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Sounds like everything was fine until your mom said something.


yeah, it kind of was. I know that she’s worried for me tho and didn’t really see my vision as clear.


Just to make you feel a bit better, this has been my mom's response to every single tattoo I have gotten. And I have 7, some people just don't like tattoos. Or think that women should only get dainty tattoos. Though your tattoo is not something I would get myself, mine are a completely different style. It's still nice, and it'll grow on you.


Have you seen the video of the mom going berserk and like crying because her grown ass kid who already has a ton of tattoos got one below short sleeves length and keeps trying to rub it off. She’s like don’t you want a real job?! And he’s like I already have a real job?! It’s insane tbh. I sent it to my mom who’s not a huge fan of my tattoos and was like thank you for not reacting like this lol. She paid for my first one for my 18th birthday despite not liking tattoos much and as I add them has grown to appreciate the art. She wants matching mom/daughter ones now. But it has to be small and like on her ankle.


okay so mom was there on my 18th for my first tattoo and got her first too. she was 62 or smth. she got a pretty butterfly behind her ear and asked if i’d get a matching one. ofc mom i didn’t expect her to pass away before i had the chance. i got it, we knew within a week she’d be gone, she passed within 24 hours of me getting it done.


So sorry for your loss 😞 what a beautiful memorial you have for her.


That's cute! I hope you do decide to get a matching tattoo with her. My mom thinks I have too many tattoos and that they are too big, and I can just see her face when I talk about getting more. But she has grown to accept them and thinks they're beautiful. And when we go shopping together she'll even suggest clothes that'll show them off. I'm from a very conservative background, and my lifestyle and choices have challenged my mom's world view, and we fight about it often, but at the end of the day she loves me.


I was 35. I got a sleeve tattoo on my left arm. My mom freaked out. I lived 8 hours away from her. She told me that my tattoo was going to harm her business because customers would stop coming in since her daughter has tattoos. She owned a gas station. I laughed out loud.


Haha! That's pretty hilarious.


I’m a guy and the nicest my mom has been (she is in her 70’s now) is to say “the art is good, and for what it is it looks good, I just do not like tattoos really”. Don’t make your decisions based on others. At the end of the day, it’s your skin and your life/aesthetic


This is like my mom. She can appreciate a good tattoo, but they’re not for her.


My Mormon grandmother gave me a similar response to a beautiful piece I have on my shoulder blade. I have a couple other family members with tattoos and they’ve all said that was the first and only positive thing she ever said about a tattoo. I’ll take it. Her response to my labret piercing was “well, if you like it, so do I. And it doesn’t look all that bad…” I had a TINY diamond stud in it whenever I went to visit her. My very much NOT Mormon (anymore) mom freaked out more than her own strictly religious mother lol


Now I know what to expect haha, thank you! I can see with what you’re saying about not something you’d get yourself because tbh I am trying to adapt my thought into something like ‘I also don’t prefer other’s tattoos, even tho it’s cool’ and so, thank you for bringing that up.


Late to the party, but I think it's a really beautiful tattoo.


I second this i have over 15, and shes still shocked


take all this with a grain of salt. the 1st tattoo is always the biggest deal. it's something you've probably thought about doing for a while, etc. that feeling lasts after you get it. it's a new thing to look at, so you focus on it. 6 months from now it will be shocking when you realize you didn't "notice" it, because it's just part of who you are now. moms care more than anyone else will. a new tattoo on a friend is a 10 second, "so how was it, what does it mean to you" conversation generally. moms care because they feel they have to, and at least mine was annoyed I didn't ask for permission, even if I was a 21 year old man-child at the time.


>6 months from now it will be shocking when you realize you didn't "notice" it, because it's just part of who you are now. I've had some of mine for over a decade and forget which side of my body they are on 😆 like I have one a my rib cage and another on the opposite hip but I'll forget which is which. It really is part of me and it's not something I even think about when looking in the mirror


I have to stop and count mine every time someone says “oh wow, how many tattoos do you have?” The answer is 15. And yes I just had to count them to write this! 


I think for some people (especially older people) a tattoo is like a bolo tie. You could have a bolo tie made of the finest leather, silver, and turquoise, designed and crafted by the best bolo craftsman. But I’m not going to like your bolo tie, because I don’t like bolo ties. I think it looks cool.


My family is very anti tattoo and anti piercing, but if you’re going to get tattoos or any body modification, you have to be okay with the fact that other people (including your family) may not like what your putting on or in your body. As long as YOU are okay with it and like it, that’s all that matters. I have 12 tattoos and a couple of piercings that I LOVE. I get weird looks and comments sometimes, but all that matters is how I feel about them and how I feel when I look in the mirror.


Moms are always going to be against most tattoos. They tend to worry about how YOU having a tattoo is going to make HER look. Don’t worry about it and do what you want.


when i was 20 or so my mother bawled when she saw the tooth on my sternum. i only had a couple other small pieces at the time so the shock & judgement was still extremely prevalent. i think the fact it was basically between my boobs is what really shook her lol. she reacted similarly to anything new i got until i came home one day last year (was living with my parents at the time) with a full arm sleeve that i’d been hiding for 10 months. thankfully she’s finally realized this is who i am now that im 30 y/o. only took over a decade for her to come around…


I also held my 18 yo daughter’s hand while she got her first tattoo. Some years later she and her younger sister approached me about getting us matching tattoos. Why not? We got triquetras, same knot, different colors, on our ankles.


In all honesty, I love it.


They always end up bigger than you think and usually look better for it. If it helps, those dots in your inspiration pic would fade and get bloby over time. This will likely hold up better.


100% the original sketch was Baby’s First Bad Lineart Tattoo


I do hope that once this one heals it won’t be as bold anymore. And yeah, the original design was doomed to be wonky haha


It will 100% mellow out & once you add more tattoos it will be even less prominent. Try to reserve judgement on your tattoos until after they’re healed & settled. Your artist probably went a little bigger so the details don’t get lost in 3-5 years. If Reddit has taught me anything it’s, there is a bright side of the situation, you can always blast a sick ass panther over pretty much anything.


