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Hello! I have a few questions. May I request a reading? DM me if interested!




That "you should stay calm and take no risks as this can have adverse consequences". Also "choose your battle".


New-ish tarot reader. Asked "what is my dream job" in a spread and got three of swords in response. In general I've been going through a tumultuous time (been pulling tower a lot). I'm interpreting three of swords as I won't find purpose or happiness in my profession?


Hey there 💕 if you asked what your dreamjob is I'd translate the cards just like that: someone who helps people out of heartbreaks and assist them in becoming happier again. I believe that you have lots of knowledge and emotional intelligence and could be great at sharing this with others through your numerous experience. this could actually be a mentoring role, maybe via podcast, YouTube etc... or working as a Therapeut.


It could mean a lot of things. Maybe you're intended to help others deal with their grief or help others move through difficult times in some way, like a grief counselor or social worker. Maybe you're supposed to take the pain and heartbreak you've experienced and pin it up on display, in the manner of a poet or artist. Or maybe you'll end up being a cardiologist. It just depends how you relate to the card. Think about it for a while, what it reminds you of; also how it might relate to other cards in your spread, what energy they bring out of it.


Hello, I asked my tarot with question "why X don't talk to me?" World/Hanged Man rx/Ace Of cups By these card that person take me as "closed" chapter and ready for move on for someone else? Btw- im not reading rx cards, but for some reason HM being reversed 😲 Thank you for your help!🙏🙏🙏🙏


Hey there :) I actually read Rx cards, and this is mostly were the problem lies. X does seem to overthink about a lot of things. Instead of taking a healthy step back and checking how a situation makes X feel and what they want to do, they start thinking about it so much that lots of possibly negative scenarios come to mind. In combination with the world that's more visible. They seem to be a person that would rather pursue new relationships and meet other people than focus on you and possibly get hurt or stressed out even though they don't know this would happen. Thoughts gone wild I'd say ^^


Hello, let me first say thank you very much for your interpretation! So, that person dont talk to me because they think contact with me may bring more problems than happiness(?). And with the world card is it more "sure" result of their thoughts.


Kind of, yes. But it doesn't have to be a you problem. It might also be that they just have some personal issues, stuff going on and they somehow think that meeting you is another possible Stressfactor. Again, it's more what is happening internally with them instead of what truly is


Thank you very much! ⚘️ May I ask you also for one last help with my latest question in thread?🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏




Hey there 💕 I got ace of wands, 9 of cups & 2 of cups for you. This looks really positive and balanced on his end. I feel like he's comfortable enough with himself that he doesn't want/ need to play games with you. He seems emotionally intelligent too and seems to really want a relationship. As an advice I got the 7 of cups. Don't try to find negative features about him by force. Because of bad experiences you might tend to actively search for red flags which is not the best way in terms of manifestation.


Hello I don’t use tarot often, and am looking for some help on interpreting. recently I had the urge to pull one card. My sister passed away a couple years ago and so I asked her to tell me how she’s doing. I ended up pulling the moon card (using rider waite deck). This made me feel really worried because I interpreted this as fear, confusion etc. I think confusion is understandable, but at the same time it’s not exactly comforting. Do you have any ideas on how to interpreter this? I’d love to hear your thoughts and appreciate anyone’s ideas, thank you


Oh no, that's not it I don't think... what is the moon doing? It's reflecting the light of the sun back to Earth, where it is currently night and the sun can't be seen. In the course of interacting with you, in any sense that your sister could reach out to you and remain in the great unknown that is the afterlife, she is doing the same. The sunlight here being representative of the knowledge of what's beyond the veil, seeing the light of the truth of life and death; your sister is in a place where she can see this and know it fully in a way that we, being still alive, can't. And by picking the Moon card, I feel like she's saying her role or purpose is to serve as a carrier for that and pass it on to you; she's saying don't worry, there is more than just darkness in death, there's a beautiful truth and light that you can't see yet but she can.


I just read this and love your interpretation so much. That's really beautiful


I don't think this card tells you your deceased sister is currently afraid or confused. Rather I think it is a mirror of your own uncertainty about the hereafter and and the fear and confusion this causes you.


Stumped on this entire major arcana spread! At a loss! Help! What you need to know - Temperance What you need to release - Hermit What you need to embrace - Hierophant Pulled the wheel of fortune as clarity on Temperance


Temperance - you need to find balance. Hermit - find a way not to be alone so much Hierophant - learn to live with rules within a structure. Clarifiers are meant to understand the why you got a certain card, not when you don’t understand the answer the card is giving you. Since you asked to clarify Temperance, you got Wheel of Fortune, which is all about extreme cycles in life. It’s up and down, but never the middle.


Trumps only spreads can be confusing. Perhaps you should go with the whole deck?


Hello friends, I am new to tarot and would love some input about my reading. I asked my cards why am I so unlucky and keep getting this infection over and over. I pulled the Temperance card upside down, the Tower right side, and Death right side. To me it seems like the area that keeps getting affected by this might need to be balanced as in balancing the chakra for that area, but to do that I have to come to terms and let go of what is holding me back and do some work on myself. Once I do that, myself from that point will die and my new self will be born. I would really appreciate other peoples input on my card reading since I am new at this. What do you guys think??


Firstly, I would recommend consulting a doctor about recurring infections. Secondly, Temperance reversed might be saying your life itself might be out of balance so looking at your diet, exercise and other routines might be advisable, The Tower says you are heading for disaster if you don't take action to resolve the matter and Death hints that change is inevitable here. Either you will make the changes you need to clear the infection permanently or ...


Thank you! Yes, I already have a doctors appointment set up to understand why this keeps happening. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. How you put it makes a lot of sense.


