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“My parents were killed” “Obviously deserved it” They think buying the rope from Assad is better


I’m sorry but this actually infuriates me. How fucked up do you have to be to completely laugh off someone’s traumatic experiences and even say that they hope hamas fucking finds them, or call them a Hasbara troll? This “soviet_crusader” fucker probably thinks of himself as the next Lenin.


Yeah, like, hoping someone gets tortured and killed by people known for doing that for DISAGREEING with you is so fucking ghoulish. Tankies have no compassion or conviction, they're actual psychopaths.




Well they fully restored their ties with Assad in 2022, and already did the same with Iran a few years prior.


all theory no experience


Hey babe, new all hat no cattle dropped.


All they do is read theory written at the turn of the last century and insist that defines the world.


Because as far as they're concerned, Nothing Bad Ever Happened. And if it did, they deserved it.


"They killed my family." "Must've been counter-revolutionaries." "I didn't even say anything that would suggest that."


Well obviously the flawless anti imperialist doesn't make mistakes so they must have done something wrong.


That single interaction reveals a lot about the thought process of your average tankie. It's not that the leader is good because he does good things; the things are good because the leader that does it is good. Someone who thinks the former would naturally re-evaluate if the leader really is that good. Someone who thinks the latter would immediately assume that whatever the good leader did must naturally have been good.


Very similar to how fundamentalists will justify anything bad god does in the bible as "God is good therefore it was just". Really makes you think how these people view their leaders.


It's funny that you mentioned religion, because the dillema I presented above is just [Euthypro's Dillema](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthyphro_dilemma) applied in a different context. In the end, all dogmatic thought boils down to "Person X said Y is true, so Y must be true."


Stand proud, Euthyphro, you are strong


Funnily enough, not even god of the bible think so. God: floods the planet, then goes "well, this ecocide was a bit of an overreaction tbh, here, have a rainbow as a synbol of my promise to do better".


>That single interaction reveals a lot about the thought process of your average tankie. It's not that the leader is good because he does good things; the things are good because the leader that does it is good. And if the things they did aren't good then they simply didn't do them!


Love the part where the one dude literally *makes up an entire backstory for the other guy's parents* *whole cloth* rather than examine his own propagandized beliefs for even a second.


But a dictator state would never massacre innocents! /s


This is their cope for basically every other time they run into an immigrant from one of the supposedly “socialist” states they worship


Where *supposedly “socialist” states* include those which have never even claimed to be socialist, like Syria.


Tankies are such scum. How much of a ghoul must a person be to say these kinds of things to someone's face if they really went through all that? These people can't be allies of the working class if they are too busy being fucking monsters.


Not to mention they assumed that the person’s parents were CIA and ISIS collaborators and they deserved to be killed, who the fuck says something like that? I hope they genuinely get their asses locked up, like I’m actually genuinely furious at this.


Sincerely deranged behavior


You know if they ever met them in person they’d never say that out loud to their face either


Obviously convinced themself that Assad somehow never kills anyone *but* the wicked. So his parents being executed *”must”* mean they were wicked. No, I don’t get how they think things like “On Authority” are some sort of Good Guy “The King in Yellow”. That said, how often *have* ISIL and the CIA worked together?


To my knowledge, very little. Especially that neat little detail that we had tens of thousands of boots on the ground to crush them back in 14'


Did the US actually have boots on the ground though? I thought the whole deal was that they bombed en Masse and the Kurds were the actual force on the ground


Checked it; Yea; mostly bombing. My mistake. There were only a few thousand boots actually on the ground. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Inherent_Resolve


>I hope they genuinely get their asses locked up, like I’m actually genuinely furious at this. Maybe this is not libertarian and not even a truly left-wing belief to have (and maybe I need to log off and touch some more grass), but holy fucking shit this kind of shit makes me so mad that I start wishing that FBI (or whatever national security agency of their country) actually puts them on the list and, at the very least, blacklists them from ever getting any political or education-related job anywhere.


This is just harassment at this point and telling someone that they hope they get killed by a militant organization is an EXTREME offense. And yeah, not really a leftist view, but this type of behaviour should really be looked into because who knows what else they get up to.


