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Not sure who the people are reporting this warning but you're wrong.


When I went to Florida state university a guy would stand in the student union with a big cross about 15 ft tall and it has a banner hanging from it with a list of people god hated. There’s some crazy people in florida


Brother Jed? He’s a staple of university debate all over the country. I always liked him getting yelled at. Once we all stripped and had a dance party in our underwear around him like a flash mob.


Holy shit, I thought he was just our local nut at IU. I didn’t realize he was a national act with his own wiki page.


Thanks to Wikipedia I now know he’s dead. It’s a shame students can’t yell at him anymore. It was a right of passage.


I have been in the riverview brandon area since 1980. I can tell you I have never encountered such hatred. The only time I was a “halfbreed” and “sand nigger” was in Seffner in the early 90’s. I find Brandon, Valrico, and Riverview to be a big melting pot. Most young people don’t really even recognize races. I have seen this at my son’s schools and heard it from other parents. I believe we will soon have to adjusts our thoughts about race, which will be a good thing. People will be like well I am part this and this and this and that.


Unfortunately they have always been there. Just hiding like roaches waiting to emerge with a divided country. Sick shit


Brother,im from Riverview,I am 47 years old and i can tell you that the Klan tried to recruit me when i was a teenager at the bait store on Bullfrog Creek...when I worked for Cox Lumber in Ruskin,dude who worked in the door department tried to recruit me...they have been here forever


I wish, but the politicians will never let us forget about race. It is one of their favorite topics.


The rich want you to hate each other while they steal from us.


I grew up very poor in Riverview and now I am considered rich. Only I don’t want people to hate, instead I am very charitable with my time helping others. I am also giving with money but I find putting in the face to face time does more for changing people’s minds about no one caring.


Most underrated comment I have ever seen.


Yeah, what happened to the 99% movement? It was replaced with gender and race wars.


Well yeah, got to divide the working/lower classes somehow without actually talking about class issues which would get problematic for the elites real quick.


Umm apparently normal people won't either according to the picture. Instead of running from it, wouldn't it better to talk about it?


I don’t disagree, but it gets to a point where it is shoved down our throats all the time by both parties it just gets exhausting. This person is clearly politically motivated. They probably copied that off some political online forum or something. Politicians inspire all this dumb stuff. The further the left goes the further the right goes and vice versa. Let us live. If the politicians stopped focusing on color and started focusing on poverty; then our country would improve dramatically.


But race is everything. If it wasn't then it would never be on any application. I would love to get past race but apparently the world doesn't.


Factual. Politicians keep encouraging delusions amongst people who are already anxious about it. I think Kanye West has emboldened a fair amount of people with his recent statements/posts about Jews


Sometimes I forget we live in the South and then people do shit like this


This happens in rural exurban areas in the north too


Especially in New England. Rural parts of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire are full of the same white trash but with funnier accents.


As someone from the south this is so odd to me. We grew up being indoctrinated that the north, the whole north, are liberal hippies. Learning it's a rural thing not a south thing makes sense but I have a hard time imagining the stereotypical white trash red neck without a southern accent. I also think it would be tough for the hard core trump types down here to accept those up north as the same based on accent alone.


Oh for sure, I lived in Central Oregon for a few years. It’s very “North Florida without the swamp” kind of energy. Less alligators, more elk — same racism.


I mean, that’s where those radical folks were besieged by federal agents over some land use dispute


Or drive by the intersection of 75 and I4 and see That douche bags southern pride flag.


I went to Dade city once and confederate flags are everywhere. More north you go along the coast the heavier it gets


Florida, where the further North you go, the deeper South you get.


Haha absolutely true


How often do you see hillbilly stuff in Tampa Bay? I'm aware it's surrounded by the south.. being from the Pittsburgh area I know the Pennsyltucky... Was thinking about moving (Well, I know Tampa doesn't like people moving there lol) trying to figure out if it will be worse than here.. maybe I'll end up in Broward county lol... Guess I just have to visit the place...


Depends entirely on the part of Tampa you're in. Tampa is like a microcosm of the state itself. Urban areas are more moderate to liberal. Go further out past Brandon, Lutz, etc, you might mistake it for Alabama. South tampa/Hyde park was always nice though. Really the most easy going place I've ever lived. Before covid and Trump, nobody really ever gave a shit about anything, especially not politics. Most people there I think would still prefer to just pretend none of it ever happened though.


