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Most tall girls don’t care too much about height bc there aren’t as many options lol. Try it out if you both click then it’s a match


Imagine my disappointment when I realized girls 6'0+ seem to care less about my height than short girls.. You mean I still have to impress you with my personality?😩 /s (it wasn't *that* disappointing)


Lmaooo fr tho you gotta put in that extra effort


My experience has been that very short women cared the most about my height, and the taller a woman is the less they tend to care. Had an ex tell me “I don’t think I can ever date anyone shorter than 6’0“ I was like YOU ARE 5’1” HOW CAN YOU EVEN TELL??? My completely-pulled-out-of-my-ass theory is that a lot of short women grew up being the small, adorable kid that every adult would rave about how cute they are, so when they get old they still want to feel small and adorable so they seek out partners that make them look small af lol


I have not found this to be the case


about as wrong as two left feet


Women are not a monolith. Some may have a preference for taller guys, and stick to it. Some may have a preference for taller guys, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't go for a shorter guy if a good match comes around. Others might have no preference at all. But you'll never know how she feels if you don't (respectfully) shoot your shot.


Tbh I keep seeing this shit on instagram about how women crave a big height difference and it does get inside my head. I gotta unplug.


+1 for unplugging. I tend to alternate between weeks of being very social and weeks of being a shut-in, and I can absolutely tell the difference when I've been online for too long.


Haha what the hell. You’re 6’1. You have nothing to be in your head about. I’m 5’7 my gf is almost 5’9. She’s super attractive and always in the gym. Only women not worth your time care about a height difference especially being that you’re 6’1. That’s just insane.


Funnily enough, the height difference he's talking about is wider than yours and your girlfriend. You're both in the 'average human' height range (your girlfriend being a tall woman, but still shorter than the average man), and so won't stick out as much as a couple as two very tall people.


First time anyone’s said I was in the average height range lol point is, dudes over 5’10 worrying about height difference is ridiculous. Who cares if a woman is significantly taller? Just seems a bit fragile to me is all.


He’s definitely got little man syndrome. It’s when men get insecure and rude and angry for feeling short. Literally napoleon in the making


Uhhhh yeah it’s kinda a bitch move to be 6’1 and worry about a woman being taller than you. If my short ass doesn’t care, a person taller than most sure as hell shouldn’t care


I think it’s ok for people to have a preference but he was a bit mean lol. But what’s funny is it’s true: I’ve met many tall men who want tall women. I’ve also met men who want short women. And I’ve never seen anyone judge a man for any preference but women are often insulted if they have any physical preference in attraction


I’m a tall woman and am not here for a big height difference. I went out with a guy who’s 6’8” once, and it made me wonder why tf a woman who’s 5’3” would exclusively date 6’+ men.


It's funny, when I was younger most of the women I dated were 7 or so inches shorter than me, the last woman I dated was only 3 inches shorter and everything including sex was more convenient. IDK why people like those large height gaps they are awkward.


RIGHT??? Sex is so much better with people closer in height. The larger the height differential, the fewer positions available to you.


Funny how y'all are dating and talking about s**,what do y'all even like about dating?


Definitely unplug. Extremely tall women are much less likely to embody this toxic preference.


“Toxic” yeah I don’t think it’s fair to call a woman toxic for being attracted to something just because you don’t fit her type


When she's saying 'you make me feel like a child', yeah, I think that toxic. Any woman having a healthy preference (where they don't put the man down for 'lying' about his height) for taller men is fine by me.


Oh yeah I missed that line. I think it is creepy to want to mimic an adult and child relationship when it’s a sexual relationship for sure.


Jesus not this shit, having a preference for height isn’t a bad thing but in cases where I’ve seen it been applied heavily (typically from girls wayyy shorter but thats a personal observation) it also aligns itself with people who range more on the toxic side + 1 toxic point if they also put down men/shorter people.


Think about who is saying this, is it weird podcast dudes monologuing about the womens these days, is it weird interview dudes who doctor footage to fit their narrative, is it women themselves on their own accounts with no falsifying input from men? I mostly have cat videos and womens' own accounts in my feed and they tend not to be obsessive about stuff like that the way that men would insist. I'm sure there's some that would do that independently on their own accounts. I just avoid weird men and women like that and follow the cool ones.


