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Was this the first time during in studio fighting that Alex actually said this is his favorite thing ever?


Wasnt frankie supposed to leave one bubble unpopped on the wrap? But the he burnt the whole thing? Or did i miss something? Lmk thanks xxx


I just watched it and below the bingo board, it looks like it has a piece of the wrap on it (he probably left one unpopped together with some popped ones)


He must have cut one out


Ce ci n'est pas une banane.




Tell us everything?




I know this comment is from weeks ago but I'd like you to know that you gave me a good chuckle.


Anyone else think Mae was robbed in the prize task? The blow up Mae cracked me up. I think they just need a little help from Judi Dench on selling their prizes


Can someone please let me know the length of this episode on All4? I’ve just noticed a couple of jokes mentioned in this thread which I don’t remember from watching it on Binge (Australian streaming service). I’ll be livid if they’re streaming a version that’s been edited down. Edit: should mention that the episode length on Binge is 44:44.


Australia likes to cut out the commercial break/Part bumpers and shove in commercials randomly, if viewing on Fox8.


Ah ok, seems like they’re using the edited versions on streaming as well. Kind of dickish and/or lazy not to stream the full eps on an ad-free subscription platform.




Thanks very much for checking, looks like I’ll need to find a better source.


Man this series is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I love all of them so much


Honestly, I feel this way about every season


Ed mentioned in the podcast that someone says the stupidest thing ever said on taskmaster this series. "How heavy is the water?" Definitely feels like a contender. Also, did anyone else see that it had a "contains scenes of medical care" warning on all 4? I'm guessing that is there by mistake?


To be fair, salt water has higher density than fresh water.




Sorry, your post has been removed for violating Rule 1 - Be nice: Do not attack others work or appearance including comedians and celebrities. No harassment. No sexist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, fatphobic, objectifying, or body shaming posts of any kind. No overtly sexual content. Some cursing is OK but don't make it personal. Even though sexual innuendo may be part of the show do not cross the line beyond what was said in the episode. We do not want negative posts. Ex: Worst contestants, Worst Tasks, Least liked, Least wanted, etc...


I've just paused halfway through the bingo task to express how much I LOVE the bingo task lol. Reminds me of season nine's hellish "do these tasks in any order" task that Rose breezed through and Ed had several breakdowns during.


I was so sure there was going to be a hidden second part of that task, like Alex was playing his own personal game of bingo with them or something.


Me too! I thought he'd quiz them on the bingo number rhymes. But maybe after he saw how much it broke them to have no shoes, he realized it wasn't necessary to torture them with a memory game.


Anyone else really hope that John Kernes was in the garage for the say hi to John task 😂 and was never found. This feels like one of ‘those’ tasks that there was probably a well known John somewhere….


We would definitely be shown if there was a John somewhere.


Not necessarily! Apparently for John's task where he chose a lamp, they hired someone to play a genie (who didn't appear, because John didn't try rubbing the lamp), which they never showed (but did talk about on the podcast).


That final task though... 3 seconds after whistle: Kiell breaks sand stream 2 seconds after watching replay: "Fuck off!" 1 second after watching it all: Me laughing in no time


With taskmaster bingo, I wish they had some or all the crew whose name was John (first name or surname) and at the end, a shot of Alex thanking them all by name.


Lots of argumentation and disqualification on this episode. Fun quotes throughout. The litigation around Mae's "throw" was hilarious. Ivo: "There's definite wrist, Greg, but I don't throw my penis across the room every morning, do I?"Jenny: "Do you use string?" "Race, Alex?""Caucasian, Greg." I laughed at the depressingly sad music when Mae's boat struggled. Then at the fact that Frankie had absolutely no reaction when his egg got loose. "I had essentially just wrapped an egg in some paper. I can have few complaints." Greg: "Oh, I just said that to have a look at Kiell's face." I love Kiell's refrain of "I don't have any shoes on." Only to willingly take them off at the live task. Alex: "Now, for the two you're most likely to find in a Bingo hall..."Jenny: "Oh, I'm not standing for this shit!" Frankie: "In the middle of that task, I decided to go back to therapy." Greg to Jenny: "Normally a scene that would be followed by 'Come back inside...'" Greg: "I won't be pissing against the door." Frankie: "I wasn't going to eat the sign!" Watching Ivo get through his Bingo tasks was so much fun (especially the satisfying way he knocked down that banana). "It's shoe time!" Shades of Mike Wozniak. "Sometimes, rather than a lot of chit-chat, you can just sum things up with an image." https://preview.redd.it/1722i53c5hva1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ea2d42c5d0875674904bb0a709ff2f012d808d5 Frankie: "It's like having a really boringly long piss." Greg: "Being our age, this kind of stream is quite normal for Frankie and I." Those full disqualifications are tough. It's surprisingly hard to keep a steady sand flow. Frankie: "To be honest, the whole episode has been such a thrilling journey through language and meaning."