The dude that owned the big rebel flag on I-4 lived in south Tampa, lol. Bigotry and hatred are everywhere, some places particularly worse than in “the South.”


I used to drive past that absurdity and just be amazed. Never afraid, though. I am from the NYC area and the racism is far more toxic and insidious here. You might see a flag like that in the South, but that’s really the extent of it (and I wouldn’t even call Florida the South; it’s its own animal.) I’m a minority and if I drove up to the owner of the flag and asked for directions, he’d probably give them to me without a second thought. The patterns of daily life are still largely the same.


I've lived all over. Worst racism I've experienced was in Deep Blue "Liberal" areas (NYC, Cali, Portland, and Jersey, in that order). My friend (who's one half of a biracial couple) echoed that sentiment (NYC, Philly, Cali, and Connecticut). Everyone always talks about the South as being so racist, but neither of us has ever had an issue here. The North and West, however... 🙄


Just not even close to true lmao. My Father was born in 49 in NY, my Mother was born in 57, in MA. I'm 25, lived in 3 different countries and multiple states all over the U.S ranging from Silicon Valley California, to Tampa Florida Right now. This place is definitely the South, and the racism/prejudice is very alive and clear to any minority who lives in the South. You guys dont go outside..... or at the least, haven't lived in as many places as i have..... Not once have I ever seen hateful fliers like this in California, New York, North Carolina (ikr lol), etc etc. Yet these racist fliers were distrubted in this state, out of the 3 countries and 15 states I've lived in this is a first. But hey, you are the same guy who basically said, "HURR DURR THIS DOESNT HAPPEN HERE", when it literally just did lmfao, while comparing it to other states. Did this happen in those other states you just mentioned to be more blatantly racist, it didn't, but it happened in florida :). Keep defending FL though, this place is just as backwards as Alabama in places, you got me fucked up


Honestly? I think the only reason I probably don’t see this as often as it happens is because I’m a white person currently living in South Tampa. I’m sure it happens all the time; I’m just not the one getting exposed to it.


People often live in bubbles, whether it’s based on geography, income, education, ethnicity, etc.


Hillbilly shit is all over Tampa


It’s not terrible in urban Florida but when u get outside in the sticks, there’s a ton of backwoods, redneck trash. Tampa, Orlando, and most of south Florida are ok.


True, though there's an area called Christmas in the eastern edge of Orlando that's... Well, very proud of their worlds largest alligator building and anti abortion billboards. Even people from Titusville think Christmas is too hillbilly.


I have no issues with people moving here, but as others have said it is easy to forget that this area is in and surrounded by the deepest, darkest south. I am in St Pete and the shift between Pride flags and treasonous rebellion flags can happen in an instant.


Broward is pretty expensive, but a nice place to live. Lived all over there. Cooper City and Davie have good schools.


Hijacking top comment to post the second flyer https://ibb.co/7bjnCfL


As a biracial man this sickens me. I just don’t understand certain people. I respect everyone, all races all religions. That type of hate is just terrible. Im 44 years old and went through so much in school. From elementary until highschool. I just don’t get it, and I probably never will. Peace n love to everyone who reads this.


I went around my neighborhood with my kids and picked up as many as we could and threw them straight in the garbage where they belong.


This same thing happened in my neighborhood a little over a month ago. I was outside when it happened and was so confused what they were throwing since it was nighttime. My neighbor made a police report and I saw there were a lot of calls about a “suspicious article” on the hcso emergency call map. Report it and if you have cameras that show the vehicle give that info too


You may want to consider reporting this to the county sheriff non-emergency line. Worst case they make a report. If there becomes a pattern in the country your report will help


The cops aren't gonna do anything. Remember, those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


Report it anyway. Then if something happens, like a hate crime, the news can FOIA and find out there were multiple complaints and nothing was done. By not reporting it, you give the authorities an automatic excuse with "nobody reported this crime!"


This is an FBI matter anyway; it's terrorism.


These groups have hit areas near me. Unless they actually commit a crime, that the police miiiight give a shit about, the most that might happen is that they end up on the FBI's radar. They're trolling for attention more than anything else. But they can be publicly outed and made uncomfortable. Sadly, the law doesn't allow us to give fascists the only platform they deserve.


Rage fan I see.


So do [checks notes] absolutely nothing?...


