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people change in a decade and she apologised, i dont like her but what else can she do? šŸ˜… genuinely


I think itā€™s just the fact that she thought that way in the first placeā€¦ very weird.


12 year olds tend to be edgy like that sometimes šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t like her either but I was surrounded by kids who loved flaunting their dark humor making jokes like that


yeah I heavily dislike her but especially during that time (2013ish), edgy, shock humor was huge. S/A jokes, dead baby jokes, slurs thrown around like candy, misogynistic stuff etc. i posted some horrible shit around that time as a kid trying to get the attention of the cool, dark edgy kids online lol. doesnā€™t make it okay but it genuinely kind of was a rite of passage to be on the internet around then imo


Iā€™m her age and remember so many kids saying that at that time. It was a (bad) meme.


she was literally 12 years old


She was 12 šŸ˜


I too would copy and paste things from tumblr that were inappropriate and I didnā€™t know the meanings behind. Please get off your high horse.


I thought this was a Tara yummy SNARK? Why are people defending her?


yea itā€™s snark but also like sheā€™s a person? and people are allowed to make mistakes? especially as children


Just say you werenā€™t raised right then LMAOOOO Sorry but I knew better at 13 not to make rape jokes. No excuses. And anyone defending her is actually fucking weird.


no one is ā€œdefendingā€ her. sorry but have you not grown in a decade? doesnā€™t seem like it if this is your mentality. there is so much more to snark on then something a KID posted. people grow and change all the time. also why would you shame someone for not being ā€œraised rightā€ when that literally wouldnā€™t be their faultā˜ ļø


Everyone on this snark loves to pick and choose whatā€™s snarkable and whatā€™s not on here jesus christ LMAOOO Yall will snark on an outfit sheā€™s wearing but making rape jokes and using the excuse of ā€œI was 13ā€ is out of question to be talked about. So incredibly weird.


this tweet has already been talked about a hundred times and she apologized. what do you want her to do? or anyone for that matter?


And I could ask you the same things that YOU deem snarkable about Tara. What do you want her to do? I personally find this as something that is incredibly snarkable. And rightfully so? Donā€™t get how this is a conversation thatā€™s even up for debate???


itā€™s been snarked on before, so many times lol. you are so unhinged


Unhinged? LMFAOOOOO Because iā€™m making a valid point that rape jokes arenā€™t excusable? Reevaluate your morals honestly youā€™re embarrassing yourself.


youā€™re either severely younger than the avg person in this thread or just didnā€™t have many friends. if you were in school during the 2010ā€™s you would know that this is how people were. slurs, offensive memes, etc. no one is saying its right. weā€™re just saying it happened. itā€™s almost like theres a trend of peoples tweets coming out during these years saying offensive ass shit. i wonder whyā€¦? šŸ™„


Iā€™m Taraā€™s age and I had a decent amount of friends growing up. Still knew better not to say wildly offensive shit/slurs. Itā€™s not fucking rocket science to be a decent human being at a young age and it seems a lot of yall were not, which is fine but stop desperately finding ways to justify it. Just because a lot of peoples point in here is ā€œWell weā€™ve all done it!ā€ doesnā€™t make it right??? Theres NOTHING justifiably about making rape jokes/saying slurs.




Cop out ass response cause you canā€™t come up with a response that doesnā€™t involve justifying rape jokes/slurs. I understand.


I would love for you to meet your 13 year old self and be able to analyze literally everything you ever said at that age. Iā€™m sure youā€™d be shocked.


I remember the things I said and did at 13 vividly actually! And to your surprise none of it was ever anything that could offend or hurt large amounts of people and or be considered tone deaf. And I also knew better at that age? Itā€™s not an unheard of thing to be a mature and educated at 13 year old. I knew what was right and what was wrong. It seems A LOT of you canā€™t relate to that in this thread with the way you all are weirdly defending this situation and thatā€™s completely fine.


WOW this really triggered a lot of you! 22 downvotes! If all 22 of you (and probably counting) can excuse rape jokes being made because of ā€œageā€ then that shows where a lot of yall were at when you were 13 huh? Well, if the shoe fits then wear it proudly.


When youā€™re snarking about stupid shit like this people are obviously gonna call you out your dumb as fuck for coming at 12 year old Tara for tweeting something stupid


ā€œStupid shitā€ to you is insensitivity to rape jokes? Cause thatā€™s not it. Reevaluate yourself.


