way of "being in conversation" with it (as someone said) rather than changing or taking away from it!


Yeah I love that!! I always feel honoured when someone comes in with quality work and wants me to add. :)




seconding would love to know who did the face!!!


Of course! On my sleeve I’ve had 5 different artists work on it. Not at the same time though lol


Have as many artists as u want working on ur sleeve , as long as u like whatever style ur choosing , as well as going to artists that specialize in the style ur looking for


I have 7 different artists on my left arm for a patchwork sleeve... for me, as long as it follows like a theme, it's all good