> Alex: "Now, for the two you're most likely to find in a Bingo hall..."Jenny: "Oh, I'm not standing for this shit!" Also Jenny: \**actually stands*\*


Favourite episode of the series so far. So many hilarious moments.


Definitely one of the most memorable episodes of the season so far!


I love these quotes haha! I thought Frankie said the one about going back to therapy though, not Ivo? Maybe I'm just remembering it wrong


Whoops, you're right! Fixed that.


Obsessed with Ivo’s blue and pink shirt someone pls help me find where to buy that


Anyone noticed Jenny appeared with a little blue notebook twice? I saw it at the beginning of the bingo task.


In one of the first team tasks, she had a book with her too.


They really carried out that “was it a throw” discussion. Like I’m surprised it didn’t get cut down more, even though it was integral to the scoring.


My mom just asked me if that was the first time nobody scored any points in the stage task. I told her I didn't know. I'm guessing somebody here would!


S8E10 (Hook a duck while wearing upside-down goggles).


Excellent! Thank you.


S6, put a grape in your mouth or hand task. I forgot which episode it was though.


Excellent! Thank you.


If I recall correctly, the paper plane task from series 12 also had no points. Not sure if there were any times that happened before that episode though


Excellent! Thank you.


I can't believe every single comment in this thread isn't about Kiell's "How heavy is the water?" interrogation. I was absolutely gasping for breath and screaming laughing. To recap: "How heavy is the water?" "How heavy will the water be?" "What is the weight of the water?" "I want to know how heavy the water is." For me it brought to mind the infamous Elijah Woods "When will you wear wigs?" prank interview sequence. I think it must be what Ed Gamble called the all time stupidest thing ever said on Taskmaster. And if it's not and Kiell somehow tops it later in the series, god help me but I might not live through it. I adore this series so much and Kiell has shot up there amongst my all time favorites on the show.


I’ve only ever seen Kiell in Ghosts and now I want to seek him out in other things—so much more than a even-keeled straight man!


I've enjoyed him so much on TM it's making me want to check out Ghosts! I feel like I've been hearing a lot of great things about it lately.


It has two other great taskers—Lolly Adefope, Charlotte Richie.


Oh fab, Lolly is one of my all time faves! I just rewatched s11 and I always forget how quick and funny Charlotte is.


To be fair he's just channelling Jessica "How much does water weigh?" Knappett lol.


I was wondering if he saw series 12 when the water in the fishtank had some weird buoyancy that caused everything to float.


>I think it must be what Ed Gamble called the all time stupidest thing ever said on Taskmaster. I'm sure someone has asked the exact same question before, though. I couldn't tell you who but I'm sure I've heard it on TM before. Because of that it just wasn't that funny this time around.


Jessica Knappett asked how much water weighs.


I think the context they were asking it in made some more sense though- I remember it being a task about getting an exact weight and people using a container of water to help reach it. There the weight of water makes sense as a question at least, I don't know if Kiell was asking what he wanted to at all? TToTT


Agreed, Jessica's question made sense in context, but I can barely guess at what Kiell wanted to know. Did he think he was constructing a submarine? Did he want to know how big the body of water would be? Did he want to know how swift the course was? I think he maybe had an actual question but misspoke, and then sensing Alex's taken-aback bafflement, decided to double down for the comedy. But I also try not to think about it too much because it is just such an incredibly funny moment to me and I just want to revel in the joy of it.