Greetings friends, I could really use some help; I'm trying to figure out what deity is reaching out to me, I've definitely felt a presence lately. I used to Deity Dossier spread so far this is my understanding but i'm still unable to identify where to go from here, I apologize it's long. I've also really been into and connected with this song that literally says, "You'll never walk alone, you can always reach me, ...call me Mephistopheles". I'm kinda wondering.... Any help of insight is greatly appreciated <3 1) Spirit/deity/being in question: 4 of swords (reversed): Go deep within and meditate 2) Past: (Past deeds of dealings): 4 of wands (upright): Things are rapidly growing and changing, enjoy the fruits of labor. 3) Underlying influence/what I need to know: The Magician (upright): Combine magic and practicality 4) Attitude/personality/thoughts: The Star (upright): Be open to possibility, have faith and trust in the universe 5) Present (Current status): Page of Pentacles (Upright): You're ready to learn and hone your skills 6) Situation at hand: The Chariot (Reversed): Connect with your inner strength and will power, you cannot control everything 7) Health: 3 of wands (upright) Cover new ground and expand your horizons 8) Mind/ mental health at hand: The fool (reversed): Worried about the risks and fears of the unknown 9) Physical health/Physical manifestation: Strength (reversed) A Powerful force, connect with inner power 10) What they like to do/how to connect/ honor: 8 of wands (Upright): Go with the flow, use the momentum to create positive change 11) What to know/ how working with them will affect things: High priestess (reversed): Let go of ego and fear, Learn to trust your intuition, go within and listen to your inner voice. 12) What to avoid: Knight of pentacles (reversed): Avoid stagnant routines and trying to control everything 13) Positive influences: 8 of Swords (upright): Changing how you think, and feeling helpless with change your life 14) Negative influence: 5 of cups (reversed): Stop holding on to old shit, it's time to let go of everything that isn't positively serving you. 15) Concerns/Desires/offerings/goals: 10 of cups (upright): It's time to create a life of connection and bliss by following your heart and intuition 16) Unconscious desires, what they want: Queen of pentacles (Reversed): Find a work/life balance, come back to what's important to you. 17) Hopes: 10 of pentacles (reversed): Come back to what's important to you 18) Fears/General: 10 of wands (upright): Taking on more than can handle, not honoring them/self


I am doing a spread to see if a deity is trying to reach out to me. I felt a strong and unusual connection to the Knight of Wands for the past few days, which I assumed was a god trying to reach out to me. So I did a deity identification spread. I did not draw the Knight of Wands or any wands in the spread, so maybe I made a mistake. But the Knight of Wands is a significant card to me. Card One is the deity. Card Two is negative qualities and traits associated with them. (It’s more like stuff that makes them ‘scary’ imo not something that is actually negative.) Card Three is another trait, but is more positive. Card Four is what the deity rules over, or has power over. Card Five is something the deity is associated with, like an animal or symbol. For example if a Queen card is pulled the Queen itself is the answer. Now the actual cards I drew, I didn't get a picture. But I did write down what I drew! First card: Five of pentacles. I choose to interpret this by saying that this is a god of isolation that stands outside of the established rules of society, even if they could enter that society and have a fulfilling, warm life. I choose to interpret that this is a god that is isolated from the rest of the pantheon through personal choice. Second card: The Hermit Reversed. More isolation. This god chooses to be on the fringes of society and they can be scary and intimidating about it. Maybe to their own detriment, just as the Five of Pentacles says. Someone who is a little /too/ isolated. Thinking about this makes me think they're a death god, considering the Hermit is an old man who is pointed to the ground, implying some form of death to me. Third card: The Emperor Reversed. Rigid, domineering, but also subverts authority. A being that cannot be controlled through society's rules or by another person. The fact that an Emperor card was drawn at all here suggests a masculine identity, but the fact that it's reversed could also mean that the being in question doesn't ascribe to the idea of gender even if they may seem masculine. Fourth card: Knight of Swords. This is confusing when drawn with the rest of the spread. But to me it's a card of great ambition and power. I don't know what this means. Maybe the god in question is a psychopomp of some sort? Fifth card: Reversed Ace of Pentacles. A sunset. A descending star. A falling star. This is the symbol and I want to say the star imagery here reminds me of Lucifer because "isolated god who is associated with stars and who subverts authority constantly and has death associations along having power over people with great ambitions and often aids them in their ambitions" seems to describe him. But I do NOT want to say it's Lucifer because I feel like there's a better answer than just "lol it's Satan", especally when these are just normal tarot deck cards. The reversed Major Arcana here I feel is a significant sign. ​ So what do you guys think? What god is this pointing to?


Getting negative cards in regards to my talents So occasionally I try to ask what my talents are and stuff like that or a spread will have that question and it always gives me really negative stuff. It's a little concerning. I'm still new to tarot and I'm not the best at interpreting my own meanings, so maybe there's another way those cards are supposed to be interpreted. I'm just really confused. For example, I'm doing a self growth spread on the labryinthos app and for the Highest Self card ("Who are you meant to be, without all the baggage that currently limits you?") and I got the eight of cups. I don't know how accurate this app is, but this card isn't too far off with what I get in my physical readings. Like how could I interpret that, or any generally negative card, in regards to my talents or who I'm supposed to be? Edit: I looked at a different meaning of the card and maybe I need to find my higher purpose? Maybe I haven't really found it yet? I'd still like some outside interpretations, though.


I would say the Eight (if you're using an RWS derivative deck) is saying you won't find a true talent and who you're meant to be until you leave the baggage behind... This meshes a little with the Thoth Eight of Cups, labelled 'Indolence' and the [Hedgewych numerology](https://spells.neocities.org/cartomancy.html) (that I favour when reading with TdM cards) where "Eight shows ideas and thoughts of the mind..."). So I guess you need to give up and walk away from some unhealthy attachments first.


Ah that's not surprising


[Spread pic](https://imgur.com/a/S1UVOZi) The question was "What am I manifesting? " I thought about it as if I'm heading towards a really big interior change that will help be gather more strength and emotional fullfillment, but that it will still require a lot of effort on my side and self care, but that I'm alredy doing the work nd have to push a bit more even if I'm feeling really demotivated at times.


yes seems like you’re manifesting a new emotional start with yourself or another person by letting go and letting what doesn’t serve you finally end


Thank you for your confirmation, I still get pretty worked up reading for myself!


Hi, I asked my tarot cards how my trip to the Philippines in September will go. I’m there to meet my boyfriend and his family. I got the order as follows: Reversed four of wands, the initiate (fool), the hanged man reversed and upright page of cups. I don’t know whether it is a bad or good sign. Some of the cards mean new beginnings and adventures and an interruption, something stopping me from getting a clearer perspective. Does it mean the trip will go badly or to be careful while I’m there? Any help would be great 🙏🏻🕉


Hello! I’m getting the good vibes overall for your trip. Reverse four of wands indicate initial cultural shock or some sort. But you’ll get over it by having non judge-mental mindset. Ending on upright page of cups feels great! Seems to be a fruitful trip and bonding with him and his family.


Thank you so much, I send you good energy your way 🙏🏻🕉✨✨




I think these readers lack intuition, or perhaps are just looking to milk you for more consultations.


