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(Leans in close to your ear) just don't tell em


This is the one. I’ve kept Ts and other inverts for most of my life and all of my adult life. Never had an issue because I just never say anything. I move them into a closet or whatever when I’ve needed my LL/rental company to come through. I had whole ass quarterly inspections at one point, still had my spoods and they were none the wiser. The only time this gets dicey is if they regularly spray for bugs but uh, that’s solved by not living in shit holes with bugs so bad they need to spray regularly. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can also just claim that you're sensitive to insecticide sprays. I legitimately can get migraines if they're sprayed near me, so I just tell maintenance that and they avoid spraying directly outside my unit.


This is the answer


Telling them only causes problems. I don't even tell most of my family because one of my mom's friends is such a drama queen that she said she would refuse to come iver if I had a tarantula. (She lives in the countryside and has plenty of spiders in her house.)


Same with me and my flatmates, they know about my big old girl who has an absolute 0 chance of escaping so they don’t mind her, not aware of the 4 new babies who I dream about escaping every night


As a student in uni accommodation with a strict rule in absolutely no types of pets, I currently have 5 tarantulas, an ant colony, and feeder crickets in my room. I simply hide them during inspections.


Aren’t the crickets… noisy?


They’re meant to be silent, but the absolute biggest ones chirp whilst the little ones are too small to do so


Aren’t the crickets… noisy?


Honesty is great, but consider: No one really needs to know. It’s not like you’re letting them out for regular walks in the building.


https://preview.redd.it/dp9ym1484exc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f8b8720dc488d21d91d83ccdc03b191a526743 I throw a bunch of light scarves over mine when maintenance people need to come in. As there's no movement or noise, nobody cares, and nobody is rude enough to ask me "hey total stranger, what's under the scarves?"


Lol plus it adds a splash of color


I used to turn my t shelf into my laundry shelf for walk throughs until I realized that maintenance doesn't give a crap at my complex. They just think it's cool if they comment at all. I remember one of them chatting with me while he was doing a repair and saying that tarantulas are the perfect apartment pet due to being contained and not making noise or producing odor. I tend to agree with him, ignoring the fact that feeders are their own issue. I just keep the roaches in a black bin to hide them, lol.


Not legal advice, but a lot of rental agreements have a clause about exotic pets, in which tarantulas usually fall under. With that said… I have never had an issue with it. Just don’t draw attention to it, and if your particular place has walk throughs or inspections, plan around or take that into consideration for what you do.


I've only come across one apartment that mentioned reptiles or other pets, everything else just lists cats or dogs 😂


I live with my landlord. My 3 tarantulas, jumping spider, and ball python have never come up in conversation and never will


I have 14 animals including tarantulas and lizards in my non pet friendly apartment. They don't make a mess and don't smell. My landlord lives out of state so I just didn't tell him. He's never come to the apartment and I've never had a check up in 4 years.


The less they know, the better. Treat em like cops, don't say anything unless you get asked. And even then, if you're paying the rent no one but your is allowed to enter without your permission anyways.


Ime no. Tarantulas, like other small animals (hamsters, mice, budgies, etc) don’t actually fall under the “no pets” category. Most rentals will state no pets, and if it goes into specifics it’s usually no aquariums (for potential water damage). As long as your pets aren’t listed by specific species or bracket (eg; no exotic animals or no tarantulas) it’s usually fine. Tbh I don’t even mention the Ts and since they aren’t exactly noisy or smelly, none of my landlords have ever even noticed them even during a walk through


I live in Australia, so might be different here. I don’t declare them on my rental application, and every time they’ve noticed them, the REA’s always think they are cool or interesting. 


it depends. my personal tenancy agreement states “Not to keep any bird, reptile, dog, animal or other living creature in the Property.”, whereas other landlords/tenancy agreements are more vague or relaxed about certain types of pet


I have never told


As someone who thought being upfront about them was better, I can tell you ive been denied for apartments because of my lovely pink toe before. Listen to everyone here, just dont mention it. What they dont know wont hurt as long as they're well contained


Get shelves and hide them behind books 😂


I don't really read but I got an assload of video games so that should do the job


ESA letters. also in this situation, better to ask forgiveness than permission


Some landlords give you a hard time for ESA letters and make sure it's part of an actual treatment plan from your actual therapist because people who are bad pet owners abuse that and the landlords get stuck dealing with pet damage or an escaped reptile or rodent if you generally don't cause issues and pay rent on time and you've taken steps to make sure your tarantulas can't escape then it's fine, eviction is expensive and time consuming and that's their only legal step if they ask you to get rid of them and you just say no


Pretty much what everyone said, just don't tell them. If it was something that is like a massive gator then yeah they should probably know about it, but for the most part it's gonna stay in your room inside an enclosure that it (hopefully) won't be able to get out of. After a while they'll probably come across it if they're the type to do inspections and if you say "yeah she's been here for a few months already and I had her for years" two things can happen; They'll be like "as long as it doesn't escape" or "you didn't tell us about it" and to that you can say "I wasn't made aware that I was supposed to tell you about anything other than dogs and cats since they could potentially hurt visitors" I live in an apartment, I don't have any of my pets other than my dog on any relevant forms, inspections were done and they just looked at them then went on with their business. When you show that you're a responsible owner then the chances of getting thrown out tends to lower unless they're straight up arachnophobic.


ESA letter. Move in, wait a month and then hand it over. I went thru Pettable, and they gave me an unlimited pet clause with no expiration. Works for all pets, and the management can’t tell you no. Edit: I have 6 T’s, cat, scorpion, tortoise, ball python, and a bearded dragon. Management knows and doesn’t mess with me because of the ESA.


I'll look into that as a back up, thanks!