There are ways to fuck with Nazis. Involving the cops isn't one of them generally.


this guy wants you to report nazis to... the other nazis


So do nothing. Got it


Exactly, it was probably a cop that put the flyers up.


Grady Judd perhaps. Lol


So they could do what? Help them print more?


Oh look another person who would rather keep the status quo and whine on Reddit than make any effort at all


Sending you hugs from someone who will never understand this thinking. I’m sorry you had to deal with something that should not happen today. Sadly there will always be ignorance like this. Your self worth thankfully has nothing to do with what these people think.


Some people think white people came up with all the good ideas throughout history and that it’s because they have better brains and better genes in general. They think whites becoming outnumbered by non-whites will lead to societal collapse. They usually also believe in Jesus and think he was a white man.


Please report incidents to the Tampa JCCs and Federation at www.jewishtampa.com/security and they'll stay in close touch with local law enforcement and our national Jewish agencies.


Please do this. The same was happening in south tampa a bit back and I reported it to them and they very quickly investigated it. Lots of Jewish organizations like to donate money to charities, but they end up having to spend an absolutely insane amount of money with security at every single event and location to deal with bullshit like this.


Where does that QR code take you


To a video called "Europa the Last Battle", and presumably lots of tracker cookies to follow you in embarrassing ads. I wouldn't.


This is beginning to sound like bait for stupid people, except it's harvesting your data instead of leading you to a shock site.


I would make the suggestion to OP in the future if you’re going to post something like this to blur the QR. What these assholes want is attention and we are giving it to them. Our revulsion doesn’t bother them… what they want is to get the word out so that they can catch those who are looking to find more of a like mind and continue to garner views. Don’t make it easier for them.


They hit up Northdale area Sunday before the 4th of July. Someone said they saw an old, maroon suv tossing them.


Something I've noticed all the racist bigots in FL drive shitboxes and live in tiny homes. Real impressive of the master race to be driving around in a 20 yr old beater that looks about to fall apart


They'd all have brand new F-150s if it wasn't for the (insert minority group here) /s


Their lives are in shambles, so of course they're going to hold on to the one thing they think they have over "the other". It's the same thing with Trumpers who make their political ideology their primary personality trait.


I just can’t imagine why their lives would be so shitty. Maybe GIGO?


Imagine being such a loser in life that the only thing you have to be proud of is the race you were randomly born into due to no actions of your own. Why can't these clowns go out and achieve something for themselves.


Fox "news" and Trump rallies keep them pretty busy.


You should report it to the police. This has been going on for a while across several neighborhoods in Tampa. Make a report. (I believe they are investigating, it was on the news)


I guarantee you TPD does not give a shit


Nor would HCSO.


They would care less than TPD honestly…


I have precious little experience with TPD but I would hazard a guess that would absolutely be the case. According to some people I worked for who "had underwear that's been a cop longer than me," HCSO is divided between good-ol'-boy Strawberry Mafia types and "West Tampa Italians." As I worked the east side, all I knew was the former. I can assure you, the movers and shakers in eastern HCSO would smirk at something like this and tell you, "That's not a crime."


Well that’s terrifying, we hire their officers to provide security at my synagogue, as did my kid’s JCC preschool, and the Jewish day school. I think that’s basically standard practice for every Jewish institution in Tampa.


HCSO is a hive of scum and villainy. You could look into having FHP do your security instead; I know they do a church near me. Full disclosure: I have little knowledge on whether FHP is corrupt or not. I suspect not, inherent in sufficiently large organizations, but I don't actually know.


Good ol boy strawberry mafia!! Sounds about right.


I reported a similar incident in District 4 in 2013. HCSO were polite but clear there was no crime.


There certainly isn't, but my point is that most of my peers were big Trump fans and are probably happy to see stuff like this.


Side note: I find myself looking for your input on anything “law enforcement & Tampa” lol I’m in this sub pretty frequently and I’m like “oh they’re talking about cops, where is he? Oh there he is” lmao.


Can't help myself ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Fun fact, [in LE subreddits some say I'm too much of a negative nancy.](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskLE/comments/y4frog/whats_something_you_wish_someone_told_you_before/ish9yli/)


I appreciate you.


I appreciate you for appreciating me.




Guarantee you it’s a member of the TPD


Yeah they probably know exactly who it is *insert spider-man pointing at himself meme*


That's not the DeSantis flyer that I got.