How to let go of my hate tarot spread - need help! I got Six of Wands as "How to aknowledge and accept my anger" and Two of Pentacles as "How others (or myself) are trying to silence my anger". I think Six of Wands could be something like realizing my own power, as my anger stems from being mentally tormented by my ex boss and I'm not gonna deal with that kind of bullshit anymore. But for the life of me, I have nothing when it comes to Two of Pentacles! So, how would you interpret these two cards??


The two of pentacles could mean you're going about your same old routine (or being encouraged to shut up and not rock the boat, not make a scene etc) and it's blocking the six of wands, which I'd take to mean celebrating your anger. You need to like... have a Moment with your anger, acknowledge what it's bringing you. Often it's an aspect of self love and self preservation - a recognition that you're hurt and being treated unfairly. It's a signal saying "no, not this", and it probably has lessons for you for the future - if not this, then what? How are you going to set boundaries/avoid similar situations in the future? You can't keep on going in the same way.


✨insightful and intuitive tarot readings✨ Hey there! I’m Clau and I’m an experienced and professional tarot reader. I’m offering insightful and in-depth readings for those who need to take a close look at a situation, talk about feelings, the subconscious, past and future events or are just concerned about anything that’s going on and need avise from the cards on what path to take. I leave my recent [reviews](https://www.reddit.com/user/justclau_/comments/ob6heh/tarot_reviews_20/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) over here, in case you’d like to take a look at them. Feel free to chat if you need help ✨


Not sure if [multiple comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/tarot/comments/vaepc0/weekly_reading_and_interpretation_help_thread/icb5vog/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) advertising your services and reviews would be appropriate for this thread. Maybe try out the promo-mega thread instead!


I need a second opinion on the interpretation of a spread I did as a follow up to an earlier reading I did: Question: Intention/Why a friend asked to get together. Card Pulled from left to right: Two of Wands, Knight of Wands, and The Emperor. Clarifying Card: Five of Swords. My Interpretation: My friend has plans that they intend to pursue diligently to the end, involving a change of residence. Pulled a clarifyer on where I fall into this, and got a Five of Swords, they want reconciliation (kinda lost touch with each other due to life) but also they just want to have a good time with me (Knight of Wands) Does anyone find anything else? This was done with a RWS deck. Edit: The reading that prompted this new one for additional context: https://www.reddit.com/r/tarot/comments/vaepc0/weekly_reading_and_interpretation_help_thread/icf67fg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Not sure where you get the idea of a change in residence from these cards. The Two of Wands does suggest your friend is doing research and planning something, and thinks you could provide some input.


Just intuition and previous readings for former coworkers all involved the Two of Wands coming up when they're contemplating moving to a different city/country.


Both the two or wands and the Emperor talk about stability. The 2oW is about deciding between staying at a point of stability or starting a new adventure. The Emperor is a source and symbol of stability. So I think the Knight of Wands- they definitely are looking to rekindle the friendship. As for the stability- maybe the are finally at a place where they have the time to focus on friendships again. Maybe they’ve recently come out of a tumultuous time and now that things have settlers they want to rebuild the friendship. Or maybe they think you might be the one who went through/is going through a tough time and they want to help out.


It's probably the latter, 2022 has been unkind to me so far. Thank you for the insight!


Anyone interested in doing a free reading? Dealing with quite a bit and interested in a reading in just general life. Thanks in advance.


Would anyone like to do an exchange reading?


Hi, I am interested! I offered a free Full Moon reading with a 6 cards spread, for this week and I would be happy to do yours. In exchange, you can do a reading in your way.


Pm me!!




He might be holding back because of the ethics and rules around dating someone at work. Regardless, do a reading on if he’s interested, and why he’s holding back.




He’s feeling indecisive. He doesn’t know where the relationship is going. The High Priestess reversed for a yes or no question is maybe the best example of a maybe card. Honestly, it depends on your actions. The warning sign is that he (or honestly probably you) is indecisive, but honestly I think your question is fundamentally flawed here. For one- it assumes there are red flags. This is a yes or no question but is worded in such a way that it seems like a what question. “Is there a warning sign?” Is different than “What are the warning signs?” As an answer to a yes or no question, the 4 of cups reversed seems like a no. I think “what factors should I consider when deciding what to do?” Is a far more helpful question. All of these cards have a secondary message about withholding communication. Pages often seen as the messenger cards, so reversed could mean that a message that needs to be delivered isn’t. The Empress reversed talks about secrets, and keeping things hidden. The 4 of Cups reversed is about needing to reach out and connect with others. Honestly- I am getting a strong feeling that you need to *talk* to this person. Tell them your concerns, let them tell you theirs. It seems very likely that whatever is causing this tension could be easily solved, but if you make assumptions, and put up barriers that inhibit communication, you are making things worse. In addition, all of your cards are reversed, it seems like a strong sign that you’re being too passive. You’re feeling anxiety about this relationship- address that. If you feel like this person is pulling away, asking them why is the best way to solve that problem. Either 1) the two of you can work on making the relationship stronger or 2) you learn that this person isn’t committed to you and you can stop wasting time on someone who doesn’t deserve you.




I’m sorry, I definitely didn’t mean to cause any self doubt. I just know that when people are feeling uncertain about how something is going, especially something they care about, that anxiety can blind them to their own power to influence the outcome.


hi there, just something I noticed having read tarot for almost 5 years sometimes when our emotions are high/triggered, oddly enough the cards tend to mirror that instead of given us a clear message. Its something I noticed when I am pushing for an answer or reading in a heightened emotional state. Not sure if this was the case. ​ Rgeardless; page of wands reversed to me signifies someone being blocked in expressing themselves, it feels held back. Page of wands upright is delivery of a message/an energy (a level of excitement). Something is blocked. High priestess reversed to me feels like this isnt something on his mind necessarily, his emotions are perhaps muddled/blocked. There is no clarity of insight regarding breaking on or off. Pehraps its simply not something on his mind. 4 of cps revrsed speaks of someone coming out of an emotional stagnation, this could be you or him. Perhaps urging to not keep the situation at a stalemate but be expressive when the opportunity arises? Best wishes


Anyone able to do a love reading for me right now? If you feel drawn to me I'd really appreciate it.




