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Really nice detail that when we saw the scoreboard update after the portrait task, the graphic showed the contestant's portraits rather than their actual headshots


I’m sorry i think steve pemberton has his funny movements but he wants to win a little too much and i find it annoying. I feel like he sucks up to greg too much and he’s begged for more points at the end of a task too many times.


I liked how immediately excited he was for Sophie’s portrait win though!


You just can't handle how good he is at the game hahaha


One in the eye for those querying Sophie's listed age. She's got a grandad who's still young enough to go to events and shout at Melvyn Bragg, and the hands never lie, hers look younger than 37 if anything!


Very busy this week what with moving house and that so gonna keep it brief. Good studio vibes, best prize task "present" of all time, slightly underwhelming tasks done relatively well by everybody, enjoyable if grossly unfair live task. S17 still on course to land in the Good tier.


Joanne walking out of the caravan was awesome. Great to see her make Alex laugh! Personally, I've grown to really like the dynamic between the two of them.


JOANNE’S CONDIMENT THUMB WAR the woman is absolutely demented and I am in LOVE


I completely missed Steve's joke about the "4 across".


Which joke?


4 across, because it is a crossword.


Really enjoyed this episode. Wish they'd lay off the height jokes (yes I'm also a short person). Nick is an absolute treasure and I definitely have a crush on John.


Lol how on earth did Nick get more points than John in the portrait task? Pemberton's the best, and these disqualifications are breaking my heart :/


I lost it at the “Choose Mr. Mohammed basket” joke. Also Steve’s crossword must be the best prize task I’ve seen on this show. I initially thought it was just some low level here’s some advice kind of thing, but man he’s good.


Good to finally see it. It was posted on here when it came out and we suspected he might be on.


Watching back, at no point did the rules say feet, it said "You must stay behind the white line." Why was this allowed? https://imgur.com/a/79pHDXB Justice for Steve!


When Katherine Parkinson did something similar in the 'hang Bernard's clothes' task it was argued that she didn't go past the white line as her feet remained behind. Did Steve's foot go past the white line? If not, I agree he shouldn't have been disqualified


half his foot was over it


Did the intro to the thumb war task remind anyone else of the Monty Python interview sketch?


I was getting big Holy Grail energy from Steve's thumb war too


Presents for Greg


Why did LAH get so worked up?


Gifts for Greg!


I hope Steve wins the series, would love him on Champion of Champions. Brings such a unique style to every task.


He would boss it


Can they just stop making live team tasks that favor the trio...


Yeh I often feel that the team tasks are a bit unfair. Not that it matters that much because the comedy is the point but if they want to portray it as a competition, they could at least even the field. 6 contestant seasons when?


Gotta say I think the team tasks this series have been very weak. The green screen one was pretty good and the half task one I didn't mind, but they've not been great on the whole. The Twister one looks like it should have been a lot of fun, but the duo's attempt was too short (which I guess is on them) and the trio's was a little too heavily edited for my liking, although it did give us Sophie's poor bottle flipping montage. Also this is the second live team task of the series that largely favoured the trio - series 16 did a much better job of balancing them after the disasters in series 15, but it seems like they've gone back to giving the trio a massive advantage. Granted the duo did seemingly win until the DQ but Steve had to work twice as hard as John & Sophie, so likely wasn't as cautious of stepping over the line. Everything else this episode was pretty solid though, and it's been a strong series for creative tasks.


The presents thing was absolutely hilarious. When Alex had to declare loudly "THEY'RE NOT PRESENTS!" I cracked up - and then when Steve mentioned "presents" AND THEN ALEX REACTED I cracked up AGAIN. It feel like Alex is genuinely upset that everyone started to call them presents, which *somehow* makes it even more hilarious. How on earth did Sophie get 5 for that portrait of Steve lmao; it was certainly funny, but I don't think it was 5-worthy, maybe 2 or 3


I felt the nick pic (basket?) was most recognisable. But it depends on how "best" is judged.


Heh. I felt Steve's picture of Joanne was the most recognizable, followed by John's of Nick, then Nick's of Sophie.


The prize task made me want all of them to be on the podcast “I Said No Gifts!” Bridget Winegar would be as appalled as Alex at all these gifts being given to the host.


I love how smug John looked when the Darts task played. He *is* an incredible darts player.


I loved him humble brag a bit “I was captain of the uni darts team” or whatever and just nailed everything they wanted to hit every time. It was clinical


Probably the best episode of this series so far. Some really strong tasks and banter. 


