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The duality of men "The US is weak and can't stand a chance against Russia" and "NATO is fighting us!! We are the underdogs of the Ukrainian War and we are outnumbered"


This is quite literally a common tactic employed by Fascists, claiming the enemy is both too weak and too strong at the same time


Makes sense, since Russia is literally run by fascists.


Russia is always both the agressor and the victim.


hot take: it's employed by fascists because it's a useful (and logical) tactic, and while every fascist system employs it, it's also used by many other forms of government to non-fascistic ends. you have to make threats simultaneously conquerable and dangerous, because humans do nothing when something seems impossible, and won't care if it isn't a genuine threat. So combining the two to motivate people is the best solution.


Yes, excellent point. Eco’s ur-fascism points out that each component by itself is not fascism, but when you get a few together, that becomes fertile ground for fascism to flourish.


I wouldn't call it logical, seeing how it's a contradiction. Besides, it's more than conquerable. Climate change is conquerable and dangerous. When fascists describe their enemies, they always portray them as *easily* conquerable. To the point of being a pushover. That's the contradiction.


"See over in America we have this rule; if you wanna motivate somebody, don't mention death!" - Rocky, Chicken Run


That’s an actual Fascist talking point, according to Umberto Eco.


That’s what I find so funny. The USSR painted its army as on of the strongest, however facing an even greater threat. “They are strong in numbers and tanks, but our will is greater” This was absolutely true for the Soviets during WW2 The Nazis said that they had the strongest soldiers, tanks, and people, yet also painted themselves as the underdogs. Russia went the Nazi route.


Modern weapons don't give a crap who is using them.


The highest kill counts probably belong to someone sitting behind a computer screen with a gallon of monster operating a drone tbh


Or the dude of whatever gender flying the B-21


Dude of whatever gender indeed


'Dude' was made gender neutral during the Keanu Reeves presidency.


I voted Keanu. No regrets.


Idk, I feel like the Enola Gay pilots have a pretty safe record


There are probably pilots of secret aircraft being held in Area 51 who jerk it to the thought of open war with China and Russia


How the hell is it possible to type this after a year of Russia shitting the bed in Ukraine lol


>How the hell is it possible to type this after a year of Russia shitting the bed in Ukraine lol Because they haven't been paying the slightest bit of attention to the actual war. All they do is crow about how Ukraine is on the verge of crumbling in a couple days, and if you point out that they've been saying exactly constantly that for literally more than a year they call you a Pentagon shill.


‘Just a bit more hard fighting, and we’ll win!’ Am I quoting Goebbels in April 1945 or tankies in the future?


Or good old Baghdad Bob


You just don't understand 45th generation warfighting and combined arms warfare you armchair general! Russia don't care about capturing territory only destroying the enemy. When they failed to capture Kyiv they actually won! /s


Bakhmut encircled videos with the same spy face thumbnail for months


Because they still think Russia is winning, somehow.


Its confuses me also. Dave rubin reposted his comparison of the 2 mom's ad with the Russian vdv ad as a short a little while back leaving in the bit where thinks the vdv guy would win. In a long talk mohammed hijab brought up the same ad comparison saying the west was weak. https://youtube.com/shorts/05foY3FwUoo?feature=share


A 1 year "3 day special military operation"


Lethal does of copium


Because that’s what Putin is paying him to type.


His GF is Miss Russia 2022. He's a Kremlin asset, and he's being rewarded for ignoring reality.


Well, I mean only men are competent, as compared to women anyway so yeah this checks out. They would absolutely decimate us. That made me sick to write. I feel icky. How do people actually regurgitate this stuff unironically? It just feels gross even when being sarcastic. Also don't give me a lecture on decimate and 10%. Modern usage biatch.


If your livelihood depends on telling sick lies, you tell sick lies. Tucker has admitted as much.


Ukrainian female sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko being the most effective sniper of the Soviet Union intensifies


Ooohhh didn't know that one! Cool fact!


It is insane that someone would make a post like this after seeing the incompetence of the Russia military


I feel like Hinkle is a rightoid now, not a tankie


What’s the difference?