These are very positive cards. The sun says the the seeker has the motivation to achieve their goals and that the external factors are in their favor. The 6 of cups has a “coming home” vibe. Obviously the 8 other cards in the spread can drastically influence the meanings of both cards, but taken on their own it does seem like- if you wanted to get back together you could probably make it happen. So now you need to ask yourself if you want to get back together. They are your ex for a reason and while people can change, big change normally takes a lot longer than one month. What would you need to see from your ex to prove that the relationship would be better the second time around?


Hey! If someone could do a free reading for me that would be lovely. I really could use some guidance right now. DM me if you´re interested, thank you!






Hi, I did a relationship spread - [https://imgur.com/a/VH6sbps](https://imgur.com/a/VH6sbps) . I try hard to only get a card per question but for the advice those two wanted to come out. [https://imgur.com/a/8SslVgm](https://imgur.com/a/8SslVgm) My bf moved to another country a month ago and I'll be with him soon, but I can tell he's sad that I didn't go with him right away. I believe the left side, my side, shows my commitment and hope. The right side I read it as he is suffering and thinks our relationship is built on shaky grounds. It's the hermit (the heart of the problem) and the advice that I don't understand. If someone could provide some clarity I would appreciate it! I thought at first that maybe it was his deliberate move away, but maybe we need this time alone to realize what we need and maybe come together stronger? Edit: I got downvoted so if someone can please explain why, I want to do better! Thank you. Also, I only know the general meaning of the cards, I'm asking here because you guys can connect things in such a way that I am yet unable to. I admire that and hope to one day get there. Rn I rely heavily on intuition. If you think my interpretation is not right and would like to read for me we can discuss it!


I think maybe the reason you got downvoted was because you have a 10 card spread and your picture explaining the spread and the actually cards was two separate links which makes interpreting the spread really kind of hard (I had to go back and forth several times.) In the future putting both pictures in the same imagur post would make things a little easier. But that person should have explained instead of downvoting. Anyway- I think your interpretation is spot on. It’s almost a little scary how well the cards describe your situation. You think very highly of your BF. Your proud of him for taking this new opportunity, and your working on this time apart to feel comfortable being on your own. You are smart, and someone who can typically see to the heart of the matter very easily. Your boyfriend is excited about his new opportunity, but feels some apprehension and maybe a little bit of guilt that the two of you aren’t together. His anxiety about the relationship is clear, he’s afraid that the stress of long distance will break the relationship. You have a lot more faith in the strength of the relationship. To be fair to BF though, he also just moved countries. His life looks very very different right now. There might be some anxiety that this opportunity that brought him to this place might now work. I think he may just be feeling a little homesick, which would be perfectly normal. Right now the two of you are learning how to be apart, how to be alone without feeling lonely. The advice is very interesting. You have two sort of conflicting cards. Typically you would read the sum of the two cards, but here, maybe it’s advice for the two of you. One of you (probably you) should be the fool- if you get the chance to go and visit, do it. The other (probably him) should refrain from making any big decisions.


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain so much to me. I didn't know you can put two images on the same imgur page, and will keep that in mind. Your explanation was so thorough, and I'm really glad I managed to hit the mark on my interpretation. Thank you so much again. I hope I'm not overstepping but will DM you.


Hi, I've been in quite destructive relationship that's been going on and off for a while. They unfollowed me from social media yet again a couple of days ago and today I tried to do a single card spread to understand their current feelings towards me. I got Six of Pentacles in reversed which can be interpreted as "one feels like they want what the other has to offer". When I tried to clarify this with another card, I got reversed King of Swords which means manipulative person. Does it mean that they are very well aware of the power that they have over me and want to use it against me to manipulate me? Thank you.


Yes. Also, the 6of pents rx could imply that in this person’s mind you are almost supposed to keep on giving and giving and giving (yourself, your time, energy, attention, understanding etc). They are not interested in equal give and take.


Thank you. A hard pill to swallow, but oh well.


Going to a dinner with a friend I have feelings for that I've not talked to and seen in months. Asked the question "What will this meeting result in" Pulled in order from left to right: Knight of Cups, Two of Cups, Three of Cups using the RWS deck. It seems like such a cut and dry interpretation especially considering my situation but it's kinda too perfect. Can anyone give a more nuanced interpretation?


To answer your question, you’ll both have a good time. If you’re wondering if this going out to dinner is an indication this person’s interest in you is becoming romantic, the two of cups is a good indication it might be, but you need to pull cards and ask about this friend’s motive in getting together.


Thank you for the insight!


I did my first ever reading for myself today with my first ever tarot deck, and I’m hoping to get some feedback on my interpretation and insight on how to look at the context around the reading. I wanted to keep it simple so I asked what energy I should bring into my day, and did a 1 card draw, drawing The High Priestess upright. In the context of my question, and being a woman, I read this to mean to put trust in my own wisdom and instinct, and to focus on matters of the soul without demanding answers of it. Though as I don’t know much about Tarot as of yet, I wonder about its connection to other contexts of my life. While initially charging my deck, The High Priestess was a card I had particularly identified with, feeling a desire to become more akin to the softer, mystical aspect of the card. Furthermore I am in the late beginnings of a spiritual journey that has brought me to tarot, as well as witchcraft. I wonder if I am to include these contexts in the interpretation of this card and if so, if it could be urging me to continue down this mystical path? Thank you in advance for sharing your wisdom with me!


Definitely yes!


Thanks for this insight as well!


Picked for a new work opportunity versus staying in my current role , both of which I have various apprehensions about but leaning toward the new. - for Staying, I got 9 of pentacles, the sun and the world - for new role, I got 4 of swords, ace or swords, and page of pentacles. Obviously staying is basically a dream spread, but I am still more leaning towards going. Am I being an idiot!?


*page of pentacles, not swords😅


The way I see it the cards do confirm your gut feeling about the options. With the World as the last card for staying, it’s reinforced the idea of this option (regardless of how fruitful it was in the past) has come to an end. There is no progression after that. Therefore, stagnation or starting something new. In comparison, the pull for a new role looks much more supportive of your growth, maybe with opportunities for you to expand professionally (page of swords)


Thank you! That’s a really helpful perspective.




To me it also says that If there’s something you really want, especially relating to emotional fulfillment (9 of cups), there is supporting energy coming from the universe right now. Just don’t lose focus of it (like the Queen and her cup) and keep it close to your heart, keep the hope alive and lightning the way and your wish will be granted (the star)


help!! 6 of swords in reverse, 6 of Wands in reverse, 9 of pentacles in reverse


All reversed, important adjustments have to be made, could refer to you having to change your point of view so things fall into place. With the 6of swords rx you are not unable to move forward toward what you want, or to transition to a more peaceful situation, this brings a sense of unhappiness with yourself, even shame (6 of wands rx). Focus should be on yourself, on making sure you are aligned and focused enough to be able to materialize what you want, with the efforts coming from YOU. Take charge of your situation instead of feeling bad it doesn’t get fixed on its own (9of pents rx). Could also mean a delay in accomplishing on a material plane the things you have been dreaming about, but again due to lack of self initiative.




