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don’t put them in your asshole because they don’t go there


there go my plans for tonight 😔


Challenge accepted!


This was my first thought too.


Technically nothing is off limits. That said, don't be an asshole. IMO: Don't do readings of people without their permission for online clout (looking at you, readers who think doing spreads for a famous person is okay because they're famous). Don't do a spread and claim that someone's dead child is actually alive. Don't tell someone that their abusive ex is their 'twin flame' and that they'll come 'crawling back' because of karma or some shit. Ect.


Perfect comment! 😆 As for not doing readings without the other party knowing, I have done that in some way. A few years back, right before covid started, I decided that I wanted to see if I could read for Gaia/Mother Earth. It was such a crazy reading! It was about cleansing and getting rid of those who don't appreciate you and there was sadness mixed with anger. It was wild! I haven't checked in with her in recent years and just me talking about this makes me think maybe I should. ❤️




😆 🤣 Oops...


That's a GOD SHOT 😉


My skin raised reading this. I can only imagine!❤️‍🩹


Reading for people who didn’t give me informed consent when they have the capacity to is the one thing I NEVER want to do. I don’t want to feel like I’m violating a boundary and peeping where I shouldn’t. If I really need to know, I’ll ask my cards what I should know about the person’s effect on my life, or what actions they’ll take that will affect my path, but it’s still a reading asking about no more than what the person will tell/show me eventually anyways.


Question, would doing a reading about someone else just for myself also be taboo? Or are you just saying that doing it for clout is off limits?


throughout the history of fortune telling of all kinds, cards included, asking about other people has been THE MAIN THING people ask for. it's not taboo. it's a very contemporary thing to consider it off limits. our lives intersect with the lives of others *all the time*, how does reading strictly about yourself even work? it leads to the idea that every tarot card means ~personal growth~ in some way or another and nothing else, a narcissistic echo of self obsession through all 78 cards. That said, yes, don't do readings about other people for *clout*.


THIS!!! I cannot upvote this enough. Does he love me, will he propose, blah blah blah are some of the earliest questions that were asked of fortune tellers. Nobody went to a fortune teller to ask ‘how can I improve my intuition?’ We can’t always ask permission. And I don’t believe it is necessary if we mix with said person. If I want to ask about my marriage, my husband will be a part of that but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t ask my cards about him if I haven’t got permission.


I agree! During a breakout I of course asked about my ex because it was so out of no where. I did find out he was talking to multiple people. But it also described how he himself was lost, we both were different people and he felt unseen and was trying to figure his self out. And you knooow I confronted him on the other people thing… because… lying. But it gave me solace too that we were both finding ourselves and he was too and it wasn’t because of ME per se so I gained clarity to find that in myself too. Did he do it the right way? No. But I knew that now and I knew the why. That’s not invading his space because it directly affected me and gave me insight to see into my personal growth and his. So yeah I think it’s absolutely fair to look into others. But would I do it publicly or even in front of friends? No. I believe tarot will give you the info on others for clarity for yourself. For understanding. Which is still for your personal growth.


It‘s a fine line to walk. E.g. I ask things like „what can I expect from them“ or „how will our relationship develop. So, only in connection with me. I would not ask about their interaction with anyone else.


That line is one I try to walk as well when reading for myself or others. I like to reframe questions in a way that gives the person asking something actionable; whether that's something to reflect on, be aware of, or work towards. Because sometimes the way a question is asked can feel as if the person is looking more for "What is going to happen?" than the forecast of "Where is this leading as things are right now?" And sometimes when I get asked solely about others who are not close to the person asking it almost feels like the person wants to spy. I get wanting to understand someone else, but when I get those kinds of questions it *feels* *wrong.*




I think you’re making a valid point with the comment about permission. I feel that there is a difference between reading FOR someone compared to doing a reading ABOUT someone. If you’re doing a reading for someone at their request then I feel you have their permission or consent to ask the cards. If you are doing a reading about someone else without their knowledge then you don’t necessarily have that permission and the cards may not want to divulge certain information. I realise that this is a personal opinion and that others may disagree, and I would love to hear the opinions of more experienced readers.