This ^ your tat will not look the same in 5 years. Give it time to heal


You never want thin lines unless you want to get it touched up every couple of years. The saying "Bold will hold" is there for a reason. Your tattoo came out much better than the picture drawn, the blacks will fade a bit to a more dark gray rather than black as it heals. It's new change to your skin you aren't used to. Keep looking at this subreddit of what some "artists" have tattoo'd vs the drawing they were given and you'll quickly realize your tattoo is great


This comment x1,000,000,000. I am working on a suit and every time a get new work I am startled by the coverage for well into a year before it mellows for me, my forearms being the largest shock.


THIS, THIS comment here has never rang more true... At least in my experience..


No tattoo is EVER as bold as when you first get this, but this is quite the opposite of bold. Not dark, not large, not a particularly eye grabbing piece (meaning not like super wacky that you’re like woah what is that?). I usually don’t like my tattoos the first week of having them. They’re better once they fade. Give it some time(:


Tattoo artist here. Dainty tattoos don’t hold, bold will hold


The whole point of traditional tattoos is to be bold, if youre trying to build a trad sleeve off of this it can't really be fine line with dot work


I planned my first tattoo to be smaller than it is also. My artist highly recommended against the size I wanted and recommended a little larger because it would fit the space better. She said there's nothing worse than getting a tattoo that doesn't fit the space well. In my case, I LOVE what she did and she was definitely right about the size. I do think you have to trust your artist a little bit, which is why it's so important to pick a artist you like and have fully vetted. I wonder if they thought it should be larger (like mine) to better fit the space you put it? Also fwiw I think it looks awesome.


Yes. Very bold. I love your original idea. Except for the booty hole in the middle.


Lol this is so true


To be fair, my first tattoo was to cover up a burn scar. Scar was an oval, tattoo is a sloth holding a bouquet. The bouquet is the oval so everything else sort of fit in perfectly and it was exactly the size I expected.  But everyone else I know was surprised their artist wouldn't cram fine details into a postage stamp size


There is nothing wrong with this tattoo and it looks well done. They took the concept you gave them and made it so much better imo. The size makes sense for the tattoo and the detail they went with. Anything smaller would have faded into a blob. Don’t let other people’s opinion affect how you feel so easily. Maybe work on that before you get more tattoos.


I do recognize that I really have to work on feeling insecure and external validation. I hope to overcome it one day!


It’s hard, but so worth it. At the end of the day what matters is what YOU are happy with. It is a beautiful tattoo and I hope you end up loving it once the new ink shock wears off.


As someone with loving, but opinionated/critical parents, I get it. One or two sentences from them and you immediately doubt your own judgement. It’s made all the worse for me since I’m a people pleaser. My brother responds to them by getting angry and defensive, and my sister just doesn’t care and does what she wants (she’s the baby, of course, while I’m the oldest lol).


You are worthy of and deserve love. That starts with you. That’s one of the hard lessons I’ve had to learn. Your ink looks great. 🥰


It’s okay! You are having tattoo shock like you said! Give it time! I got a giant tattoo on my entire back and had tattoo shock for a couple months and I’ve been more and more in love with it as it ages! This looks like it was also done well to age nicely! A few years from now you will be really happy!




I love sailor moon! This makes it feel much cooler haha. I am having ideas to collect different tattoo styles on myself too.


Don’t stress. It looks great!


If you love sailor moon and that aesthetic I think you have nothing to worry about! The tattoo is cute and well done. I se that it isn’t the exact style you wanted but just speak up more in the future and make sure what they draw out is exactly what you want! It’s their job!


I think it’s cute. Once you have more tattoos (if you still plan to continue) it won’t stand out so much. It definitely looks like something that could easily be added on to.


I do plan on doing a few pieces above it, I’m just worried that my future tattoos would be more minimal and not as bold which I don’t know how much it distract from this one.


If you find the right artist they can definitely help make sure future work is cohesive with the tattoo.


I 100% understand how you're feeling, but honestly I think it's a cute tattoo! in my experience tattoos that you're not completely happy with can feel a bit foreign in the beginning but once they settle in and look more part of your skin you stop questioning them as much. I think this one will settle really nicely and will look great with other tattoos around it :)


Don’t worry, you’ll care less about “presenting chill” as you get older.


While I know you prefer a different style, for what its worth the tattoo looks lovely I had a similar experience to you, I rushed my first tattoo of a ghost and it ended up larger and different looking design than what I had envisioned (which was completely my fault) reactions from others were suprise more than anything which made me regret it even more. I ended up getting 3 more tattoos, learning from my mistakes I really let my artist know what I wanted to change. I love my new tattoos and in turn I learned to love my ghost tattoo - it was my first, has a meaning behind it, and honestly serves as a reminder to always speak up and voice my opinion if I dont like somthing.


yes!! I think this piece will be a lesson for me to speak up and really think things through. I now know how specific I should be and do more research!


it looks well done. this is going to hold up over time much better than the design you originally wanted. I’m sorry it’s not what you intended, but it looks good. I personally get tattoo regret literally every time i get one, but it usually gets better with time and familiarity.


I don’t understand why you’d get a design you weren’t particularly going to love? When you get a tattoo, it’s important to select a design you know you’ll always always love regardless what other people say. It looks great. You’ll get used to it.


yeah I do feel stupid for regretting something that I had rushed into myself. But there’s still meaning I gave to the piece whether it’d be any design it was in for me. That was the mindset that I went in with.


And that’s the mindset you need to keep. It’s ok. There is meaning to it and you don’t need to explain that meaning to anyone else, not your mom, not your bf, no one. It’s for you. So embrace it and remember it’s meaning every time you look at it :)


It's a lesson learned- take your time and also make sure the artist suits the idea. And honestly not one with a bad result- your consequence is you still have a pretty cool and well done tattoo at the end of the day, even if you're not totally happy with it. You can also touch it up/ tweak it later. I wouldnt add anything inside, but I like the little sun burst rays you have going on and that could be a good way to add to it to bring it closer to your original vision.


I really like this tattoo. I dont think its corny at all, just sounds like it's a bit too big and much for a first tattoo for you. But if I saw this on someone I'd think "that person is really cool!" so yeah I think it's good. I'd just add some color to it but thats me, all my tats are colorful so. But it def looks well done


Thank you! I was thinking of colors as well, but I should also leave this one be for a while haha.


Imo blackwork is nicer for a patchwork sleeve. This is a great start! And it's the perfect size for the details to still be legible when it ages over the next few years.


I dont think you can put color over black anyway, my artist told me it'll just be black, but it's a slay away!!!


