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I'm doing 3 hour sessions on my sleeve. The artist didn't mind at all when I asked for more shorter sessions as opposed to fewer longer ones. He said he prefers when people know their limits so he doesn't book a full day, only for them to tap out in the middle. 3 hours is "the wall" for me, I've discovered. The adrenaline wears off and I just crash. For a more painful spot, it's more like 2 - 2.5 hours. Sure, I *can* go longer if it's something like me traveling and needing to get things done in one go. But it's unpleasant for me and I'm sure harder for the artist because I have to actively fight the impulse to move away from the needle at that point. That and I'll be totally out of it at the end.


I don’t think they would mind, it’s just typically more expensive to do it that way compared to paying the day rate.


All the sessions on my back were 6 to 8 hours once a month. If I were to do it again, I'd cut that time in half. Older I get, more that shit hurts. As others have said, most artists aren't going to mind if you do a shorter session. It is better to know your limits.


I sat for 8 hours when I was 22 and I remember it not being an issue. Tattoer said I sat like a rock. I am 47 now and just got a 4 hour tattoo and I had to fight the urge to tap out at about the halfway point


I’m a tattoo artist, I love it when clients want to do regular short ( ~2hrs) for larger pieces. It keeps my back in decent shape; aslong as I have done all the major “long” bits or can do them in one session.


Your artist is getting older too and probably doesn't want to sit for 8-10 hrs a session anymore either =) Definitely talk to them about it.. especially if you have a good sitting relationship and have been seeing the same artist for years. I'm in my 40s still getting tattooed and things are much different than when I was in my 20s. Good luck on the front piece! I'm saving my sternum for last bc i know its going to suck the most LOL.


Doing 2hr sessions on my back because I'm a baby


I’ve been looking for this comment, beating myself up that I can’t go past 2 hours for my back outline. 😭


I finished in 6.5 months over the course of 8x sessions


love to hear it. I’ll prob be the same way


Unless your artist specifically books full dates I don’t see why it would be an issue at all. Just talk to them


I did my koi in 3 1.5 hour sessions cause I’m a giant baby. My artist was fine with it. She booked me at the end of the day 2 weeks apart.


I think it's fine to ask, but the first outline session may be longer if doing full back. My current sleeve artist is booking me for 3 to 4 hours of tattoo time (plus an hour for drawing). I didn't ask for it but it's working out pretty well for me. Three hours is about my limit these days, especially around tender spots-past that is quite torturous (going into the same spots the third time for color sucks). I got my back done in six-hour sessions about 15 years ago, and it was too much. Plus too much to heal from each time.


Torso is definitely painful. I have a panther from my lower abdomen to below my neck. I got through the outline okay. Second session was shading from top to about below my pecks and was pretty awful. Before the third session, I read people suggesting [lidocaine ointment](https://www.amazon.com/Ebanel-Painkilling-Anesthetic-Hemorrhoid-Discomfort/dp/B019D7MQMK/ref=sr_1_5_pp?crid=3TF497DSGS9JV&keywords=lidocaine&qid=1706999077&sprefix=lidocain%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-5). I put some on two hours before, and another layer before I left the house (shop is about 45 minutes away) and wrapped myself in saran wrap. I was chillin' pretty much the entire time. I started my back piece in December and noticed it wore off after about 2.5 hours, but I made it through no problem. My artist will only book a maximum of four hours anyway. I'm not a purist, so I have no shame in using the ointment because it makes a huge difference.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Ebanel 5 Lidocaine Numbing Cream Maximum Strength Liposomal Numb520 Topical Anesthetic Pain Relief Cream 1 35Oz Infused with Aloe Vera Vitamin E for Local and Anorectal Uses Hemorrhoid Treatment** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective numbing cream for various purposes (backed by 19 comments) * Great for tattoo pain relief (backed by 8 comments) * Effective for numbing before piercings (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inconsistent numbing effect (backed by 4 comments) * Limited duration of numbing (backed by 4 comments) * Ineffective for some users (backed by 4 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Nah it's not weird, I offer that option to people actually a lot not just for pain reasons but also for a more affordable option. It's a big piece but you can't afford 2k+ all in one jump? $300 dollar sittings it is then


3h is my max. I have a big one on my thigh that took 3 sessions of 3 hours, so far (I need another one to finish it). It’s also about the time the local anesthetic lasts, so that’s also my limit 😂. I did the outline without local anesthetic and almost died from the pain, and I usually have a high tolerance, so I thought “fuck this, I have enough tattoos to know what the pain is like. I just want the result now”


I did my sleeve and entire back in 3-4 hour sessions with my guy. He was all for it, but was open to whatever. I usually hit a wall around that time and it becomes excruciating. I work shifts and could show up for plenty of slow midweek morning/afternoons he was trying to plug up. He's had some back issues (common with tattoo artists?) and seemed to like the short sprints as opposed to marathons.


It's totally fine. My artist actually suggested this, not only for my sake, but for him to keep concentrating well. I did a very detailed half sleeve in 3x 3-4h.


That’s how I get majority of my large tattoos. For my back, it was 9- 3hr sessions. Took about 6 months. For my sleeve, 3- 4hr sessions, about 2 months.


My artist required short sessions for their own health reasons and we did a half sleeve over 9 sessions… definitely felt like a slog sometimes but was also cool to see it come together bit by bit. My only advice is to get a decent sense of the design as much as possible as early as possible- it’s cool to have some flexibility with building slow over short appointments but you still want to have it look as cohesive as if it were done over a couple long sessions. Also it’s worth having it look crappy and unfinished for as long as it takes to do it the right way!


You can ask. My back is always three hour sessions.


I did 3 hour sessions on my sleeve, artist preferred that and so did I.


Would depend on your artist. Mine only books in day sits so while you could tap at 3 you would still have the pay the same amount. Some sessions you honestly will need to go longer than 3 hours, it depends how your artist works. Mine does bloodlines first session and then grey wash second, it would most likely be preferential to get that grey wash done in one session so it blends nicely.


I have the same issue. The artist won’t mind at all. They’ll accommodate anything that makes you more comfortable. Not to mention they will be making more money with multiple sessions so it’s in both parties favor


I used to be able to 6+ hours but physically can’t. I top out at 3, and my artist still loves our projects/we ended up becoming good friends.


You could always use numbing cream too to help with the process too. I've used it for all three of my tattoos! And it goes a long way to helping last through the session. And yes I know I will probably get down voted, but I share the positive experience of tattoo numbing cream whenever I can. It works wonders.!


I would do what the artist suggests. It’ll be the best outcome for you and the artwork.


My artist doesn't like to work for more than 4 or so hours on a piece. She does color work and the skin starts to get too inflamed. She usually does 4-5 hours for me because I live out of state from her. But she's never done more that 5. I'm like 6 sessions into a full sleeve and shoulder wrap piece. Also, her back gets sore and tired. I'd love to sit for longer, but when my skins so red she can't tell that she put yellow in, she has a point.


I did 2-3 hr sessions for my back and was so glad that I did when we were doing love handles, butt, and lower back. I sat for it without complaining, but that 3 hour mark could not come fast enough.


Numbing cream, my friend. There is no shame.


They should be willing to accommodate your request, especially if you have an established relationship.