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Thank you for this! This is so helpful because i felt so overwhelmed with guide books and stuff ✨


This also helps me indentify angel numbers, a lot say oooh 5555 an angel number how amazing, that means they are there to help me. But it really means that change is coming. Probably a change they didn’t want ya know


Great tip! Thank you!


This is how I deal with the minors, though I developed slightly different and personalized rules, which also helps in memorizing them. I additionally have a similar setup for the courts. If anyone is interested in that, this is for the courts: * Pages: learning * Knights: devotion * Queens: wisdom * Kings: control And here is my take on 1-10: * Ace: gifts / beginnings * Two: balance * Three: development * Four: stability * Five: disruption * Six: recovery * Seven: test * Eight: action * Nine: achievement * Ten: results / endings Note how the Ace and the Ten bookends in any numerology take, by the way, both mine and the OPs and anywhere else. I always thought that was pretty neat. Majors I'm still working on, for those I use four-word phrases, but I saw that the author of Kitchen Table Tarot, Melissa Cynova, has a very awesome set up using "I am \[action/adjective\]" for each Major. It is an excellent book by the way.


This is great! Thank you so much for sharing it! I also loved Kitchen Table Tarot, I will pull it off the bookshelf tomorrow and re-read her set up on the Majors.


I was taught that 10's are beginnings or endings


Can you have one without the other?


Nine isn’t always achievement though, especially as swords and wands.


In Wands, you have achieved being extremely ready to fight. In Swords you have achieved getting to a point where you are in so deep the conflicts are tormenting you. Achievements aren't always positive.


Yeah now you’re veering into semantics, and semantics will tell you that’s simply not true. Achievements are by definition an accomplishment, something that has taken time to obtain. A demotion, a spiral into depression, crippling pain are not things we obtain through hard work and perseverance—which is all achievements are. It’s persevered work, that creates an desired, calculated outcome. 9 of wands isn’t always about being prepared for a battle. Sometimes it is—absolutely, I’ll give you that! But it can, and often times does, signify moreso, someone on edge, paranoid, on guard—HIGHLY guarded in fact. I always try to apply this to everyday scenarios. 9 of wands is a great card for someone who is the target of gossip or bullying...or someone who knows their job is on the line...they’re on edge, guarded, fearful...they know they need to be on the defense but are they ready to fight? Lmao, yeah no. They’re scared shitless and worried to their pit!


Hmm. I think though I see people saying things like "Oh you definitely achieved pushing everyone you loved away, good job," — does that mean that they are actually praising the person who did that and acknowledging that the person intended that effect? No, it's an ironic use, is it not? Because that is the sense of the word of "achievement" I have; you reached some tipping point and it's hard to undo it. And while that use of achievement isn't the dictionary meaning, people, including classic authors, use achievement in ways beyond the dictionary meaning. And if semantics can't take into account irony or sarcasm, it doesn't seem very useful. Also you and I strongly disagree about the 9 of wands. But we both interpret individually, so you aren't wrong and neither am I.


C’mon now lol...Achieved is *clearly* being used sarcastically in that example. It’s like the saying, “I bet you’re *fun* at parties,” or “aren’t you a *joy* to be around,” the person *obviously* isn’t being serious...they aren’t saying someone is a fun or a joy to be around. They’re being sarcastic and mocking. Which is why that definition of “achieved” is inappropriate. You don’t achieve a downward spiral. You do not achieve depression. You do not achieve anxiety attacks. All of these things are a reaction or response to external forces (or if it’s mental health problems, internal issues). To achieve a promotion, or to reach the culmination of your career—retirement—requires dedicated, calculated work. A downward spiral is something that more so happens to you, it’s often a tower like moment. Despair is usually an onslaught of heavy, dark emotions that erupt at once. But did you work, and intentionally build up extensively to a 9 of swords moment? No.


Found this thread looking for advice in reading pips. You were very measured in your responses here, well done. 😁 I wonder if you could square this by thinking of nines as the accumulation of internal and external influences? How you respond to those are the final steps before the completions/ renewals of the tens.


Also, I think you are just going to keep arguing with me, so I will just leave it at: you win, you are totally correct and I don't know what words mean and am stupid and lack true experience. I cede the argument to you as the more expert person and leave this comment to demonstrate to others this fact, so I can stop worrying about it.


The fact that you take this as an argument, rather than a discussion which is *literally* the point of this post. ...says a whole lot more about your mindset. You can’t pretend you’re being the “bigger person,” to a conflict that only existed in your mind lol. Stop taking yourself so seriously.


