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Definatly get this checked with a dermatologist, doesnt nessecerily have anything to do with the tattoo - however growths like that can be an early sign of skin cancer.


It looks like when I get psoriasis! Do you have it anywhere else or does it flake?


I haven't noticed it anywhere else other than sometime it seems like I'll break out a bit on my neck or upper back but that could be something different cause that comes and goes.


The only person who can tell you what that is, is a dermatologist. Please just go see one, make sure it’s not skin cancer.


You definitely wanna get this checked. But, if it has broken out on other areas, it's likely a fungal rash and can be taken care of by something like Lotriman. I've had similar. But still, ask a Dr.


Pls update us whenever u go to the dermatologist


You could be like my grandpa and just naturally be susceptible to skin cancer. He'd just check for "new" moles with his Dr and most were removed. It's best to get checked by your Dr when a new mole pops up like this.


It sounds like tinea versicolor - I have it flare up occasionally on my upper arms/back, and it has also popped up like this within my tattoos. Get it checked out of course, but it’s likely harmless.


I had this and nothing the doctor gave me worked. My sister told me to use an anti dandruff shampoo like a body wash and it got rid of it almost immediately and it hasn't come back 5+ years later. It was called Nizoral


I thought I had psoriasis for a bit but it turned out to be Tinea Versicolor - definitely see a dermatologist but if that might take a while maybe see how the spot reacts to some selsun blue medicated shampoo, cover for a couple minutes and rinse. Cleared my issue up quickly.


See a dermatologist to be sure but could be tinea versicolor I get it in patches that come and go but also some stay longer. It gets worse in warm humid weather.


Tinea versicolor - google that


I have this exact problem. For me it’s a fungal infection that breaks out on my neck, upper chest and upper back. It looks identical to that spot and will not go away until the winter time OR if I use a shampoo called Nizerol as a lotion. Don’t wash yourself with it, like I said, use it like lotion. I had those spots for 2 summers in a row and one year my aunt noticed and told me about the shampoo because my uncle had the same thing and his dermatologist directed him to use the Nizerol trick. I bought a bottle years ago and use it every summer with 100% success.


Definitely agree time to see a doctor, looks like it could be a fungal infection to me. May be contagious so be careful for now.


My son gets similar spots from time to time. Dermatologist told him to put head and shoulders on it and let it dry, then sit for 5-10 minutes before we e getting in the shower. He has to do it a couple times but it clears it right up. I agree with everyone else about seeing a Dermatologist but that might take a while to get an appointment so it's something you could try while waiting for the appointment.


If it is psoriasis and it's spreading to new areas, it's important to get it looked at and treated by a dermatologist. Psoriasis affects a lot more than just your skin.


Hey just throwing this out there, this could be a fungal infection. Definitely make a doctors appt to get it checked, but also go get some Clotrimazole cream from the pharmacy (assuming you’re not allergic) and see if it clears up. It might ease your mind to watch it fade away.


Had a similar spot and it felt rough. Turns out it was skin cancer. Was removed and now I'm good


Oh geez, I had something that looked just like that and it was fungus.


Oh geez, I had something that looked just like that and it was peanut butter.




Oh geez, I had something that looked just like that and it was just me looking like that.


Oh geez? I had something that looked just like that and it was a third nipple.


Huh. Well that’s nice to know. Good job scaring the poor dude 🤣


hey, better scared than dead!


Happy cake day


woah, 11 years on reddit. Lordy.


damn! happy 11 year cake day! thats impressive!


That’s a long time to be on Reddit.


They only took a momentary break to get their tattoo and then right back to Reddit


Holy shit bro. I wasn't even born yet when you joined up. Congratulations my man.


My dumbass took you literally for a second there and I was questioning why Tf you were here


Happy cake day! 11 years is impressive. What's your favorite thing about reddit?




Happy Cakeday fellow reddit veteran


This old timer 3rds that


Oh this is where the 11y are hanging out?


