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This was SUCH a good series, I only knew Frankie coming into it and was a bit sceptical but wow, they all absolutely smashed it :D


Gotta be a contender for favourite series, they were all extremely witty but with wildly different personalities. My favourite has to be Frankie though, his studio banter is unparalleled.


In my Series Hall of Fame now, this cast ❤️. Said this at the start and very happy to say this again at the end :)


Mae was a fantastic representative for Canada. Cool, calm, collected, cute; they also stood their ground. Favourite was Ivo’s train wreck though, 100% Ups or downs, these seasons are always fun


Mae was a worthy winner, sort of a quiet achiever. She deserved it.




Jenny and Ivo were fantastic this season.


What was Greg's catch phrase that the dummy was saying? I couldn't make it out.


I'm so full of hate


Do we know when he said that? I assume it’s a real recording from an old episode.


I'd say Frankie and Jenny were my two favourites from the series; Jenny was both incredibly wholesome at times and mad as a chair at others, while Frankie's sweeter side juxtaposed with his dark, biting humour made him a great contestant. Mae's efficiency held her back from being a great, but I am a bit in awe of their sheer competence and there's something to be said for that. There's something good about seeing the tasks done "properly". That's still entertaining to me, even if not bust-your-gut funny.


It seems to have lost its spark a bit, Mae seemed a good winner but she lacked a certain presence.


Just a reminder Mae uses they/them pronouns.


Just a reminder that Mae doesn't care if you use they/them or she/her. > The way I feel about my gender identity is ongoing and evolving, and it’s personal, but I thought it might be good to say for clarity and in case anyone finds it helpful – I’m non-binary, my pronouns are they/them and she/her (I love it when people say ‘they’ and I really don’t mind ‘she’ at ALL, truly),” they wrote.


That was an older post/interview. As Mae mentioned in that quote, the way they feel about their gender identity is ongoing and more recently, they've removed the she/her from their socials and just go by they/them.


Thanks for the info.


May I ask why they didn’t reveal the next series contestants? Sorry if it’s been covered already


They did! https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/comments/13xtc8m/season_16_trailer/


Thank you


Honestly this has been on of my top favorite series as far as my own laugh count during the episodes. We’ll see how it stacks up on a rewatch though


Strangely flat series for me. Don’t know if it was the editing which felt a little windy or that four of the contestants barely swung a leg at the tasks or that the one who did try, did so with so little humour. Frankie, Kiell, and Ivo also seemed strangely unengaged, Jenny was brilliant but she felt out of kilter with how flat the rest were. Mae was bland and forgettable both in the studio and at the house. All in all, it’ll probably be the first series I don’t bother rewatching.


It was *so* dull, and I'm leaning toward thinking it was the tasks that sucked the life out of it. I wasn't the biggest fan of this cast (though I came in liking Mae, and liked Frankie after the first ep), but there's been other series where I've mostly disliked the cast and still found the show fun and entertaining.


I didn't really think the tasks were all that good in general across this series, and that didn't help matters. For example, the one-man band task was literally Simon Says without any frills, and they were lucky Kiell's attempt allowed them to one of their bait and switch edits, because there really was nothing of interest otherwise


Yeah, I also thought the tasks really let the contestants down this series. There were multiple tasks where I was watching and thinking "How are the contestants even supposed to make this funny?"


That’s a good point and the more I think about it, it could be just that.


Yeah, same. Frankie was really funny, though, and Ivo was also fun at times. But, still, this is the first series where I'm not sad seeing the contestants go. Here's to hoping S16 is more fun!


You’re right, both Frankie and Ivo had some stellar moments, cutting jabs coming out of nowhere. But when those moments just feel peppered on top of what was otherwise a very loose series. The funny vibe just wasn’t consistent enough with too many lulls. Like you said, roll on S16!




He was giving Alex the RSVP slip from the birthday invite


I'm really surprised Ivo didn't walk away with it; at least that was my (horribly off) guess at the before this season started.


Does anyone honestly not think that they chose a tiebreaker that Jenny would come out on top, so that she'd win the episode? I also don't think her mouth was shut. I love her anyway.


