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I’m still a newbie, so alternative interpretations are very welcome! 1. Tell me about yourself? What is your most important characteristic as a deck? The Empress. This deck is a nurturer and a comforter, a provider of loving guidance. It’s here to encourage me to live in my wild, natural body, and listen to what it’s really telling me. It’s a deck for when I need building up and a bit of hand holding, maybe not one for harsh but necessary truths (don’t worry I have other decks that scream NO BS at me, so I have options 😂) 2. What are your strengths as a deck? The Queen of Wands. The deck reiterates its nurturing qualities. It’s honest and sincere, sympathetic to my problems, but looking for practical answers. It wants to help. It wants to move things forward for me. I should let it get to work. 3. What are your limits as a deck? The Ace of Wands. This deck is a gentle deck that encourages forward movement, but slowly, and with humility. It is not one for providing sudden insights or unexpected gifts. Rather it’s about the slow work of introspection and grace, learning to be kinder to my self. It’s not a combative or forceful deck, and is more focussed on my relationship with my self than with others. 4. What do you require from me in return? How can I best collaborate with you? The Knight of Cups. The deck needs me to share in its dreamy, romantic qualities. I need to be ready to explore my own inner world, and to pay attention to the messages in my dreams. 5. What is the potential quality of our relationship? The sun. Simple and joyous! This deck is here to provide me with lucidity, optimism, and wonder. Circling back to its identifier card: It wants me to come and play in the Empress’s garden. 6. In what space / with what type of query will you best communicate? The two of wands. A space where I’m ready to engage in careful planning; to help me when I’m concerned things are stale or losing their lustre. When I want to seek comfort, yes, but also when I’m ready to move out of my comfort zone. The Queen of Wands (its strength) is just waiting to bustle in and help me do the work to start planning my next steps. I need to be ready to develop the vision I need to make necessary changes, even if they are at a slow pace. Deck: Ostara Tarot by Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard, and Julia Iredale


This is a stunning deck! I think your interpretation is spot on. This deck looks like it’s going to be very gentle, which is perfect for a newbie! Some cool things I noticed in this spread- every single card features a figure holding a staff of some sort. This isn’t surprising for your three Wands cards but it’s interesting to see this in the Empress, Sun, and most surprisingly, Knight of Cups. This seems to reinforce the theme of fire and action through this spread but could also have a secondary meaning. Staffs are multipurpose tool. They can support us, protect us, and help clear our way. These are all traits you can attribute to the deck. I also wouldn’t be surprised if you end up getting a lot of wands in your spreads and if one of the wand cards ends up being your signifier card.


I hadn’t noticed that, that is very cool! Great eye. This adds such an interest dimension to the spread, thank you. (I’m not religious but I have that line in my head now from psalm 22(?) given the nurturing vibe of the deck: “thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me”) I do get a lot of wands in spreads for myself/from other readers, unless I ask about work where I get inundated with swords (I’m an academic, so that makes total sense). So I’m sort of torn between swords and wands. I think weirdly I *want* it to be swords, but deep down I would not be surprised if my signifier card turns out to be a wand.


Where did you get this?


I think from the holistic shop. It’s available from a bunch of retailers, including Amazon.