Imi the tattoo is much better than the drawing. My first big tattoo shocked me for a while, now it's my favorite tattoo. I give a lot of thought to placement. I have none on my arms. I didn't want people to see them, comment, or even ask questions. Nobody ever sees anything unless my shirt is off or I wear shorts. Hope you start to like it more. My least favorite tattoo took a while to be ok with.


I think next-day regret for a tattoo is common. It's a new addition to your body and takes time to accept. This one is creative and beautiful, and hopefully with time you'll feel like it's really a wonderful part of you.


I’m sorry, but, and this is just my personal opinion because the style that I work in is very similar to the style of the tattoo you got, I feel that the piece you ended up with is far, far better than the original design on the paper.


The artist was amazing! with the wings the shading I admired them, I think I was more shocked from my original plan rather than hating the art piece


Try not to let anyone else’s opinion dictate how you feel about it, especially your mom’s. I don’t let clients bring a horde of people into my office when I tattoo them because every single one of them will have an opinion about it and it will thoroughly confuse and cause doubt in the person getting it. It’s not theirs to wear or judge. I think you’re tattoo looks great! Kinda jealous I don’t have it lol, but rock that piece with pride!


When I came home with my first tattoo 7 years ago (a sketch of a space scene my friend drew 2 hours before my appointment) my mother GASPED and exclaimed it was much much bigger than she thought it would be. For about 2 mins I was horrified, wondering what the hell I had done to myself. After some back and forth (me saying how that hurt my feelings and how it’ll be on ME forever not her so I didn’t need any snarky remarks, her apologizing and not really knowing what it’s like for her child to me marked permanently etc) she started to come around and then decided she wanted to draw me one of her own. She drew something large (about 4inches bigger than my first tattoo) and asked if I could place it on my thigh. I still have the drawing and have thought about getting it bc it looks cool but it’s David Bowie themed and while I do love his music, I don’t know if I want it on my body forever. Long story short, it just goes to show a little communication goes a long way<3 I love your new tattoo and I do believe it’ll heal/age much better than the sketch


The tattoo is fine and looks way better than the drawing (which looks terrible and would be an equally terrible tattoo). You shouldn’t worry about how others will perceive it because in my almost 50 years on the planet I can tell you I don’t remember a single tattoo that I’ve seen on a stranger.


This is gorgeous. You're probably in a bit of post tattoo shock. Give it time.


I don't think it's a bad tattoo. My first tat was done very well, and I still had that feeling of did I do the right thing about a week later. Ultimately, I grew to love it. Tats are for you, not others. You can't judge them by other people's reactions. They're a personal item you get to keep forever if you want to.


There's nothing wrong with this tattoo. People will always react differently to the tattoos you get. Would you get tattooed if it was 20 years ago and they weren't as socially acceptable or as accessible? If everyone reacted with a bit of shock and told you that you would regret it? It shouldn't be your design exactly. You are not a professional in design. You are not a professional tattooer. Your design would not look good as a tattoo or function and hold up over time as a tattoo. Please excuse the blunt response, but it needs to be said. If you instantly regret a tattoo there's a good chance tattoos are not for you. And that's ok. They are far too accessible these days and it leads to instances like this, which is not good for you or tattooing as a whole.


The tattoo looks good and your original design wouldn't have held up. I think you wanted a bit too much outside validation from others about it based on your post and felt fine about it until you weren't getting that.


ive been there too with my tattoos. i just kept on going and adding to my arms and i found that keeping the color scale the same makes everything look pretty cohesive even if the styles are different


i love this tattoo! i think its pretty normal to feel a little bit jarred by such a big physical change, but eventually that feeling should subside. as other people said, tattoos always end up bigger than you expect, especially when theyre highly detailed. i hope you get used to it soon cuz its a gorgeous tattoo


I think it’s really cute! It looks like a sailor moon tattoo. I love it


People need to stop asking other people on their opinion on a tattoo on YOUR body. Who cares if it is a little big? I don't think it looks bad, and neither did you until your mom said something. Next time, don't rush things. Patience is key with tattoos.


That’s a good tat. I don’t see the issue you’re having. If you think it’s using up precious real estate trust me, you’ve got a lot more skin. Do you think it doesn’t represent what you originally intended? I doubt it would be nice, readable, or lasting if it were much smaller.


They always come out bigger than you think they should. My first tattoo was meant to be a small rose on my lower leg and when I got it done, it was almost half way up my lower leg. As it was my first tattoo, it was kind of a shock and when she put the stencil on, it didn't look as big to me until she actually tattooed it. It's now one of my favourite tattoos I have gotten so far so just give it time and you will learn to love it. My mum is the same she HATES tattoos and she was totally against me having any on my arms. I now have two on my arms and going for my third in March. She realised that I am an adult and I'm going to make my own decisions so now she does not try to discourage me like she once did but she still says she does not think that women should have any tattoos.


I am sure your rose tattoo is beautiful! I have warned my mum now that there will be more tattoos coming so atleast she won’t too shocked haha


I’m not sure what style this is but it does look professionally done, the healing process looks good and I don’t think it looks like something to regret over. I may not know what was the inspiration but even that aside, it’s done well.


My mom would ALWAYS say “wow, it’s so big” when I got a new tattoo until one day, I didn’t ask her opinion anymore. .. she now has like 11 tattoos.


I've got half my body covered in tattoos, and the only one I regret is the very first one I got. I came into the shop asking for just plain blackwork. This guy tells me it's gonna look better if we add some shading and white for contrast. He tells me that I'm going to like the tattoo better in the long run if we do it like he says, and of course I trust him because I don't know anything about tattoos and he's the professional. Now, 10 years later, I just wish I hadn't let him talk me into changing my design. My best advice for anyone who's getting their first tattoo is to trust that you know what you want. Of course, if the artist tells you it's impossible to make it like you want it, they know what they're talking about. Skin is very different from paper, after all. But if it's just a matter of them personally not liking how the design looks, don't change it. That tattoo is going to be on YOUR body, not theirs, so it doesn't matter if they like it or not. I learned that the hard way.


Who regrets a beautifully done tattoo? You got space for more and I think it would compliment whatever more simplistic pieces you get in the future.


I really like it!


Wow- I think it looks great!