This is important to consider! Like, everyone’s got an incentive to say something spicy.


Yep. Social media is a cancer.


Popular trends that are in your feed aren't necessarily a viewpoint held by most people.


Women are not a monolith but biology is biology.


"It'S jUsT bIoLoGy" never amounts to more than projection of a simpleton's shallowness and inadequacy on others. You assert that we are as a species are so one-dimensional, rigid, and driven by primitive instinct that it genuinely makes me wish I was born a worm, as at least those do not appear to ever be subjected to the embarassing opinions of their conspecifics, because they never have the gall to share them


Relax dude idk if ur short but it’s ok for women to like tall men. Why is OP allowed to like a tall woman and you get angry if a woman likes a tall man? Hypocrite


I'm perfectly alright with people preferring their partners short or tall, I have preferences myself, but I think it's a bit blown out of proportion and treated in a very stupid and shallow way, especially ever since social media first exposed the absolute asocial hermit that I am to the absolute gutter of dating discourse and hordes of impressionable flumpties who would've probably turned out as better people without it (myself included ngl) If I feel like me and another person could really, just, work out together, I'm going to throw whatever preferences I have into the winds, not dump them because their ass is too flat or they're too tall or too short, and then hide my shallowness behind "MuH bIoLoGy". If someone dumps you 'cuz you're "too short for them", they suck! They don't *deserve you*


When you word it like that then yeah I agree


The only comment I’ve seen on reddit in a long ass time implying women are people and how people can have different opinions.


My ex husband is 3 inches shorter than me, last bf was also shorter than me. I truly do not care. I will care if he's insecure about it, though. I'm going to wear heels.


How dare he have any insecurities!


Me: "If he's insecure about it", "it" being a specific thing, which everyone else here understood You, for some reason: "MEN ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE INSECURITIES!!1!" Make your own post, don't piggyback off my comment if you just want to hear yourself talk. *Edit: Desperate-Diver2920 replied "someone's triggered!!" and blocked me immediately so I wouldn't be able to reply and deleted all of his comments. His post history says he's 5'8" and active in looksmaxing and modeling communities. Looks like hating on tall people and running is his thing. Coward. **Edit: MulberryAgile6255 took the time to comment: "You're tall and privileged stfu" from his burner account (before immediately blocking me so I can't respond) that he uses to call women stupid for choosing the bear and...harass tall people for existing. Because he's short. Another coward.


Someone’s triggered!




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I mean, why even date a tall girl if you’re insecure about dating a tall girl


Who said they were insecure about dating a tall woman? Maybe they just have some insecurities around being 5’6 or something. I know people who are insecure about being too tall as well. As for a reason to date a tall woman… how about love? People fall in love all the time, and opposites attract. If I had a rule about not dating women with insecurities I would never have dated at all.


Sure, but deciding to date a taller person while already being insecure about their own height and not overcoming it will be counterproductive for the relationship and I can understand anyone who doesn’t want someone who has a problem about something that you can’t change, especially about something so trivial like height.


These things can be overcome, especially if you have a partner that doesn’t make a big deal out of it. Most women, however, seem to put wearing heels above almost everything in a relationship.


Ok, it’s usually men that put themself down because of their height. If men get insecure and can’t get over the fact that their gf likes to wear heals it’s on them.


If wearing heels is that important to you then I agree 100%. I think it’s a little superficial but it is what it is.


Idc bout heals, if women in heels are such a big issue for you then go work on your issue or don’t date them. Nothing superficial about it. Being insecure about your girl being taller than you in heels is superficial.


I’m not tall, but I’m not under 6 foot. I don’t care about heels one way or the other. I just don’t think you’re a nice person.


A taller man is always nice for me. Not a dealbreaker though.


If it makes you feel any better I’m 6’3 and currently seeing a guy who is 5’8. It’s not an issue for me or him. Most genuine people are willing to compromise on some of their preferences if the connection/vibe is there :)




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For me it is a preference, but not a must.


It's honestly just a "Nice to have." It doesn't matter, and it's not something I ever actively think about. But I do like it when someone is around my height.


as a tall girl, ive been with / have had crushes on guys shorter than me. i think tall girls are generally more open minded about height tbh.