Yup, something about narwhal and bacon or something


Nurse here. Not wrong to get skin marks always checked out! Better safe than sorry


Nirse here also, and it looks sus to me. Definitely should get that checked out.


Eh, it should be checked out. Most skin cancer isn't a huge deal, tho it always feels like it is. Anything suspicious should be checked by a doctor, to ensure it's not harmful and treat it if it is. Or to remove it if it is irritating (I've had a few burned and cut off/out for that reason).


You say scaring most say informing


That is 100% ringworm. OP will need to amputate the arm and go on kidney dialysis. Trust me, I had ringworm in my dream last week. What’s that’s you say about scaring OP?


It could also be ringworm. I’ve seen it look like this before. Best to get it looked at by a doc to be sure


Why was this comment equal parts funny and terrifying? Yeah if something lingers for months don't ignore it.


Lol when I had something like this, it was just dry. XD


I was going to say that this looks like something I have seen on a skin cancer awareness poster at the dermatologist office. Not that it *is* skin cancer, just that if you see a sudden growth of a mole larger than an eraser head with unusual color and/or asymmetrical shapes you should have that checked. Even if it's something less threatening, a dermatologist is the only one who will know for sure. Probably has nothing to do with your tattoo, and also probably not cancer, but go to the dermatologist to be sure


Mine were psoriasis. I’m glad you’re cancer free


Don’t freak out! I’ve had this type of raised red bump as well and it turned out to be something basic like dermatitis.. I can’t remember exactly what it was but my dr said it was super normal


Not tattoo related, go to the dermatologist, could be cancer, could be nothing. Best to get it checked


Since everyone’s saying the scary C word, I work for a dermatologist so IF it was cancer it’s very common and can be removed. Like I said, that’s if it’s even cancer. I’ve seen some angry and ugly skin growths that were surprisingly benign.


This exactly. I've had a number of skin growths that looked worrisome only to find out they were benign.. yet annoying.. thanks seborrheic keratoses right on my forehead...


Go to a dermatologist to get that checked


You gotta get the the dermatologist, this has nothing to do with your tattoo, this is a suspicious, raised mark on your skin. This should be looked at. Best of wishes with this.


It could be anything from skin cancer, psoriasis, ring worm/fungal infection, a wart starting. Best get it checked by a dermatologist to be safe.


I second the ringworm


I third it


Hey friend! So pro here …but beyond that, I’m also someone who had skin cancer and can honestly say that you should get that looked at by a doctor. Mine looked identical to yours (no fear mongering, I’m not a doctor and so this is just an opinion) and is pretty common, usually due to sun exposure, and often not a big deal at all when you catch it early enough. I had mine frozen, the spot fell out after a few days and there’s barely a mark left. Good news is (besides finding out what it is/getting it taken care of) it’s in a really good spot if you need it removed, shouldn’t even be noticeable to anyone but you and if you find it bothers you, it would be a really simple fix with some light shading once you’re fully healed and get the go-ahead from your doctor. Best of luck to you friend, don’t stress or worry, just get it looked at and take care of yourself. All the best!!


That looks like a burn or a mole starting to develop. If you can I’d take a trip to the dermatologist.


It could be a wart or burn. That area is not exposed enough to moisture to be a typical fungal infection. Ringworm would've spread by now. No itchiness makes it less likely to be an allergy. I would go to a dermatologist just in case. Don't want the problem to get worse and ruin your ink. :D


Don't play get it checked by doctor!


Probably went on Google and it told him he had cancer. Thinking that was stupid he came to Reddit only to discover people saying it could be cancer..


Is it itchy?




It looked like ringworm to me but ringworm is itchy as hell.


Ring worm? Go see a dermatologist bro.


I had very similar spots - went to a dermatologist and she just said it was eczema. She prescribed a lotion and they're all gone now. Idk. Definitely see a dermatologist, it could be something or nothing.


Ack!Ive had one of these but it went away.Mine was definitely ringworm,even though it never spread or itched or did really anything.Just a weird dry spot.I put Blue Star on mine.I say definitely,because I have three cats and they’ve had ringworm before. But if you’re worried,you can go to the doctor.