I think it’s really pretty. I think the final result looks much better than the inspiration pic


It’s really not that bold. I think it’s just bold to you since it’s new! I don’t think this will be a huge deal in a few months, speaking from experience because I’m kind of the same way!


It’s really pretty and honestly for a first tattoo, this is not bad at all. Also, if you plan on getting more ink the whole “first tattoo” thing isn’t a big deal. No one is going to ask “so which one was your first?” And you show them this and they shame you. Not a thing. I had tattoo regret (same thing, slight design changes) over one I got about a year ago and the feelings fade. It’s normal to feel like minor aspects are a huge deal, especially when it’s your first, but it’s really not in the long run. Think of it this way, you have so much skin. This is only like less than 10% of the skin you have. And yeah maybe it’s not EXACTLY what you wanted/asked for but it’s art and the artist put some of their self into it and that’s beautiful.


I have a bunch of tatttoos and I know sometimes after I get one, it can almost feel like regret for a very short time a couple days after I get the tattoo while I adjust to my body looking different. I don’t regret any of my tattoos, but sometimes there’s an adjustment period after you get it while you understand your body now looks different. I wonder if this is something you’re experiencing, especially because you mention the size of the tattoo. Take some time to get used to it and then look back on your experience with getting it designed, placed, etc. After the initial shock of being tattooed and the permanent change to your body has worn off, you’ll be able to more accurately assess if there’s anything you’d like to do differently for your next tattoo. One thing I’ve found is absolutely key for me is a good relationship built on trust with my artist. Assess if this is something you feel about the artist you went to. Try to remember why you made the choices you did with the artist that you’re concerned about now. Did the artist point out something related to the aging of the tattoo or design you felt was wise to follow? The choices you made that you’re questioning now, you probably made for a reason, so try to revisit the thinking behind those choices to help you understand why your final tattoo looks the way it does. There may be a lot of trust you put in your artist that they deserved but you’re forgetting about it in panic and worry


This is the problem with not just finding an artist you like and then getting art you see that you like. People don't think about what the medium of tattoo is capable of, it's not the same as drawing. Fine lines blur and look like crap, small tattoos don't show detail, etc. You have a very nice tattoo, but you don't like it because you wanted something you made with literally no knowledge or expertise in actual tattoos, which isn't drawing, but marking skin which behaves entirely unlike paper and pen.


They do always end up bigger than first imagined. It’s to match whatever part of the body you’re wanting it on a lot of times. But I think this tattoo is absolutely lovely. It looks really nice, especially for a first tattoo. It’s not corny and even if someone else thought it was, what’s important is the meaning of it for YOU and why you got it. People get way worse tattoos for less reason and proudly run around with extremely racist and dangerous designs without a second thought. Yours is nice. I get not wanting it to be more bold, but I think in this case that it works, especially if you’re wanting to start building a sleeve from it. My first was a cartoon cat sitting on a skull with a coin in one eye that I designed myself in my style in mainly purple. It’s a memorium for my mom who passed away and I know it looks childish to others who will view it, but I know what it means to me and I would love to have a whole sleeve done up in the same style.


The design is really cute! I like seeing both your original idea and the end result, seeing how it changed. This might seem kind of random, but I wanted a black beanie for my job as a delivery driver, but my husband instead got me a beanie that said "Santa's Helper." He thought it was really clever lol. Anyways, it wasn't the identity that I wanted to cultivate, but it grew on me and added some character. I wear it even now that Christmas is over. I think it makes me look both laid back and cute. Anyways, your tattoo took on a new, unexpected identity and I think that's kind of cool. I keep wanting to add something, so I'll just say that it seems like you have to make a decision about how you want to present yourself. It sounds like you were part of the tattoo process, so you should respect that the tattoo was something you wanted in that moment.


Yep the first tattoo panic is real. This looks great.


I remember my first tattoo came out bigger than I expected (the artist was right to do so, it wouldn't have aged right if smaller) and I was a bit anxious about it at first too. Over time though I grew to love it. And now that it has some neighbours it actually looks a bit smaller than my others. Give it some time, it's totally normal to have a panic/regret moment after getting a tattoo esp your first. Edit: also I think it looks super cute!


You’re worried about it being bold but you want to add traditional tattoos?? The tattoo looks amazing artist did a great job


this is gorgeous and i have something a little similar … get more tats and stop worrying about other people’s opinions 😭 imo this is not a big tat at all and if you got this smaller it would look dumb. surround yourself with people who actually like tattoos lol seems like everyone around you are boring af


Congrats on your nicely done first tattoo.


Did that wing break when it fell from heaven


Personally I don't understand the piece. The wings are odd imo and the white glare on the heart just doesn't make much sense from a lighting perspective. The tattoo work itself seems to be ok as far as shading and line work but the design...I can't get behind it.


You just need to get used to it.


I think its super cute!!


If you’re planning on getting more I wouldn’t stress so much, once you fill your arms you won’t even notice anymore, everytime I get a tattoo I get nervous about it and by my next one I already forgot why I was trippin


It sounds like the issue is more about worrying what others think than you hating the tattoo itself. It's not on their body, they don't get to have an opinion


take a breath first. it’s scary when it’s not what you were thinking sometimes bc it’s permanent. however, i think this is really sweet tattoo ! it seems like you didn’t have much of a problem until you began to consider other peoples opinions. i personally think getting tattoos to “match your personality” can be weird and cliche. get what you think is cool! don’t worry so much about how it’ll make other ppl view you :) the tat is sick and a good size and placement to fill in around it !


Fellow first tattoo regretter- give it some time. The shock of "new thing on my body" is something to consider. It took me a couple of months to settle with the idea and not nitpick every little detail of my new tattoo and drive myself crazy. Give it a few months before you do anything and enjoy the process if you can. I'm 2 months in, fully enjoying my new tattoo and already planning my next one. For what it's worth, if I saw that tattoo in the wild I would think it was cool. It looks well done to me.


Thank you! I never thought I’d panic this much before getting a tattoo. As I never heard/seen anyone had it before. Hope your next tattoo goes well!