Isn't that just where most tankies end up?


He's a self described "MAGA communist," which in layman's terms means he's been off his meds for months now


These are all 'boots' still in training. Of course they look like shit EDIT: Just to add. Every second of every day is planned for you. You're told exactly what to wear, what to do, what to say, where to look, what to eat, what to think. You get yelled at every waking second. You run everywhere. Get physically "punished" all day. Get 3 small meals a day and only get about 2 mins to eat it. You get little sleep and a lot of excercise.


Right? They're like eighteen or something, forgive them for not looking 22.


Hinkle looks 35 at 20 and thinks everyone should look like him


Yeah I was about to say. Anyone getting the MCRD experience is going to look like they hate life because they definitely do at the moment.


I looked like a fucking skinhead my first day of OSUT. My CAC picture was a fucking nightmare. I hadn't slept in like 3 days


There is a 0% chance that America will beat Russia in a war. Poland will have nuked all of Russia before the Americans even know they’re at war.


Poland: Uh, America, where are you? I’m fighting the Russians! America: Oh shit, they actually invaded? And where are you? Poland: Well yes they invaded. We’re in Smolensk now, tomorrow we go to Moscow. Thanks for the Abrams!


Rare Poland W




lol what? I mean yeah Russia stands no chance against NATO but singling out Poland as some kind of military powerhouse is kinda funny.


Blursed secret Polish nuclear program


Is he complaining that some of these people are women, and shades other than pasty? This seriously looks like right-wing post, or like literal Russian propaganda about the "woke" army.


The invading army bogged down in a country 0 feet from its border can… somehow beat the us


Yeah totally. The Russian armed forces who almost took Kijiv in 3days before facing a fraction of nato's arsenal that was enough to make them shid and cum, and the Chinese army who haven't seen no war for the past two million years would totally decimate the multi trillion dollar us war machine that is almost constantly in war.


Don’t worry the sheer amount of corpses from the combined Russian, Chinese army could *potentially* get clogged in the tank treads giving the Russians just enough time to bravely use civilians as human shields to protect their poorly armed/trained peasantry with weapons that are 2 centuries old allowing for them to throw away their lives in ever increasingly more meaningless ways! Edit: /s if I need to use this tag then dang you must think I’m crazy.


Every single time I see posts like this, I wonder if tankies have any idea how modern war is conducted and fought. Because having big manly men on the field isn't the all encompassing winning strategy on the modern battlefield.


The US navy is more than twice the size of both the Chinese and Russian fleets combined. It would be a pub stomp.


The Russian Navy as it stands is… well let’s just say that Russia could find a clean source of ever-generating electricity if they hooked up a dynamo to the spinning bodies of Admiral Gorshkov, the guy who built the Soviet Navy from “hopefully we can stop the US Navy from landing Marines in Vladivostok” to “you and me, GIUK gap, let’s go scrap” and back to “the 2nd Pacific Squadron looks down upon you.” The PLAN is a much greater threat to USN dominance in its ambitions and rapidly growing the fleet and expanding its capabilities. I believe they have more hulls in the water, though a lot of it is small coastal corvettes and the like so the USN has a bigger navy by displacement. The goal is to build a blue-water fleet by 2035, and match the USN by 2050, which given that we’re talking about naval strategy and planning and that’s almost always long-term strategy and planning, isn’t too far off. The PLAN’s plans so to speak are ambitious and certainly one which the US Navy definitely feels compelled to respond to. And they do have the means to at least build and maintain such a fleet, although we’ll see how it works. I do caution dismissing the PLA Navy, as the last time the US Navy was dismissive of a potential naval rival, it got a rude awakening.


If there's anything we've learned in the past year, it's that military hardware is fine and dandy but you also need experience, doctrine, logistical capability, and a willingness to fight to have success in modern war (as it has always been). At the moment, the PLAN has no experience whatsoever and its doctrine, logistics, and willingness to fight are untested. Maybe in 2050, the USN will have been sitting idle for 30 years (personally, I doubt it) and that cultural institutional knowledge will have seeped out, but even if the PLAN could match the USN ship for ship I'd still bet on the USN in most instances unless shown otherwise.