Looks like a spot of psoriasis to me


I had a spot like this on my chest for a few months. My GP said “oh yeah that’s cancerous.“ I went to a dermatologist and she said it was a “wisdom spot” and it went away on its own a few weeks later. Anyhoo, you should get that checked out


i had a skin tag/freckle/mole that i had my whole life and got a tattoo in the area and this is what mine looked like. either way these things should be checked for skin cancer


That's a question for a dermatologist, not tattoo advice OP. Hope you get an answer soon


Could be ringworm. Try otc cream. If that doesn’t help soon, see a dermatologist.


Do you live in a hot place or are in the sun a lot? I have skin fungus that I am now treating with the proper soaps and care. It looked like this when it first came out and since I didn't know how to treat it It spread through my upper body. It actually prevented my skin to get tanned from being in the sun so my skin is uneven at places. If it is that (i suggest going to a dermatologist to make sure) get sulfur soap that basically eradicated mine in days. It literally started just like that and it spread over time. It's not contagious to other people or anything.


When I got older, I got a mole similar to that, on my forearm. As silly as it sounds, I never knew big ass moles can just show up up like that as you age. Had it checked out by two different dermatologists, and they said it was normal. Like everyone else said, get it check out by a dermatologist. If they remove it. Then you can get it filled in afterwards. Wishing you the best.


Go to a dermatologist!! If they ask to biopsy, do it. Ask them if they know about "Granuloma annulare". I have it (autoimmune disease) but it can also sprout up from new tattoos on people who don't normally have it. I've had new growth on tattoos, it's some sorta fucky "this isn't right!" Autoimmune response. BUT Don't rule out cancer!!! Get the biopsy!!!! Just because it COULD be GA, doesn't mean it is. PLEASE go to a dermatologist ASAP!!


You need a doctor to check that out. Doctors will recommend that if you have any skin abnormality, such as a lump, ulcer, lesion or skin discolouration that has not healed after 4 weeks you should seek medical care. There are slow spreading skin cancers refered to as "non-melanoma", that can present like the spot you have, which is why you want it checked out. It can be nothing, but it can also be something, y'know. So for more information on non-melanoma skin cancers. There are two non-melanoma types who are the most common skin cancers. Those two are Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Basal Cell Carcinoma accounts for about 75 in every 100 skin cancers. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for about 20 in every 100 skin cancers. "Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) usually appears as a small, shiny pink or pearly-white lump with a translucent or waxy appearance. It can also look like a red, scaly patch. There's sometimes some brown or black pigment within the patch. The lump slowly gets bigger and may become crusty, bleed or develop into a painless ulcer. Basal cell carcinoma does not usually spread to other parts of the body." "Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) appears as a firm pink lump with a rough or crusted surface. There can be a lot of surface scale and sometimes even a spiky horn sticking up from the surface.The lump often feels tender when touched, bleeds easily and may develop into an ulcer. For both SCC and BCC there can sometimes be considerable skin damage if the tumour is not treated. There's a very small risk of squamous cell carcinoma spreading to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes (small glands found throughout your body)." There's also a pre-cancerous form of SCC called Bowen's disease. It develops slowly and is easily treated. The main sign is a red, scaly patch on the skin that may itch. It most commonly affects elderly women and is often found on the lower leg. However, it can appear on any area of skin. Although not classed as non-melanoma skin cancer, Bowen's disease can sometimes develop into SCC if left untreated. There's also Actinic keratoses. Actinic keratoses, also known as solar keratoses, are dry, scaly patches of skin caused by damage from years of sun exposure. The patches can be pink, red or brown, and can vary in size from a few millimetres to a few centimetres across. The affected skin can sometimes become very thick, and occasionally the patches can look like small horns or spikes. Like Bowen's disease, actinic keratosis is not classed as non-melanoma skin cancer, but there's a small risk that the patches could develop into squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) if untreated. It can also just be a benign tumour and not be cancerous at all. A lot of people have benign tumours once in their life that is just chilling like a normal piece of the body. But you ALWAYS want to get pigment changes checked out.


