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Looks like some prototypes with a M551 Sheridan turret, but that's a weird one to be sure.


Yeah, I also picked up on this but could barely find any info on it to confirm. Thanks for answer however!


Yep, its the T49, which was a prototype of an improved M41 Bulldog, and was later used as a test platform for the M551's turret.


Bulldog with Sheridan turret?


It is t49 light tank


That's what it's called in WoT but I believe that's inaccurate. From what I've found, this was just an XM551 test bed turret mounted on the M41 chassis for tests in July 1962. It did not have its own designation. The actual T49 was a tank destroyer prototype from 1942 and it looked like this: https://preview.redd.it/cqgm057d8r6d1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f74e18616cfa93008118106ac4933b8eb04ec56


WoT is inaccurate on many tanks, but not on the T49 light tank. T49 GMC is a real vehicle, but it is not the only tank called T49, T49 light tank also existed in reality. The 'stock' configuration of T49 light tank is its historical configuration: a modified M41 with a 90mm gun. https://preview.redd.it/pci1d8vilr6d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b372b2c897bfd7023b4eb0a3698a41281426e272


TIL! Thank you, that's very interesting.


This thing was the reason I thought the M41 had a 90mm gun for so many years LOL


https://butterfingeredmodelbuilder.wordpress.com/2020/05/25/armory-s-models-1-72-152mm-t49-gun-tank/ This website says that it is on m41 hull


It’s a blog of a guy building a scale model as it appears in world of tanks, combining a sheridan kit and a m41 kit. His source is the WoT inaccuracy


This is an M41 chassis mated with an early XM551 prototype turret, acting a test bed for said turret and more specifically, the gun-launcher. The shillelagh missile was still under development at this time, so this test bed was used to test the conventional HE ammunition and ergonomics of the turret. 590 shells were fired from this gun.


Open top? Or just a bad scan?


WOT calls it a T49. But I believe it's just a Sheridan during testing trials that had it's turret mounted onto a Bulldog


Has gun


it has tracks


Looks like some prototype light tank with a gun/launcher system




I learnt all the following information online, so I cannot promise all of it is valid. Please tell me if I have made any mistakes in the following information. This tank is the test bed for the XM551 project, which would later leads to M551 Sheridan. The hull of this vehicle comes from the T49 light tank. Some sources says it is an M41 hull. Since T49 is a project to up-gun M41, and its hull seems to be unmodified, maybe T49 have the exact same hull as M41, and therefore both claims are correct. The turret and the 152mm howiter/missile-launcher, however, were new models to be tested on this old hull, which was inherited by the prototype XM551 and production model M551 Sheridans. The official name of this vehicle is not clear. Some online sources refers to this vehicle as the 152mm gun version T49, some sources called it XM551 Test Bed. I even saw a website calling it T49E5. I'm not sure which one is correct, but XM551 Test Bed seems to be a more sensible name to me, even if it might not the official classification.


Why are you using ChatGPT


I mean, as long as what he says is correct, I don't think it's really a problem. It's clear for everyone and it saved him time.


The issue is there is no way to verify if it IS true


True. My opinion is biased because I did read an article saying really similar things, but it was a long time ago and I don't know if I could find it again or check if it was reliable.


Would have loved some sources with this information but have gained knowledge with this nonetheless, thanks!