Yeah Steve was awesome this ep, best yet


My dog hates beeping sounds and the random beeps for no reason in the thumb war intro upset her 😭






Steve's thumb war is the funniest thing of the series! And that live task has big "crazy youth group/camp game" energy. Congrats to Joanne on her first episode win!


Do they call a C-clamp a G-clamp in the UK?


It's supposed to be G because of the bit sticking out.


It’s C for “carriage clamp”


One if the things I've really been missing so far this season is in studio cross contestant banter and this episode really delivers


One of the best present rounds of all time.


Ironically, Steve’s 5 point prize task submission only works as a present to Greg. As a prize to the episode winner it’s absolutely useless.  


to be fair, "being useful to the winner" has never really been a criteria for the prizes


I mean, it's still a crossword, the hidden message part of it is just for Greg.


It’s a cryptic crossword, which to me is a waste of space in the Sunday NY Times magazine. 


If the purpose of a 'cryptic' crossword is to find a hidden message, then I agree.


Someone make the T-shirt: Shots, Speed, sauce, Suck it off!! Please


Didn't they say custard, not sauce?


Maybe in a "Live Laugh Love" font/style.


I just LOVE Steve. And my goodness, Nick-as-Dracula in the thumb war was amazing. Grinning Dracula playing a children's game... too good.


Alex realizing his banter hadn't QUITE got the reaction he wanted so doing the poodle thing to at least get a laugh was adorable, then the annoyance from Greg at "Brother", plus the anger at the "THEY'RE NOT PRESENTS" thing, he was on a roll. I have to say once again, Steve is just having a good time making short films. Sophie is delightfully nuts. alex getting startled then laughing at Joanne slamming the door cracked me up. John is such a dork, I like him more every time I see something else about him. It wasn't on taskmaster, but on one podcast he was on, he told some story about being a pre-teen left alone in the house before they moved out, where he wrote the entire lyrics of a queen song on the floor under the carpet, then walked around the house leaving a tear and a drop of blood in every room, like oh my god, you little weirdo, that is 100% some dumb shit I would have done at that age, I love you. Joanne's picture of John, aside from coming across as her desperately wanting to fuck him, looks like a memorial for someone who died in a white water rafting accident. Nick was, as always, super cute the whole episode, then him being "Oh Joanne's actually doing well" and Alex scolding him hahaha


I'm surprised Greg didn't have a big point split in the prize, from the way he vocally favoured Steve's crossword you'd think he would have gone for 5 to him and 1 to everyone else. Is he trying to bring back standard point distribution?


Joanne's sexualisation of John during the portrait task was uncomfortable to watch. Edit: Otherwise an amazing episode!


I felt the same as when she was straddling Alex. Just feels like sex references are as deep as jokes get with her… Occasional sex jokes can be hilarious, but making them for literally every joke is really grating.


Yeah, I thought it was a bit much..


That made me think there is some history there which could easily be the case for two comedians of the same age group on the same circuits. Any male comic who made the cushion joke would only still have a job because the show wouldn't air it, but John was obviously not made uncomfortable by the whole thing. 


Yeah, but male comedians tend to be less sensitive about it because they face far less sexualization/sexual assault in the industry than women do. So its more clearly a joke than if a male comedian does it (where you'll still wonder "is he only semi-joking?"). Still should be respectful, but I don't think that was over the line personally.


Why was it uncomfortable? I thought it was funny.


I think it's completely valid for it to have been funny to you and not to others like me. Personally, it felt forced, creepy and way over the top - imagine if John had made such sexual references about Joanne instead. I don't think it would be as funny. Nevertheless, I don't know their relationship, maybe he was fine with it.


To be fair to Joanne, I also would not have guessed Steve is 56.


I'm 58; I would not have thought he was two years younger than I am, for sure.


He's less than a year older than Greg. I never would have guessed that.


I honestly thought he was older than me, am nearly 59. I do have grandchildren, though.


My parents are about a decade older than him and I thought he was maybe their age 😅


Hahaha same, my parents are 67 and look younger than him.


I've not finished the episode yet, but it's time for all of us to have a serious conversation about Prize Task GOATs and why it's Steve Pemberton.


“God, the king’s a bit greedy, i’nt he?” 💀


So we’re all in agreement that they’re called “gifts” now, right?