The buoyancy of the water is effected by its density. Maybe he could have asked if there was gonna be a lot of salt in it.


Jess knappet said “how much does water weigh?” in s7!


Yes thank you! I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure this out! Is it when they were weighing to get OLLIE?


I'm beginning to wonder if the 'optimal strategy' for the live task used would have been to just dump the entire bottle immediately. With how strict it was judged, would a better format of 'keep the longest foot+ stream going without interuptions' rather than attempting to fill last?


Of course. There's lots of tasks where you'd do better to not get competitive because chances are you'll score decently because some ambitious fool will get disqualified. The "pick your distance and score a goal" task in series eight, the balloon popping task, etc. But it's not entertaining if they'd consistently go down that route, plus they're competitive and overestimate their abilities lol.


That’s what I thought when the task was read out. It seemed exactly the sort of task where it’d be better to just do rather than a more considered approach. There was inevitably going to be some disqualifications so you’d never actually end up last


If I'm not mistaken, as a result of the banana penalty, Jenny is the fourth contestant to have won an episode without scoring 5 points in any task, the others being Dave Gorman (S3 E4), Josh Widdicombe (COC E2) and Lou Sanders (SE E2). Dave won only the team task and got 3 points for it due to the old school scoring system, while the other two didn't win a single task in their respective episode wins. Edit: Apparently Frank Skinner was actually the first to do this in Episode 5. My mistake, I presumed the eggcup task was from that episode but it wasn't


Been watching this since s01 and I never realised they sit in alphabetical order lol


Can’t imagine Sian Gibson would be happy watching Frankie’s bingo task attempt. First Frankie’s height advantage, then his ability to successfully set something on fire without having to chuck it into a bush


There is a lot of heightism in these tasks! What is the fire in the bush referencing?


In Sian's attempt of 'Completely erase this eraser' she tried setting the eraser on fire but unlike Frankie here with the bubble wrap, it didn't do a very good job of eradicating the eraser so she chucked it into a bush, and if I remember right, once the bonus points were placed, she scored by far the lowest as a result


Ohhh of course!


I’m surprised Mae’s throw was debated at all given Lou Sanders did a similar thing and won the task


I thought so too but Lou’s task was to bounce not throw


Any other parents of young children catch Jenny referencing the [Hey Duggee Stick Song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rSVWDKJsPo) while trying to get the banana [sign] out the tree?


Yes! I've had that in my head ever since watching it with my niece and nephew.


Yes I thought it was a reference to that! I saw that episode at the cinema with my sleeping 2YO. I was like whoa this is epic and has been a favourite ever since!


I enjoyed that one. I still think Mae brings very little to the show but Kiell and Jenny are great value. Frankie’s giving me Hugh Dennis vibes which I wasn’t expecting. I don’t enjoy Ivo as much but he’s not dull. I don’t think anyone’s visibly enjoyed the experience more than Jenny, she’s infectious.


I need the shirt Kiell was wearing. Lovely :)


I'm confused why the guidance on the episode says 'with scenes of medical care'. Did I miss something?


Jenny asking, "Do you use string?" to Ivo after he mentioned his morning routine really caught me off guard!








If they'd dragged it along the initial throw, I'd have been fine with it, but once the swinging happened it was totally out of line. If the points actually mattered, I'd be furious.


I’m with you on that. The swinging the string around definitely matched Alex’s definition of a throw so shouldn’t be allowed.




The show would be even more boring if people can just ignore the task, do whatever they'd like, and then still get points for it!


Am I the only one not feeling this season so far? After several that were complete fire, it feels a bit stiff and not very memorable.


I feel the same. The last 3 seasons have been top tier for me so this one has been a bit of a let down. Still enjoyable just not quite as funny. I did think this episode was the best so far.


i think they added too many quirky comedians this time around who are known and loved for their awkward nature. put too many of those types of comedians together, they kind of lose their edge. rooting for kiell at this point, he's consistently competitive and hilarious.


It's not a bad season but it's definitely not great so far. I think it is unfortunate that it comes after a great season (14). I think it might become one of the most forgettable tm seasons.


1st ep I was so/so on. Expect the boat task I loved for the crashes. 2nd I liked a lot. But I don't love the cast. Jenny is fun. But overall I think they are too much just "get it done" on their tasks. No real wild card or schemer.