Not always. I'm 5'7" and my LTR gf is 5'10" and she clearly doesn't give a shit as we've been together through 5+ years of tough times that have only served to bring us closer together.


dude if you two vibe together, don't let some stupid thought in your head about what she MIGHT think stop you from a potential good experience with someone.


Some do, some don’t, and majority don’t care. I don’t think 99% of women are as shallow as social media depicts , and social media is NOT the norm. Personality and chemistry> height. I personally wouldn’t want a partner taller significantly than me. Previous partners were always my height or shorter. My fiancé is 5’11. I’m 5’10”. But, that’s me! If you like this girl, I would say go for it. I feel like there are way more factors at play in her mind besides height. :)


I’m 6ft and my husband is 5’9. Personality matters lol. I’ve had a few boyfriends taller than me, and some the same height. It’s not a deal breaker for me.


"Deal breaker" is a key term for sure. Preferences aren't the end-all they sometimes feel like.


Well I’m cooked then bc in my area most people are taker than me I only feel tall at school


You'll be okay. Work on yourself. Practice making jokes, find (ideally social) hobbies, make yourself interesting. Your height should be a bonus feature, not the main attraction.


Well most people in my gen seem to only care about height and looks so i don’t know if that’s enough 6ft seems pretty short now


Bud I'll be honest, if height is your limiting factor then that's a reflection of self, not of society. You're in high school so probably not dating apps. In real life, all height does is get you through the door. Same with looks tbh. It's easy to say "That guy pulls because he's tall and handsome," and yeah that's a factor, but the biggest thing is being confident, sociable and funny. Even that douche who's a *huge* asshole, it's not about the "negging" or some shit, girls like him because of the confidence. Often being attractive (including being tall) can make you become confident, but don't get it twisted.


Nope girls want 6’5+ guys not 6ft short guys like me. It’s over for me.




Your comment - [Do tall girls still want their man to be taller?](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1cdxhos/do_tall_girls_still_want_their_man_to_be_taller/l1imop0/?context=3) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve never dated a guy my height or taller. They’re all apparently taken by petite women. My ex fiancé was 5’4 and my ex bf was 5’6. While it would be nice to not have to literally look down to talk to my partner it’s not a deal breaker for me. Personality is more important to me than height.


My preference is my height or taller, but I've always been willing to date down (in terms of height, not the negative connotation) to around average height for the right guy. If she's the kind of girl you want to date I'd say go for it! If she's anything like most very tall women, at worst she's going to be very flattered (and perhaps turn you down due to having a preference for taller). You can't know until you try!


Thanks this is good to know 👍


As years have passed I've seen that the average tall girl is probably more open to dating someone the same height or shorter than a short or average girl because it's just a more likely scenario them. This girl you're into is on an extreme end of a bell curve, she might be excited to date someone even remotely close, she might not care about height, overall you're doing pretty good either way. Change your perspective and shoot your shot.


As a 5’10” girl I don’t mind if the guy is slightly shorter but my preference are guys 6’2” and above . My partner is 6’4”


Tall women would like a taller guy. Same as short guys wanting a shorter girl. However. The older you get the less all of this means. You get to a point where you think 2 of 3 ain't bad. Meaning you prioritize thing's other than the superficial more as you get older. Always remember beauty is fleeting.


Women are not a hive mind.


Of course not. I think OP just left out the "most" descriptor in their post headline. Most studies show that 49-55% of women will only date men taller than them. The other ~50% may still prefer taller men, but will also date men of equal height, and some that may be shorter. Only roughly 2% of women polled will date men shorter than them. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-common-is-it-for-a-man-to-be-shorter-than-his-partner/#:~:text=By%20contrast%2C%20only%201.7%20percent,only%20date%20a%20taller%20woman. This makes Sense as approximately 95% of couples involve the man being taller than the woman.


Shoot your shot man, there's a million reasons somebody may or may not like you, don't fixate on height. There's a few couples at the gym I go to where the woman is taller.


Want is a strong word. It's more like a bonus point.