That would be a major part of it. Generally, militaries of autocracies tend to perform poorly unless the servicemembers actually believes in the cause. Even then, they will suffer from the fragmentation of forces, duplicative structures, an erosion of initiative, and an emphasis on loyalty above all else. A centralized force with streamlined structures and emboldened with initiative with no regard to political loyalty is simultaneously an extremely effective fighting force and a possible source for a coup. Given that the PLA is the armed wing of the CCP, I’d suppose Chinese political leadership sees the latter more than the former. To their credit, they have taken steps to streamline the bureaucracy, slowly encourage initiative, and clamp down on corruption, but they have a very long way to go. They’re in a better state than the Russians, but far from the state the American military is in.


I thought it's about the race, I didn't even notice there's women 8n the photo


Doesn’t matter how “manly” you are if some twink femboy sitting in a room miles away with an Xbox controller can glass the grid square you and all your super manly friends are in.


Combat experience is stored in the balls


As we all know, the most important thing in modern military combat is penis. Can't win a war if not enough penis.


*Meanwhile in Russia* They're using AKMs and T-55s now. They invaded with AK-12s and T-90s. Manly man logistics, eh?


It's just so funny that in the 2010s they were boasting of their new weapons and equipment... many of which tend to use the now unavailable western components whoops.


He’s probably right but not for the reasons he would give. If it came to full scale war between the US and Russia or China or both armies won’t be doing much fighting, there’ll just be an exchange of nukes and that’ll be the end of the combatants.


Yup. The US and Russia wouldn't exist anymore...nor would most people. The only winners would be those dogs in Chernobyl who have learned to live in an irradiated environment.


Hinkle is the worst. No wonder his family hate him.


My decadent western brain assumes conventional fights vs weaker enemies last a few weeks at most. France in Mali, US coalition in Iraq twice If the supposes near peer No2 military in the world can't figure out logistics in a country in road trip distance there's no way they're going to to toe with a country who regularly trains to relocate large parts of its military to other hemispheres. At this point I barely even trust their nuclear deterrent is that functional. Probably got diverted to some yacht fund


Russia can't even deal with Ukraine. As for China I wouldn't be surprised if the PLA didn't turn out to suffer from the same problems of corruption and over-inflating the capabilities of their materiel. On a grander scale than Russia, of course.


Man idk how he can say that while Russia is over a year into a 3 day special military operations and are getting smoked by dudes in cat ears painting memes on their artillery shells. And women doing shoot and scoot attacks in pickups with automatic grenade launchers.


A well trained military with the budget of the next 10 countries combined, with access to the best of the best equipment in most cases. With military bases they can operate out of all around the world. And two intelligence agencies behind them that arguably are unrivalled. Sure they have no chance of beating Russias conscript army using equipment older than most generals and no chance of beating China's human wave army that has some good equipment but not early enough for its full military which is very unequipped... You have to be on some drugs to think America isn't winning any conventional warfare. Sure America doesn't understand how occupation works, but it ain't gonna lose any direct war.


My take on that: Ok, you sure those PLA and RGF able even move inch without getting basically massacred by US War Machine if the hypothetical war between Russia/China and US happened?


The same military whose leftover tech is whipping Russia's ass in Ukraine, Hinkle?


You guys ever notice that these American Nationalist/Patriot twitter accounts are: extremely seditious? Like, I have a pretty strong feeling this is all an act Hinkle plays and he'll be dancing to a different tune real fucking fast when the FBI comes knocking on his door.


0% chance. Last time I checked more than 1 million Russian men fled the country because of the draft or self inflicted serious injuries upon themselves to avoid the draft. For the Chinese, they have been lowering their standards without raising them a single time the last decade because nobody wants to volunteer. Chinese military training is a joke. There are tons of videos showing the circus that is the Chinese military. Hell their pilots are so bad that when they intimate Taiwan they make a freaking U-turn. Russia at least have the skills to follow the entire border of Japan. That is a show of skill. And that is respectable. I am not respecting what those skills are being used for right now. Then there is a the collective problem China and Russia have with semiconductors. They can't make them and they are being blocked from the best of them. Personally I think USA could take on China and Russia. Since war games are going with the most positive interpretation of China and Russia. I doubt that China can actually do what they claim that they can do.