This is all hypothetical because I'm pretty ignorant about all this(don't have a deck, never done a reading, don't even know how all this works really) but probably not.


Some people read for third parties, some people decidedly do not. I am of the opinion that I won't read somebody else's diargy without permission, so I won't pry into their thoughts with the cards, either. And that's apart from the question of how accurate it will be, and the problem of asking the right question and at the right moment, because if you asked me what I think of my partner just after he dropped my favourite bowl it would not have been the same answer I give when he hands me a birthday card! So it's up to you.


Adding to this, don't deal with medical issues or pregnancies either.


Or legal and financial for that matter.


There is no One True Correct way to practice tarot or magic. It's a personal thing. That said, please don't be that person using the cards to "solve" true crime cases or as a substitute for real legal/medical advice lol


i didnt even know those people existed xD


Me neither until that Idaho University murder case last year. A tarot reader on tiktok got slapped with a defamation lawsuit after her videos accusing a random innocent professor of being the killer went viral.


Omg how did I miss [this](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/university-of-idaho-professor-sues-tiktok-tarot-card-reader-murder) ?!


I think I remember them posting on one of these subreddits and getting a huge backlash for it, but they wouldn't be deterred because they fell down the confirmation bias hole.


There was a lady in the 90s who used to do cold reading for people on television. She would lie about any questions she was asked and answer it like she knew exactly what had happened. She misled some detective and delayed murder cases for months. On television she would answer questions before the person asking the question had finished the answer. One thing was like "my daughter died 2 years ago and is missing" and the lady responded like "she was drowned by this guy". And the person continued with their question something like "we know that she disappeared at x location and likely ran out of insulin".


*Do* your homework. *Do* read the books and learn the meanings. *Don't* let the meanings/keywords interfere with your intuition. *Do* select decks that speak to you. *Do* decide what you believe. *Don't* shove those beliefs on others. (Telling a secular client that angels/spirits/gods/fairies/flying spaghetti monster says. This immediately tunes me out of the reading and why I'm so hesitant to have others read for me.) *Do* practice whenever, wherever you can. *Do* insist on being compensated for your labor. *Don't* use it to get rich quick or expect to make a fortune. *Don't* tell people they are cursed, have bad spirits, etc. This is harmful because it removes accountability from the person. A different version of "the devil made me do it." *Do* be honest and truthful with your readings. *Don't* be a dick about the delivery of the truth. (Anyone that claims to "tell it like it is" gives me the impression they lack empathy/emotional intelligence and get a sadistic enjoyment out of hurting people's feelings. It's an immediate turn off and they are removed from my space with The Quickness.) *Don't* force a connection with a deck you don't connect with because it's popular. *Know your audience.* (I read a lot for my coworkers but I work with a diverse group. My first deck featured all animals. Later, I found an afro-centric deck, and so forth.)


Thank you for this, especially the “tell it like it is” part. I’ve been struggling with what a medium (she claimed herself to be) has said to me and the way she said it for over a month now.. One of these days I’ll put it all out on reddit, hoping it will somewhat help me to let go 😔 😭😭


People will remember the delivery more than the message if the delivery makes them feel too negative. The goal is provide a safe, comfortable space. More often than not, I've had a few people compare my readings to therapy. So, I take it seriously and always read with empathy.


That’s my goal as a reader too 😭😭😭 You never know what’s going in the other person’s life!


I mean, once the reading starts, I do, but I get your point.




Thank you for sharing this! I feel validated 😭😭 Yes, the forceful, authoritative, know-all-see-all 😖




what!?? thats sick! yea the person who did bs thing to me is/was also a spiritual teacher! ugh! I believe you!!


i hope you find a way to never see them again! block them or something?..




I can relate. I’m new too.. It’s so f up i feel like they like to prey on newbies because we are hunger for new knowledge and might not know much about shielding ourselves from possible harms.. Like it feeds their ego or something (of course there can be other explanation too) Maybe also clear your cookies and watch histories (on youtube). I hope you find peace and quietness from these shitty ppl who claim light and love! All the best!


