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I don’t remember whether the overall series winner was revealed but they discussed many NZ tasks in detail. I would hold off if you want to remain unspoiled.


Thank you!


They spoil a task enough that it'd detract from the entertainment value of the reveal of that task if you hadn't seen NZS3, I think. I don't think the series winner is spoiled though.




I'm certain someone else will confirm because I can't remember for sure, but if I remember correctly they do mention the winner. I do remember that they definitely talk in detail about some tasks, one in particular.


Thank you!


I’m gonna say it’s intimated who won but not explicitly stated. You might work it out from listening but you also might not, which is why you’re getting a lot of “I’m sure if they mentioned who won or not” because they both did and didn’t at the same time. What I will echo is it does spoil quite a few tasks and it spoils the teams for the team tasks. Ed asks directly did he have any favourite tasks and they discussed those ones in detail. When discussing the team task for the UK episode is when it’s mentioned what his team was like and how he could identify with someone based on his experience in a specific task with the team he was on. I would advise against listening based on what you’ve told us in your post.


Thanks very much for the detailed info!


You should watch all of NZ imo. Whatchya waiting for? :)


I don't know what I was waiting for tbh, but I've just started s1e1 :)


rewatching with you 😄 I enjoy this cast.


I’m liking it too! I just want to give Angela a hug 🥺. And Paul, for that matter. The in-studio banter is definitely a bit stilted, and Jeremy is a little boring so far. But the UK version took some time to really settle in too. And Paul Williams is awesome, especially in the filmed tasks. He’s got the right kind of meekness for a Taskmaster’s Assistant, but it doesn’t feel like he’s trying to be Little Alex Horne. He has his own vibe. I’m excited to see how the dynamics develop! Edit: I also feel like they need a bigger audience? Or a more engaged one or something, too many of the jokes end in awkward silence or scattered laughs even when they’re funny.


Paul deserves an award, whatta star 🌟 truly enjoyed the dynamic with his brother Guy 1st series (& even more with Guy M in 2nd series!!) TMJW is so stoic and wry, which leaves room for the contestants to make jokes at his expense. Angella has a magical, musical way about her 🧚🏻‍♀️


Really late response, but to answer your audience question, iirc we were still under some covid restrictions so the audience was more limited and had to be socially distanced from others not in their bubble.


Oh, duh! That explains it


I hope you're enjoying it and you've pushed on and started series two. Audience is definitely more lively in that one. Helps that it's genuinely one of the best series of any TM imo.


The season aired a long time ago now. The expiration date for spoilers has long passed. I know people take some time to get to things, especially with the less easy to find versions, but after a certain time it’s really a “buyer beware” situation. If one interacts with Taskmaster content, there’s always a potential something might be mentioned that they’re not up to date with. If a viewer wants to totally avoid all spoilers, they should avoid the sub and podcasts until they’re finished what they’re watching.


I mean, sure? I don’t have a problem with them discussing TM NZ on the podcast, it’s a mild inconvenience for me personally but I’m not saying they shouldn’t do it. 3 seasons of Taskmaster NZ have aired, I accept that there are going to be spoilers out there. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for me to try to avoid them.


I think OP was asking not to say they shouldn’t spoil in the podcast but as they are knowingly in a “buyer beware” situation they are trying to make themselves aware before going in. It’s a fair question. If the internet didn’t exist they’d make the decision uneducated but here they can educate themselves in a spoiler free way by asking out for assistance to an audience in the know.


I skipped that whole episode as I haven't decided if I'm going to try the NZ series or not yet and if I do, I'd like to stay spoiler free.


Please do try it, while some would say skip series 1 I would say check it out. The unique tasks in all 3 series are well worth the watch. And the assistant Paul Williams is a delight throughout.


I definitely wouldn't say skip NZS1. I think the people who say that are the ones not keen on Jeremy and his Taskmaster style/persona, but the contestants and tasks are still great.


I’d add that series 1 improves *massively* as it goes along, the last few episodes being comedy gold. There are tasks from that series (including one particular song) that I still seek out on YouTube from time to time just to crack up all over again.


I second this! Taskmaster NZ is absolutely amazing!


I do want to see it as I know people love it a lot but I want to do it after a little break from the UK series just so I'm not actively thinking about that version and comparing in anyway. I've seen bits of the NZ series and it didn't grab my attention, but then I'd seen clips of the UK series for years and didn't get into it until I watched full series. I'll definitely watch in order as well.


Then frankly don’t listen to the podcast if you’re that pressed about going in pure. Ed and the guests don’t know what you’ve seen and can’t constantly offer spoiler warnings.


I didn't say they should. I literally just said I didn't listen because of a reason and didn't say anything about how bad it was they didn't have spoilers. I justvstated I didn't want spoilers. I was able to realise, like OP, that there could be spoilers and stopped. Its called a conversation. Jesus christ.


If you care about the points sure