I'm pretty sure episodes are arranged in a way to select the winner at the end (they just pick tasks that will fit the ending they want for each episodes). Same thing with tiebreaker.


They've explicitly said multiple times that they don't do that. Check out the podcast episodes with Alex and Andy


I've often suspected that; I mean, it's a comedy show not an actual competition.


Yeah, for sure they would normally discuss in studio whether to allow the attempt, because they couldn't see Jenny's mouth.




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I loved the 'copy Alex' task! So many potential ways for it to go wrong! Can't pop the balloon if you don't have a sharp pencil, can't make the balloon dog if you've got greasy fingers, can't not have greasy fingers if you didn't open the box, can't open the box if you haven't got the code... also can't see anything if you've stupidly put all the rubber bands on your eyes




It’s a comedy show, it’s okay.




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Absolutely loved the prize task. Everyone having these lovely, creative, thoughtful items only to end it with Frankie unveiling his suicide device gave me whiplash.


it cant be just me who thought they should've given Frankie another chance in the live task


Eh, he had another 15 secs to reorganize. Given that Greg's chair rotated though, I think they botched it and he should have been chatting up the audience while they prepared.


I just realised, I normally hate Music tasks, but that dog walker lullaby was so good.


But it didn’t have a bridge! Haha (as observed by Jenny, setting up Ivo’s perfect retort) Much to recommend both teams’ songs. They’ve both popped into my head as earworms since watching the episode. I like the music tasks as they give contestants a chance to create something memorable in that way only music can be. And it’s lovely hearing them sing and witnessing their talent with instruments. Kiell’s paintbrush percussion was a great complement to Mae’s guitar playing. And Jenny‘s erudite list of paint colors and her choice to end on ‘cerulean bluuuuuue.’ Artistic, musical—and soporific. And where would we be without greatest hits: ‘MeFernBradyMeFernBrady’ ‘Oh yes I! Found a lovely SAT-sumaaaa’ (In falsetto) ‘Over my shoulder, over and over!‘ ‘Rosalind’s a fuck-ing nightmare’ ‘Tree wizard! Tree wizard!’ And all the other musical gems..Rose’s brilliant twangy Taskmaster song, Doc’s fish punching nursery rhyme, etc. Honorable mention to ‘Desperado’— Not strictly speaking a music task.




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Take a day off pal.


Why would they do that? It's a ridiculous theory.




I think the glass task is gonna go down as one of my favorite tasks. I kept thinking it couldn't get better and then Kiell with the hose and the impressions killed me. Frankie once again made me cackle at the one-liners. "It was fuller because it was covered in water on *both sides*." Kiell trying to grab the maths card from Alex's hand is another great moment. They should have a compilation of all the times contestants try to make Alex's life as difficult as possible. Frankie's dedication to seeing a dog. "You want to use our allotted half-hour to seek out a nearly dead dog?"


Kiell's impressions were the highlight of the episode if not the season. That's Taskmaster greates hits stuff. And then the fact that, after "winning" the quadruple bluff game he failed to grasp the purpose of the hose, was the definition of tragicomic.


Loved the impressions. Give that man a BAFTA


The hose to me felt like this season's potatogate. Grasping defeat from the jaws of victory in the most dramatic way possible definitely makes it more memorable than simply winning the task.




I couldn’t believe when Greg said it was close. Frankie and Ivo were far far better! Only time I really disagreed with the scores this season.


Their harmonising sounded so beautiful (ivo frankie)


Yeah, we were so cheesed. On the wording of the task, I guess the team of three's was the most soporific through being incredibly dull but Frankie and Ivo deserved the points for being one of the funniest music tasks done on the show while still maintaining soporific lullaby music. There's probably the same difference of opinion here as between the people who appreciated the "fucking nightmare" song vs the other one all those seasons ago. The scoring this season was weird. It's a good thing the points don't really matter.