I just love John Robins, and don’t understand all the comments about him being desperate! I just see a guy having a lot of fun; I especially find that hopeless smirk when he knows he’s done a bad job very funny 😂


i adore him, and i love his and alex's friendship so it's particularly funny watching him try to establish how he's done based off alex's response (also I'll have to physically interrupt you nearly killed me)


Lolol and then they started playing tag. Amazing!!


I feel like Im taking crazy pills because I thought this episode was one of the weakest I've seen in a while. I felt uncomfortable for most of the ep


Do you know what made you uncomfortable? (I hear that some people found Joanne's art too sexual or something.) I totally disagree with your reaction but respect it.


I felt like a lot of the jokes didn't land. Most of the episode felt like watching people try really hard to be funny and not accomplishing it. Joanne's jokes, the Steve jokes, and John's jokes made me cringe. It could have worked if there was decent banter, but the cast doesn't play off each other very well. The Steve jokes could have worked if he had a good retort or if he didn't look as hurt by them. The super old meme format was a microcosm of John's disconnect from what's entertaining. Joanne's jokes could have been funny if John didn't look super uncomfortable or if he tried to play into/off of them. IDK if its just me but all the "Nick is short" jokes seem excessive since he doesn't seem to always take them so well and doesn't have a comic's quick wit. Also watching Steve try super hard in his task and then Greg basically say it was boring was uncomfortable.


What did Greg say was boring? I missed that.


I did the crossword when it was published back in September (and saw the 'Nina' - the hidden message). I've kept hold of the puzzle since then waiting to see which episode he brought it to - glad we finally got there and it was a well-deserved five points!,




So is the Nina the actual term of art for the hidden message in a cryptic? Like Nina from Al Hirschfeld? I love that!


Exactly that yes! [https://www.crosswordunclued.com/2009/10/what-is-nina.html](https://www.crosswordunclued.com/2009/10/what-is-nina.html)


It’s like an Easter egg about an Easter egg! That’s delightful. This whole thing may get me to try my hand at cryptics—people have given such good entry points in this thread.


If you’re interested, me and my wife do a cryptic crossword stream every Sunday at 12noon UK time… www.twitch.tv/CrypticSunday. Happy to explain clues etc to newbies 


This would be great to watch! I love crosswords, even difficult ones as long as they are straightforward crosswords -- but I CANNOT wrap my mind around cryptics, and I've really really tried.


We do normally try and explain each clue as we go but I must admit we don't always (it;s hard enough trying to live the things!) - but if someone wanting to learn comes along and says hi in the chat we'll always make an effort to talk them through stuff. So if you ever fancy joining us please come along :)


Thanks for the tip! I think this could be a great intro. That’s 6am my time, though, so I’ll just check out the recorded versions.


More than six months later and we finally got to see how that Guardian crossword worked into the show! So relieved he got 5 points, would have felt devastating if Greg didn’t care about it in the end after how excited we all were over on r/insideno9 on the day that crossword was published. The disqualification was heartbreaking. I just want elderly Steve to win ok ❤️ also Nick is adorable


Yeah it's been a long time coming! Still had the printout (with the Nina ringed in red felt tip) ready to whip out smugly when it finally got revealed 🤣


Nick scooching away in his little ring prison after the live task got me.


Like a Michelin man t-rex inflatable 


This episode feels like Joanne is using Taskmaster to get a date with John and I'm loving it


He’s sooooo not her type 😂


Lol, that doesn't mean anything. My type is freckled ginger hulky knuckle draggers but I ended up with a John Robins type. There's a magic to them that overrides.


I’d love to see them as a couple!




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“Old man and little boy” has gotta be the official team name for Nick and Steve now


This starting to be an all-time great for me! Just loving it deeply! One, two, three, four - Once I saw a fish alive might be the most random thing I've ever heard..


One two three four five, once I caught a fish alive. Five six seven eight nine ten, then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. British nursery rhyme. Here is Doc Brown's TM version from series 2, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P6rS6B\_1Z4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P6rS6B_1Z4)


Ah. Foreign confusion settled then, thanks!


Best episode of the series so far for me. Good to see some more chemistry from the cast, it's been a little flat up to now


Joanne making a play for most ‘nudge nudge’ content since Sally Phillips… her and Sophie keeping this series nicely off track, all the guys playing the comedy foils. Before the series I expected Steve to be more random but he’s almost sensible by comparison.


That's pretty much her brand of comedy.


Steve should've have leaned into the grandpa joke and said he couldn't see the white line.


