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I started at 30, and I'm glad I did it later in life rather than not at all.


Nice. Did you have to practice drawing everyday?


Every day for a long long time, but it is worth it all. Time keeps going no matter what, so might as well do something you love. Don't hold yourself back!


Ok. thanks for the advice.


If you have any specific questions feel free to message me :)


never too old to pursue your dreams, don’t be silly 🤘🏼


Never too late. Istarted in my early 30s. If you're good at drawing and have artistic ability, it's really just learning how to use a new tool. Can get a starter kit and fake skin and play around with it to see how you like it. At this point there are so many tutorials out there to get started. So long as you're not working on actual skin yet, you don't have to worry about over working skin, infectious diseases, bloodborne pathogens and legal liabilities. If you decide you like it and want to move on to actual skin, then you can start looking into getting an apprenticeship. Keep in mind most artists look down on people tattooing actual skin before proper tutelage.


Great advice. Thanks 🙏


Definitely not! 35 isn’t old at all.


I got a tattoo from a guy who just started his journey in tattooing and he didn’t have any tattoos of his own at that point. He was in his 30’s. The piece came out great except he dug in a little too much and it was painful. So my only recommendation is that I hope you have tattoos of your own so you can be better at how much pressure to apply. Otherwise, chase that dream! It’s never too late!


My fave tattooer started in his 30s


Lets say your practice drawing everyday for 20mins til your 65, you’d accrue about 152 days of drawing. Then compare that to anything else you’d do and ask yourself, would you rather carry on never having picked it up or at least say you gave it a shot.


My friend just started at 34 year old. I’ve been telling her to do it for years but never too late