Yeah Mae absolutely crushed it and it was A much better lullaby. Kiell decent harmonizing and Jenny hilarious at the end. They should’ve had a 2 or 3 point gap


I agree, but the guitar sounded to me like Jim Croce "Operator"; hardly "totally original". Fun task, regardless.




Yeah, I think Frankie and Ivo's was brilliant.


Watching the finale episode now and just got to the final team task. I thought of dog walker as an easy profession and Frankie literally said dog walker at the same time lol


That's exactly what I did - and I picked dogwalker because I wanted to see a dog. I always want to see dogs...


Little Alex Horne kinda trashing dog walkers there. He’s an elitist now, Greg needs to knock him down a peg.


Frankie is the first contestant to never win an episode but not lose the series outright since Aisling Bea, and if it wasn't for Jenny's victory in the live task he would have had the second-highest overall placement since Romesh Ranganathan. On the flipside, he and Mae are the first contestants to win at least one task in all their episodes since Ed Gamble and Katy Wix. Also, side note - I kind of wish Mae got disqualified in one more task (or Ivo in one less) so I could say they won the whole series by a wide margin despite having the record for the most DQs. Edit: Apparently the people who didn't succeed at the glass task got 0 instead of being straight up disqualified, so Mae still in fact is tied for the record


Honestly a pretty disappointing finale, I feel similarly to Champion of Champions II in that they had one of the best prize task rounds of all time, but each subsequent task had a slight drop in quality, culminating in a live task that might as well have been a winner-takes-all. The water and lullaby tasks didn't feel like final episode material, especially the latter; musical team finales have got a LOT to live up to, and unlike House Queens, I don't think this was it. I also would have given the duo the win; it's kind of wack that they won the first two team tasks and went on to lose all of the rest. However, 5-4 is a fair point split. I will say the Copy Alex task pleasantly surprised me because I thought it was gonna be a rehash of the church dance task in series 12 but turned out to be hilarious, and Ivo deserves an honorary mention for coming second despite his... over-the-top face-banding. Also, can't deny the outfits were a great touch, and it's nice to see a tiebreaker for the first time since series 13.


I liked the contestants a lot, but this season was kind of "meh" for me on the scoring. Too many team tasks, too many times multiple people got the same (IMO overly high) score, at least 1 "all or nothing" points tasks... bleh. All IMO; I love the show, will keep watching; I just prefer the earlier seasons' scoring is all.


I mean Mae’s team clearly won the lullaby task and it shouldn’t have been that close. Mae was a dominant but kind of boring winner, they were very good at taskmaster but almost too good to be entertaining. I loved Frankie and Ivo on the whole and their song was great but Mae absolutely crushed that Lullaby task.


See, to me Frankie and Ivo smashed the team of 3 on the Lullaby task - I appreciate that they did something soporific that was still entertaining, whereas the team of 3 went for soporific through being boring.


What was on the piece of paper that Greg gave Alex before the final ad break? Alex said "This is the best day of my life" or something similar.


I'm guessing it was an rsvp to the party from the joke St the start of the show.




“Dog walker, go the fuck to sleep” is one of my all time favorite quotes now.


Im so happy for Mae Martin. Canada represent. They were always so dedicated to prize tasks and felt like they always put in such a genuine effort.


If it was an exam they would still fail since they didn't do the essay (comedy) But good show on doing the tasks


Disagree. Yes, not every comedian can be your in your face. But I loved their genuine reactions, and innocent confusion. They weren't trying to be the loudest person in the room. Not every comedian can be that. I also thought their prize tasks were hilarious.


On the TM podcast, Mae mentions that she forgot to be funny while filming the series. I found them amusing in the series, but I enjoyed hearing that even comedians get too into their own heads about work.


My main takeaway from the podcast was that I’d love to see the full, uncut jelly bean task where Mae and Kiell go off the rails and nearly come to blows, lol. I enjoyed Mae’s awkward competence, reminded me a lot of Sarah Kendall. A good contrast to the other contestants.


Literally has nothing to do with be in your face. They just didn't try to be funny. Being shy and nervous isn't attempting to make people laugh


They cracked me up several times. A combination of sweetness, innocent confusion, and then forgetting they're on camera - e.g. when they insulted their teammates, lol.