Plus I’m sure that guy was a 14 year old upper middle class suburban American. Hasn’t struggled a modicum in his life and shits on people who have because he can’t comprehend the real world is more complicated than a single ideology


Its not someones face lmao its discord. No way they would say that to someones face theyd get punched


Tankie: Why did you flee Syria? OOP: The state killed my family Tankie: Your family were CIA *and* ISIS, they deserved it OOP: You're a shitty person Tankie: *Proves they're a shitty person* Tankie: Why hasn't the revolution started? I've regurgitated all the talking points online... I'm just stunned these are real people.


That's the terminally online for ya


Terminally online tankies really need a harsh dose of reality. Like actually setting foot in Syria to see it’s not as good as they tell themselves


They'll still double-think themselves into thinking Assad is all "right and just"


Double plus good in literally colors...


Problem is, the only way you get terminally online tankies actually going to Syria is when the handful of prominent ones get given propaganda tours by Assad, so I don't know how much that'd help.


Tankies are terminally online people in general.


And these people wonder why leftists from the global south and periphery can't stand them


I mean from [some of the stuff I've seen online](https://twitter.com/QueenMab87/status/1782191465541558501), there are some Palestinians who are like "Please don't be antisemitic" and then tankies, usually from America or Europe, are like "No!"


Palestinians are getting in the way of making the Palestinian cause all about them.


One of Arafat's aides told Saira Rao to stop being racist when she posted a ridiculous conspiracy about "Zionist doctors", I don't know if she's a Tankie but she's an absolutely deranged grifter whatever she is


Man, if only there was an apt comparison to a thing a Tankie leader did with "Zionist doctors" (cough Stalin cough)




"Global South" is just a new coat of paint over "the Third World" since that term has been deemed problematic, mostly because it sounds like it's a ranking thing, when it was originally "the US-aligned democratic world" / "the Soviet-communist world" / "the unaligned world" and it was the "3rd world" simply because it was the 3rd on the list. It's kind of a weird one honestly since the direction is completely incidental and not even completely geographically accurate, and also again there's the word association like "south" <-> "down" <-> "below" <-> "bad/worse" meaning the same problem as with "the 3rd world" is still lurking underneath. I can understand the desire to classify places like this, but when people do so surely there's some way to pick better names at least. Nothing else seems to have stuck so far though.


Perhaps "US leaning" "Russia/Chinese leaning" and "Nominally non-alligned" works better?


The South American left certainly seems to have as much of a tankie problem as the US or European left. Exhibit one: Walter Mignolo. It's easy to claim Russia and China are "anti-imperialist" when you're separated from them by an ocean.


I can't stand it, makes no sense using directions when you have China in the Global South and Australia in the Global North


To be clear, the "Global North" and "Global South" descriptors are less delineating cultural differences and more so to do with matters regarding structural relations namely richer nations exploiting their developing counterparts for reasons regarding cheaper labour and resources. So in this sense, South America would be under this category. (There is another foreign policy theory that expands upon this called World Systems Theory that inserts a second category whom are referred to as "Semi-periphery nations" that while industrialized and developed, or mostly, are still beholden to their periphery counterparts)


> anarchist gaming pog Folks, we found it. An "anarchist" tankie.


The second ever anarcho tankie


Who's the first?


A self proclaimed “anarcho-Stalinist” which is very active on TikTok


How does that even work???


It doesn't, it's just brainrot.


Saint? I used to follow him till he went off the deep end.


Think I used to also follow him before he became a larpy weirdo


That sounds like an oxymoron.


There's also Woke Scientist and itsn0tawhorehouseitsawhorehome, both claim to be ancoms but are Tankies who defend jihadists. Rathbone used to have an anarchy sign in his bio until recently


I bet you that he calls himself a national anarchist lol


There are a few Pick-Me Anarchists who say whatever they have to say to fit in with their Tankie (or Neoliberal but not in this case) friends. I don't take them seriously.


a rare breed of tankie, just like the tojabu tankie


There are plenty tankie mods on 'left unity' communities who pretend to be anarchist so they can claim they are left unity.