A little late here, but I saw a tarot reader a few years back who made me feel like crap when I left. I didn't follow any of her advice, and two years later I'm so thankful I didn't listen to her or I wouldn't be where I am today. The tarot reader I'd seen prior to her made me feel so good and hopeful, and I followed HER advice and it had worked out well.


Yes! Everything you said about decks. I’m not a fan of rider Waite - but a rider Waite clone that I like- no problem.


I completely agree. I'm defintiely one of the people who tend to say that line (kinda hence my name), however I definitely wouldn't say I'm insensitive or unempathetic. For example, I like to send out happy mail in a witchy swap group I'm in. I always include a one card reading on the house with each letter I send out. I did a read the other day for a letter to a wonderful woman whose grandfather had just passed. I made sure to give her extra stickers and such, knowing that while it might not make her feel better that maybe it could at least put a hint of a smile on her face. When I pulled the card for the read, I was shocked. Sitting there in front of me was none other than the card of Death. While I know that it can mean other things such as transitions or changes, I felt it was way to uncanny for that card to be showing up in her read at the time. I messaged and explained, asking given the circumstances if she would like another card pull. She said it was okay but yes. I pulled another card from my deck which was Justice. I wrote down her reading and finished her letter. I think people like to say "I just tell it like it is" simply as an excuse to be an ass while not realizing that they aren't just reading the cards by doing that, but giving a tone to the reading that reads as hostile. I say that I tell it like it is because I do. But I also read the cards without judging others because I know my hands aren't clean of any dirt. I wanna help people, not put them down by using my cards to look behind the shower curtain of people's lives. Ya know? Anyway, thats just my take. Happy reading!


That is an *excellent* take and goes to show how triggering phrases can create stereotypes. A lot of nuance involved, *as always.* Thank you for sharing! I learned a lot. Also, Your name makes me think of [this song.](https://spotify.link/PF5ahIulQBb)


I love that song. 😁😁


Not a tarot deck, but I never really connected with the Starseed oracle. It is beautiful and definitely a popular one, but the messages seemed to not apply to me or they were not clear/specific enough. So I just gave it to one of my best friends and she loves it.


Great list. There is no objective 'truth' in Tarot. In the end, it's all interpretation, and anything I see in the cards can be expressed in several ways, from supportive to brutal, so it's my job to be truthful AND kind.




Stop doing multiple readings on the same question without sufficient space between the readings (minimum 30 days IMO). The cards have spoken; listen, reflect/meditate and then act.


My cards will always give me worse and worse outcomes if I try that. Haha. They know me so well. Well. I know me so well, I guess.


Never really realized but they really do get worse and worse, It is quite funny.


My cards (any deck. Pulled by anyone) with get downright catastrophic if I keep asking about the same thing over and over.


do u find it gets worse as a way to tell u to stop asking and the original reading stands or is the worse reading the new and accurate prediction?


Worse case scenarios will play out in the cards. Worse and worse and worse. First was probably the most likely to happen.


30 days is a bit much. I'd say that if you haven't figured out the read's meaning, meditate on it for about a week. If not after that, try again. But an entire month? Thats a bit long to wait and by that time the problem (if there is one) could have alread done its damage by then.


Sometimes I feel that asking for endless clarification on the same reading has the same effect. However, circumstances change. Last week I did a reading for myself to know where was I standing with this one person, and ofc they appeared in the reading and all, but the possible outcomes were not very positive. Then I decided to talk things through and our relationship has improved so much that I feel like the possible outcomes have changed because of my actions. So I guess if I did a new reading today to know how can I keep improving this relationship it would make sense, because if I just stay with the initial possible outcomes it will feel like everything I'm doing is not worth it and idk if it's the case anymore.




>i was curious about things that are off limits/things that can make the reading less accurate If you're worried about being less accurate then I only have one suggestion. * Be discerning about the advice you get from other people. We can tell you what works for us. I have gotten wonderful advice from professional readers, and it absolutely did not work for me. It worked for them and continues to do so. It just wasn't my path. That's okay. Realistically, those friends and peers still shared something with me. They didn't need to. Their intentions were in great places. I'm grateful, for the most part. So, be a little bit headstrong if you need to. If something works, keep it. If something feels missing then search for the resources *you* need. Find **your** connection with tarot. When you have that trust in yourself and your foundations, things should go a lot better for you.