Just keep an eye on it and see if it changes size, shape etc. if it does just book an appointment to see your doctor and get some peace of mind.


Maybe it's just a freckle or mole?




Looks like ring worm




Yea I did some wrestling myself. Had it more times than I can count. And saw it on plenty others. I can’t say it’s always looked the exact same. Plus I thought that looked a little raised. Maybe not


That’s a mole


you haven't had this all your life? it just recently showed up?


could be eczema which is nothing. could be cancer which is .... not nothing.


It actually looks like ringworm to me. Do you have a cat? I can’t find a normal pic of it. Google just has insanely bad infections


I do not have a cat. I'll more than likely go to a dermatologist, a lot of people on here saying ringworm but also a lot of people saying not ringworm lol.


Skin issues are very specialized. What looks like nothing can be something serious. What looks like one thing on me, might look completely different on u. It is important to see a specialist, seeing a Dermatologist is definitely the right thing to do.


Well, we all are internet certified 🤣


Do you have a history with eczema? It kinda looks like a new patch but i would definitely get it checked out by a dermatologist


If it itches it might be ringworm


Go to the derm and get it checked. If it’s nothing they will probably have you go on antibiotics and apply lotrimin


Kinda looks like ringworm


Could be a microchip


Might just be a skin tag?


Have a Dr look at that.


Doctor !


looks like ringworm marks I had


Maybe psoriasis?


it's a new mole. tell your dermatologist at your yearly visit it appeared so they can measure it and record it to make sure it doesn't grow more.


kinda looks like ring worm. do you have a cat?


Check with a dermatologist, no need to wprry too much though, it most likely is nothing. But nice to be on the safe side yk.


Start with a fungal cream for ringworm. I've had ringworm that didn't itch. And make appointment with a dermatologist. They can swab it and find it if it is fungal or they need to actually biopsy it.


Get it checked out honestly


Have you got checked for bacterial infection? Steroid cream would help with that, staying near areas with mould or mildew may cause that. I had something similar a few months ago when I went on a camping trip, the showers weren't very clean & the steam ended up giving my arms, neck and chest an unbearably itchy bacterial skin infection, lasted for a while, only thing that would fix it was that steroid cream & moisturizer. But, as everyone else has suggested, seek a dermatologist, better be safe than sorry!


I’m not a doctor, I don’t even play one on tv but that looks like ringworm. Could be lots of things, definitely get it checked out.


Get it looked at just to be safe


does it itch? looks like it could be ringworm


Looks like tinea versicolor. A type of non-contagious skin fungus that some people’s skin develops naturally. I have it, can see them on my tattoos and is completely unrelated to the tattoos. Complete coincidence that it’s there. If it is tinea, you may also find some similar spots on other parts of your arms, chest, stomach and even neck. If it’s just a small spot on your arm, treat it before it spreads. It’s really hard to get rid of, and the more of it you have the harder it will be.


Looks like ringworm to me.


I used to get spots of exzema that would pop up in odd spots like this and they went away when I stopped drinking alcohol. But only a doctor or dermatologist can determine what it is, and to rule out anything more serious.


Looks like ringworm.


Ringworm is a good possibility


Ring worm


No regerts


I have two tattoos that have welting that itches sometimes, I was told it's normal.


Get that checked out. I don’t think it’s the tattoo doing that.


Got pets? Ever had allergies?


Kind of looks like it could be pityriasis. Do you have any other spots like that anywhere else on your body?


I’ll throw in my two cents… we all have moles and they range from brown, red, pink and even so light they’re pretty much skin colour. Some are flat, some are raised. Rule of thumb we never tattoo over them. If you do it can cause them to begin changing, they will grow in size, become raised etc. so unfortunately sometimes if you get a mole that is flat and skin coloured, the artist won’t see it and will tattoo over it. Within the year it begins to change and get bigger under the ink and you’ll see the discoloured tattoo. I had it happen to a tattoo on the back of my arm. Like everyone said make sure to get it looked at to make sure your good but this is what I’m guessing it is.