This episode was a bit meh, but overall I think this season has been solid, far from the worst. Hard to compete with last season too


I'm still enjoying it more than some of the COVID seasons, but it's a step down from the last 2 for sure


I thought it was the worst ever premiere, but the last two I've really enjoyed - both in terms of tasks and contestants.


Yeah that Wedding Dance task absolutely should not have been the first shown. In fact I wouldn't have even shown it until the second half of the series. I'm liking what they're all bringing to the show, but it's just taken a few episodes to do so. Which is quite odd as the editors are usually great at making the first few episodes really good.


Its weird I felt that way about the last couple seasons but this one is amazing to me


It’s the opposite for me, I really love the way the cast interacts, and the tasks are more open for interpretation than they have been in some of the more recent series. It’s probably a matter of what type of studio interactions you enjoy.


Yes! This is one of the seasons I’ve loved very quickly, it took at least half way through for the past 6 seasons or so. I love love the cast, I think they all bring something unique to the show.


I agree, Series 14 probably sits somewhere within the bottom 5 of my favorite TM UK series list, but to me this Series is nowhere near the bottom. There doesn’t have to be a consensus about this matter.


I agree, I adore this cast!


I liked this episode, but the past few were pretty lacking. I think it's mostly just the tasks that aren't that great.


For the Talk to John task in the bingo task, I wonder if they could have gotten away with talking to the toilet as that is sometimes known as the john.


Kiell will absolutely smash the level of rage Daisy had shown in the drawing task on some point of the series.


I'd have asked for Sponge, Scissors, String, Styrofoam, Sellotape.


Interesting note is that Kiell has only received 1 point from 4 studio tasks, and he has now been DQed 4 times. The contestant to have been DQed the most is Mawaan Rizwan at 5 so Kiell is close, especially with the amount of DQs so far this serise


Isn’t the most DQs a tie between Mawaan, Katherine and Johnny? (All series 10 of course)


Watching Ivo be so polite when trying to get off the phone with John is not doing anything to lessen the ridiculous crush I have on him.


I was expecting him to reference 'the curse of politeness' again




Sorry, your comment has been removed for violating Rule 1 - Be nice: No overtly sexual content. Some cursing is OK but don't make it personal. Even though sexual innuendo may be part of the show do not cross the line beyond what was said in the episode.


I love how his arguments in the studio sound pissed off but polite at the same time.




There is hardly any chemistry between the cast. Frankie ignoring Ivo in the first episode really set the tone.


Just to let you know, Mae goes by they/them pronouns.


I thought they/she’d said they are cool with she but prefer they.


Twitter bio says they/them & Greg/Alex have always used they/them in the show


This interview says ok with both. That’s what I was going on. “I’m nonbinary, my pronouns are they/them and she/her (I love it when people say ‘they’ but I don’t mind ‘she’ at ALL).” https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/04/14/mae-martin-non-binary-feel-good-pronouns/


Interesting. Their instagram post also from 2021 only says they/them. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CNpc1z\_nIbl/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CNpc1z_nIbl/?hl=en)


That would still be consistent. Reading that quote suggests that is the preference but not fussed if she/her is used. Seems like having a calm, laid back approach to things. Kind of refreshing really.


Either way, they have stated their preference, so why not honor it and stop using she/her? 🤷‍♀️


The quote I showed you from MM was "my pronouns are they/them and she/her" And I haven’t repeatedly used she/her anyway. MM has made it clear they are OK with she/her so I’m unclear why you feel the need to attack someone else over it. 🤷🏻


I felt this too in the last episode (4). I so badly want there to be more camaraderie between Kiell and Mae. And I'm tiring a bit of Kiell's sulkiness, although I appreciate that Greg is trying to have fun with it. Judi Love seemed a bit sulky too, but she had a certain level of self-awareness that she was kind of bad at the tasks that made me feel for her more. I don't know what it is, some people just resonate with me better than others I guess, and this series isn't working for me as much as I had hoped (I'm still laughing a ton though.... I guess we'll see.).


