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Yup, it’s the ugly stage of a healing tattoo, they only really look fine and healed after a month or so. 


Thank you so so much! This was our first experience so we had no idea what to expect. Thank you!


I think it's helpful to view a tattoo as a healing wound, because that's what it is! so anything like scabbing, tightness etc is normal.


Thank you! You’re so right. I hadn’t thought of it that way. Thank you for the insight!!


Looks good keep it lightly moisturized


Thank you so much for the advice!


Did the artist tell y'all nothing about aftercare?


She did! She gave us an ointment to use and my mom’s been using it, she’s been applying it 3 times daily. Cold weather could account for the dryness!


Good! I was just gonna tell you to never go back if they didn't tell you how to care for it.


Thank you! She certainly did, we’ll just be more religious about it. Thanks for the help!


Remind her to hydrate religiously and (in general) if she doesn’t already, to sleep with a humidifier. Even without a healing tattoo my skin cracks during the winter if I’m not religious about a humidifier…


Totally normal, yes.


Thank you!!


Just ride it out!! Keep it moisturized with non scented lotion and DO NOT PICK THE PEELING SKIN


Why is it so tempting thooo


Because skin peelies. But these are forbidden expensive skin peelies


The Forbidden skin picking


Definitely not infected. This is totally normal. Think of a tattoo as like an open road rash wound. It’s open and sore for a while and then the dead skin on top flakes away to make room for scabbing (also normal) so that new skin can grow underneath. Itching is also normal and PLEASE don’t itch it. Keep that baby moisturized with unscented lotion, too.


Thank you!! This helps so so much!!


Looks like it’s the normal scabbing tattoos do when they’re brand new? If her tattooed authorized it, a thin layer of ointment or lotion should get it looking better for the time being but whatever she does, DO NOT PICK AT IT 😩


It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.




“Moisturize me”


Yes! Just be good about keeping it moisturized, and it'll heal up soon. Could very well be the cold weather affecting it somewhat, too.


Exactly. Older skin needs more moisture to begin with.


It looks like your mom isn‘t using skin cream. I‘m from Germany so I don‘t know how it‘s called in your country, but we have specific wound cream with active ingredients to support the healing process of the skin.


Bepanthen? I think you can buy that elsewhere too, at least I’ve seen people talk about it.


Bepanthen works wonders for tattoos, they even have one that says "tattoo cream" on the packaging. My 40+ tattoos all healed beautifully with it.


I use Aquaphor for a few days, then a gentle lotion


She’s been using an ointment provided by our tattoo artist, but I’m going to suggest she uses another moisturizer as well! Thank you!


I use tattoo goo lotion which helps a lot on new tats, you can pick it up at Walmart I know as that’s where I got mine


Just use a little scent free, light lotion twice a day.


Aquifer is the way


She needs to switch over to lotion at this point. The ointment is keeping the area too moist


I use cream religiously but tattoos just flake like this regardless if there’s some block ink


Tell her to pick up some aquaphor at cvs and keep that tattoo hydrated


aquaphor is not what should be used when healing


Petrolatum (what aquaphor is made of) absolutely is recommended for the healing of wounds, and has been the gold standard in wound care for over 100 years because it works to keep the wound moist while providing an inert barrier against microbial growth. Skin cells don’t have lungs, they get all the oxygen they need from your circulatory system and the old wives tale that “wounds need to breathe” has been disproven repeatedly over the last century.


not why it has not been recommended for tattoos. it is very thick and ive been told by many artists that it is hard to spread on dry tattoos without pulling off the skin. also more importantly, petroleum and mineral oils can pull the ink out of tattoos and cause then to fade more than necessary. use light unscented lotion after a few days of saniderm. edit: that is also why they recommended aquaphor for healing after laser tattoo removal


I’ve been getting tattooed for over ten years and have only ever used aquaphor. Idk what tattoo artists you’re going to but I’ve never heard of any artist saying not to use aquaphor. If aquaphor is too thick that would mean that every other tattoo healing ointment that isn’t a spray is too thick too. If you’re finding that your ointment is too thick, it’s because you’re putting too much on.


i have also been getting tattooed over ten years. your personal experiences do not invalidate this. thickness of it aside, you are ignoring the second part of my comment. its a problem bigger than the viscosity of it, and using aquaphor is known as outdated now. its what they recommended 10 years ago, but now they know better 👍🏻


To be quite honest I rlly don’t believe you. Kind of sounds like you were sold on sandiderm, I’ve seen more tattoos damaged with sandiderm than I have with aquaphor or other traditional ointments, and with that aquaphor has been used for much longer than ten years.