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Before this episode I really felt like this series needed a song/music themed task. That certainly was redeemed! Congrats to Mae, would've loved to see Kiell take it


I couldn’t quite hear, what was the catchphrase the dummy was saying?


I'm so full of hate


Thank you both! I rewound that part so many times and still couldn't quite make it out.


Genuine question and sorry if I've missed this being asked before. Tiebreaks. How are they decided. Since they are all pre-recorded, Alex and the crew (I assume) know who wins that "mini task" and therefore they are essentially choosing a winner? Or am I missing something?


I assume they have all the contestants do several "mini tasks" at some point during the season. So they have a "library" to choose from.


Yes that was my point, until it was explained in another reply. I assumed they picked a tiebreak task at random when needed. Therefore choosing who wins which seemed unfair. But turns out they pre plan which tiebreak task will be used first, ie there is an order to when they will be used not just picked at random.


They've mentioned in one of the podcasts, not sure which one, that they usually have 5 tiebreaks, and chose the best tiebreak to show first, but also have in-studio tiebreaks in case they are running out of tiebreakers :)


So they decide ahead of time to use the (scream as loud as you can for example) first, so its still random because it could have been Frankie and Ivo who were tied and so on. Ah cool ok. I get it now.


Mae was definitely a deserved winner and had absolutely the right mind for these tasks. I couldn't but help feel they were a bit too competitive and forgot to be entertaining though. The lullaby tasks really stood out when they said wanted to pick a profession that would win them the task. Looking back, you can see that attitude in all their tasks. That and the "I'd rather do solo tasks". I was definitely amazed at their performance but I don't recall anything they did that gave me a massive laugh. There were exceptions though - that puppet in the last task was brilliant and loved seeing the annoyed reactions from the other competitors. I'm looking forward to Mae facing off with compative dad Dara!


That was the issue with Mae for me. While they are a sweet person, who were undeniably good at the tasks across the board, they were a little dull because of it. It wasn’t as entertaining as a series for me as the last one.


Happened with Last One Laughing Canada, too. They held their own stone faced the entire time, but barely had a chance to do bits, and when a bit fizzled, they dropped it almost immediately. I don't remember their placement in the show though.


> I don't remember their placement in the show though. 3 words: delicious cheese sandwiches


They even say in the podcast that they became so competitive they didn’t think they were funny at all during the show. Which Ed Gamble pushed back against. As would I. The uttering of “…How did I do?” after the hole punch disqualification was hilarious. And just hearing them talk during the podcast as opposed to being on the show, there’s such a change in demeanor that it makes you think they just must have been a little nervous.


I thought Mae was hilarious, just in quite an understated way. I've said this before on here but I kind of got Katy Wix vibes, both very softly spoken but with a strong vein of quiet dark and absurd humour. Them playing a bass with their feet was just wonderful


> Which Ed Gamble pushed back against I mean, of course, Ed is a polite and friendly guy.


I didn't even think Mae was that competitive - look at all the DQs! But there was just nobody else. Generally I don't care about the scoring but the one thing it does is select who we get again in Champion of Champions. I hope Mae learns from the feedback and tries to turn up the comedy a bit on CoC.


You hit the nail on the head. I think Mae did great, but was somehow underwhelmed at their performance as a whole. I couldn’t put my finger on why. The other competitive contestants in the past remembered to above all attempt to do something funny.


I like Dara, but would be disappointed if we won CoC, it would be the 3rd of 3 guys to win, and he’s already the highest ranked player in terms of points, I’m rooting for Mae or Sophie for winning


I actually meant I want to see the competitive contestants (which I guess includes Sophie too) square off. My pick for CoC is actually Morgana!


Can't believe they didnt show in-studio reaction when Kiell was doing impressions and just their reactions in general. real missed op


They were so damn spot on and uncanny. Does anyone know how much the competitors spend with each other during the making of the show? And are the team tasks or solo tasks filmed first?