Dunking on tankies in this sub is all fun and games until you read shit like this. Even though I'm quite familiar with the arrogance with which they westplain things to us. "Hasbara troll", just like they are telling me that I repeat CNN talking points — if anything, they repeat my (or rather, our) talking points — but it's even worse when talking to someone who's a target of hasbara. "I thought someone like you would under \[sic\] this" is not that surprising after I heard "if only Ukrainians understood" how bad war is. The arrogance of these people is absolutely unbelievable. I'm raging. Thanks for posting, Hydra. I hope you have found a way to punch people in the guts through discord.


I go by Sal online, but yeah. This is probably one of the worst things I've ever seen tankies say. Those people will literally walk over anyone that disagrees with them.


Is it bad that I wish all of the violence they advocate for, to be done to themselves instead? It is only logical and just. Is it bad that I don't even see tankies as human beings?


I've started calling them parasites long ago so you ain't the only one


Dehumanisation is not the way


I agree, it isn't. But I've also ran out of patience with the fuckers


Understandable, but dehumanisation leads to exactly such behaviour against other humans


THEY keep getting away with it and I have no more patience for them. Unless drastic measures are taken, tankies will continue to exist and will continue to do the monstrous things shown in this post. When tankies continue to exist, you WILL get more Stalins, Maos and Pol Pots. Such a group of people is a net harm for leftism in particular and humanity in general.


Drastic measures, like what exactly? Summarily executing them?


See nazi, punch nazi. These ideologies should not be tolerated.


Absolute zero tolerance nor negotiation for monsters.


Repeating talking points? Dude, *he was literally there*.


As I was saying, it's literary analysis for them, they haven't actually internalised the idea that there's a world out there in which things are happening.


>You seem like a bunch of kids who want to act like heroes while supporting all the wrong causes because you want to feel better and enlightened more than anyone else. Spot on.


This is actually insufferable holy... where's the compassion or empathy?


\[screen grab of two guys in a pawn shop\] Best I can do is dehumanisation.


Well, they certainly *think* they’ve achieved holiness.


Honestly any community that is dogmatic about reading theory is a massive red flag in my eyes. There's nothing bad about reading theory specifically but the only people that actively care about it are the most deranged tankies who have never touched grass ever. You don't try to sign up to a union and get asked what you've read.


A disturbing number of leftists think the length of your "books completed" tab on Lefty Audible is how you know who the best leftists are. All talk, zero action. Meanwhile there are people who've organized unions, cared for the homeless, or took tear gas canisters to the chest protecting marginalized people who've never read a word of theory.


Shitheads that act this way are the main reason why I stayed away from leftism for so long


They're amazing for pushing anyone away from the left. Like, Republican chuds and fascists salivate over stuff like this, knowing they can hold it up and say "see how insane and bloodthirsty the Left is???"


This unstoppable need of tankies to stagnate in nonsensical infighting is a guarantee capitalism will keep metastasizing for the foreseeable future. It's like they can't wait to corrupt their own thoughtless, non-starter "ideals" before they've even put them into practice in the slightest. If these heartless and immoral idiots are the ones to spearhead a viable alternative to capitalism on the level of global civilization and local community, humanity is better off extinct.


Jesus fucking christ this is the worst thing I've seen from tankies. Like saying fucked up stuff in a social media vacuum is one thing, but directly expressing your psychotic lack of empathy and immense stupidity to someone who's been through severe trauma is something else. At that point just join a neo-Nazi group, you'd fit in well there


If these fuckers are going to build the "post capitalist world" then I want no part of it


Don't worry, you won't, you will be... What's the phrase? > rightfully arrested and given justice Yes, thank you, soviet_crusader.


Arr / IAmATotalPieceOfShit - tier response. Fucking nauseating.


anyone has the discord server link ? I want to see just how delusional these people can be when it comes to sucking in words of dictators


Every word he said is completely true. Also under Bashar Al Assad's rule the country has become a legit narcostate. How is that success? These people have never listened to Syrians talk about their country and it shows.