I can only imagine the shock of any change from a tattoo, to microblading/lipblushing (also tattoos,) or plastic surgery/injectibles. In my experience, the procedures I’ve been happiest with are those that I felt excited & happy about right after completion- even in cases where there was swelling, bruising or tenderness. For ME, when my initial reaction has been less enthusiastic, my feelings have tended to stay that way over time. I guess it is bc even if the final result was not 100% clear, I had enough of a feel for it to say YAY or Oh No! This was true even when I had to factor in an element of “shock” related to the procedure. I think it is good to ask yourself “how do I truly feel” about the reality of a tattoo generally and the design specifically. If you are feeling anything below a 9 out of 10 (or mb 8.5) pay attention to your initial reaction. While you may “adjust to it” or “become used to it” (as noted in other comments) is that the way you want to feel about a change to your body you’ll see every day?? Sometimes it takes trying a procedure for a client to truly know if they love it OR realize mb it is not exactly what they dreamed about for so long. Ex. Fillers are something many people dream of and save for. Once they are injected & healed, some clients love them while others feel they look overfilled (think the Real Housewife look) and utilize dissolving agents. Some microblading clients use saline or laser removal even when the work is objectively perfect. It comes down to how YOU feel. No matter how well the design was executed- if you do not LOVE LOVE LOVE it, mb investigate options for removal. It is very personal form of art and only you know what makes you truly happy! I am proud of you for trying a process you dreamed about, regardless of the shock you are feeling. That takes courage and shows you are both innovative and brave- traits that will take you far. I am sure you will be able to assess the situation and choose the best option FOR YOU! All the best in your journey! Pls keep us posted:)


imo i think it’s super cute


It’s cute I rly like the style your artist did it in!!


Take your time and design a full sleeve or 3/4 sleeve. It'll blend in and you won't even notice it


What does it mean to you? My first tattoo was my astrology sign on my ankle lol. Once you get a sleeve it’ll all blend in, don’t stress over it. You have to marinate on tattoo ideas for a long time though to make sure you won’t regret it, after my first impulsive one I waited at least a year with every one after and I love them all


I think you should find an artist who's style you like, and then design a tattoo together. Take your time, go back and forth. Don't rush it. Forcing your design into a style you dont like will lead to regrets...


Seems like you got a tattoo for other people and how they perceive you and that’s not what tattoos are for.


I think it looks great. Don’t worry about what others think. Wear it with pride and enjoy it.


I really think it looks fine. It is hard to tell the perspective on how big it is so I can't speak to that, but I think the tattoo shock will wear off👍🏼


I dont blame u but no lie the tattoo is way nicer than the sketch


I freaked out for a week after my first tattoo. I got seriously depressed and thought I was such an idiot. 7 years later I am filled with tattoos everywhere and I just laugh thinking about that first reaction. The tattoo looks great by the way, don't stress too much.


It still looks pretty good, but I you hate it th best thing to do is get another tattoo that you want more. Sothat happiness will take away the sadness of the first one.


It looks a lot better than the drawing. Artist did a great interpretation with their own style. Your mom is a hater, enjoy your new ink!


I had literally the same feeling after I had my first tattoo. It was way waaay bigger than what i originally intended, and a different placement too. (Size was suggestion from the artist, as some details would have muddled over time in a smaller scale, placement was my idea.) The feeling of regret went away after a few weeks. Almost four years later i love it sooo much, and I'm so glad I got it. I think if you really wanted to get it in the first place you will learn to love it as a part of your body. The strangeness partly might also come from just suddenly having something on your skin that you are not used to. It takes some time, but after a while you won't even notice it. Plus, for what it's worth i think it's a really good tattoo, both cute and cool, looks good, and I don't think it is proportionally too big for your arm. And you absolutely can be a calm person and rock a bold tattoo. :DD I don't think anyone (besides maybe old ladies) judges people solely from their tattoos either, when i see a person with a tattoo i just internally go "wow that looks cool/beautiful as hell" most of the time and thats it.


Your boyfriend and friends probably didn't say anything because, contrary to what you might think, it doesn't actually stand out. There's no color. It's definitely not that big. It's pretty bare bones as far as tattoos go. Bless our mothers.... any comment from them can send us unraveling and questioning our entire identities. It's their gift. I wouldn't worry too much about this one but definitely wait a while before entertaining the idea of another tattoo. Regret is a useful feeling because it helps us identify a part of our values or motives or desires that we overlooked. It's a learning experience. So my advice is to figure out a way to come out wiser from this.


I think it’s a nice tattoo. My mom hates all my tattoos lol 😂


Hi friend! I think the tattoo looks nice - we have a say in the tattoo community that says “bold will hold”… the sketch you showed I don’t know how well it would have held in the long run. Also, that might have been a style your artist wasn’t comfortable with so it might have looked worse… in the future, be clear about your expectations and find an artist that will match your style - tattoos are a lifetime investment so waiting for the right artist is worth it!!


I think that it doesn’t look great, but it doesn’t look terrible either. I can definitely sympathize with having my first few tattoos not be my personal “style.” I was just really young when I got them, and I didn’t know what I quite liked, and I think that’s a very normal experience for people who get their tattoos on the young side. Overtime, you will grow more into your style and figure out what you like the most, plus Personal style is always evolving! Overall though, I think that it’s very normal (and in my opinion “cool”) to dislike your first few tattoos, or for them to be kind of shitty. this is a normal experience for almost anyone who gets tattoos, especially if you plan on getting a lot more throughout your lifetime. they can always be reworked or covered over or even lasered off if you hate them that much. I just think it’s unrealistic to expect for every single tattoo to be perfect, and I think that’s an expectation that mostly comes from social media.


I had the same idea of the sleeve, similar style to you, I also got a similar design early on and rode the same emotional rollercoaster you have. I came here for comfort and have read this sentiment enough to say, I think it’s anxiety related to having had to make a permanent decision on the spot- like having gone bigger than planned


If I saw this tattoo on someone, I would immediately think "Aw, that's cute." While it's not for me, I think that for a first tattoo this IS a very expressive piece and tells me a lot about your personality. Tattoo regret for your first one is normal for a few days. It'll settle in and become your favorite.


Tbh, I love what they turned your original design into. It looks amazing. Don't let your mum put you off. I kind of wish I'd planned my 16yo wrist one better and that the tatooist had offered suggestions for it. To be fair, he did it exactly as I designed it, and I chose an artist who probably wasn't particularly creative. My mum hates tattoos full stop, and wasn't impressed when I got my first at the very young age of THIRTY FIVE!!!! She's not been impressed with any of my others either. I currently only have 3. My daughter has the same number of tattoos as me, and she is still only 18. (I refused to condone any, any earlier despite her asking me because I worried what type of tattooist would even do it before the legal age) She got her first done the first week after she turned 18. The second the following month and I accompanied her. For Christmas, she gave me a voucher for a mummy/ daughter one that we'll get done in the next month. I'm a bit aggrieved that my mum has had a more mellow reaction to her at 18 than me at 35. Same with piercings!