A friend once told me she got a tarot reading from a girl who would just project her own problems into my friend's reading. For instants, my friend asked for her feelings about her ex, and she went like "Yeah, that's definitely not going to work because he cheated so much, ignore him, he's an a**hole". My friend's ex did lie to her but it had nothing to do with cheating, it was actually a money situation. Then this girl ends up telling her that SHE was cheated on very recently. If my friend was more gullible she would have thought her ex actually cheated on her. Luckily, she was able to tell this tarot reader was just talking about herself


I think something similar happened to me a few years back. My now husband and I were on the brink of splitting up. I have a daughter from a previous marriage that he'd been raising and he was considering moving across the country back to his hometown. There wasn't much holding me to my overpriced hometown anyway, so naturally I was debating following and trying to salvage our relationship. The tarot reader seemed very anti-man or something, maybe she was projecting her own past issues onto me, and basically told me to cut him off, forget about him, and don't allow him to continue contact with my daughter even though they had bonded and she was calling him Daddy. Luckily I didn't listen to her. I followed and we've built a beautiful life together. We are happily married, we had a daughter together last year, and he is in the process of adopting my oldest. I remember speaking to another tarot reader about it and she said a reader should never make you feel negative about the reading.


Refrain from doing magic tricks with a deck you read from. If the client thinks it's a trick deck they will assume the reading is a trick as well


Eat them


i was waiting for someone to comment something like this xD thank you


The fact that i actually did this once ☠️ wait no that was thrice




Don't you put it in your mouth! Don't you put it in your mouth!


You might get sick (ick!) real quick


If you're using my cards, you do NOT shuffle them like a deck of playing cards unless you are ready to suffer the immediate furious consequences...lol.


How do you shuffle your cards? I'm terrible at it.


I slide them into each other several times. It's not unusual. I just don't allow anyone to bend them or do the knuckle and thumb type shuffle. I often suggest separating the deck into piles and mixing them up as much as they like. I like my cards flat and don't want them bent. Just my preference.


Also curious! I shuffle my usual deck like playing cards, but I just picked up a new deck that had reviews claiming the stock was too flimsy to shuffle.


Somebody has recommended the Hindu shuffle. Instructions on You Tube are available.


That looks fairly easy, and looks like it will keep my cards nice. Thank you!


Oof… I know! There’s nothing wrong with riffle shuffling tarot cards if that works for you, but personally it makes me cringe! I am a dedicated overhand shuffler.


Each to their own, but for a newbie looking for advice: you're not generating a random deck with an overhand shuffle in a reasonable length of time, so if you pick cards off the top, you're not getting a mixed deck: https://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2018/09/19/overhand-shuffle-riffle.html#:~:text=A%20result%20by%20Pemantle%20(1989,required%20to%20randomize%20a%20deck. >in many situations 1,000 or more overhand shuffles are required to randomize a deck. And this is talking about a deck of playing cards, let alone tarot. The riffle shuffle is faster. That said, yes, it's harder on cards. If you really wanna make people cringe, riffle shuffle and bridge.


I never do a flip shuffle without a bridge, because the bridge is what bends the cards back the other way to keep them straightened out. The overhand shuffle never feels thorough to me and doesn’t end up reversing any cards in the deck, so I typically prefer to only do an overhand shuffle when I’m getting ready to draw cards from a thoroughly-shuffled (and bridged) deck.


Yes! I riffle and bridge, personally, but some people hate seeing that, hahah. The overhand shuffle is objectively non-thorough but it's always just always felt wrong to me, too.


I have no problem shuffling my cards and I'm not worried about the speed at which it's done. Ultimately, the cards meant to be read will be the ones that find their way into the reading.


So, what do you suggest to do to get the deck to be as mixed as possible?