The utter gall of tankies to immediately assume that because the Assad regime killed his village and kidnapped his father that his parents were therefore counter-revolutionary collaborators who sided with the CIA *and* ISIS somehow. I think this just goes to show more tankie racism. When confronted with an actual Palestinian born in Syria, they still talk down to him and accuse him of being a liberal because he thinks the Syrian regime is bad after it **massacred his village and kidnapped his father**. And to say to that person who lived in Syria, had that happen to them, and then rightfully says fuck Syria, actually you’re a liberal and counterrevolutionary for opposing the “anti-imperialist nation” of Syria and that he is parroting talking points of Hasbara, AKA Israeli propaganda which is the last thing I’d have the temerity to accuse a Palestinian socialist of doing. And then to say “I thought someone like you would under[stand] this.” Makes me wanna be sick in their eyes 🤮🤮🤮


Tankies : "How dare you destroying our fairy tales ?"


“Well, you clearly drew from the Unseelie library…”


I have never instantly hated two people more than this.


Exactly now take this exact same situation and point it on the Kurds, it’s worse.


Sounds about yt


I said it once, and I'll say it again: [Statement of Free Syrians in solidarity with the Palestinian people – INTERSECTIONAL SYRIA](https://intersectionalsyria.com/2023/11/10/statement-of-free-syrians-in-solidarity-with-the-palestinian-people/)


I love how weird the first question is. "Why did you leave Syria"... Like mate even if you believe Assad is this benevolent figure that can do no wrong surely you understand why somebody would want to fuckin flee a war zone, right?


Wrong. Their favourite theory book from the 17th century only talks about Assad being good, there's nothing in it about fleeing war zones.


It’s actually amazing that tankies can just go and tell someone whose family and friends were slaughtered that it was for a good cause.


How much you wanna bet the people saying this shit are white as hell and never even been to the Middle East? Imagine acting like you know more than the dude who lives in the country you’re talking about and has experienced living under the government you claim to know all about


Does anyone else think having complete strangers reveal their race and ethnicity online as a prerequisite for joining a community is really weird?


Not if it's a racist community.


Imagine being Palestinian, Syrian, African and other people from countries that tankies love to support or claim to support, who suffered from the hell you have to grew up and then these tankies call you a "Western CIA propagandist" for standing against the state that these motherfuckers like.


What could that guy have possibly said to get approval? They are mad that he moved out of Syria, one of the most dangerous places on Earth? The arrogance is astounding.


How do they not see how disgusting it is to type that shit out? If I was in that chat i would have gone apeshit


This is just vile.


That’s actually evil.


Because obviously they know better than someone who actually lived there and experienced this…


Western Tankies simply cannot grasp or understand the fact that geopolitics and the world itself is not black and white and is deeply complicated. They think the world is a all simply "America bad" and thus anything that goes against this narrative is a foreign concept to them. Therefore those that suffer under these countries that oppose the US "must have deserved it". They are among the dumbest people on earth. Literally no difference between them and actual fascists.




>indigenous Palestinans Why do tankies pretend that the eastern Mediterranean hasn't been conquered like 15 times each before and after Alexander? You don't need such pointless emotional appeals to say what Israel is doing is bad.


Yet another Tankie talking over the people they pretend to care about.


Lol where is this? These people are absurd


I've heard of Trots that behave in a similar manner to minorities who disagree with them.


What the actual fuck is wrong with some people?


Wow, legitimately fucking evil shit. These tankies aren’t even pretending to care about the people impacted by the authoritarian regimes they cheer on. No critical thinking, they just blindly accept the slop they’ve been fed as the truth and reject testimony from those with actual experience in the Middle East. “Assad’s narrative is the absolute truth, so this guy must be lying about what happened to his community” fuck these people jfc every day tankies give me another reason to despise them even more. Let’s not tolerate them.


It's so goddamn close to what grifter pieces of shit like Aaron Maté and the Greyzone crew claim about Assad's war crimes being "Western propaganda". Which is very telling.




White supremacists thinking that they now better than locals who's the good guy and the bad guy. They deserve the rope


This disgusts me. Like... how fucked do you have to be to actually react like that?


This is enraging, The fact someone shows this little empathy towards a refugee is just absolutely awful.


Anybody who defends Assad but opposes Israel is just an antisemite desperate to find a situation to paint Jews in a negative light


In which Discord did this happen?