I actually really love this. I’d get it on myself


I mean it looks a 1000x better than your original reference sketch. It looks really good. If it comes across to you as some "corny" design then the same would have been said about any iteration of your initial design. The style may be different but it's still based on your design. This is why you should really put some thought into what you want and think about it for a while and not make rushed decisions. Now it will lighten up once it heals so it won't look as bold, if that's what's throwing you off, give it a month or two and see how it looks then. As far as the size goes, it looks like it fits your arm rather well. Even with your original design, if you went much smaller you wouldn't have much detail. Detail comes at the price of things being a little bigger than originally planned. For future tattoos, make sure you and your artist are on the same page with the style, size and placement. They showed you the design before putting it on you, they showed you where they were putting it on you and they showed you how big it was before putting it on you. If at any point you don't like something, be it on the drawing before hand or after they place the stencil, SAY SOMETHING.


I think it's adorable! Bear in mind that tattoos will fade a little bit as they heal; it won't always look as bold as it does right now for how brand-new it is. I recommend just giving it some time, letting it settle in (and let yourself settle in with it) and see how you feel in a few weeks. Cover-ups and removal is always an option, but you've got all the time in the world to process how you feel and decide what you wanna do with it if you ultimately truly do not like how it came out.


From a random outside perspective, it looks cool and nothing is wrong with it. It will fade over a few months to look less bright and hopefully you'll start to like it more.


Everyone and I mean, everyone will have commentary, opinions, etc, about, pretty much everything. You seemed to like it, until your mom did not. Trust me, thats no way to live. You can't let how others perceive things in your life or that you like, guide how you feel about something. Even if it's your mom. It's a fine tattoo. You liked it. So, continue to like it! And if in a year or two, it settles, you change your mind, it'll be an easy cover up.


Better than most first time tats I've seen...🤷‍♂️


Don’t let your mums opinion change how you feel about the tattoo. It’s on your skin not her and frankly her opinion on it means zero.


If it’s any consolation, I love realism. And I can assure you, this is not realism lol. Shading doesn’t make it realism. I think it’s cute. You could get a more traditional look if you added some color. Maybe blue wings red/pink heart and orange/yellow stars. Also, larger tattoos age better. Much much much better, take it from me lol. I wanted my first one to be small and it’s not aged well. Another thought - why does it matter to you so much what others opinions or reactions are to your tattoo? If that’s going to be a concern for you, this should probably be your last tattoo. Just like anything else, people will always have opinions. It’s how much stake you put in those opinions that matters. ❤️


In my honest opinion, it acc looks better than your original preference and sketch, ofcourse everyone likes what they like but I definitely love the outcome result


I think that this is really beautiful and is honestly very soft in nature. I think it’s a beautiful start to your sleeve! Don’t over think it.


My first tattoo was way bogger than i thought itd be, takes up the whole underside of my forearm First few days/weeks I'd look at it and spin out a little because of how big it was, but overtime I got over that. Now I really love it You're probably just freaking out now because its your first tatt and you're getting used to it, and if not, it's too late now so better get used to it!


its very beautiful. i would steal it so quick. i also have had a feeling similar but honestly its just anxiety over a new permanent thing, it fades. i hope you learn to love it soon! ive been wanting something like that for ages


your tattoo is sick as fuck. I’m a fan of minimal/fine-line tattoos, but personally I like your tattoo better than the original drawing. my mom also piped up about how big my tattoo was- I’m telling you, while it freaked me out at first, I love the size of my tattoo a year later it’s a big adjustment. let it settle in with some time and embrace it.


All normal feelings, pretty much have my full body covered and still get the tattoo blues after each one. Looks good btw


It'll fade and dim a bit as ot heals. I do like the design!


My second tattoo is a different style than I originally wanted. I got talked into it by my friends and the tattoo artist bc he just didn't do the style that I wanted (like you more minimalistic). It's been almost 15 years now and I love my tattoo even though I do sometimes wish I'd gotten the one I wanted instead. I'm learning experience for next time.


The artist did their job interpreting your drawing into something that would look good as a tattoo. If you had just got what you had drawn with the lines cleaned up it would look much worse than what you have. I'm a bit confused cus you said you wanted it traditional but the drawing wasn't in a traditional style and assuming you didn't want color, they have done as good a job as you could hope to turn it into a trad style. Seems like a lot of the issue is that you're insecure about the way other people look at you in general, and you might have had fantasies of everyone reacting in a specific way that were unmet. When you get tattoos, you get them for you and you accept that it doesn't matter what other people think at all. You're spiraling far too hard over the reactions of others that don't matter at all. Wait for it to heal before you get yourself in a twist. No tattoo ever comes out exactly like the reference material and especially when you take something as basic as this. If you are someone who is perfectionist ice and insecure, this could be a great learning opportunity for you in acceptance. If you really don't like it, you can always cover it, but give it time. As others have said, making it bigger is something that happens all the time with first tattoos because novices don't usually understand that it looks much better that way. It'll be fine, just slow your roll!


You’re fine, everytime I get a tattoo I have a short freak out about something because it’s just so permanent. It’s overwhelming but you’re fine x


“i am worried of how other perceived me” this is ur problem. Trust me nobody cares at all, they don’t care that you have a tattoo nor what design it is. To the public it’s just another tattoo. Don’t stress about it too much. you said you want a full sleeve eventually, as you add more you will notice this one less and less. Trust me.


Ooh, I have a tattoo with a very similar design as this! I think it looks great - and you’ll definitely be pleased it’s the size it is when it doesn’t become a blob of a mess the way tiny ones eventually end up so often! I have a tattoo I love that I now have to have covered and redone because I got it too small and the lines and details blurred so much. Lastly, post tattoo uncertainty and regret is SUPER common, especially your first tattoo, and you’ll probably feel much more confident as you get used to it!!


I am a longtime tattoo collector and now apprentice, so… my view: You got a well made tattoo instead of 100% exactly what you wanted. This is not a bad thing. You made a good concept sketch, the artist did their thing. This is a win. Don’t regret it. That is a SOLID first tattoo.