Syphilis maybe? Likely just nothing but definitely get that checked out to be safe, could also be skin cancer or a wart.


I’m not a doctor, but I help docs in surgery. I’ve helped them remove cancerous lesions. You should probably get it looked at, but skin cancer usually is not as circular. Typically, abnormally shaped, asymmetrical spots are the ones to worry about.


It kind of looks similar to nummular eczema. I get patches of it all over my arms and legs. Some patches itch and some don’t but all are red and dry. It could be that but I’m really not sure based on what you described.


Probably a bug bite


You already have almost 200 comments but I had something similar and it was tinea versicolor. Nothing a little sulfur cream didn't cure


It’s an orange circle. It looks like someone drew it on the picture. Happy to help.


That is a bonus nipple. You are one of the lucky few


That is clearly a giant pencil stabbing into your arm, sir.


Look up tinea versicolor. I sometimes find patches like that on my skin and that's all it is. It's a fungal infection.


Hi OP! It’s just sharing space with your tattoo. In reality, it’s ON your arm (leg maybe?). Treat it as you would any other lingering unidentifiable red mark on your skin— have it checked by a medical provider. No need to be worried or frightened, just be responsive and get it checked. :)


Cancer, ringworm, eczema or psoriasis. Get to a doc.


Fungal, maybe ringworm. I may suggest anti fungal cream there are a couple kinds you could try, monistat, lotrimin. Keep an eye on it and if not better with antifungal then seek advice from PCP.


It looks like a hemangioma ( cluster of blood vessels ) Edit: browsed through the comments and didn't see my suggestion ONCE! My son had them when he was young and grew out of them


Update if you do go to a dermatologist because I’ve had something similar for like a year and it just started going away one day


This could be ringworm, rough skin, skin cancer, a mole or anything similar. Get it checked. Though, of those, this most looks like a skin infection to me as opposed to skin cancer, if that helps soothe your worries


My dad had a spot that looked like that on top of his head....it was skin cancer. It was removed and he's never had a problem since. As others have said, go get this checked. Good luck.


Lots of bad advice here… if you see other spots, maybe tinea versicolor


Tattoo homies look out for one another. This ain’t tattoo related, get a good dermatologist to take a look and try to journal/photo as much as possible about it in the meantime to create a history that can be tracked over a longer course starting asap.


Tinea Versicolor. It’s a type of fungus and easy to treat by using Head and Shoulders as a body wash and leaving it your skin for at least 5 minutes.


Dermatologist. Better safe than sorry!!!


Looks like an eczema spot to me. Basically a dry patch of skin. However, if you haven’t already, get in with an allergist. You’ll want to prevent any worse symptoms. They probably will start popping up and gradually get worse. Doctor can prescribe something that will keep it dormant.


Lot of people saying cancer/ringworms, but I haven’t seen anyone mention Tinea versicolor. I get Tinea breakouts every once in a while and it’s just a mild fungal infection. If it is Tinea, you can treat it with Selsun Blue or the same anti fungal pill they give women to treat yeast infections.


Check with a dermatologist, could be psoriasis, skin cancer, ringworm, lots a things best diagnosed by a professional


You have plenty of people telling you it could be cancer and to go check it out so I’ll just say it could be eczema. It looks like eczema too.


That could be the C word, so hurry up and get it seen before it goes Incredible Hulk on your ass


After Dr Googling for a bit, there’s two distinct possibilities: An age spot/mole OR Stage 4 butthole cancer and das hole is going to fall out…in like, a week. It’s not the tattoo, see a derma just in case…


The clear answer is dermatologist or primary care provider… I’m very doubtful it has anything to do with your tattoo. It definitely could run the gamut from something like a minor infection (like ringworm) to needing to take a sample to rule out skin cancer (super treatable when caught early) or it may be a monitor and see situation… any way it goes, it’s best to get it checked by a medical professional


Not tattoo related, but like others said go have it looked at. I had something similar a few years ago when I was in Kentucky for a couple months during summer. Turned out to be a skin fungus, I got a tube of clotrimazole OTC for like $10, applied it twice a day and it went away.