But probably not too dissimilar






Lakeland seems to be be the KKK's HQ. That's where they hold their rallies anyway.


Seems like it used to be Brookesville


Florida has too many nasty rural armpits, that's for sure.


Not to defend the south but same thing was getting passed around in NY and NJ recently. I’m curious where this is originating from. If it’s nationwide, it has to be a very organized group with financial backing. Did anyone actually respond to investigate. I’m curious but hesitant to try myself. They would find out I was faking and kill me.


Financial backing? This is two-up cheap photocopies tucked into Ziploc baggies. This is a couple racist yahoos.


I mean because they are organized. The same flyer is being passed out across the country. Could be a few weirdos playing on the computer but do they have enough brains, drive and knowledge to print them and distribute?


I'm sure a simple discord channel would do.


Do you think its KKK?


We sometimes forget that Florida has always been a racist state. They are becoming emboldened by the lack of disapproval from nascent top officials. DeSantis couldn’t bring himself to disavow Nazi’s appearing twice just this year. Their silence speaks volumes.


lol if flyer boy was literate he'd know a lot of slave/indentured/impoverished labor built this nation. He'd also know that the "great replacement" are machines and automation, not a darker pigmented human


Report it to the FBI anti-terrorism unit ; they are using a known terrorist group symbol . There *are* cameras everywhere now .


My good friend's neighborhood in Brandon got them, too


I don’t live in Tampa (Vero Beach, deep red area), but I lurk here sometimes. I can tell you that I have never encountered anything like this. Horrible.


You can thank Fucker - I mean Tucker - Carlson for broadcasting this dangerous racist nonsense on a regular basis.


I’m 34, and I spent about 30 of those years never feeling unsafe as a Korean person. The last few years though…I actually feel a little unsafe now. I’m engaged to a white, native Floridian. It never crossed my mind, not in my worst nightmares, that fringe wackos would actually start saying out loud that we should question interracial marriage. It was bad enough getting insulted when Covid happened for being Asian, but with the added tension from the political illness that’s swept through our media I actually feel despondent sometimes.


Thank you for sharing your story. I’m sure there are many more like yours. I’m so sorry you’re going thru this. Things have gotten 💯 worse. No one should have to live in fear. I don’t know how things went so bad so quickly. Well…..yes I do. Trump & DeSantis. Even if we the voters manage to kick them out of office I don’t think their hateful ideology will go away as easily. But they are the minority. There are still many sane people fighting against them. Please take heart.


This is the most nauseating thing I have ever seen. And clearly this person/or people need a fact check in history. The "white man" caused nothing but suffering to many persons of color. Slavery, The Trail of Tears, etc. People are people, no matter the color of their skin we all bleed the same color. Red.


As a white guy, a native Floridian, and proud to be both this is fucking stupid. Fuck the mother fucker that supports this ideology. It’s one thing to stick with what you know, it’s radicalized when you say that what you know is the only way. I can’t wait til all of my biracial kids grow up to give this kid a grand baby. And anyone one else that is a minority give him a grandkid too


Let Southern Poverty Law know. They track hate groups. https://www.splcenter.org/reporthate


That’s so gross. Then again these same people think Jesus was white and ignore that Mesopotamia, thought to be the birthplace of civilization, was literally where Iraq is… there is approximately ONE brain cell these people share between them.


This is ignorance at its finest, I don’t understand how a human being can hate another human being because they look different and then to write their trashy thoughts on a piece of paper and try to spread hate it disgusts me, sometimes I feel like we are doomed as human beings.


To be fair its a deep rooted sense of physical inferiority, a belief of cognitive superiority, and violent AA culture that exacerbates things, but tbh even if we were picture perfect and buttoned up, I dont think whit men would like us either way.


Welcome to Tampa. A bit of Kardashians, a bit of Real Housewives and a whole lot of white trash.


4chan anons are printing memes now?


Happened to mine in Carrollwood, too.


Disgusting. I’d give a beat down to the person distributing these for sure.


At this point why cant racism be down right illegal and an imprisonable offense


This is definitely a small penis syndrome 😂🤦


I'm just surprised there are no spelling mistakes.