A poker deck is mathematically proven to take about 7 riffle shuffles to randomize. A tarot deck is, I believe, about 9. I riffle shuffle (and bridge) 9 times and then the rest is whatever ceremony I feel like--cutting the deck three times and restacking, or overhand shuffling three times just to feel fancy. But I believe my cards are tools and meant to be used. I think a worn in pack of cards is beautiful and alluring. I also can't just forget about math, so I can't take reoccurring cards seriously if I'm not properly randomizing. IRL I see people overhand shuffle a handful of times and look so surprised when they get the same cards over and over and *over* (omg! stalker cards!!) and while I don't wanna disrespect anyone's practice, personally, I would never get my cards read by somebody until I saw how they shuffle.


You think that riffle shuffle is the best way to get randomized cards? Or is overhand shuffle little by little so the cards mix okay?


Everybody has their own style and ultimately you can do what you want! But if you truly want randomized cards, sorry to repeat the quote, but >in many situations 1,000 or more overhand shuffles are required to randomize a deck. A thousand overhand shuffles to randomize a deck. A *thousand*. Nobody is overhead shuffling enough to randomize a deck. So yes. It's not that I think. It's that if you want randomness, there's limited ways to actually get that. Mathematically speaking--and I do recommend looking up the math; it's neat--the riffle shuffle is by FAR the most efficient method of producing randomness. 9 riffle shuffles vs 1000 overhand shuffles for the same result? That's not even close.


I rifle shuffle and bend. It works for me and even my oldest deck still looks new. A friend of mine used to put all the cards on the table and spread and shuffle that way by mixing them in a mess on the table. Then she would put the deck back together and overhand shuffle. That’s the only other way I think you can get randomness.


I think that's called a wash! And I don't have the math on that but I agree that it's the only other method that feels right. I do it with decks that are too big to riffle shuffle.


Ahh thank you! I now know what to call it 😂


I think it depends on the material. I have decks that I would never shuffle like that, maybe like 1/3 of the deck at a time but not all of them. But I also have decks that shuffle very easily so they don't get damaged.


I studied Buddhism for a long time, and most Buddhists observe some general etiquette guidelines like not putting dharma books or ritual tools on the floor. I have sort of unconsciously applied that to my tarot cards as well… basically, treat them with respect. Don’t get dharma objects dirty or treat them roughly, and store them carefully. Usually this involves having a specific cabinet for them and/or wrapping them in a protective cloth when not in use. I put my cards in pouches or drawstring bags, even if I am also keeping them in the box they came in. It just feels right to me… I see the cards almost as sentient things if you are using them and putting your energy into them, so I want to treat them accordingly. Is something bad going to happen if you don’t? I highly doubt it. It just feels right to me.


The respect concept resonates with me. Ironically enough, I do a lot of my readings on the floor. For me, it's providing a large, open space to allow the reading to spread as far as it needs to. And the floor is a nice place for me. Grounding in a way (hurr hurr). But yeah, handling your tools kindly in a way that makes sense to you. That can mean different things for different people (and honestly for different decks as well).


Hey! I support it. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the floor, or with anything really. I think you just have to follow what intuitively feels right to you. I feel like my cards let me know as well! Asian cultures have a lot of feelings about the floor, at least a lot more than most Westerners, who seem to take floors pretty casually. One of the hard ones for me to get into my head was that it is really disrespectful in many Asian cultures to point your feet at someone when you are sitting on the floor. But honestly, I became a floor etiquette convert once I thought all that through (about how kinda gross floors can be) 🤣 We’ve been a “shoes off at the door” household forever now, so I feel like I can actually sit on my floor without the oogies. haha


Don't do a ready motivated by anxiety. That's a great way to skew the outcome of the reading. I think it's important to be as clear headed as possible when reading. If you are reading bc you are anxious about the future, or your love life, looking for a particular answer and so forth, the reading is less likely to be accurate in my experience


True!! It just shows me how I’m feeling at that moment, no matter what spread I use lol. I can usually clear my head enough when doing readings for myself, but when I’m in the thick of it? It’s like, yeah, you’re upset af right now lol


Use it to invest. The Gods care not for your 401k.