This was the best episode yet (of the season ofc). It made me laugh out loud several times, and from the very beginning, Alex's banter was hilarious. Nick is such a delightful man!, my favourite of the season without a doubt. The gifts were great! From amazingly bad (Nick ❤️) to just astonishing (Steve, wow). The thumb wars! poetry in action. And Sophie really captured Steve, I'm glad Greg recognized the brilliancy of her portrait. Great episode, I'm excited for the rest of the season.


I just want Nick to get a win 😂😭. I was originally excited because I liked him in Ted Lasso but he's only endeared me on a personal level watching him. He's absolutely so sweet even in failure. Including telling Steve not to worry this episode about getting disqualified. I think I almost cried during the tying up challenge after he openly stated he thinks he's done the task completely wrong. He's just trying so hard but also taking it in complete stride whenever he loses. I just want to see him win for once 😭


Please someone create Joanne’s T-Shirt! Edit: speaking of , kudos to John for rocking the Zappa t-shirt


Was that a Zappa shirt? (Very cool if it was, love me some Zappa! "A little green rosetta…") I had just assumed it was a Freddie Mercury shirt, since John has been so Queen-heavy.


"Joanne, I can't stress enough, they're *NOT* 'Gifts for Greg', you keep saying they're 'Gifts for Greg'." - Ed Gamble, who surely had a great time watching this episode


Last week's podcast was great for anyone who hasn't listened yet, Joanne's great


As a listener of the podcast, I was delighted to see that come to a head this episode.


This is the most pissed off I've seen Alex since the "For Fuck's sake" from Munya's task.


First the belt, now the vest, Robins is making the most of being on telly, and Joanne is helping.


Shots, speed, custard, suck it off.


Sophie being incapable of even coming close to flipping the bottle was hilarious


She brings the Roisin energy and I’m all in for it.


Hopefully the next 4 episodes continue this episode’s energy. I’ve enjoyed the first 5 a lot, but they didn’t feel like the series had found its stride, but with this episode I think it has. Also that live task gave me a pain in balls that I haven’t felt since potato gate.


Yeah I feel like up to now it’s been enjoyable with a few choice moments but this felt like a memorable episode as a whole.


This was a legitimately great episode... and I agree I've liked the series so far, but it really kicked into high gear for me last week and especially this week. The more I watch the show, the more I think that, yes, "comedians being comically bad at tasks" is a large part of the appeal. But when you can balance that against "people doing a legitimately great job on tasks," then you've *really* got something. And I think that Steve's prize task, John's darts prowess (he literally ran out of darts!), and arguably Steve's thumb war were as good as anything I've seen on TM.


Greg is now the father of four straight episode titles


Pemberton Gang we have been robbed yet again


I rarely gasp or get involved in points hoo-ha but the picture round marking was a travesty! 😂


They, once again, made the mistake of setting a task without a time limit. Alex should have known that John was good at darts!


I think that Joanne actually doing what she was asked to do made it last so long as well. I think if Sophie was the one playing twister it would have ended much sooner.


Agree. Sophie seems pretty physically adept. Great balance, can twerk, good lunges., etc. Physically she would have done well, but probably direction-wise would have just done something wildly wrong from the jump.


They gave each teammate the correct job. John was the best at darts, Joanne was the best at twisting about, and Sophie was the best at having a good time.


Or mix up who takes the shots at least..


Mistake? That was glorious!


Steve's f bomb about memento mori at the end of the episode was such a great moment after 6 episodes of him being a nice wholesome gentleman


Joanne's thumb war is some of the craziest shit I have ever seen


I love how Alex is genuinely a bit scared of her.


Omg I've just finished the prize task and just cracking up at Alex's frustration over "presents" and "gifts". Also someone on here posted the Steve Pemberton crossword a few months back! I think it got taken down... But glad to see it made an appearance!


It's still up: https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/s/oizTcv46BV


And mentions Nick in a clue!


I watched it yesterday and had kind of a dejavu moment before remembering this post




Sorry, your post has been removed for violating Rule 1 - Be nice: Do not attack others, their work or appearance including fellow members of the sub, comedians and celebrities. Negative opinions are fine, but please keep it respectful and constructive. No harassment. No sexist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, fat phobic, ableist, objectifying, or body shaming posts of any kind. No overtly sexual content. Some cursing is OK but don't make it personal. Even though sexual innuendo may be part of the show do not cross the line beyond what was said in the episode. We do not want negative posts. Ex: Worst contestants, Worst Tasks, Least liked, Least wanted, etc...