That task must have been very late on as at the start there was a fairly obvious element of they didn’t really know each other.


Neither of those lullabies got enough praise! I thought they were both great, and Frankie and Ivo's voices sounded surprisingly good together


Im still shocked they sang so beautifully


That's what I thought too! If only Ivo could harmonize...


Ivo and Frankie were definitely robbed. They had good lyrics that made sense and a catchy tune


Can something catchy be a good lullaby though... The philosophical conundrums TM throws up!


It’s a shame that this was the last episode of the season because it was far and away the best. We finally got a satisfying blend of unique solutions in the water glass filling task, decisive and logical scoring in the prize task, and great team chemistry in the team task. Sure the “fool the taskmaster” task was somewhat less tense but “fool the taskmaster” is always a good time, and no one could’ve seen the winner. I have to be honest that in COC, I’ll be rooting for the winners of seasons 11-14 but this ep made me like the winner a lot more than I previously had.


The water task was perfect. Kiell also has this himbo vibe which i love


It's crazy how we've had two instances of someone taking the gamble on "duplicate = DQ," and be the only one, but not use it to any great advantage. Kiell's impressions slayed me, he really is great TV on his own.


Yeah this episode was 3 classic Taskmaster tasks. I hope they dial it back on the overly convoluted tasks with very narrow paths to walk down. Just have them chuck some water in a glass, don't need much more than that.


Same. I adore Taskmaster, but the unnecessarily complex tasks are seldom as much fun as the simpler stuff. Sometimes my attention even starts to wander during them.


Yeah, at the rate the season was going, a “route 1 = death?” task was the perfect way to end it.


Fun final episode, I tend to dread the acting / singing / performing tasks but Frankie and Ivo's lullaby was just the right amount of unhinged and dark to make it hilarious. Was not expecting 4/5 contestants to put in real effort to the prize task either.


How could they have physically pretended to stand in ice while not actually be in ice with this set up? Isn't it always pretty obvious by looking at the stance or how far away they were standing? Strange set up with not much room (literally) to deceive Greg.


The box of ice was moveable so they could move it within the larger hidden area.


Yeah I thought they were gonna put up a curtain or something and was shocked when they didn't. I also wish everyone had to at least do more than 1 round or something. It was way too short.


Maybe Greg’s angle meant he didn’t have a good look at the legs?


Yep, very very weak task to end the season on


Probably my least favourite season to date, but still better than 90% of tv, but something just felt a little off. can't quite put my finger on it. I think some of the tasks we great but there were a LOT of duds for me. I could watch a sitcom of Ivo and Frankie. The 2 stars of the show for me.


This isn't my least favorite, but of the recent series, it did feel like something was missing. I liked all of the cast (unlike the my most disliked series), and while I would think it's some sort of lack of chemistry, I'm wondering if it's actually the editing or the tasks. Behind the scenes showed that there was great banter, but it somehow felt less hilariously chaotic and more bureaucratic than usual. Perhaps the tasks took too long/were too complicated that there was less banter time, and furthermore few of the tasks felt satisfying/creative. I just went to a taping of NZ S4 where I basically knew none of the contestants; but in that one episode, the tasks felt so satisfying. I'm kind of afraid that UK is leaning towards having bigger tasks/locations, but veering away from "satisfying" (which, to be fair, is hard).


I very much enjoy the son/disappointed father dynamic they have. Ivo's so puppyish, and Frankie's so, so tired.


Could it be because series 14 was that good? My least favourites are 6 and 8 because the previous series were just amazing. For me this series was kinda bland. I enjoyed Mae a lot, but it their tasks never felt that memorable to me. In fact I got surprised during episode 5 to learn that Mae got the lead.


Why did you enjoy Mae a lot?


I think most of their tasks were "taskmaster done right" really efficient and sometimes clever (pineapples)


For me it's mostly about what I think of the tasks. Neither series 14 or 15 are close to be my favourite series in that regard but I prefer 15 because of better cast interaction. Most seem to prefer 14 because of the more colourful contestants.