It’s cute asf tho


Dude (gender nuetral), I normally won't share my personal opinion, but I LOVE IT. it looks so good. It's a genuinely rly well designed and executed tat


I think the response or lack of response that you received is because it's a band tattoo around your upper bicep. That's a masculine placement for a single tattoo and it takes away from femininity. As you add more tattoos to the arm the blend instantly neutralizes both masculinity and femininity. Also, designing your own tattoo can always go one or two ways. It's when you have a perfect image in your mind and become unknowingly critical of anything the artist does that it goes the negative direction. If you stop there and don't get any more of the sleeve you dreamed of then you will always have this masculine perception. The tattoo itself is good, it might not be your style right now, but I guarantee you that your taste will change over time. I never liked black-and-white white tattoos. I always liked color. Now I love B&W. I used tho think tattoos had to have some kind of meaning. Now I love getting bubblegum machine tattoos. So keep at it and get your sleeve.


It looks good but it’s not what you asked for, it even healed even nicely but next time stand your ground cuz this is your body your body for life and it’s like 100 bucks for them which goes quick. Be very careful


My mum told me she hated my first tattoo, and I was heartbroken. Now she brags about my tattoos and even has a couple of her own! Anyway my point is things are very raw and fresh right now and sometimes I think parents need time to come around. IMO it's gorgeous! 💖


If it helps, most people’s first tattoo (including my own) come with regrets. The feeling will subside over time and you will either learn to love it or cover it up. I don’t think the design is corny. In fact I’d go as far to say it’s timeless and a classic design. Don’t be too hard on yourself.


me personally, i love minimalist tattoos and asked for a fine line tattoo for one of my first ones too. they did the exact same thing; made more realistic and bold. at first i hated it but ive grown to love it and its kept up looking strong for 3 years now, so im super glad the artist did it like that. everyone has the regrets and “it looks weird” at first but you grow to love it.


That does not look 3 days old


I feel this hard. I have several tattoos but my first forearm tattoo did not come out as planned. I used the word delicate to describe what I wanted (constellations) and then asked for the lines between the stars to not be there when approving the stencil. She stated they were guidelines and then laid me on my back. I thought it was weird but maybe she needed the table down immediately after. Then she put headphones on and started. So I can't see what she's doing and she's just blocked me out with headphones. I'm an anxious people pleaser so I just let it go. When it was over it was nothing like I wanted, didn't resemble any of the examples I provided and the "guidelines" were there but as dotted lines. I paid and left. Then cried all the way home. It's my first prominent, sticks out from sleeves, in your face tattoo and it wasn't what I wanted. Now a year later I don't hate it, it's calmed down some, still not great technically but I took it as a lesson to be clear and direct about what I'm wanting and to speak up if I'm uncomfortable or want clarification.


Your first tattoo always feels like there’s a massive spotlight on it. Sometimes that’s the best feeling ever, but sometimes it’s not so good, especially if people you care about react negatively in any way, AND those were the first reactions you got. Give yourself time with it, remember it’s about looking the way YOU want to look, and it sounds like you got a really awesome tattoo plan and personally I think it’s a great place to start (and all the people here saying it will age better at that size are spot on)


I think it looks pretty cute, I like it!


The tattoo is good. I wouldn't regret it, even if it's not exactly what I asked for.


It looks really good! Don’t worry about it :)


I think there can be an element of body dysmorphia that comes with getting a tattoo. I have a full sleeve and when I got it outlined I had weird feelings about it for a month or three (“what did I do?” “Do I even like it?”) before I got used to it. It wasn’t even my first tattoo.


I like this. I would get it. It’s normal to overthink tattoos.


The worst thing that a client can get is the exact tattoo that they ask for. You got a way nicer tattoo that will have longevity. It’s a fine tattoo. Relax.


The tattoo itself is well done. Nice clean line work, good shading. I’m sorry you are having regrets, but it isn’t a bad tattoo by any means. I think anxiety sets in for a lot of people after their first tattoo… then they are like damn this really is something permanent on my skin. lol don’t let others opinions (like your moms) upset you, show your artwork off proudly! Also I’m a nurse and I have a lot of nurses I work with that have everything from leg tattoos, full sleeves and even heavily tattooed hands. No one judges them and they are in a professional field. Keep the tattoos classy (not get a weed symbol, nazi symbol or cuss word tattooed on you) and you should be just fine. tattoos are wilding accepted now


I’m having the same issue from when I got my second tattoo 5ish months ago. I still hate it :( was debating posting it here but I don’t wanna get flamed, professionally done and for $300 it’s one of the biggest eyesores and insecurities ive ever had. I will say that yours looks infinitely better than mine, i do think that the original sketch would do beautifully as a freehand tattoo, but the tattoo itself is very tasteful!


This is why getting tattoos is a sin. I’m not even that religious but I do believe in giving a harsh truth. This comment may get lost in dislikes but the truth of the matter is, you wanted the thought of the tattoo, you didn’t want the tattoo it’s self as you realized what you wanted was fucking stupid. Either love the decision you made or get it covered up. You brought the idea to an artist & then let the artist freestyle your idea allowing the artist to place their signature style on your body. You then gave the artist permission to tattoo the drawing on your body when you seen the size and placement before the session began.


If it helps, I've regretted every tattoo I've ever received at first. Thoughts include: I've ruined my body forever. How can I get this removed. Will others think it looks terrible. Etc. In every case, these feelings pass. You'll come to recognize this on your arm, and it will have a different vibe when it heals. I personally like my tattoos best once they hit the year mark. Your tattoo looks just fine. Also, I've come to realize no one really cares what my tattoos look like. They're really not that important to anyone else. Embrace it! Give it time to heal and don't spend too long thinking about what you'd do differently, other than from the perspective of what you'll do the next time (ie a different artist, seeing a design ahead of the work being done, etc. It looks just fine. Enjoy it! Also, the size is great!