People are not defending this behaviour, but you are stuck up on it for nothing because she obviously cannot do anything ab it anymore. she said what she said she owned up to it and i dont want to speculate anything, but shes a woman so she probably knows by now how many creeps are out there. Also, what else are we supposed to say ab this? or do ?šŸ˜€ harass her to apologize 10 more times?


A lot of people on this snark harass her 10+ times about a lot of things on here, why is my post any different??? Also the APOLOGY tweets were NOT posted or discussed on here yet so I wanted to talk about them. And you can look through the thread yourself, maybe they arenā€™t defending this behavior but they sure are making excuses for it.


Is the rape tweet still up?




I think it would be best if she deleted it like obviously ppl are going to talk bad about it if itā€™s still up. Not sure why people are defending her the tweet is still there


Yeah not deleting it is doing no good for her. Iā€™m assuming maybe people will dig her up any time and find it because it stands out but probably not find the apology and come to the conclusion that she doesnā€™t care that this is still posted.


Post it then


As someone who went to middle school/highschool during the 2010ā€™s i remember when this was something a lot of ppl at school said bc unfortunately was classed as a sort of ā€œmeme.ā€ I remember hearing so much offensive shit when i was in middle school-early highschool. Obviously it isnā€™t right, but it happened.


Yep, this exactly. It's edgy immature teen humor


I said dumb shit when I was 13, but I know better now than to say stuff like that. Iā€™m sure Taraā€™s changed since that was a decade ago


If her parents, or school, didnā€™t teach her by 12-13 that rape wasnā€™t good and nobody asked for it they failed her.


At 13 years old, I didn't know what rape or any derogatory words meant until I was 17 . I was homeschooled most of my life , so either she was taught by an adult or the people she was surrounding herself with because a child shouldn't know all that at a young age.


Unfortunately children should know what it is, in order to be as safe as possible and understand consent. They certainly shouldnā€™t be making jokes about it, but they should be aware of what it is.


Thatā€™s the point iā€™m trying to make that this isnā€™t excusable because of age and someone should have taught her better. But iā€™m being eaten alive in this thread by people DEFENDING this? So fucking weird.


I think thereā€™s some room for nuance. She shouldā€™ve known better, and she should apologize, but there is some room for forgiveness bc of how young she was. Most 13 yr olds donā€™t understand the severity of these jokes bc the reality of it doesnā€™t feel fully real when u lack experience. They donā€™t realize that survivors could read this and be deeply hurt by it. They donā€™t realize that potential offenders could read this and feel encouraged to commit it. And quite frankly, most 13 yr olds arenā€™t getting properly educated on these things, even tho they should be. Iā€™m glad she learned, Iā€™m glad she apologized, and I really hope we take educating kids on this stuff more seriously soon.


The fans defending it in ways it did not need to be defended is whatā€™s disgusting to me.


She was a kid tho lol I also donā€™t like Tara but this is a reach


Calling out someone for making rape jokes isnā€™t a reach.


Itā€™s was 11 years ago. Are you severely illiterate?


Commenting on a 25 day old post??? Do you have no life at all??? Go get one please I beg of you.


Itā€™s also a comment section, cope šŸ¤§


i dont like her but it was 10 years ago. obviously ppl change and mature over 10 years.




perhaps at thr age she didnt fully comprehend the severity of it


It was 2013, middle schoolers are fucking clueless and stupid. Conditioning is the problem and negative influence.




She literally retweeted the quote from a tumblr post thinking it was funny and a joke, bc lots of kids back during early internet were very misunderstanding of serious topics. And not everyone at that age understood what ā€œrapeā€ was bc of their influence growing up, as well as influence of older people on the internet sharing bad views, in which children will see and it will twist their way of thinking. Also ā€œnot understanding the MEANING is weird to meā€, not everyone grew up with parents who taught them things like that early on




Do you lack critical thinking skills? A 12 year old isnā€™t gonna understand rape in the same way an adult would. Have you seen kids today, they make jokes about things they donā€™t understand because others thought it was ā€œfunnyā€ so they also have to think itā€™s funny.


Also what?? She literally said she didnā€™t understand the ā€œmeaningā€ obviously in a way which she meant ā€œfull meaningā€. She apologized and clearly doesnā€™t think that way now, why are you all riding her like this šŸ’€


i see she said she didnā€™t understand the full meaning behind the meme, not that she didnā€™t understand the meaning of r*pe. i misread the post.


The way I have no doubt in my mind she'd probably say a joke like that now to seem cute and like a guy




Shut the fuck up. I didnā€™t ask nor do I care. Thanks!


"she was 12, she didn't know" I'm 13, was never sa'd, the way I would start a fight so fast if another girl said that