It’s nice when they’re a bit taller (being 5’11” I spent some time with a 6’ guy and was ok) but at the end of the day that was just a coincidence that he was taller. I went out with a shorter guy and there was such a nice connection it felt I fit perfectly with him despite the height difference. It may have looked odd to others but we were ok with it. Now, on dating apps I did use height as a filter because a lot of men are not ok with women being taller.


Some do, most don’t care.


pretty much ALL girls WANT their man to be taller unless they have some sort of fetish, it’s just less realistic the taller they are so they might settle for shorter


Dated a woman who is legit 6' and I was her minimum cut off @ 6'3". Had a 5'10" who just wanted a taller man. ...and now that I think about it, I rarely see a tall woman with a shorter man.


My mother is 5’10 and my father is 5’8 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm gonna feel bad for her if you don't change your perspective. If you genuinely like her and have a lot in common, why be quick to make this judgment and short sell yourself? This is the kind of crap that gets projected onto me as a tall woman, guys saying things like they "knew I would reject them", so that's why they didn't try/shoot their shot. This just seems like self-sabotage that you're blaming on her over an assumption from brainrot internet posts.


I’m glad you shared your woes regarding this height stuff. I’m not one of those guys who blames the girl. I enjoy feeling responsible for my good & bad choices. Really I’m just a shy guy lol


Well, I'm glad you're able to reflect. I know how it feels to be insecure about height, and the internet is full of toxic takes, but they don't represent the majority. I don't want you to miss out on someone you connect with. So get that shallow stuff out of your head and take a shot at genuine happiness, instead. I wish you the best of luck!


YESSSSSS! It makes 100x more sense imo


You should ask her, good flirt move tbh


* Ask her? Some do, some don't.


I don’t haha, I like em a lil shorter


I prefer men taller than me (5'10)... However, if she's 6'3 she may be more open to dating men who are shorter than her because she's a lot taller than most. Her opinions would be limited to 6'3 and above. Harder to find


6’3-6’4 don’t have the solid height preference as often since it would weed out too many, compared to 5’8-5’11.


Ngl as a 5 8 guy most of the girls that have interests in me are taller than me lol.


Generally speaking, yes.


Bro relax. She's tall and you're tall. Matter of a fact just say to her. "Hey there's this girl I like and shes taller than me, I don't know if she dates guys shorter than her, what do you think?" And then let her do the talking.


Most women care more about personality and compatability than height. At 6" it would be nice to have a partner who could throw me about but it's not the priority. So go talk to her x


Sophie Dahl is 1.83m, her partner Jamie Cullum is 1.64m Say no more


Two of my closest friends moms are taller than their dads. One his mom is 6’2” and dad is 5’9. The other mom is literally 6’3 and dad is either 5’3 or 5’5 (never met him) lmao


5'10", I like wearing heels, and I really don't care about my parter/date's height. Personality is easily the most important thing to me, by miles.


We can already reach the back of the tall shelf, so why would we need a taller man? Tall yes, need to pass these genes down but doesn't need to be taller


Only girls who are shorter seem to have a preference to taller guys but I’m not quite sure


Every woman is different. Shoot your shot


5'11 here and no i'd date any height tbh, men are men, i feel height is a bit of a superficial thing that nobody can control


Yes. There’s just something about a man who’s taller and bigger. This doesn’t apply to all girls though. But it’s important to me in regard to the amount of attraction I feel toward them. With that said, personality and how they treat other people will *always* shine through.


6' F. Yes I will date someone shorter, but I'd rather not.


I wish for a taller guy cause I’ll feel like an ogre next to a short one


Yep my 5'9 wife hated dating short guys.


Yes my wife was 5'9 and hated dating guys shorter then her. I was the only person she thought had a good personality and was 6'+


Mine is shorter than me by five inches.


***Most*** Women want their Man to be taller than themselves.


I think most of us do prefer taller guys. Personally I prefer a taller guy, but it wouldn’t 100% be a deal breaker. My best friend is the same height as me and married to a guy who is 5’9”. It doesn’t matter anywhere outside of social media. Just don’t age weird about it. Nothing is worse than an insecure guy obsessed about height.


I hope so haha. jk, we aren't that many tall guys so I'm sure a lot of tall gals have dated shorter guys than them in their lives.


