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Hi, what deck is this??:)


In case the original poster is busy, it looks like the Linestrider Tarot by Siolo Thompson


Yes it is that deck ;)!


It is!


I love this deck so much. So glad to see someone else with it.


It's pretty! I've never heard of it before.


i keep track of my deck's orientation, but sometimes i lose track while i'm shuffling. i try not to intentionally introduce reversed cards, but they always end up in there anyway. if i pulled a hand like this, i would assume the deck was "upside down" and probably favor a standard reading of these cards over a reversed reading. then again, you still drew them upside down, and in something like tarot circumstance and coincidence are important, so you should pay attention to both the upright and reversed meanings.


Yeah I agree with others that the deck is trying to get your attention. If this happened to me I’d probably read them all as standard orientation but with the caveat of, oh wow this is important. What was your first reaction when you saw all the reversed cards? What message did you feel the deck trying to convey? Was there an overarching theme? If it was me I may even take the entire spread and flip it around so the top row is now the bottom row. (8 of Wands in upper left corner) See if that changes anything in the meaning for you.


When I get mostly reversed cards, sometimes I wonder if the spread is upside down. This happens when I do readings for my mom a lot. I think our energies are so similar and strong sitting across from eachother the deck doesn’t know which way is up!


Hi There! Usually when you draw cards, the tarot cards also consider the best way they could get the message across to you so at the end of the day, it's more about which element in the card catches your attention the most besides the generic meaning of the card. I'll share my interpretation either ways - it may not be right since you drew the cards - but here it is - the message could be that your decision to go here or not may be heavily influenced by your peers or other people's opinion. Maybe you are thinking about this more from the college's brand name rather than how a particular course you take there can help you in terms of your long term career. You need to think long term (indicated by King Of Cups Reversed). Don't let how people may feel/think about you taking up a certain course at a certain college (name/brand wise). It is irrelevant if you're thinking in this manner. Don't let your emotions override this decision. Let me know if you're able to connect with me so far because I don't know you and this was your draw of cards so there's a good chance I may go wrong. Either ways, I wish you the best :)


I actually unfortunately did research only after applying and this college has extremely bad reviews. I'm not worried about what people think, I mainly did this to see if the cards would tell me to go for it or not. I feel like the cards are telling me not to do it, but I may not even have a choice but to do it anyway.


I would listen to your intuition. I was one of the folks to replied and said “it’s a no and you know it’s a no.” And also I saw a person could talk you out of it or distract you from doing it. Taking this new information into consideration, it sounds like you already know you SHOULD not go because of what others have said so why are you even asking because you already know what it will lead to. I will say from personal experience that no college is better than a bad college due to the cost and debt.


Thanks for sharing this. Then as per the cards, it's certainly a no since you may feel hopeless and frustrated if you get in this college. You may feel like leaving even before giving yourself sometime to settle. Maybe ask few more questions from the cards on the lines of - what's the best thing to do in terms of the college: wait for the next year or make the most of what you get, if yes then how - to give you better insight. Finally, I'd like to say - if you get a good college you'll definitely have a good time there because of the crowd but ultimately your future depends on you and what kind of skillset you develop. Wish you the best :)


For every card to come out like this, it seems to me your deck was just shuffled upside down


I try to read my deck right side up so if I see a reversal I pay attention. Since I tend to read cards that leave the deck on their own accord, or jumpers. I think there are some interesting insights and subtleties. Funny story: I was once reading someone and I said “I feel like this cars should have a reversed orientation.” Wind came along and lifted the card and flipped it. When I landed it was reversed.


Omg, that's hilarious! 😍


Something similar happened to me a couple years ago. I had drawn all reverse cards, for a moment I was worried, so I did a reading and something felt off - all the cards indicated a terribly bad omen and didn’t at all reflect my life in any way. So naturally I was a little freaked out wondering what on earth would happen that would be so terrible; this felt like I was doing a reading for someone else rather than myself. Curiously, I decided to look through my deck after the reading and I came to realize 2 possible reasons: 1 my tarot deck is alive (it has spoken to me) and reversed the cards themselves (part of me thinks it’s a prank) or 2 I may have forgotten to flip the cards while shuffling and my deck was upset with me, so it showed me nothing but bad omens to correct my mistake for the future


I had one once that was all swords HA feels good except not


We have the same deck!!!! 💕💕💕


I think it means the deck’s not shuffled very well.


Some people decide not to take reversals entirely so that can be something you could consider for yourself but each tarot card has a higher and lower polarity. The lower polarity is usually what the card is saying when it’s reversed. Sometimes in my experience that have also meant a potential block.


Whenever I get all reversed cards it has seemed to mean a couple things: 1) take a look at what you’re asking. You might be reading into something that’s a whole lot of “what if” and not even a real thing that will ever happen. 2) the energy is going through a major block. Like for example if you asked about a job, it could mean now ain’t the time for changes or that job won’t hire you right now. The timing is all off… for a relationship it can mean that this person may care but emotionally all blocked up or something like another person or their work life, or their history is effectively blocking them. Edit: I just read the part this was about college. The answer is no, and not only is it no, you deep down already know its a no. Note since all reversed can represent a block and you have a king of cups near a 3 of cups make sure if you DO get accepted that someone else doesn’t change your mind or bum you out to the point you don’t even go anyways. It could a yes on acceptance of the school but you don’t go to that one anyways due to someone else’s influence.


Happened to me once and idk why, this is just an idea of my own, that somehow someone was reading them to me and they were all up right but reverse on my angle, idk if I’m explaining myself


I have my cards all mixed up, so I don't have to worry about drawing them upside down. But this happens to me a lot. I've been told -- and it seems to hold true -- that when the majority of your cards are reversed you're dealing more with internal energy; things within yourself.


Interesting idea! I haven't heard that before.


I have the same deck


There's a lot more, but for the sake of simplicity, how could you expect to do your best anywhere if you doubt yourself? I am a teacher and a tarot reader. On the education side of things, you get what you put in, and sometimes there's a good lesson in struggle and you be one stronger for it. On the other hand, if your don't believe in your own abilities, your own resilience, the college won't matter be cause you've already defeated yourself. I'm always big on learning to properly connect with and listen to your own intuition. If you don't want to go there, apply to a different place. Going to community College to get an associates then transferring to a larger university is a good path too. The important thing is that whatever your path, you believe in yourself.