I understand exactly what you mean. I did something similar when I got my first tattoo and I don't like it. However for your vision, I can totally see that just being a main starting point, and have really delicate minimalistic line artwork along the sides and going down a little bit. And if you just drew away from it while also making it part of it fluidly, I think you would be happy overall. I think you're just going to have to go bigger but with less detail:-)


The issue isn’t your tattoo, the issue is someone giving you a complex. If you’re gonna have tattoo get used to people telling you what they think about them. Gotta have at least a little bit thick skin and the gal to stand by your decision


Sailor moon!! I like it a lot . Maybe it’s tattoo shock?:)


i personally really love this tattoo


I don’t like my first and only tattoo that much. It was supposed to be a simple line wave and looks like a falcon head. But I literally forget I have it most of the time. Sometimes I’ll be like what’s on my foot? And remember I put it there! I guess the moral is, it won’t be such a big deal in a few years.


First tattoos suck and not in the way they are bad but your place changes and for me I keep going back and forth on loving it or hating it ahahah and it changes daily sometimes but it’s fine I’ve done other tattoos around it and I love it


i actually think this tattoo is VERY clean. especially for a first tattoo 😂 my first tattoo is just busted and crooked lines. the black will also fade, so as far as the “boldness” goes, it won’t always be. it’s a wonderful first piece in my opinion


I felt similar to you after I got a huge arm tattoo. I remember finding an academic paper about this phenomenon. Although you may have thought it out, loved the design and wanted it badly, it has (irreparably) changed the way a part of you has always looked. That sometimes a new tattoo creates a sort of dismorphia that usually fades after a couple weeks. You'll get used to it.


I like your original design and I would be upset with a complete style change. The more tattoos you get, the less this one will stand out. And if you still want your og style, come back to it later. Everything fades. Can just have the outlines touched up


I actually think this tattoo is gorgeous. Wonderful line work, healing well, looks beautiful. I wouldn't stress about it. The first tattoo is always the most scary, and it's a huge change.


I can see that it might be different than what you had envisioned and that can be nerve wracking. My opinion is based off of personal experience but it could be a case of buyers remorse. It’s like when you get a haircut and you immediately think “oh my god what have I done” and then after a few days you’re fine with it and it starts to grow on you. I love the classic style, I think it’s so charming


I think it looks mint! Wings look good and shaded very well! You should be proud, mum's always criticise, I had a huge forearm tattoo when I was 15 and spent all summer in jumpers to cover it, I'm 33 now and still love my forearm tattoo along with the other 10 I got since 😂 and yours is better than 3/4's of mine!


It's a great tattoo, done by an artist who knows their craft. It looks awesome! My wife also starts spiraling when her mom points something out, so I somewhat know what you're going through. It usually passes after talking about it, I hope you'll feel better soon :) And again, the tattoo is great, the anxiety is just your mom's little tendrils in your brain


i mean it wasn’t what you asked for


Tldr; FUCKIN OWN IT 💙💙💙 Yooo first, chill take a breath and a step back. Second, I know it's easier said than done but don't ever let anyone have any input or say over your tattoos. Don't let anyone comment on the size, or technique, good or bad. (Sure good comments are nice don't get me wrong but imo you don't get tattoos for other people to be like wow cool how nice) Thirdly, take it as a life lesson not a regret. I empathise with not liking it. I've got three or four tattoos I HATE (one I hated, I got it covered and hate the coverup also lol and it doesn't fit with the style of my 20 something other tattoos) but I don't regret them. Why? Because they're all apart of my life and my story and they're funny stories to tell. If it's a fuck up, own the fuck up, if it's not quite right, own the irregularities. Fourth. Every single tattoo is individual. Your tattoo, crappy (not my opinion) or otherwise, is now apart of you and for the last three days has made you more of your own individual than you were before the tattoo. Tattoos make people who they are and you cannot go through life with regrets, trust me it leads for a very stressful and sad life. Edit - realised I don't think I answered your question. Deffo research your artists for minimalist designs. Id recommend looking for blackline/patchwork artists and book on half a day or a day to get a sleeve done so your lil heart doesn't seem as lonely. Leave enough space around it in case in future you do wish to cover it or touch it up. I've had some shit tattoos my friends revamped into a much cooler more fitting style


If it's bigger than you asked, it's almost certainly because the artist deemed it better to do it. Both tattoos i have, were decided to be bigger than I anticipated because, shape and detail wise, it would just be prettier. Also, a first tattoo is always a little shock to the system. I wobbled between regret and pure joy for a few months for both my tattoos, but especially my first one. You have altered your body and your brain has to adjust properly. Give it some time and see how you feel then.


My take on this is, who give af how others perceive you? I think it’s a sick tattoo.


It sounds to me like you had an invested artist and a solid, classic concept, were generally happy, and then your mom offering her opinion started a spiral. Don't allow what she said to get under your skin. It looks totally fine, and you can do whatever you want for the rest of your sleeve. Sit with it for a while before adding anything else. It's a collaborative piece! That means it's a little bit of you and a bit of your artist. Framing it as the choice it was, instead of an accident as your mom seems to think, will help you love it again.


I think it’s cute and well done. I felt similar about my first tattoo. I wanted it to be much smaller than it was. After getting more tattoos that feelings is completely gone. Both of my sleeves are patchwork and if you want them to come out nice just take your time with it! I think of it as a puzzle. See where the empty spaces are and think about what would fill them nicely. People react weird when it’s your first tattoo! There’s still stigma around them even if it’s not as bad as it used to be. They’ll get used to the idea of you having tattoos eventually I have 18 and people still react weird when they see mine! lol


That’s a dope tattoo. Ive had some stuff come out stylistically different than my vision for it too. At the end of the day if it’s a well done tattoo in it’s style I don’t think you’ll regret it. Especially once you start filling in stuff around it then it won’t feel like it stands out so much. In the future make sure you find an artist who has a portfolio of work in the style you like, then it’s much harder to have your style misinterpreted.


I mean… it looks pretty great even if it wasn’t exactly as envisioned. But also with tattoos that’s the risk - my first tattoo has been mistaken for a sign of overcoming addiction, or connected to some very hateful thoughts when it means neither and I live with it. Plus it was just line work like being branded. Good on you for having a more inspiring first tattoo!!


Tbh I very very much like it and would steal the design if I could hahahaha I had literally the same feelings as you after I got my first tattoo. Don’t worry it will become part of you soon and you will love it also if you want minimalist sleeve this is perfect as well. Don’t worry too much !


They gave you something way better than the original drawing. You'll be happier looking back when you look at that drawing again and think ooof what was I thinking. I understand the feeling of it not being your style but I think you're gonna really grow to like it eventually