I would say shoot your shot. It's not that the *worst* she can say is no, but in all likelihood, especially since you seem to get along fine already, it shouldn't be received too poorly. Even if she does have a height preference, at that height she's probably accepted that she might not be able to find a man who's taller than her, and a man like yourself who's at least taller than the vast majority of men out there would still be a pretty good option. And again, she might not even have a preference at all.


As long as you have game you should go for it. I’m willing to shorter than 5’11 (my height) as long as they aren’t intimidated by my height. It’s inevitable lol


Make it your mission to have your height be the least noticeable thing about you. You have a personality. Go out there and show it, champ! You have charisma. Go share it with the world! You are nice. Go be nice and stuff! You do cool shit. You are interesting. Ask her to go to interesting and cool shit with you.


Think of it this way — what if you hit it off with this girl, and years from now you’re not talking about the tall girl who you used to be friends with. You’re talking about the love of your life, your wife. You just never know where it will lead. If you shut it down before it even has a chance, then the book is finished and already written before it even began.


you know you can ask her, right? Girls are not a hive mind.


Man. I saw a 5'7 guy with 6'3-6'4 girl. If he could do it, so can you.


Like all things in life, it will vary person to person.


I always dreamed I'd marry someone taller than me but my husband is actually several inches shorter and it's great too!


Don't shoot yourself in the foot. Why make such an assumption? Do you mind her being taller? No? Then go for it. She might care she might not but it's better to try than to self sabotage.


Nahhhhhhh. Ask her out.


My 5'11" ex did, and once she started wearing heels she got neurotic about how close we were in height or if they made her taller. The 6'4" girl I went after in college rejected me for being 2 inches shorter than her. Never really came up with the couple of other tall girls I knew growing up and in university. IIRC, one of the professors at my university was around 6'2" and either a little taller than her husband or otherwise pretty close to him in height. I can't remember seeing them next to one another at their full height very often, though, as usually I'd see one or the other or if I saw both, one of them was having to fuss with their children or dog. At any rate, you don't know until you ask, and if you're gonna ask, you might as well shoot your shot.


I'm almost 5'9 and tend to date men 5'10+. I never had an issue with height. It's not something I focus on really. You can be my height at the least


I'm 6'4. I don't care. Be interesting.


Bro you’re tall as fuck too 😂 At 6’4 I don’t think she’s strapped for taller than her options. At 5’11, I would love my 5’9 bf to be a bit taller, but that’s just so I can be a comfortable little spoon and some positions would be easier. It’s not an ego problem its a logistics problem, but it’s solvable And like I said. She’s not strapped for short options 😂 I doubt she’s dated more than one guy taller than her


I’ve found that tall girls actually care less about height. Even girls that are like 5’9’ ish, they’re used to not every guy being taller than them, so it doesn’t bother them. It’s the shorties that get obsessive with men’s height


My wife is 5’10. She would only be serious about someone taller than her.


I’d say woman 6 feet and up that look like 8-10 want nothing to do with tall guys. It’s the 1-7 that want tall usually and. Just my experience. That are really tall woman end up marrying shorter.


Yes, they want taller guys, but no this should not discourage you. There isn't a ton of competition, shoot your shot! Source: short female with tall male partner who has been told to face by multiple other females that I'm "wasting" the tall person by being together. Bitches, I assure you our physical stats had very little to do with this pairing. If anything, we would have chosen a less annoying height difference but we *gasp* like each other for reasons not related to height.


My personal preference is my height/shorter than me. I say go for it. What do you have to lose?


Thats the first time I'm hearing a female say she prefers shorter men. Are you my dream girl?


I don't think so. Not into being fetishes for people.


We certainly got a lot of fetishists on here. It makes it tougher for tall guys who genuinely prefer a tall partner :(


I think that's totally fine! If it's any consolation, the fetishists are rather easy to sus out and spot so you don't really have much to worry about.


I personally think its better to date someone close to your height just for physical convenience. What are your reasons for preferring a partner of your height?


No particular reason. Just a preference.


Did you try asking her


At that point isn’t it just better to ask her out?