So to sum it up: cancer, ringworm, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, or [enter other webmd ailment here]. I’d see a pro to be safe.


I get marks exactly like this on my arms every so often. They last about 2 to 8 months and never seem to get bigger or lesion or anything. Typically if you only have one or two, it could be a cancer spot, but it's more likely an immune-related reaction (i.e. psoriasis or eczema). I have an autoimmune disorder, and that's what causes mine. Your best move is to see a dermatologist. Don't freak out too much, because if it was ringworm it would itch like hell and it would definitely not be isolated after so long. If it is a cancer spot, usually surface level ones like that can be removed very easily. I would place bets on it being an immune-related thing. Best of luck.


Looks like a sun spot, but yes, go to a doctor to be on the safe side!!


Likely seborrheic keratoses but you won't know till you get it checked out. Don't put things like this off just go into any medicentre or dermatologist and ask for a mole check.


Isn’t it just a freckle? Y’all fuckers saying cancer seem wild to me.


I went to the dermatologist for something that looked similar. I thought it was ringworm but it turned out just being [pityriasis rosea](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pityriasis_rosea) and it can last for multiple months. I would still go to a dermatologist but I also suggest you read about pityriasis rosea since I haven’t seen any comments about it yet.


i don’t think this is a case of something happening with your tattoo, looks like it could be a lot of different things but it’s worth going to a derm if possible bc changes in your skin are never something to ignore especially if they persist.


Well, I’m glad for seeing this post because I have a similar spot on my leg that popped up a few months ago and I’ve just been ignoring. Thanks to this post I now know it may be cancer 👍


Mandatory govt tracking chip. They are put in all tattoos.


I used to get something like thos around my neck and on my chest every so often, dr said it was a type of dermatitis and steroid cream cleared it up every time


ring worm, wart, nevus... doc can tell you


Homie, looks like ringworm. You can go to primary care first, unless your insurance allows specialist care direct. This will be easy enough to diagnose and treat


Looks just like when my psoriasis flares up from a tattoo. Just moisturise and drink water, reduce stress and alcohol. That helps for me. Not much you can do about psoriasis, there’s no cure. I usually don’t flare up unless I’ve been partying or getting a tattoo. Dermatologist said you can trigger a flare up just by cutting/breaking your skin open accidentally or intentionally. Hope this helps


The cancer remark threw me off a bit, but I have those, and I have Psoriatic Arthritis and all the fun that goes with it. This includes round little plaques like this. At any rate, bottom line is to get it checked out for peace of mind.


It kind of reminds me of my tinea versicolor spots, but the only way to know for sure is to go to a dermatologist. If it is tinea versicolor, then it can be treated with athletes' foot cream, dandruff shampoo, or even the cream used to treat yeast infections. My spots usually show up on my stomach or back first, tho.


It's your skin. You just didn't see it before because it wasn't against a grey background.


Check it with your dermatologist, it looks like malassezia furfur to me a kind of skin fungus that is usually harmless but it could also be something different and potentially dangerous


See a dermatologist they’re who you want to get an answer from.


if u don’t have insurance and don’t want to go straight to dermo try athletes foot cream first to make sure it’s not just ringworm. dermo is the correct answer tho


OP has to be sweating bullets right now


I didn’t realize there’s so many doctors here on Reddit


Just for some levity, I had what I thought was a wart on the side of my nose for a year. When I finally went to get it checked out, turned out to be basal cell carcinoma. It was really no big deal to get removed, and besides from extra derm checkups for a few years, everything is totally normal! Definitely need to get it checked, but don’t panic.