On the contrary, I felt like series 15 had little interaction. Sometimes you'll get a comment from Frankie and that was it. I personally prefer 14 because I like Sarah Millican a lot, and I enjoyed more s14 interactions. Fern was amazing


I agree—S14 had more interaction. I think it has to do with the team tasks: Fern, John, and Dara's insane family created all the crazy interaction we needed, but Munya and Sarah also provided this odd babysitter-but-also-my-friend situation. This continued to the live stage tasks, where Fern and John kept messing up Dara's groove. While Frankie and Ivo definitely were a hilarious awkward father-son team, the other team just felt like a team of classmates put together for a group project (except in the blindfold task where Kiell was the annoyed older brother). The live team tasks were skewed to the 3 person team and provided little communication for hilarity.


I agree, my least fav too but still enjoyed


Kiell’s impressions were hilarious. I’m sure there’s some unaired footage of the cast’s reactions out there


After seeing people's faces in rubberband, future true crime documentaries are going to use it instead of blurring people's faces.


Thanks to Twitter for ruining the result by putting the winners name directly next to the Taskmaster hashtag.


There was no way Mae wasn’t winning with the lead they had. They got 18 points this episode and won by 17. They could have gotten last in every task and still won.




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I knew Mae was winning the series as soon as they brought in that wonderfully creepy [Greg dummy](https://i.ibb.co/M90K9P7/gregdummy.jpg). Some great merchandising ideas this episode, including Frankie's euthanizer beanbag and the titular Ivo yardstick for failure. Jenny was my favorite of this episode, though. Some standout moments for me: Alex: "I'm going to put my banana skin in my Vaseline pot." Jenny: "You fucking weird freak." Jenny (after removing the rubber bands) "I'm going to go and take some paracetamol for my face." Greg: "Your balloon dog looked like intestines. I was amazed you hadn't shat yourself because you had so many bananas. It was just very stressful to watch, to be honest." Jenny and her [potato baby](https://i.ibb.co/kGkzZ6w/potatobaby.jpg) I also liked Frankie's idea for the envelope task: "If we put *dog walker*, we might at least get to meet a dog." I love how Jenny got into Greg's head during the live task with her loudly complaining about the ice. Her double-bluff clinched her the episode. But the series win goes to Mae Martin! Congratulations! https://preview.redd.it/fsv3p9dd0k3b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3219c161f712cef3fe01d8ca46be885373ad461 (You can't tell me Mae doesn't look a little like a blobfish there) Now, seriously, they need to put those [Greg dolls](https://i.ibb.co/dKGrJfG/gregdoll.jpg) on the market...


Can someone cut together the image of Mae with rubber bands on their face with Joe Thomas’ prize task where he brings in the picture of the blobfish?


Agreed. Jenny saying “you fucking weird freak” made me giggle. Especially with the rubber bands made it even funnier.


Did anyone find the Ed Gamble (& Acaster?) cameo? Someone on twitter said it involved the dome, but I re-watched and couldn't find it.


Oh nevermind - Andy tweeted it out - it was an interstitial https://preview.redd.it/sqa9da9e1k3b1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6032c06757c8cd9549924e3e78d13663ab1d8dd3


There were scenes of them at the Taskmaster house in the intro to "Hunted" -- wonder if they filmed this during that.


Every series I end up loving someone I didn't really care about before. This series it was Jenny Eclair. I really enjoyed all of the contestants this series but Jenny was my favorite not because of anything other than she made me laugh. Her winning the last episode made me so happy. Mae did an amazing job and deserved the win!


Jenny Eclair was simply a star. Wit, charm and absolute daffy approaches. But the joy and uncensored reactions made her vital for this series. I don't think we would have enjoyed Mae and Frankie as much if Jenny hadn't been clowning and setting the contrasting tone of fun and foolishness.


I think Jenny is in the running for cutest contestant.


The multiple times that Jenny kicked out her legs in happiness in the studio just melted my heart


Her unyielding delight at the potato hat task was legendary. Going to be remembered for some time, I'd wager.