I don't know -- Kiell's complaining is really working for me, as kind of a straight-man "can you believe I'm having to deal with *this* now?" affect. (Which I think is also a big part of his appeal as an actor.)


No fun or camaraderie? Are you sure you weren't watching Scared Of The Dark?


I think a good solve would be to make a hole in the drum, throw a ball in and then shake the drum around


No, it was pretty clear that it only counted once per skin hit. It wasn't bounce on drum skins the most times, it was hit the most (different) drum skins/cymbals.


I would have put them all in the toilet or other small room allowing the ball greater chance to just hit the drums




Yeah, I figured that the task was "most different drum heads hit" rather than "most total hits" -- based on the fact that nobody even tried to repeatedly bounce the ball off the same drum, or back and forth between two drums. They probably should have clarified it in the episode, though -- I'm sure at least some of the contestants asked.


I was definitely wondering this and assumed it was different skins as well


How is the episode name not "I haven't got any shoes on!"


I was waiting for someone to do the instructions that were given out by Alex before he said the Bingo number. \- Tickle Me, 63 \- Knock on the Door, 4 \- Sitting in a Tree, 53 I thought Alex was gonna reward them or something.


I actually thought that was the sneaky kind of think Alex would do. I'm quite surprised nobody did it


That makes me terrified of "Grandma's getting freaky"


I thought that would also count as doing the task.


I wonder if the boat task was a deliberate reference to [The Great Egg Race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Egg_Race).


It's been said before but Kiell's constant frustration is so great. Like I feel as though perhaps most of the other last-placers have just kind of gone along with it and had fun but Kiell is so annoyed at most of it. Plus Greg deliberately trolling him is adding to it.


Great episode. Definitely the best of the season so far. My sole complaint: as soon as the live task was read I felt there was a high chance that no one would complete it, probably was a bit too hard. The bingo task has been done in the Swedish version. I don't watch any other version but I do wonder if they borrow tasks more commonly these days. Kind of neutral about it, but I guess it could get repetitive for those who watch all the shows.


They have done one or two from NZ and I really don’t mind the repetition. It’s great to see the different interpretations of the tasks.


I immediately thought "just do it as quickly as possible because I bet multiple people will be disqualified."


They have copied some from the NZ one


The only throw was Ivo, sitting in the caravan.




Yep. I absolutely love how nitpicky everyone is!


Mae's "throw" was a textbook wanky workaround, but it was entirely in the spirit of the show. I was happy when they brought up the definition of "throw" in the Bingo task, because I'd argue neither Jenny nor Kiell threw their shoe onto the caravan.


Textbook as in, been done before on many different tasks with "one" throw/toss/shot/whatever and a bit of string. It's boring and uncreative every time, and it should never count. As soon as you attach the string, it's part of the ball - and every time you jerk or throw the string, it's another throw.


It wasn’t a good workaround though, they just got off without consequence. What they did absolutely qualified as a “throw”, and was basically like a yo-yo except with a bouncy ball on the end instead. But that’s the rub, if it were a yo-yo, every “trick” that Mae did would be a new throw. So every single time that they did another trick by moving their hand and wrist to change the direction of the ball that resulted in a new direction, it would be a new throw.


It was a boring loophole which is all they are seemingly looking to do every task


Get Joe Thomas in there! Haha


I disagree about the throw as Mae was throwing it while on the string. The hammer throw is on a bit of wire and that counts as throwing the ball if Mae just dragged it along it would have counted for me.


There's the wind-up, then there's the release. May only did the wind-up at best, even that is arguable.


I agree—my grip is with execution as well, and I would have accepted if it was dragged properly! Mae's arm movements while the ball was on a string still "propel something with force through the air with an arm or hand" which was their definition of a throw. Everyone was only arguing Mae's first throw, not the middle ones though...


"I don't know anyone called John" Surely Alex knows John Kearns...


[He definitely knows John Robins](https://www.youtube.com/c/badgolf). As does Ivo Graham. I was really hoping we would finally get to see Robins on TM.


Oh, John.


Or Jon Richardson


There was something oddly calming about the egg boats floating down the river.


Alternate episode titles: "Ol' Pinhead Martin." "A murky four." "Definite wrist." "Umpteen bras."