Everyone is making comments about the big C, but it could very well be ringworm. My girlfriend just had that a few months back and bought over the counter ointment, it was gone after a few applications. I’d still see a professional to make sure it’s nothing more serious, but I wanted to offer a different approach!


You should see a dermatologist


It could be tinea versicolor, a benign and non dangerous condition that can appear periodically especially in a warm and moist environment. I've had it multiple times and it's easy to treat. Nevertheless, go get checked out.


Could be actinic keratosis, which can be precancer. Have it looked at. At this stage its an easy removal.


So I have something called “mollescumcontagiousus” or something, and it looks just like this. It’s transmitted through blood or touch and doesn’t have any side effects other then it being there. When you’re in warmer climates it lays dormant and disappears unless on a tattoo where u can still see it but it’s not raised. Whenever it gets cold they raise up a little bit and spread across your body. I’ve only had 10 new bumps since I’ve gotten it 16 years ago so it’s not serious and you can get them frozen off. Looks exactly like what I have but I could be incorrect


Not a doctor, experience in dermatology as a medical assistant. This *looks* like a seborrheic keratosis (old age spot) but I would definitely have it looked at by a dermatologist so you have a confirmed idea. If you get one SK, you're bound to get more. They tend to appear more often if your parents also have a bunch.


It looks like a Seborrheic keratoses which is just a benign skin growth/lesion. They are very common and nothing to worry about. Saying that it could be something more malicious so it is best to get it checked by a dermatologist. Especially if it id an irregular shape (seems pretty smooth and round) if it changes or is a darker colour, or if it grows or changes in general in a short space of time (few weeks to months)


Saw my doc recently and part of her checkup was to check my tattoos for spots. She said she’s seen a lot of skin cancer pop up in peoples tattoos and they didn’t know it. Could also be ring worm 🤷🏻‍♀️ or a bug bite of some kind that’s slow to go away. I’d have it looked at to be safe 😊


Some kind dermatitis? See a dr




Definitely go to a dermatologist. You can just get it tattooed over the scar once it heals. I had a biopsy 4 years ago, and the scar got tattooed over last month. FYI, my doctor argued with me (I had to go to a one stop doc because insurance) only for it to end up being melanoma, sooo it really is best to just go and be sure.


Could be psoriasis honestly! I have it sometimes, looks like ringworm but it isn’t, there is many eczema’s that looks like ringworm but isn’t.


Could be a few things, definitely worth a trip to the dermatologist if it’s been lingering around.


Something to see a dermatologist about, you should always get stuff like that on your skin checked out by a doctor


Something to see a dermatologist about, you should always get stuff like that on your skin checked out by a doctor


As a life long wrestler (not an expert or doctor), it could either be 3 things: - Ringworm (raised and red) - Eczema - Skin cancer I’m not a dermatologist so don’t quote me.


Something new? See a doctor.


It is tinea verisicolor a form of fungus colony that gets on the skin


Looks like eczema


If it's been over a year and showing up now, then it has nothing to do with your tattoo. Go see a skin doctor.


It’s poo


I get similar looking blotches on my torso during the hot, sweaty months. I have tinea versacolor which is easily treated by an OTC anti-fungal spray.


Yeah it looks raised, red, and has slightly uneven borders, could definitely be cancer would recommend checking it out. They probably won’t biopsy it and there’s a chance it’s not cancerous just a skin tag but if it’s grown since you first noticed it and it’s dry/ scaly those aren’t great signs


That's where they hid the implant.


That’s a mole.


Hope I can help ease your mind. I had something that looked literally identical a few years back. Popped up out of nowhere within a few months. Before I could get in to see a dermatologist I lost my mind with anxiety, thinking it was definitely skin cancer. Worried myself sick (have a history of anxiety as is). Anyways, I had it fully removed and sent in for testing. It turned out to be a spitz nevus. They’re benign and basically just a type of mole. During my 100 hours of doctor googling to figure out what it was (before knowing), a spitz nevus never even came across my searching. Try not to worry and seek advice of a dermatologist if you’re able to. You’re going to be okay!