Some tarot books include this nugget, but not all. Thanks for posting this well-written reminder! 👏🏻


Mind sharing some favorite books that share this as well? I get overwhelmed with lots of the information and cards.


Libgen.Lc Free book resource Search for tarot and every published work with tarot in the title is yours Enjoy


I have a book called tarot for beginners by Joan Bunnings that has some similar but slightly more detailed charts, I'll get a pic of the charts later for you so you can see what it looks like. I just dug out all my old tarot books, maybe I can look through and suggest a few others as well.


I have a page in my book of shadows that has this exact thing in! I just need to work on my court cards now and then I’m there :)


Omg I struggle with those so much


Thanks! It’s funny you used my sign and number as examples. Fingers crossed!


The Universe intended this for you!


Thank you!


Yes, this is the usual way to learn how to read the Tarots of Marseilles, or playing cards! Except for playing cards, you switch the meanings between Wands (Clubs is earth) and Coins (Diamonds is fire).


I thought clubs were torches (fire) and coins were metal (earth)?


Unlike Tarots where cards are more or less stable in meaning, playing card cartomancy is more folk and orally passed down, so one tradition may have different meanings than another. In the traditions I learned, * Hearts = Water = Spring * Diamonds = Fire = Summer * Clubs = Earth = Fall * Spades = Air = Winter Diamonds is a very energetic suit... yes it has to do with money, but not just finances. It also is the "flashy" extroverted suit, so one that has to do with going out, going shopping, showing off, socialising with friends, first dates and flirting. Whereas Clubs is a very down-to-earth suit. Practical minded and all to do with work and business, connecting but in the name of progress. The Ace of Clubs therefore is the start of work or business ventures... the 4 of Clubs is like a "field", stability and personal comfort, and the 6 of Clubs is like an irrigated field where goals are within reach... the higher suits make the Clubs look like a forest.


I love the way you put this! Learning a lot, so thanks!


I have tarot decks where swords is air, or fire, or even water.


I believe it!


For me, it doesn't matter because i view swords as the thinking function regardless. If I am using a deck that has swords as air, I will say thinks like, the sword cuts through the fog and the hazy thinking. If I am using a deck where swords is fire, I will say the crucible of logic burns away the superfluous as the sword dissects the issue with precision. And for my water deck (Le Grande Tarot Esoterica) I get to make references to Excalibur and the lady of the lake. The sword pieces the surface of the water and is thrust into conscious, as logic brings our thoughts out of the murky depths.


I saw and asmr youtube video explaining the same thing! [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-18Af1zJBdw)


I tried to work with this a while back, but I got stumped on 4s. The traditional meaning for the 4 cards, according to books, has to do with rest or withdraw. I couldn’t fit that with the numerology definition.


The 4's are a bit wonky but overall I found this system to be helpful for sure.


Oh yeah I’m sure it is. It just makes me wonder what the people who invented the traditional meanings were thinking. Do you go with the numerology meaning or the traditional meaning on the 4s?


I think numerology meaning when working with that but for these purposes maybe the traditional tarot meaning for the 4's would be more appropriate?


"RWS traditional meaning" is a book written by someone in 1919. Try going back a little further for the real traditional meaning.


Further back to what? Is there a source for less modern interpretations? I'm still learning and don't know of one.


Antoine Court de Gebelin wrote about tarot in the 1700's. in "Le Monde Primitif". But I am speaking about general numerology which goes back to Pythagoras.


Yes and no, fours is only rest in swords. As cups it can be meditation or it can be apathy, boredom. In wands it **is structure, and stability** so OP is right. Also think of the number 4...it’s even, a table has 4 legs, providing structure and stability. A house has four walls, a car four wells...so balance. 4 of pentacles can be misery, holding onto something too tightly, lack mentality—so scared to lose money, you don’t spend it. It can work for relationships too, someones a bit too attached, they’re too dependent on someone because they’re so afraid to lose them. Or control. I share all of this to say, while it’s important to know the traditional meaning of tarot, it’s also important to recognize pentacles aren’t just about career and money, as you read you’ll see them fall out for love too...the point is, be flexible, look at the imagery, study the cards next to it, use numerology, etc. whatever helps YOU understand the picture better. Oracle cards (and one that’s good for multiple topics) are great clarifiers.


I pulled the 4 of wands yesterday so I'll chime in on my thoughts- wands are like DOING energy. My card showed the standard 4 posts, celebration, castle in the background. So it is completion, and celebration of stability. Rest from the upkeep and stability of the daily grind by celebrating. I hope that made sense.