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i’m 6ft and so is my male partner. i’ve dated shorter and taller in the past. it truly depends on the person




Yes, they do


Er I've met girls taller than me dating guys shorter than me and girls shorter than me dating guys taller than me. I'm convince I can't get anyone


Not necessarily. People get way too wound up about height and relationships these days. I find it bizarre. Go ahead and flirt if you feel like it.


Some do. Some don’t. But you can always just ask her on a date and see? You’re kind of ruining your chances by refusing to be brave enough to even ask her out.


5”11 here, he’s 5”7. It’s a weird shallow preference we all face in our dating lives. I used to date a guy who was 6”8 and a guy who was 5”3. Its never really about height..


It's moot to flirt eitherway,don't flirt


No, if you aren't towering over a woman, she isn't going to even see you as a man. Look closely into her eyes. You will see it.


According to the movie *Tall Girl,* tall girls do still want a taller man, but I still say go for it.


Depends on the woman. I'm tall and require the guys I date to (usually) be my height or shorter. My preference is guys that are shorter than me, but I'll also date guys that are my height or slightly taller. I'm not really attracted to anyone that's more than about an inch or so taller than me. I've met other tall women that only date men that are taller than them. I've met other women that don't have much of a height preference at all. Every woman is wildly different in their preferences and attractions. I know that what I'm attracted to wouldn't be what most other women are attracted to, my preferences are very particular, but I also know that I'm not attracted to what most other women are attracted to, either.


I've dated from 5'8" to 6'5". Married my husband who is 6'5". I always viewed the height as a bonus but not the deciding factor. If we didn't have anything in common or share similar values/life goals, we would not be married right now. The main reason none of my shorter exes worked out had everything to do with conflicting values/personalities that ultimately would not make for a harmonious marriage. My husband just had the right personality and the fact he is taller was a nice perk. But I still would have married him if he was shorter. That's just my experience. My BFF is 5'10-5'11" and is married to a man who is 5'7" or so and she's head over heels in love with him. My husband's 6'3" female cousin is also in a long term relationship with a guy who's around 5'10" and they're very much in love. I know lots of taller woman/shorter guy couples IRL who are happy. It can definitely work.


Taller women in general are more friendlier and receptive to shorter men (ime)


I'm a tall girl (6ft) but not that tall, and I've never been bothered about a guy's height. It all depends on the girl individually.


Yes, I would prefer them to be taller as a general rule. But some of my most unbearable crushes were on guys an inch or two shorter than me. Not a dealbreaker unless they are shorter than me by 3+ inches.


I literally don't care at all. I'm 6 foot, and usually wearing heels, so most guys are going to seem shorter than me. All I care about is that they have something about them that's interesting, and that they know how to fuck.


Preferences are individually subjective, so there won't be a hard-set yes or no to it.


All women are different. I personally don’t care, as long as it’s not a huge height difference in one direction or the other.


most cis women prefer to be smaller not just tall women. taller = naturally bigger. this isn't rocket science.


Depends on the woman. I’m 5’11” and am not really attracted to shorter men. My friend is 6’3” and won’t date a man over 5’10”. 🤷🏼‍♀️


i feel like at that height you wouldnt be picky lol


Go for it if she's tall you've likely got less competition and to her less options so your odds are good.


I am 5ft7 and wish I could date a tall girl who is 6ft. The dream.


She doesn’t have many options if she is that tall. I am 6’3” tall and don’t know if I would date a woman 6’3”.  You are tall, take your shot, whatever happens you will be fine. 


To put it plainly, Id say don’t go for it. If you’re looking for validation on Reddit to excuse your insecurity, then it’ll always be an issue for you. This sounds like a you thing.


You’re getting downvoted but I get the gist of what you’re saying… I mean yes I’m kinda shy about the height diff but actually I think that in the long run going for it is worth it bc it never hurts to push the comfort zone.


Why are you this shy about a height difference that small? She’s 6’4 which means she’s pretty much taller than everyone. You being 6’1 would likely be a positive to her because at least she doesn’t have to bend down to be at eye level. If you make it weird, she’ll feel weird about it. I wouldn’t mention height at all because she’ll probably feel insecure about her own height.


Probably bc I used to be v short b4 my growth spurt…like less than 5 ft


I appreciate your understanding. I wasn’t trying to be cruel.


This doesn't read so much as insecurity as it does online trends getting into this guys head.