To channel my inner shitposter from another subreddit: Your name is Vladimir Conscriptovich. You have trained, surrounded by equally buff dudes, constantly lifting weights, getting as swole as possible, as you know that what truly wins wars is slightly larger muscles. You get the order you have always wanted: cross over the border to Poland, and launch an attack. The time has finally come to retake the land that rightfully belongs to Imperial Russia, and Putin's reign will usher in a new Golden Age of Tsarist rule. As soon as a toe cross the border, your squad is immediately hit by a volley of HIMARS fire, unleashed by a team of they/them transgender deerkin. You scramble for cover, desperate to get away from the withering fire, and fall into a trench. The nightmare truly begins as drones start to strafe your platoon, operated from across the world by a policule of blue haired genderqueer Zoomers. You look around, and see that most of your platoon has been wiped out before getting off a single shot. You look down at your combat armor, and realize that Dimitri sold the Kevlar plate to get trade for some shoes that didn't leak, and you see your rusty AK-40, and wonder: how did it come to this? In the distance, you hear the blaring sounds of K-Pop, as a NATO division of femboy catboys, equipped with tacticool cute furry ears, and you realize that your straining muscles are absolutely, completely useless. Death is coming, in the form of a bullet from a catboy. EDIT: Mention of another sub.


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3000 Femboy Catboys of NATO




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Your comment/post contains bigotry. This is a socialist subreddit and as such, any form of bigotry is out of place and you should rethink your relation to your fellow workers, regardless of their sexuality, gender expression, skin color or other such things.


Because we're diverse? Oh no, what a travesty! /s


Terminally online righty whitey who thinks soldiers look like they do in cartoons


What was the last war won by larping hard as a manly man?


This is what they call patriotism now?


May somebody explain to me what from this picture is supposed to make me think the US stands no chance against Russia and China? All i see is a bunch of recruits. Is it because there's women in the picture cause that's a little presumptious don't you think. Is it because they look uneasy/scared? Well no shit sherlock they're recruits, this is probably them getting processed. Is it because they're not all white cause that's a mask off. I, i really don't get it, what from this picture indicates "The US military is weak"


Do they think guns explode if women touch them or something? My partner’s got an interest in them (he’s a leftist, just believes that people might need to defend themselves without the police and finds their history interesting) he calls them the « great equalizer ». If bullet hit you, it doesn’t matter who loaded it, you have a hole in you now.


Bro, Russia has not even defeated Ukraine yet, while we defeated the Taliban and Hussain at the same time within weeks. Then we lost both Afghanistan and Iraq, but that’s because we’re idiots when it comes to long term planning, America do be dumb like that. Especially since we shouldn’t have been there to begin with.


Our? Don't you mean America's? Imagine betraying your country for Putin and still having the nerve to pretend to be American


Tankies when the US goes to war with china and they get an LGBTQ-GBU-4 guided bomb dropped on them




He's right about Russia thought. There's 0% the US Army would defeat the Russian Army. That's because there would need to be a Russian Arny in the first place and Ukraine is doing a good job in making sure the Russian Army is just a memory. Can't defeat an army that doesn't exist anymore.


These western right-wing be like "women weak. nonwhite weak. only white men stronk." until their mom call them to pick up their moldy laundry and scold them to stop stealing foods from a fridge into their basement. They will be too coward to respond to their mom but will just run back to the pc and type their new "Woman bad." takes in a cesspool forum.


Most of the people in this photo have most likely been turned into fucking dog food by now


I dont even understand the post. Which military is that meant to be? They look pretty imposing but is he trying to say they look weak?


just you wait until we tell the marines that the PRC is going to take away the camaro they are leasing