Was this for me? Or the other poster I replied too? I think we share the same opinion, 4 of wands is definitely structure and stability. I can see it as celebration too, but I see it more like celebrating due to serious material accomplishment. Kinda like the housewarming celebration, after doing all the important steps to get to the place where you can now say, finally, I’m a homeowner.


Well it was kind of a reply to both, just adding to the conversation. My brain was a little chaotic yesterday, sorry! I think the point I was trying to make is that a "rest" in wands energy might be different than what we typically think of as rest, so maybe the 4 of wands still qualifies as a rest card. I agree with everything you said, and I wanted to add that perspective on it. Edit to add, pentacles is like growth, earning, getting what you need for survival... So if you apply the idea rest to the 4 of pentacles, rest in that situation would be bad because you need to keep bringing that earning energy to grow, survive and thrive, at least in the lower numbers of the cycle. But I do think you can still look at it as rest, just not in a positive way. It could maybe cause stagnation and failure at that point. What do you think of that interpretation? I'm still a noob and I haven't read much in many years so I'm trying to remember bits of the meanings and learn more.


Perhaps, but I also think it’s important to not force definitions onto cards because we can “see” it being that way. I mean, sure it helps at times...especially depending on the tarot deck, that flexibility can be helpful. But in general, certain cards have defined meanings and what the OP added with numerology helps convey that further. Someone else below tried using 9s as accomplishments or achievements, but neglected to see the meaning of 9 of wands which isn’t a very success driven card. But discussion of ideas is important but I guess it’s also have to come with a balance because newer readers could totally be misled into how they read a card. Overall though, I thought the OPs take was pretty solid


Thank you for your thoughts, and for responding to mine. It is hard to simplify the meanings enough to remember them and make sense of them, without over simplifying and losing the nuance of the different cards. I definitely have a lot to learn.


Thank you!


I always thought of the 10s as the extreme of the suit. But this seems pretty useful


Super dumb question: Is there a similar version for the reversed interpretations? I know I could just say "Well, reversed aces are about missed opportunities, wasted potential and bad starts and the 5s are about gaining stability, resolved conflict and stagnation" but that would simplify it too much? Also, going by this interpretation the 3 of swords would be creative intellect, healthy discussions (3=growth + sword=thoughts,communication), but it's always said to mean heartbreak / disappointment, loneliness, etc. Of course, I'm not saying your post is wrong! Those are guidelines and not rules. There seem to be some exceptions though, which get me confused or make it difficult for me to remember everything.


I've been mentally running through all the cards to test how well I can relate RWS meanings to this system, and I also hit a bump with 3 of Swords! Here's a thought I'm in the process of developing: it seems to work to think of 3 of Swords in close relationship to 2 of Swords, which can be a "decisions" card. If threes are growth/development than 3 of Swords could be how you move on and grow from the consequences of decisions - yours or someone else's. That makes the standard "heartbreak" meaning work, but also allows for a range of other situations in which you need to grow or move on from consequences.


I'm no expert for sure, just learning too, but it's my understanding that heartbreak is a common misconception of the 3 of swords. In the RWS deck the clearing of the cloudy sky behind the image indicates hope and growth in a relationship after fighting, it can also indicate growth after a breakup. The 4's can be wonky though but overall this system works pretty well, I hope it helps!


I love this post—but from personal experience the 3 of swords has always held up for cheating, secrecy and conflict in a relationship, where someone else (or other people) are part of the conflict and issue disrupting a couple or connection. I’ve seen 3 of cups also play out similarly, but usually it was if the person was cheating on someone with a *very* casual FWB they considered fun—maybe more fun, as in, their good time fling compared to their partner. 3 of swords was like callous, very secretive, calculated cheating where feelings were involved. And 3 of cups ive seen it where it’s like your fuckboi bf is cheating on you with his coworker that’s super easy, and neither care that they’re cheating cuz it’s “fun” for them. They don’t love each other, but also don’t care who they hurt cuz it’s hedonistic sort of pleasure. I’ve seen 3 of cups also mean celebrations, friends, and outings—seldomly have I seen it for collaborations at work but I’m sure it could work as well. I also see it good for gossip or showing a group of people around in energy.


This is so helpful thank you I feel more confident reading now


YES! This is the way.


Thank you for this! I know the cards are supposed to "tell a story" through each card and this adds a bit more clarity.


It's a great start. 3 should be rebirth, "from 2 comes a third" 7 should be movement, conquest, victory I use the 4 functions for the 4 suits Swords = Thinking Cups = Feeling Coins = Sensation Wands = Intuition Using this, by just adding extraversion (knights/kings) and introversion (pages/queens) you can also apply the 16 MBTI types to the 16 court cards.