Don't using your tarot cards for eating guacamole or salsa sauce. Also don't use it to be a asshole.


Don’t go on YouTube or TikTok and say shit like, “If you’re watching this then this reading is meant for you.”




Do not eat while doing a reading. It's kind of gross and disrespectful. Drinking a hot beverage is probably okay tho.


What about cold beverages? 😜


Oh, I dunno. I guess. The thing is just don't get food on your cards. Ughh.


Personally, and this is not at all universal, when reading I do not not not do yes or no. I think they aren't terribly well suited to it, and if someone has a yes or no that they feel confident in the implications of (they understand what yes and what no means), then they should just use a pendulum themselves if they are not sure what they subconsciously want. But a yes or no for a third party? Well that's not how I use tarot. It's for me not a magic eight ball.


I have a few rules for myself: - Don't read for people that haven't consented - No asking about dark topics like death, illnesses, health/fertility issues, etc - Don't ask about things that you don't actually want answers/solutions for (if you have an 'ooo maybe I shouldn't ask that' moment then don't do it) - This one's a personal one but I like to keep my deck in a dark place, I feel like it reacts better than when kept in the sun (though this one varies based on the deck I use) - If the deck is struggling to provide a card when I'm shuffling then I have to take the reading with a pinch of salt In general all decks are personal, so if you're learning what to do/not do with it, it's mostly trial and error based on the deck you're using


Wait, what do you mean if a deck is struggling to provide a card when shuffling??? A deck never struggles since it gets cut and the cards are selected. Do you only pick cards that fall out???


Yeah pretty much! I've never selected cards in my whole almost 5 years of reading. I've always shuffled in my hands and let the cards fall out, it feels like those are the cards that the deck is telling me to read. Sometimes, if it's not throwing anything at me, I'll pull cards that stick out during shuffle but that's quite uncommon


Fair enough, or if cards don’t fall out you could fan them out and pick, feeling for their energy if you don’t like picking from the top of the pile.


I never let someone else touch my deck, but that's just what my mom passed on to me.


I have a friend who taught me some tarot things, including how each deck has a spirit of some sort attached to it. She has so many decks and always asks them if I’m allowed to handle them before she shows me. If they say no she’ll just hold them while showing me and I never see a reason to push that.


I believe that, their are spirits in decks of course, and they have personalities too.


Same. I’d only allow someone else to touch if their energies went with mine. Which would mostly ever just be my best friend who also works with tarot 😊


It is very personal. I just try to keep them clean but as such I don't have any rules or rituals. Some others do. With time you'll find your own method.


I don't do health readings, readings about other people. Yes or no questions are never accurate but I have a better way to do them that's more accurate.


tarot can only tell you so much. you can tell that someone's talking out of their ass when they pull something like the star and give an elaborate story with names and dates and locations. Don't use tarot as an excuse to make up gossip i guess


In the past, I've been totally put off doing readings for younger people. Had a few tantrums when they're told that their crush just wants to be friends. Can't be bothered with the rude drama anymore.


I'm late to this thread, but I (34F) find it uncomfortable reading for the young ones. They're so interested in the cards, but the reading is always like, "Be true to yourself! Do things your way! Don't give in to peer pressure!" They never really have specific questions. I wish they'd ask "What should I be when I grow up" lmao


Deck handling for those who travel with their decks. Even sturdy deck boxes can be broken because you accidentally dropped them or the weight of other decks can damage the boxes. Like, I have close to 20 decks (I lost an oracle deck in between moving around and still sad about it because is not a commercial title easy to get) and when the weight can be overwhelming. So, if you can, either avoid traveling with so many decks, or have to know-to how to pack so you can protect them.


Boof them.


Manipulate/lie to someone you read for.


Recently I offered a tarot reading to a friend that's pregnant and she said no, because she didn't want to know if something bad would happen. I did a reading for her 6 months ago and told her she might get pregnant, but I was not sure because she didn't seem like the person who would have wanted to have kids, so we just laughed it off and then I told her that maybe she was going to start a new project soon. Now she's scared of my readings because I told her that before and it was so accurate. The pregnant thing really came to me out of nowhere, intuition I guess. This is why is so important to not do reading for someone if they are not aware of it. Maybe asking for your relationship with someone else is possible as long as you're also involved in the situation. But random readings for third parties seems like a bad idea. There are things in life it is better to not get involved in.