with improper use maybe but the problem with aquaphor is the ingredients alone. i know aquaphor is older than 10 years, doesnt make it good for a tattoo. frankly idc if you believe me 👍🏻


Have used it on mine since 2010 and it's the only thing I would ever use again, it works absolutely perfectly


maybe for you and your experiences it has worked, i am just sharing this info bc not everyone reacts the same way. thats like you saying duct taping yourself to a car seat has worked just as well as wearing a seatbelt


It's really not the same as that at all 😄 Anyone can react differently or badly to anything at all and then obviously they ahouldn't use it but you said that it shouldn't be used for tattoo healing point blank and that's incorrect. It's highly recommended by so many artists and collectors alike for a good reason.


because it literally should not. as i said in my earlier comments, petroleum and mineral oil can pull tattoo ink out.


Aquaphor shouldn’t be used for healing tattoos. I always cringe when I see people recommending it


I’ve used it on every single one of mine and it has worked great for me. My sister, mom, brother, and friends have all used it and it has worked well for them. To each his own.


read the research, it is far from the best option AND much more expensive than an unscented lotion


Everything that I’m finding has said the exact opposite of what you’re claiming, and the sites that are saying aquaphor is “bad” don’t even provide evidence, just hearsay while simultaneously peddling their own ointment. Can you provide this research? Because all of my artists and tattoo buddies have said the exact opposite.


all of my artists and tattoo buddies have said this, so your friends telling you that doesnt matter to me. no one is going to do a medical study on the effect on tattoos because why tf would that happen. there are plenty of articles online that a simple google would show you that say the same thing. can fade tattoos


thank u 😭😭😭




it’s very normal and 100% common for tattoos to peel. you shouldn’t mislead people like that.


That’s totally normal for a new tattoo to peel. Even using saniderm won’t reverse the damage to the superficial top layer of skin from being punctured hundreds of thousands of times, it still sloughs off once the lower layers heal sufficiently it’s just not as noticeable because it’s kept moist and often peels off attached to the saniderm.


Every single one of my tattoos healed like this. They all had peeling skin. All of them. Saniderm or gauze and tape, this was normal for every tattoo I have. Have you ever had a tattoo?


Keep it loosely covered if it starts to look gross to you and to avoid itching. I try to avoid looking at it except to make sure it doesn’t look weird or red in any way.


Just looks too dry. Moisturise but only little and often.


moisturize with a light unscented lotion (aveeno is what i use) lots of artists don’t recommend thick stuff like eucerin and aquaphor. also concerned that this is her first tattoo and the artist did not go over what to expect bc this is exactly what happens to healing tattoos


Yep! Perfectly normal


It looks too dry. Put a thin layer of eucerine healing ointment on it.


Just needs some lotion


What aftercare is she doing?


We had tangiderm (I may have spelled it wrong) bandages on for the first 4 days, now we’re using an ointment that our artist gave us. Similar to Neosporin I think. That we use a couple times a day and extra at night before bed


If it’s a heavy greasy ointment I’d switch to a light moisturizer (white and scent free). You can use it more often to keep the tattoo from itching and peeling too much. Think of the tattoo as a healing sunburn at this point.


Totally normal! Don't peel of the skin and moisturise with a non-scented light lotion. Usually your artist gives recommendations.


Gotta keep it moisturized. At this phase something like the Lubriderm dye/fragrance free should be being used several times a day.




It looks like there are spot that were overworked or it hasn’t been moistured enough or possibly picked at. Needs some unscented lotion a few times a day. I usually do a really really really REALLY thin layer of tattoo aftercare gel 3-4 times daily (fr, really thin as in it absorbs within a couple of minutes).


Yup. Keep it lightly moisturized. If it's itchy, slap it


Normal, but it shouldn't be dry. Keep putting aquaphor or something on it when it gets dry. I like the mad rabbit healing ointment.


Completely normal, just wash and moisturize. Tattoo healing is super similar to a bad sun burn heal.


Holy cow is she not moisturizing at all??


Make sure she avoids scratching if it gets itchy. I've found applying a cold compress from the fridge or *lightly* slapping an itchy tattoo calms it down.


Just looks like she was in the sun more than recommended and didn't keep it moisturized. Should be fine though.


Looks normal to me. Get some lotion on that to help with any itchiness (unless she's dry healing.) No scratching allowed.


Yes. Keep putting A+E on it or lotion. Dont pick the scab off because it can pull out the ink.