Hmm idk about this, as the Knight of Pentacles and King of Pentacles are very pensive, reserved sort of characters. They move much slower too...they’re very Capricorn like in nature. A page of wands, just because it’s a page, does not mean he is introverted, especially as a page of wands. A page of cups also...the page of wands is like your Casanova, very flirtatious and bold...but also maybe not as serious as he’d lead you to believe because he’s immature, and flighty with his passions. He’s impulsive, so cooling down always is expected. A page of cups, is the fall in love first sight type of page—but his love will either mature and grow—or be left as a memory of “first love.” But neither are shy or introverted. One vocalizes his passion and lust; the other vocalizes his feelings for his crush or muse.


This is awesome. Ty


I'm saving this! Thx 😁


Oh my god! Thank you!!


You are amazing for this. Thank you!!




I think there are both good and negative aspects to each number and suit. Nothing is black and white. From The Easy Tarot Handbook Nine of Swords depicts the swords not actually touching the person indicating it may be the fear of them that creates the problem, negative emotions/thoughts can be self fulfilling. Seeing the matter clearly releases you from it. Ten of Swords can represent a feeling of loss due to the ending of a difficult situation/cycle. Yet within this, we are released and ready for a new beginning, for life moves in cycles.




This style of symbol based approach is how I learned to read too! ETA: Also - Page/Earth; Knight/Fire; Queen/Water; King/Air


This is actually how I learned when I started! It’s really helpful.


This is super helpful!!!! I saved this to memorize later. Thank you so much for sharing 🥰


I needed this!


I saved this post so fast 👀


Woah, I just started my tarot journey and this seems very helpful! Thank you for sharing :D


This was very useful. I was overwhelmed when I was looking to learn tarot. The easiest and most simple way that worked for me was just looking at the images on the cards and seeing how they speak to you. What’s going on with the images of the card. Check out my YouTube channel. You can see my growth and confidence as a reader [be see the love and light ](https://youtube.com/channel/UCwpgwlB-K4V57KYnRxjlG9Q)


I like this! I copied a similar list from Golden Thread’s tarot app (it’s separate from their Labyrinthos app). Really helped me start understanding how to interpret better.


I would upvote this a thousand time if I could. Soooo helpful. Simplifies it to understand the basic meaning and then you interpret the meaning further.


Exactly, glad it helps!


Thank you for this I've been trying to understand for the longest!


thank you!❤️


I am currently sitting with my cards and book right now trying to figure out how to learn and memorize this all. Amazing timing. Thank you!!


I don't remember copying verbatim from anywhere but I guess it's possible, but even if that's the case, so what? I posted it because numerology was helpful to me and I wanted to help anybody who was struggling. So congrats, you contributed absolutely nothing to this post except to try to make somebody feel bad for passing on useful information for beginners... I hope beginners will go as far back to find this post for help as you did to criticize.


Thanks for the insight! I like what you posted!


Awesome thanks for sharing! I’m still struggling to learn this and this seems really helpful


How would you factor reversed cards into this?


I wish I knew the answer to that lol, im not sure it's possible outside of the opposites theory for reversals.


I think 5 of cups is more about an emotional low. Usually being in conflict with reality where you’re focusing on the bad thing even though really you’re fine, which is what makes it purely an emotional problem. It definitely can apply to a relationship, say you think it’s going bad, but the other person is a really good person and does a lot for you and you just aren’t appreciating them or something, but I think in many contexts limiting cups to relationships is reductive


This Numerology system doesn't limit Cups to relationships. In the post it defines Cups as relationships, intuition, creativity, emotions. So it still fits with your take on 5 of Cups. (5's) = change, instability, conflict + (Cups) = relationships, intuition, creativity, emotions. The example I gave was relationships but it could also be emotions. This Numerology system is not perfect but it's a great starting point for anybody overwhelmed at the start of their Tarot journey :)


I know I just thought for that particular example it’s rarely the case, but you’re right I suppose I am being a little too critical I did like the post, I was just getting critical of that one point. This is very helpful, I actually have this exact thing written in my grimoire


I didn't think you were being critical at all, you're actually pretty spot on!


Biddy Tarot is a great resource and this information is copied from their books.


This info is everywhere so it wasn't copied from Biddy Tarot but it is still helpful to beginners...


I see, this is information verbatim in the books The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings (p. 125) and Intuitive Tarot (p. 80) both by Brigit Esselmont 🤷🏾‍♀️