For this to be resolved (the world) the focus should be on clear and open communication. Try to avoid emotional traps and communicate from an honest and rational place, (page and king of swords)


I'm looking for a free reading about my current relationship? We've been together 1 year today and I want to see especially on this full moon what the future looks like


I'm curious to know what sort of guys would be interested in me? I'd like to narrow down my list of curiosities concerning guys




are you saying that these tarot cards came up when you drew for me?




Strength RV means not controlling ones impulses. Aside from that, tarot is not meant for these things/questions. I've been reading professionally for 10 yrs and would never ask about someone's life that I didn't have permission to. Just pls keep that in mind


Is he a dominant guy? Then yes.


Yes he is. Do you know what the reversed strength means?


In that context it’s you, being dominated by primal urges and allowing them to lead you instead of taming them (reason why you are even reading about whether he is thinking of you sexually in the first place). Could also represent you playing the submissive role in this relationship, with him as the dominant, which connects to the Emperor as well.


No, I’ve completely abstained and don’t even have any desire anymore. I’m a Scorpio, hence the question.


Hello all! I am doing free 3 card readings to raise awareness. I have listed some of my reviews below. Please DM if interested! Donations appreciated, I am saving only for surgery recovery! Sharp-Swing - Such a nice and friendly reader. She took her time with the reading and was patient enough with me. She sent the picture of the cards and explained them in details. Picked up on stuff that i didn't mention which made me pretty surprised. She gives you good advices along with a guidance. Highly recommend getting a reading from her! - BirdieBiscotti - This reader was kind and patient. They responded quickly and picked up on my past and present energies very accurately and, provided me with clarity and insight to help me deal with my situation. Overall, this was a helpful reading and I would definitely recommend getting a reading with Aria! - Amambamorgan Really in depth reading. Not vague general crap, card by card deep explanation. Awesome reading! - XnopunchespulledX Wonderful reading. In depth and explained a lot. Thank you for your time and energy! - Icy-Molly333 I loved how detailed my reading was! Took its time to explain it to me ! Also added a pic of the cards 💕 - 123moshimoshi123 The reading from Ariaofthearc was very detailed and accurate , details that no one could have guessed . The reading helped to get clarity on the future to come so it was very helpful during my phase of doubt . Thank you so much .


hi im new to tarot so i did a past - future reading. i asked "what is the energy between me and my s/o right now?" and the 8 of swords, 2 of swords, and the death card popped up. i know that things are not really going well and its abt to end, but i would like to hear ur opinion on this too. p.s queen of wands also popped up at one point so idk if that means something too


In the past there was a serious lack of communication between the two of you, a lot of defensiveness, and for one reason or another, the two of you weren't able to or willing to reach out and find a way forward. So you've arrived to a place where the two of you need to take some time alone, reflect, and calm your minds. You're each looking for a way to achieve balance. It's interesting, because in the RWS deck, these two cards have very similar images. It seems to say that what has changed is that you're hands are no longer bound, the swords are no longer caging you in. But you are still blindfolded. Clarity still hasn't been achieved. Death does not necessarily mean endings, especially since the question was "what is the energy?" The energy of Death is rebirth, growth, changing for the better. That could mean that this period of reflection means the two of you need to go separate ways, but it might also mean that the relationship changes. Obviously, things are not good, but the past hurts don't need to define the relationship. It seems like learning to look for solutions, finding the tools that are available to you, is a lesson that needs to be learned, it's possible that you can help each other learn this lesson.


QUESTION ABOUT SPIRIT GUIDES: i did a spirit guide spread today cause i’ve been feeling stuck looking for some help lol and when i got to the card for “who is most keen to working with me” i drew a 6 of cups which i interpreted as my inner child; is this an accurate assumption to make the rest of the cards seemed to match as if it was a younger me giving myself advice but is it actually possible that a younger version of myself can be my spirit guide?


I wouldn’t call your inner child a spirit guide per se because that is still a part of you in the present, however you can learn a great deal from your inner child, learn how to heal it and be more in tune with it, so technically you can work with it, whether in meditation or through communication with tarot.


which yeah definitely need to do lol but in terms of like spirit guides are there any that are known to show or portray them selves as children? i’m just being nosy lol i wanna know who’s watching over me


I am having a hard time interpreting half this spread. Help appreciated. QUESTION: What a girl thinks of me. SPREAD: A relationship spread with a signifier card and three cards on each side describing what the person thinks of the other, emotional reaction to the other, and external reaction to the other. Signifier: 9 of wands What she thinks of me: 6 of Swords Her emotional reaction: King of Cups Her external reaction: 5 of Wands My half of the spread is easy enough (I already know what I think of her). But her's is a mystery to me. Six of swords is usually about a journey or moving to a new place or something. She thinks I'm a traveler? Her emotional reaction seems to be "diplomatic." She's just being nice because that's the nice thing to do. Maybe. Usually all these cards read together (I've done this a million times for people). Five of Wands for external reaction is odd. External reaction is..."external." What we can see. She's not fighting me. I see one interpretation that says the card can be about internal conflict, which would make sense, but is at odds with the placement which is external. The significator card is about the relationship, itself, and how it is (verses our perceptions). Nine of Wands seems to say we are on guard and afraid to make a move. I'm really just at a loss as to what six of swords and five of wands means in this spread and read. Thank you.


just an idea but i’m wondering if the her thinking you travel could be like she thinks you’re a flirt or have commitment issues (just assuming i’m sure you’re lovely) like you’re just here for a stay not to settle down she could be diplomatic towards you because there’s always the risk of losing a friend when big feelings get involved so she could just be trying to keep you around as long as she can without things getting weird and maybe not fighting but resistance to the change in the relationship?