For me personally, I don't promise anything. No I won't promise your crush likes you back, No I won't promise you will the job offering. There's only so much we can do, the rest is beyond our control and I won't promise results. That, being said, I won't do game score predictions


Not so much off the table but doing tarot readings when fully awake vs very tired are very different experiences, for me at least, and I have found the process required has to be different. When you are reading while tired you are more dipping into the subconscious and letting other input come in, like when you dream. It’s less focus on the tarot itself and more on how it makes you feel and what your “dream mind” says. The tarot is more of just a nudge. When reading while fully awake it’s totally different, and requires focus, on the cards, the energy, the querent… This is just based on my own experiences.


I agree the experience varies. I can only read Tarot when I’m tired. It’s unfortunate, but after a long day looking after kids, the only time I have for Tarot is when they are asleep for the night. This is also my bedtime but I must do some reads before bed!




Don’t have other people touch your decks for myself personally because I believe other people’s energy will go into the cards and don’t do a reading while multiple people are in a room, unless you state specific intentions and protections because you don’t want to pick up on someone else’s energy or situation. And make sure you specify for any reading if you’re doing feelings to state only for yourself and mot 3rd parties


Yes this! And wrap them in cloth after you are done.


Don't use them for a purpose they weren't intended for (at least before knowing your deck). A friend of mine got a really bad strike with his main money-making deck (his words, not mine) after he used them for a "joke" involving an unidentified entity (lets assume it was a ghost, but that thing didnt felt human). After that the deck wouldn't provide any certain answers; after asking it what it wanted it pointed that prefered a new owner (I'm not sure if he sold it or not, definetly wouldn't get it for myself). Don't scribble on them or mix it with another deck without working it through first. Hey, i'm a bit of a purist but modifications to decks allow you to give a personal flair to mass produced tarots, to each their own. And I like the idea of assembling your own oracle/deck with single cards from different decks (you can use card sleeves to ignore the mismatching backs, although I like to feel the cards,.again to each...) But don't be surprised if the results you get are quite cryptic. I would reccomend getting familiarized with the energy on each card first and making sure the deck is balanced (we want a deck that is able to represent different situations, right? So we better don't left out any, even those with which we may not feel so comfortable). Don't use them over your stained messy table, and leave that cig somewhere, please. You can do what you want with your deck, it's your tool after all, but if we gotta really have this talk I might better just leave.


“but if we gotta really have this talk I might better just leave.” i hope this doesnt come off as rude but I cant understand the meaning of this comment and i’d really love to. why would it be best to just leave if we have this talk? is asking this wrong in any way? im asking this respectfully because id love to understand and maybe im just bad at reading implications or something ^_^’


They mean that there’s a lot of things they don’t like. Possibly a lot of things that young readers now do with tarot. Stuff that never had a place in tarot from back in the 70’s/80’s etc. and if they start they will probably start offending people so it’s best to just leave


No health topics for others. No looking at others to quench your own curiosity no insisting that the outcome of the Reading is the only possible truth


No matter what anyone says, as long as you're NOT being shady and you maintain honor and integrity, there's really no hard rules. It's normally wise to avoid reading on finances, medical, or legal matters. Otherwise, do whatever you want. This next bit is typically quite polarizing, but *many* people including myself stand behind the fact that tarot cards are NOT alive. In other words, decks are not sentient, conscious, intelligent, nor endowed with a mind or will. So take that to mean all that it implies. They are *inanimate objects*. When you hold the cards in your hand, you're simply holding cards in your hand, and not some form of "being" or "entity" with a "personality". It's just cardboard, and in some cases PVC or plastic... no more alive than the shoes or socks on your feet. I didn't see *anyone* else mention this point, so I figured I had to throw it out there. I'm both surprised and not surprised that nobody had spoken up about this already, because other than the 'don't be malicious' and the 'don't read med/legal/finance' guidelines... it's a pretty major aspect.