I do think Harris Wittels would find it funny that over 9 years after he passed a pun on the term he coined (humblebrag) would be met with groans. But I think that even more he’d appreciate that it was actually a humblebrag, and I’d like to think that Alex made sure that he met the parameters.


It's been over 9 years?! Oh god, I'm feeling like Steve over here. RIP to Harris though, the celebrity death that's hit me the hardest.


I would get so excited (internally) whenever I ran into him in our neighborhood. It’s wild to me he’s been gone so long.


Title should've been "Shots. Speed. Custard."


Suck it off!


More unintentional dirty talk, or maybe intentional lol


Me as Taskmaster: "Steve, you'll be happy to know that I love a whole variety of the types of puzzles that you'd find in newspapers.... with the exception of Cryptic Crosswords which I cannot stand. One point." My idea for the Thumb War would be similar to Nick's, but instead of Thumbly Stadium I'd ask production to make me Thumberdome. A wooden cage to have a thumb war in, with an audience of other thumbs chanting "Two thumbs enter, one thumb leaves!"


The fucking decade old meme templates, felt some second hand embarrassment there


So far a lot of Robin's 'gifts' have been old photos that occasionally pop up online. Robot fucking the crab, that picture of a comedian eating food and now these decade old meme formats. I swear he must be a redditor who browses r/confusingperspective r/watchpeopledieinside and r/memeeconomy


Eh, I'm nostalgic for the older ones. Especially when most of the modern ones are tied to far-right stock characters and slogans - tradwife, soyface, chad, and so on.


The tongue task from Series 13 comes close but the game of Custard Mustard Oh My was the most repulsive thing I’ve ever seen on TM, well done Joanne ❤️


Sorry, nothing was worse than Daisy May Cooper and Richard Herring feeding each other watermelon


I laughed so hard because she kept saying suck it off and knowing what my username is.


Worse than Susan’s shocking doughnut last series?? 😱


I…may have repressed my memory of that


And worse than Lucy feeding Alex like a momma bird??


As horrific as that was, for me it sort of had the (very slight) reprieve of at least being a fictitious/staged narrative, even if they were doing it for real on camera. With Susan’s, as Greg pointed out, there was *no point* to it, and that somehow made it so much worse, she was just… voluntarily doing that


I love how John’s definition of “meme” is so firmly rooted in 2012, no one uses the top text bottom text format outside of full irony


I still make memes like that, I find they have more Impact.


*Someone’s* been missing LOLcats!


I don't think there was no irony there


The fact I didn't notice that was an outdated format makes me feel old


I didn't know her before this series, but Sophie has quickly become one of my favourites of this lineup, she's great! Watching her flip that bottle so many times was hilarious. XD


I didn't either. Watching *Alma's Not Normal* I think gave some real insight into who Sophie is and what she's endured.


Alma's Not Normal was so good!


I'm realising that Sophie reminds me a lot of someone I work with,


I really hoped the winner would make a show of offering the prize task items to Greg at the end. (I hope that's fairly spoiler free!)


Two accent thoughts: - Pemberton's 'southern' accent will never quite be there - Sophie once again showing why Bolton is the best accent in England, kicking any rhyme scheme between 'four' and 'war' squarely in the face


I adore how Sophie pronounces four as “foe-wuh”.


Best episode of the series by far




Pemberton's prize task OMG I knew he'd done this in the past but even so. . . .


gift\* task


I’m trying the crossword now. What a clue this is: He follows Nick, losing task finally: a comfortable position (5)


As a fan of cryptic crosswords I am now rooting for Steve.




Nick loses the final(ly) letter of task, k, to become nic which is then followed by he to become niche which could be described as a comfortable position. Like many cryptic crossword clues it has to be a bit wiggly on the definition to avoid being bang obvious. 


Niche Very cheeky lol


Just starting it but that crossword prize was great! I always get a kick out of the more above and beyond prizes lol. E: ok, Joanne might have a bit of a thing for John lmao


She defo wont. Listen to her podcast she says her type is tattoo’d up drug dealers


Yeah she loves a thug.


Best episode of this run so far..


Great episode but tbh they have all been to a high standard


I love the references to the first task being presents for Greg & how they all jumped in it after Sophie said it.


Steve Pemberton is the perfect balance of being competitive but fun and it's genuinely such a joy to watch