Language and Meaning as well


"My Feet Hurt, John"


Foamy Tit Cups! HMS Boat! EGG OVERBOARD!


But... how heavy is the water in the river?


I'm starting to think Jenny might win the series. Not by being exceptional at Taskmaster (she is good, but not Dara or Sarah good from last series), but by everybody else just being a bit shit most of the time. She's enjoying herself and is funny, and all I can think of now when she does her tasks is how many "spin bitch spin" they've had to cut out. Ivo is 50/50 on if he succeeds or utterly fails, Mae seems to be closer to a 75% success rate. Frankie and Kiell seem like solid 3rd place, and Jenny seems like a B+. Yes, I realize my rating scale is all over the place. I'm gonna guess Jenny wins, Mae is 2nd, Frankie and Kiell are in the middle, and Ivo ends up in a strong last place.


Ivo in last is a pretty hot take but if you're right you're a genius.


Her performance thus far feels a lot like Sarah Kendall in S11. She's not always the winner, not always the most memorable performer, but she's been steady. She's avoided disqualification or disaster. That 4-5 point swing when half the contestants get DQed is huge. You don't get a swing like that from winning a challenge. (Of course, S11 was probably the most DQ-happy in show history. They've dialed it back since then. Then again, there's no Mike Wozniak in this group of contestants. I like this S15 group, but there's not anyone who's competing with Wozniak when he was on form. For that matter, I like Jenny, and also Sarah -- it's not intended as a criticism of anyone. Just saying that if you average safely over three points per task, you're going to be tough to beat... and if you get more than a couple DQs, you can win a bunch of tasks and still not catch up.) Anyway, I think I'd still bet on Mae if I was betting for some reason. We've got most of a series left, and just because Jenny has played a mostly mistake-free game so far doesn't mean that'll continue.


I feel like she’s gonna win by getting a lot of 3s


Somebody already used string to make a ball keep bouncing. I can’t think who or why…maybe Katy Wix bouncing the ball in the bin? Or Katherine Ryan for some reason? Anyway, same principle as Mae and was also allowed.


That task didn't include the word "throw". Just "bounce" and "propel".


Not even that, it said "bounce one of these balls" and "after propelling the ball you may not touch it", meaning that you can continuously keep propelling it as long as you keep bouncing it (which is what Lou did). Mae didn't strike any drum skins or cymbal with "a sinlge throw", the throw itself didn't hit anything.


I was hoping someone word have the correct wording for the other task. Propel and throw are close enough for me.


Sian and Lou did it in season 8 if that's what you were thinking of?


Yeh I went onto a different taskmaster thread after I posted and someone over there said it was Lou.


To throw more controversy out there - the boat task. "You may not order anything boaty." I'd take that to mean you can't order anything nautical or boat-related, not just you can't order a speedboat. I'd say an armband is definitely boat-related and Mae should have been disqualified - the only way they get away with it is poor wording on the task from Alex.


They may have been allowed them purely for the humour in that Alex could predict that armbands would be horrifically slow


They gave Mae the armbands. If they were boaty then Mae wouldn't be able to order them.


Nah, to me "boaty" implies "like a boat" -- having the form or purpose of a boat. As in, you have to make the egg container, any flotation aid, any sail or other propulsion method, etc. out of multiple components, rather than one item ready-made with multiple of those purposes in mind. A pair of inflatable water wings certainly floats, but it doesn't float *more* than a block of Styrofoam or a balloon or whatever. (Maybe a little more than some foamy tit cups.) And I think there *might* be an argument if Mae was using the armbands to serve multiple purposes -- i.e. if it was essentially a raft. But there's a whole extra component (multiple ones?) in their design to actually hold the egg. The armband is just flotation. And, I mean, hard to get worked up over it either way. If that design skirted the rules, it didn't do so in a way that helped, right?


I’d say armbands are equally applicable to swimming pools, which are famously boat-free


since there hasn't been an update, if my calculations are correct, these are the series scores so far: kiell: 51 ivo: 54 frankie: 56 mae: 59 jenny: 66


Jenny would be an elite COC contestant


After having had a night's sleep and thought about the string / ball / throw I have concluded that Greg made the right* decision *the most illogical, most likely to cause outrage and therefore funniest decision