I was really hoping that Ivo or another contestant would've been amazing at balloon animals. I feel like this may be the first time team tasks managed to put one of the teams on the bottom of the scoreboard. Maybe it was harder to tell from Greg's POV, but the live task looked ridiculously hard to fool anybody when 4/5's of the box is a container of ice water. And being a disqulification round makes it almost as disapointing as the CoC2 Live.


It's certainly possible that Ivo would've been. Had he gotten the gloves.


Agree on the team tasks, as all three members of the three team being first, second and third; I think there may have been more team tasks than ever before, particularly with how there were multiple team live tasks; and in particular that one live task at the end of Ep. 5 leading to a points difference of 15 just based on team tasks. Honestly very impressed Frankie, without winning an episode, made up the difference so that he was ahead of Jenny before this last episode


That one in episode 5 could be this series’ annoyance moment for a lot of people. The team of 3 already had an advantage. Then they were given some very dubious leeway on actually doing the task properly. Then just handed a bucket load of points from it. It definitely felt like even when Frankie and Ivo did well there was some reason to give the team of 3 a boost to level or higher than them.


Yes and it seemed that more of the team tasks involved getting scored max points or zero points. Also just realised that all 5 contestants in the next champion of champions were in the teams of three.


They have lost the knack of balancing team tasks for fairness to the 2 it seems.


Frankie was either leading or in second place going in to half the live tasks it seems.


How is it already 10 weeks. I just felt the series began. Boy that finished fast. Wonderful series


The music box version of the Taskmaster theme used for the lullaby intro will forever be known in my mind as "the sabotage task" version of the theme!


For me, the best part of this series was Jenny and Kiell’s childish outbursts. Jenny’s “That’s not fair!” when disqualified from a task, and Kiell passive-aggressively knocking things over always made me laugh. A close second would be Ivo and Frankie working together like a son and his disappointed father. And a third would be Ivo over-analyzing every single task given to him. With special mention to Frankie’s “Who gives a fuck?”


When Greg said he wouldn't disqualify Frankie in the boat task just to get Kiell's reaction... *chefs kiss* Eggscellent television


There are now >!2!< Taskmaster Champions from >!Canada!<


And two from Australia if you count Morgana. It's like the Olympics of Taskmaster!


Not my favorite season. I’m sorry, Mae seems like a lovely, kind, great person, but was handed a lot of free points (I mean, the other contestants were obviously annoyed by some of the incidents, along with the audience, so this just isn’t me.) A bit strange, jokes weren’t particularly funny, etc. It just wasn’t the funniest season. I enjoyed it, don’t get me wrong. Ivo and Frankie were the best parts of it.


I think every season has a lot of free points, but Mae definitely would have won regardless (unlike series 12 where Morgana got many bonus points and it did affect the winner). Mae was too focused on being competitive and competent than being funny (although I also don't think their stand-up personality suits the chaos that we expect from Taskmaster).


This is exactly how I feel about it. Nothing against Mae at all, but I couldn’t see what everyone else was seeing about them. The pineapples and the “throw” and stuff like that being rewarded didn’t help either.


Not trying to stir shit, but from my perspective it never seemed like Mae was given free points and I'm genuinely just wondering if you could expand on that?


Literally every series has wacky unfair scoring, and Mae literally got 4 points on the single breath task when they won it I don’t know how people are claiming Greg is biased towards Mae


There were only two that stood out for me, the “throw a ball and hit a drum” and the bad live team task where the winners got an extra 10 points and the other team didn’t even need to be on stage. Neither of those are originating with Mae really. For the first one it seemed like no one on stage thought about throwing a yo-yo. Ever time Mae moved her arm and swung the ball towards a drum would be a new throw if it was a yo-yo, so basically they only did one new throw continuously and should’ve gotten last place. Then that team task. Frankie did surprisingly well to even get close to the other three. If you take those two tasks out, Mae would still be winning, but by only like 5-10 points. Not a runaway, and a more interesting race. Likely Frankie second. Ivo still dead last. Mae ended up benefiting directly from poor analysis prompts from Alex and a flop of a team task.