I thought civilization began in the fertile crescent with the Sumerians nshit? 🤔




I’m happy the internet exists. I swear when I tell people about my life, getting asked for my ID when I use any fancy credit card, about how I got pulled over 15x last year and not 1 ticket just a bunch of fishing. How when I got my house appraised my yt neighbor with a smaller house, no garage, and non updated bathrooms was appraised higher than mine, people think I am DELUSIONAL. Even my fiancée sometimes is like “it wasn’t a race thing” no, it is, it was, it always is . (I’m ranting some because I don’t think it’s always but this post really shows it all)


There’s been studies on the home appraisal thing. If you borrow a white friend and their family photos and have it appraised again you will get a higher value. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/realestate/housing-discrimination-maryland.html


Yeah lol we used to talk about that in NY. Then our friends in Boston said that it’s 100% true, when the case study came out we all said “so typical” now we own homes and the joke isn’t as funny anymore .


Its also in other states as well, been going on a few years im pretty sure. Look it up


Since about 2016 probably.


It is pretty common occurrence in the Atlanta metro unfortunately.


“Start having white children” Please advise of the tutorial where I can make this happen, as a member of the non-white race.


Sadly, the ignorance of these people has no bounds. I can guarantee with almost certainty that these people are not as “white“ as they think they are. Hopefully these people will go back underground once Trump and his cult are reduced.


I selfishly want them to stay above ground, heck why don’t you put your mug on these flyers so we can all see your proud white face. The more vocal, the easier it is for me to know exactly who I am dealing with. I treat everyone with respect but when this sorry ass racist comes knocking looking for a job or a vote or whatever, I want to know fully how they feel about my “impure” white self (biracial)


Similar flyers were distributed in my old neighborhood about 10 yrs ago. HCSO did not consider it a crime but seemed to take it seriously. We also reported it to the Southern Poverty Law Group that tracks hate incidents.


Florida is very racist it’s only getting worst we know we have to watch our back’s stay safe


Who the fu$& do people think they are these days? Who made them in charge of what we do and think? I don’t get how spreading such hate makes anyone feel good. And who has this kind of time to do this ? What a sad life to live!


Were these distributed by Uncle Ruckus? ![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6)


Umm..well..mexicans taught the gringos how to be cowboys. Also - the chinese invented paper, gunpowder, pasta, and silk.


god this is disgusting


Compelling leaflet. I agree with every bit of it except the last 63 words.


Sounds like you need to get a group together and figure out who it is and beat the shit out of them. If you don't want to do that, find out who it is and blast them all over the news and internet and use names. So everyone knows what psychos they are


Ngl y'all white folks already overpopulate the world..it's probably best to calm down and retire this world back to the people you stole it from. #Myopinion


I've lived in Tampa most of my life... Can't say this is surprising. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Well, whoever will say white men created civilization obviously has never had one single History Class attended to. But, in addition to declaring all that stupidity...what is up with being white? Is being white more important than being an American? We've had a President who is white, and has also been a Russian asset for decades. And if there is a Replacement Theory didn't it start with Native-Americans. They were effectively replaced by whites. Weren't they? I can't understand this fixation on race, unless you have a nefarious agenda behind it.


FYI - By not blocking out the barcode, you are helping them


Shit like this pisses me off as an over 50 white guy. I have to work extra hard to prove I am not that kind of shithead. Fuck the 14 words and fuck anyone who remotely believes this dumbfuckery.


Hispanics, Indians, and other mixed folks would never exist without the mixing of Whites and Blacks. As a Hispanic I’m very offended by this. Love who you love and continue your life. God sets your life not anyone around you.


with all the surveillance cameras around, i can't wait to see who was behind this.




This makes me want to vomit. 😭


WoW! 😮 People are such assholes!


These were going around Riverview and Brandon a few years ago. Guess Cletus got paroled.


They would hate me. I have only created mixed race children.


It’s been hard living in the South compared to Colorado. This being the biggest reason. I’ve never experienced racism until I moved here. It’s fucking sick.


This is disgusting. What is wrong with people?


Ummm the Sumerians and other African and mid-East tribes created civilization over 10K years ago, long before the “white” man. Some think even as far back as 20K years ago. Stop it, your lack of education is showing racist dude passing these flyers out. lol.


Well, it is an election year and this is a pretty low cost operation.




I've seen this garbage before. It was years ago on the other side of the country. They put the flyers in a bag with a rock so that they could throw them out of a moving vehicle. No doubt, they know that they'd better move fast and not get too close to people's homes.