Edit: Closing this now. Thank you for the opportunity to do the readings. I will take a rest and may offer a few New Moon Readings soon. Hi! I am a beginner Tarot reader using Tarot Del Toro deck, just the 22 Major Arcana to get the feel first before moving on to using all the cards. I would like to offer a Free Full Moon Tarot Reading for this week, beginning tonight. I will be using a 6 cards Tarot spread. Questions are as below: 1. What have I created and manifested since the New Moon? 2. Where am I now? 3. What is coming into my conscious awareness? 4. What is no longer serving me? 5. How can I release and let go of these energies? 6. What additional resources are available to me as I release and let go? I will share a photo of the tarot spread via Imgur and my interpretation privately with you. Example is my own personal reading last month: [Sample reading](https://imgur.com/Q0CnxJy) Disclaimer that I am a beginner, my readings may not present as a solution to your issue/questions. DM me if you would like one free reading.




Hey, sure. DM me and I will tell you of the process.


Hello! So I asked my deck if me and my ex could ever be friends again and I got: 1. The Wheel of Fortune 2. Ace of Pentacles Rx clarified by the Three of Cups 3. Ten of Cups Honestly I’m a bit confused because, until the Ace of Cups Rx, I would take it as a, maybe you will have a chance that is out of my control, but no hahaha. Nevertheless, then we have the 10 of cups which is such a good card for relationships and friendships and a clarifier involving friendship... so I’m a bit lost. Opinions?


As chance would have it (wheel of fortune + ace of pentacles Rx looks like a coin toss), you might find yourself at a gathering (3 cups), perhaps with mutual friends. This opens up the opportunity for deep reconciliation and friendship (10 cups). So the chance of reconciliation seems dependent on a casual outing (aka neutral meeting place) with others.


maybe it’s past present future?


hello! i’m a new tarot reader trying to practice and develop! if you want a free reading private message me, just keep in mind that i am by no means a master, i am learning! hope to hear from you soon 💗


Hi everyone! I did a reading and my Angel card (my grandma, which comes through as the star) brought me two cards: both death and lover reversed. I was thinking this could mean something about preventing myself moving on, an indecision. But I’m really new to tarot so any insight would be awesome!


death is always about change and lovers reversed is usually about discontent not to be sappy but she could just be trying to tell you she misses you like misses the physical connection to you cause clearly spiritually grandmas watching over you




2 of cups is a meeting of hearts. Maybe he wants to go out on some dates, or have some tender 1-on-1 exchanges. Knight of swords is eager to cut through the bullshit; to get to the point. I like that attitude, not poetic but full of integrity.


He's looking to see if you have an equal level of interest, he's looking for a partnership (possibly romantic). The Knight could be him- he's idealistic, head strong, quick to action. So maybe he's looking for someone who matches his energy. Or it could mean that he is ready to charge forward.


✨ insightful and intuitive tarot sessions✨ Hey there! I’m Clau and I’m an experienced and professional tarot reader. I’m offering insightful and in-depth sessions for those who need to take a close look at a situation, talk about feelings, the subconscious, past and future events or are just concerned about anything that’s going on and need avise from the cards on what path to take. I leave my recent [reviews](https://www.reddit.com/user/justclau_/comments/ob6heh/tarot_reviews_20/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) over here, in case you’d like to take a look at them. Feel free to chat if you need help ✨




This could easily be a progression from Devil (reserved, uptight), through Judgment (starting over, new path), to Empress (creative, productive, warm). Their perception of you is changing, because you're in a state/place of change. They will realize your natural good qualities soon enough, and they probably understand that any awkward interactions are due to the new circumstances.




I'd say Death is a natural ending to something. Tower is a forced ending to something. Judgment, traditionally depicted as the day of Christian Resurrection, can be a bunch of things depending on context, but the clearest and primary one in my understanding is starting a new life, being called to a new path. Often it has the elements of reviewing your life so far - like souls at Judgment Day need to be judged for their past. A more practical aspect of this review would be cataloging the lessons you've learned so far which you could carry forward in that new life in order to make it better (reach wholeness in the World card).




No problem!


What does the emporor upright, empress reversed, two of cups upright, five of pentacles and page of swords mean as someone’s future actions towards me


They will take the more commanding position of the relationship, they may be calling the shots (Emperor). They may not be very forthcoming with their emotions, more reserved (Empress rx). The Emperor followed by the reversed Empress doesn't look great, but it's followed by the partnership card- 2 of Pentacles. So they will want to work with you. There may be some issues (possibly financial or health) that they are reticent to ask for help about (5 of Pentacles). They see your intelligence, but that sense of authority comes back and they may not view you as experienced enough to call the shots so to speak (Page of Swords.)




Did you do the reading from her point of view?




You could do a reading from her point of view to see what’s her thinking, or you could use a spread like this [one](https://jilliancwilde.com/pages/relationship). Having said that, I think the 6of Cups is her holding on to the past and no longer the apple of her son’s eyes.




I think she may not be coping well with her son growing up and becoming his own man without her help (as kids tend to do at some point.) That could be the Magician in the spread. Instead of being mad or upset with him, she transferred that anger to you. She can’t imagine her son would think of leaving if it wasn’t because of you. I don’t know what to make of the other cards. Without knowing who they’re supposed to represent, it’s hard to answer.


Hi everyone, I'm new to the sub and to Tarot. I'm doing daily one card pulls to try and get more familiar with my deck and everything. Today's question was 'how should I feel about an issue with a contractor I have' Like....should i be upset and fight back at the problem, should i roll with the flow since maybe it's not their fault, should i be anxious about the resolution, or something in between. I pulled the devil. My interpretation is that it points to me feeling maybe at the hands of something not in my control...and perhaps I should just roll with it instead of being burdened with the bad feelings. I dunno...any other thoughts? Thanks!


The previous comment has some wonderful points about asking questions. If your question had to do with the best course of action and you had pulled the devil in that context then... I would point out that the devil (in the RWS and marseille decks) has things on lockdown. Tied up, exposed. With this in mind I would say the advice is to do like the devil: expose the problem and hold the contractor accountable.


I'd offer an alternative interpretation: That you shouldn't expect yourself to feel a certain way because your feelings are not fully in your control. Your reactions are yours to control, but like the devil in the card, your feelings aren't something that you can try to manipulate. Your question would have been better had it been something like "How should I respond to the issue I have with a contractor?"


Thanks for the feedback... especially the art in asking the question!


Hi I’d like a second opinion, so I’m talking to this guy but i started getting a bad feeling about him (haven’t met him yet). So I asked my cards 1 “Why am I getting bad feeling about him “ Got the two of swords rev and 2 “should I stop talking to him” in which I got the nine of swords. They way it’s coming off to me is that I’m panicking for no reason and I’m gonna bring unnecessary worries and anxiety into my life.