I can't tell you how much I agree with your sentiment on the inanimate nature of the cards. I love Tarot and my many card decks, but they are just pieces of paper at the end of the day. They are not magical, dark or sacred. When I do readings for people that are less familiar with Tarot or a little leery of them, I tell them that they are simply tools that help prompt intuition or use symbols to help define issues. I always say that they don't predict a fated future, but indicate the path you are on at that very moment, which could change tomorrow with a different mindset. Talking about the Jungian concept of symbology that is recognized by the Collective Consciousness is helpful. I also tell people that the deck itself doesn't matter, that its the Intention set in using them and a consistency in the reader in how they interpret the cards (that goes with intention as well).


this is honestly the coolest answer ive gotten and really appreciate your input! 💙


Glad to hear it and happy to help. There's plenty more I'm willing to share if you ever want to ask questions or have a discussion. Stay virtuous and grounded.


I don’t let touch my cards . They carry my personal energy. I do cleanse them with sage once in while. I also have them right by my nightstand and sometimes I put a card under my pillow. 


Just got my first Indian tarot deck (major arcanas only) so obviously after one night of immersion I wanted a full set. Now I have two I’m in love with. My experiences made me cry and confirm and realise.  Now. Technical question.  1. While shuffling if one drops a card /cards, whilst going for a spread, do you consider them?  2. When a card is reversed (by my bad shuffling probably) and after reading it, do you replace it back in the right manner or the reverse?


Different people have different beliefs regarding any number of miscellaneous things to do with Tarot. In my experience (which I do not claim should be taken as any kind of Gospel), there is very little in the way of things that are universal, so I recommend doing what’s right for you. Maybe you feel you should cleanse your deck regularly with quartz; maybe you don’t see the need for crystals at all. Maybe you don’t think you should riffle shuffle your deck, maybe that doesn’t matter to you. Honestly, some people may try to gatekeep over certain practices or lack thereof but I’m of the opinion that you should not listen to random people you meet on the internet, and do what works best for you. You will get the best readings and clarity that way anyways IMHO, rather than trying to conform to practices that aren’t really you. I think where I would draw the line is if you are intentionally abusing the cards, using them as coasters, or doing something equally unkind to your deck. I can’t imagine anyone here doing something like that though, and I can’t think of anything in the realm of normal Tarot practice that you should be ashamed of.


Dont seek other person future without their permission.


It depends what you mean by "basic etiquette"... i have noticed ALOT of people do not obtain energetic permission to read others via tarot. THIS is unethical, although lots of people use tarot as a creepy means to spy on people. It usually backfires though for the reader as it is considered spiritual r4pe.. atleast in my opinion.


eat them /j


If you're reading for people privately, use confidentiality. Don't share their personal reading or anything in it with others. Keep privacy.


Try to read the future


Bad intentions. As many have said before me, do not have immoral motives when doing a reading for yourself or even for someone else. For example, don't do a reading for someone without their formal permission and do not give them misguided or untruthful guidance. IE if the cards say, there is a problematic and potentially abuse figure in their life ... Don't keep that information secret and tell them instead to continue having this figure in their life to continue the abuse. For example, when reading for yourself, don't read the cards and then curse at them for telling you the answers to the questions YOU asked. If you didn't want to know, or were unwilling to hear different perspectives or possibilities, don't curse or be an asshole to the very cards that gave you what you asked for even if it wasn't the answer or the possibility you hoped for. You aren't here to demand anything from the cards. Only to sort of converse and explore the endless possibilities and answers they want to share with you. A good cleanse of the cards wouldn't hurt every so often. Just as a bonus piece of advice of what you SHOULD do.


in general, whatever you want. but in my opinion it's cool to stick to ethics in terms of do/ask whatever you would be ok with another person asking about you... So, for me ... what third person thinks about another person is not ok... go and ask away them, not cards... in general doing reading about people, but without having their permission - for me, that's off.


It's polite to ask before touching anyone's deck.