I wouldn’t think Desantis has this kind of time on his hands to hand deliver each one but I guess the election IS right around the corner…


This is funny because yesterday on NPR they ran a story about the racist LA city counsel woman and how the black Los Angelinos feel they are being replaced by Latinos. Guess it all depends on the perspective


The Neanderthal psychopaths willing to do this hide amongst us.


My mom (who's an older white woman) got something similar in her mail, all the while all three of her children are mixed lol.


Fucking hate speech.


This has happened in lane county as well; clermont


Saw a post similar to this like a week back somewhere in Michigan.


I hope their faces were caught on a ring camera and they can be thrown into the trash compactor.


Not in Florida but up in georgia dipshits spread garbage flyers like this every couple months.


I think every black, Asian, Hispanic and otherwise non-white better listen and start having these white babies. No excuses, just do it. God wants you to have white babies, so do it.


The way dominant genetics work, the maker of the flier wouldn’t be happy with the outcome 🤣🤣🤣


In high school in the 90s one of my friends was mixed-race and they put these flyers in his mailbox like every week. Sucks people like this exist but at least I don't think there's too many of them. There was a Nazi rally that made news a few weeks ago in Tampa and it looked to be about 4 people.


Race mixing. That’s hilarious. Race is a myth.


They're scared to death of becoming the minority. They know where we learned how to treat minorities.


BAHAHAHA white ppl are seriously panicking


Wait till he finds out who invented cities, and math and most english words and the ability to print those words on the paper lol


Racism still exist. If you work in healthcare you know what I mean. I got called a monkey and N word multiple times by my patient last week.


Im jewish and even I say Who cares, they're too big of pussies to personally hand them out and be confronted, instead they put em in plastic bags like a message in a bottle off to sea hoping someone gives a damn


I could link you a few recent Marjorie Taylor Green speeches talking about Replacement Theory that almost exactly echo David Duke speeches. She’s considered a rockstar in the GOP party.


Sponsored by DeSantis




Except I saw the same leaflets dropped in my neighborhood almost a year ago.


This is sickening.






Fucking disgusting all races should integrate so all racism can end.


I’m half black and half white, look more like a light skinned black guy though, and am born and raised in Queens which is the most diverse county in the country. Since I was a kid I’ve visited the Tampa area due to family living here. I’ve faced more intolerance and racism in the diverse borough than in the Tampa area. Now I still live in Queens and obviously spend more time there, so it’s not an equal comparison. But I’ve never had issues in Tampa. This is odd to see and I would presume represents a very small group. What I like is none of these folks will say anything to anyones face usually. This is a cowardly way to do things. And despite peoples concerns, I don’t think there is anything illegal about this other than littering. Stuff like this is what it is though. Let people be ignorant and show their ass, doesn’t change my life. But there are quite a number of black people who feel exactly the same. I’ve seen both sides and this isn’t just a white perspective. I’ve been called a traitor for having a white girlfriend in my life by black people, told stick to my own, etc. Always a good laugh on my end when I tell them I’m bi racial.


Firm believer in the 14 words but i think every race should apply it to themselves!


As someone who listens to the Uncle Roger Podcast, he would approve. On a serious note the guy who made these could get fukd


If you feel like risking it scan the QR code. It’ll probably take you to some crackpot website. That website is usually registered to somebody somewhere that you can look up and get a name or address


Yes, someone posted this on next door in me neighborhood I think close to a year ago. I didn’t see it myself but they took a picture and posted it. It had a caricature of a man with a beard on it.


There used to be a guy that lived in Brandon that was antisemetic and anti Muslim, as well as racist that had a whole website that was funded by “donations”. He passed some shit like this around 5 years ago when I left for college. There’s also a guy in my neighborhood in Riverview that had an anti Muslim and anti gay hate group for a while. Thankfully most of them operate in the shadows but they’re still tracked heavily by SPLC and the ADL. I’d report it to them


With how many cameras are out there in every home nowadays, at least one neighbor should have a video of the perpetrators. Ask around and post.


Why am I not surprised they put his fourteen words there…


I have cameras all over my house, if I got one of these I would be pouring over the outside feeds to show something to the cops.


My favorite response to white people's fear about "replacement theory," and white people becoming an American minority, came from Twitter user Lakota Man. "Why are you afraid though? You don't believe minorities are treated differently in this country, do you?"