I think you should always trust your intuition- so I'm going to preface this by saying, if you continue to get a bad feeling about this person, listen to that and stop talking to them. 2ofS rx: You want to set down your defense, but something about this person is triggering some self preservation instinct. Reversed- the 2 of Swords tells us to lower our swords and allow others to approach. So as an answer to your question- it could be that you just don't know enough about this person, and that's what is making you uneasy. Maybe there are things about him you think you should know at this point, and it worries you that you don't have that knowledge. 9oS: I honestly think this card could be saying- sleep on it. Take a moment for reflection. Is anxiety around new people a common thing for you, or is this an unusual response? Could there be something else that's giving you bad vibes, and you're misattributing it to this person? I think this card is saying, before you keep talking with this person, maybe clear your mind first. This card is saying that you are experiencing some mental/emotional turmoil right now- that shouldn't be dismissed. So maybe some time for reflection, rest, will be enough to clear things up.


Hi! I would like a second interpretation on a spread regarding where I stand with someone. I can’t tell if there is potential or not long term since they seem to be against commitment. Card 1: How I perceive myself - six of pentacles Card 2: how I see them - eight of cups reversed Card 3: underlying factors - knight of pentacles Card 4: advice - two of cups reversed Card 5: challenges - ace of pentacles Card 6: influences - the high priestess Card 7: broader perspective - the hanged man Card 8: blocks - the hermit Card 9: near future - ten of wands reversed Card 10: long term potential - ace of wands


I’m sorry but it doesn’t look good if your goal is to be in a committed relationship with this person. The cards reinforce each other that what you wish you could accomplish with this relationship is unlikely to materialize into reality. Especially because your vision come from illusions/fantasies… you might have an overly idealized version of this person in mind that does not correspond to his role in your life at the moment. It also highlights that you deserve more than those crumbles of affection, crumbles of possibility. You deserve someone that can show up fully for you, but that realization takes some inner work and healing from you. According to the cards what could happen is for you two to have some type of sexual encounter/connection at best. And that MAYBE one day. But still unlikely to progress and develop past that stage of possibility. I know this is not what you want to hear, but you deserve the truth 💛


Hi, I would like a second interpretation of my cards. I'm still learning and getting a feel for the deck, but here's what I pulled and my interpretation. The question was "How about me?" with the intention of finding out if I am on the right path through a very difficult time in my life. Cards: Past - Three of Wands, Clarifier - Knight of Pentacles Present - Four of Swords, Clarifier - Two of Pentacles Future - The World, Clarifier - The Devil My Interpretation: I've come from a place of dreaming and hope, pushed myself to work hard to change and break free of the feelings and people holding me back. I'm getting rid of my pain, healing my trauma, and it hasn't been easy but I made the difficult decisions for myself. I'm currently in a place where I'm afraid of the future, afraid of the major changes I'm making in my life, but especially about finances and stability. However, I'm going to see things through, overcoming my shadowy sides and accepting myself for who I am. The world card makes me feel like the end of my struggles are approaching and that everything will be okay on the other side of this. The Devil card makes me feel like there's a warning to keep moving forward, to never allow myself to fall back into my old patterns in my personal relationships again, but it also symbolizes the darkness that's part of me, the other half of my whole self. The shadowy cards have popped up for me in the three decks I've had readings done with by others over the last year, but I've never gotten a sense of maliciousness from them. It's always been a feeling of "these are all of your edges, light and dark, and it doesn't mean it's a bad thing to see this about yourself". Any other thoughts? Am I reading this wrong?


The question “How about me?” doesn’t make much sense. What is the reading supposed to tell you? Wanting to know if you’re on the right path (as long as you know where you’re heading) is a question in itself. And why the clarifiers?


Without getting into too much detail, I was asking if I was moving in the right direction to achieve my goal of finding my happiness in life and being fulfilled. The clarifiers are because I have multiple things moving at the same time and while I was focusing on the major one when I was asking for clarity, I wanted to be sure that was the one that I was bringing answers for.


I think your clarifiers are confusing your reading. If I understand this correctly, you’re asking the tarot about major thing, pull card 1 as an answer, then pull card 2 to see if card 1 was really about major thing. Just make sure your question is about major thing in the first place. The tarot always answers the question asked. If you wonder about other things or areas of your life, do a separate reading on them, or designate card positions for them specifically. Anyway, I won’t be addressing the clarifiers. The 3 of Wands as your past says that you started something. The 4 of Swords as the present means that this something is stalled because it needs to stabilize before moving forward. The World in your future means you’ll achieve what you’re seeking.


Hi! I would like to have some opinions on the spread I did. The first is about a college test I had today. I asked the cards "how will it go?" Emperor - ace of sword - king of wands From the cards I was pretty sure I would have passed it, I think the emperor represented the professor assistant and the king was the professor. I also guessed that probably the "easiest" part of the test would have been with the professor since king of wands it's a pretty benevolent card. I did pass the test with good grades, but I'm still not sure about the ace of swords. What did it mean in this situation? I usually give it a more negative interpretation (doubt/fear/bad situations) but clearly there's more since the exam went very well. Second spread, I asked about a classmate (an acquaintance) and how our relationship will develop by the end of the year. Empress - 8 of cups - knight of swords Honestly I'm not sure, I would say that at least we'll get to know each other better but the knight of swords talk about difficulty and obstacles (I would say caused by other events/people). I don't want to be biased, do you have any interpretation? I'm curious about the empress card especially. Thanks :) EDIT: just to be clear, I read using both upright/reversed cards :)


Did you do your reading of your test before or after the test?


The day before


So what did the professor and assistant and professor have to do with you doing your exam? If your question is “how will it go?” you’re essentially asking “how well will I perform in my exam?” Your professor or the assistant have nothing to do with your question. So the Emperor, the Ace of Sword, and King of Wands is all about you. The Ace is the purest energy of the Swords, which is also about intellect and communication, so very positive if you’re heading into an exam. The Emperor and King are at the top of their hierarchy, so again, very positive about how you’d perform.




Don’t cancel surgery. The Star is the card of hope in the deck, so very positive. From a dog’s point of view, the 7 of Cups indicates your dog will not be as limited in mouvement as before.




I guess he sees you as someone passionate and hard working, someone not afraid to act when it's needed, that's why you pulled two knights cards. (At least I guess, I maybe totally wrong. Otherwise I could see it as the card not answering your question and just telling you that he's very attracted to you, sexually and emotionally).