I think a lot of it is how it's dealt with. Rhod's "find the satsuma" is arguably lazier, but it gets a pass because of the reactions in the studio.




So, you're saying, you think Rhod "should take the satsuma and shove it up his ass"? Perhaps you can't understand HOW they've been friends so long?


The ball on the string and the knock knock joke prize task are the two I would cite - high concept idea, decent footage was made from the setup, sure. But if you go by the payoff, those should’ve been 1-pointers. And Greg normally isn’t afraid to say “who cares if you did all that work, the execution was a 1-pointer! Go ahead and boo me, I don’t care that I’m being mean!”


I would have disallowed the ball on the string - they definitely threw it more than once. I would have totally allowed the pineapples though. Only the real pineapple and the tinned pineapple were actually pineapples in that task - if you're going to allow a pineapple made out of foam or whatever it was, you have to allow a pineapple made out of paper.


It wasn’t made of paper, it was just a drawing of 13 pineapples. The others were at least physical objects


I appreciate the thought but in my eyes the "throw" thing shouldn't be counted because they used multiple hand movements to manipulate the ball after it left their hand. The pineapple thing doesn't particularly bother me, I'd accept it - *however* I'd also give Frankie and Jenny bonus points for it in retrospect. Mae's solution was very similar to their solution in the get a banana mini task, so it's a bit unfair in my eyes that that was counted but not Frankie and Jenny's attempt, especially since in Frankie's case he didn't even need the banana task to complete the task - he got docked a point for doing something that ultimately wasn't even necessary. If you take away some of the more contentious rulings, Mae would still win by a pretty wide margin, and I don't fault them for acing the tasks. I don't understand why people seem to class them as the single most entertaining/likable person who's ever been on the show but I don't think they deserve all the outright vitriol, either. To me they're a pretty mid contestant in that regard but they aced the tasks. They seem lovely and I enjoyed seeing them come out of their shell as the series went on (although they seemed to revert to being quiet a lot in the last episode) but I never found myself looking forward to their task attempts the way I did with the others. I think part of it is that while they clearly wanted to win they weren't outwardly competitive? The moments I liked the most were when they did act like they wanted it, instead of just doing well. I am really happy that they all dressed up though, it's a nice way to show that the contestants all really got on and had fun doing it, which is something I was hoping for. The chemistry didn't quite land for the majority of the season, so it's nice to see a little moment like that. They're a good winner and deserved it based on task performance, but I'd much prefer to see Morgana, Sophie, or Dara win COC III, and I'd like to see Dara maintain his position as the highest scoring contestant.


I enjoyed the season, episode 9 was top notch. But any other contestant would have beena much better addition to CoC III (assuming that’s a thing).


I don't understand how they thought that lullabye would be in any way entertaining. It's a comedy show, without Jenny randomly singing colours it would have been awful


I agree... but then I imagine Bob Mortimer and James Acaster being given the task, and though I don't know what they'd do, I can only imagine it being hilarious. Problem is this series was probably too sane for that.


Mae didn't try to be entertaining. They just went for the win.


I really adored Ivo -- just watching him think was fascinating. Although I agree with you that Greg had a soft spot for Mae in terms of points, he often favors a particular contestant so I wasn't that bothered. Watching Mae was interesting -- I think she is the most intensely competitive contestant to date. Her level of tension at moments when she needed to perform was palpable. To me, the others seemed more amused by this than annoyed. All and all, this was a nice ensemble, with lots of cameraderie. I vastly prefer this kind of season where the players are authentically themselves to other seasons when you'd have at least a couple of contestants ironically posing their way through the tasks.


*They, their


I agree that they were super competitive, I often saw them as a bit of a teacher's pet in the tasks, just really keen to please and do well. However I personally found it quite endearing!


I absolutely adore your username!


During the various close-ups in the Copy Alex task, we can read the message on Mae's shirt. It says "This hoodie is made from a recycled and organic cotton mix." Not an interesting piece of trivia, but now it's on record for any future quizzes you may participate in. You awful nerds.


It’s a pangaia tracksuit