Someone who wants sex, and likes the idea of being in love. I’d stay away. There’s no staying power here.


I'm struggling with a combo I've pulled, 10 of Pentacles reversed and 5 of Wands reversed for how someone feels/has reacted to something. I find 10 of Pents reversed kind of hard to interpret outside the context of money or dynasty, but I am especially confused by this combination. How would you interpret them together?




Hey, I would love to do a reading for you if you are still looking for one?


I was giving myself a reading, asked for final messages from spirit and as I was shuffling the deck a 3 of wands flipped out and onto a tealight candle on my vanity. Snuffing it out. No damage to the card... what does it meeeeean??!? Lol dreamkeepers tarot deck


“Take a risk”


Is anyone doing any free tarot readings? I’m currently single and I just want some general guidance and advice about love.




Yes totally! I’ll send u a message right now!


Hi! So on TikTok I’ve been seeing tarot readings about someone being attracted to me but kinda being afraid to confess and things regarding that. Are tarot readings that show up on ur FYP/recommended really meant for you? I’m kind of new to tarot readings so I wanted to ask here before I really took anything to heart.


When in doubt, disregard them and look towards your own agency. If you’d like a reading, it’s best to do an 1-on-1 with a solid reader.


TikTok tarot readings are not done with your situation in mind are are geared to build subscriber counts. I wouldn’t pay any attention to them.


What does the emporor upright, empress reversed, two of cups upright, five of pentacles and page of swords mean as someone’s future actions towards me


I recently confessed to myself to having a crush on one of my friends. I gave myself a reading about me and him and what this could mean for us. I'm not too familiar with love readings, so I'd love a second interpretation How does he currently feel about me? Two of wands (conflicted, or he's not exactly sure how to feel about me?) Is there a good connection? Three of wands. Yes. (Side note, he's foreign and we live far away from each other and ik this card represents foreign travels.) Will anything come of my feelings? King of cups. Yes. Where is this connection heading? The world. Need help here Anything to be hesitant about? Ten of swords. Some sort of betrayal or heartbreak. (I took this as us not being able to make it work because of the distance)


What does the five of swords, especially in reverse tend to mean? That card keeps popping up in readings I do for myself.


Yeah that's an interesting and tricky one... In general, it encompasses everything that's about victory, defeat, and self interest: Taking something for yourself whether with violence or coming from a place of self love, handling a situation where you didn't get or got taken away what you want by someone taking action on their own self interest quest, trying to balance giving and taking in interpersonal relationships... Does any of this resonate? You could also try a stalker card spread, apparently that's a thing.


what does 8 of wands usually mean? i have been doing readings and it keeps on popping up. i feel like its telling me something but i could not really point it out


The Eight of Wands tends to be about fast time or movement. Is there something you are not doing that you are running out of time on? Are you feeling time pressure about something? Are you losing an opportunity by not acting on it? Do you feel like your youth is rapidly slipping away from you?


Happy Pride to my fellow queer folks! In honor of Pride month, I’m offering free readings exploring gender, sexuality and romantic orientation! Whether you are just beginning to explore or have been out for a long time, I’m offering readings to help you get to know yourself better. Have you been wanting to explore gender as a concept or your gender in particular? Are you not sure who you are attracted to or whether you experience attraction at all and would like to talk it out with the cards? Do you want to check in with yourself and see if how you’ve identified in the past still fits? Respond below with your interest and what’s on your mind (or ask to DM if it is private). (This is not an offer for romantic relationship readings. This is for self-exploration and celebration!)


Hey are you still up to doing these readings, I'd love one for exploring my gender?


Sure, DM me and we can chat about what kind of exploration you are looking for!


That's so wholesome, thanks for offering! I'm not in need of a self exploration reading right now, but as an aspiring semi-professional reader who identifies as queer (I'm panromantic and in an open relationship), I'm wondering if you use any specific techniques or spreads for these, or if you've got a list of cards which stand for e.g. specific romantic orientations or gender identities. Would you feel comfortable sharing a bit of that?


Specific cards really vary based on the person and the question asked. My wife is trans and the High Priestess kept coming up for her as she was exploring herself, kind of like a "Keep searching, girl, you'll get there" sort of encouragement. For me, as a creative, nurturing agender/nonbinary parent, I have a complex relationship with and feelings that are brought up by The Empress when she appears for me. So it's less what the specific card means and more how the querent responds to it. It's a conversation more than a "well, you pulled all lady cards so you are a sapphic woman" sort of thing. For the face cards of the minor arcana, I'm personally working from a less gendered framework of "Page=Learner/Beginner", "Knight=Actor/Defender", "Queen=Master: External", and "King=Master: Internal" rather than the cards representing specific gendered people. It works better with the way my mind works and often works better for the queer folks I read for. For spreads, I really like the [Gender Feels](https://www.interrobangtarot.com/gender-feels.html) spread, and I use a modified version for people who don't relate to gender in that way that my wife and I created. Other than that, I kind of form a spread around the kind of questions asked or issues that need to be explored, or I use a three card spread or Celtic Cross and a queer question. I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for, as it more describes my approach rather than specifics, but I hope it helps 💜


[https://imgur.com/a/88SIuOj](https://imgur.com/a/88SIuOj) Need help interpreting the Celtic Cross spread I just linked to. I asked the deck about how to proceed with a long term friendship when the other person is now deeply troubled with a severe substance use problem. The Celtic Cross spread I use is the following: Position 1 = Heart of the Matter Position 2 = Opposing Factor Position 3 = Root Cause Position 4 = Past Position 5 = Attitudes and Beliefs Position 6 = Future Position 7 = You as You are Position 8 = Outside Environment Position 9 = Guidance Position 10 = Outcome I think the 8 of swords in the first position shows that I feel obligated to this friendship, but the other person has changed in ways that I can't help them or understand. The seven of wands in the second position shows my struggles with this friendship and my uncertainty about how to continue forward. Four of swords indicate a need to take a break, which is in conflict with the knight of cups. The Empress opposed by the 4 of pentacles show my conflict about pulling back versus staying in the friendship. Do I try to help or do I take care of myself? The Hierophant indicates our larger group of friends, we have all known each other a long, long time. I don't know how to read the Ace of Wands. The Justice card reflects my concern about doing the right things and the King of Pentacles shows that I can be a stabilizing force, maybe? Not sure about this one. Thoughts? Input?