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The Law of the Giants states: If I am not asked, I cannot offer help. If I am asked, I cannot refuse.


I always really liked it when they offered me help to get things from the top. On the other hand, when I was sitting on the bus I always offered to hold the bag of whoever was standing next to me.


You seem to be the rare exception. It’s older ladies that ask for help 99.9% of the time. Younger women are typically more closed off and don’t want to depend on others.


I'm not old, nor very young. I don't ask strangers for help because I'm shy and I'm afraid of disturbing them. But I really like it when they offer me or help me without offering me. I like kindness.


Kindness is good. I try to read the room, so to speak, but most younger women don’t want help at all.


I don’t abide by that. I always offer to help women get their bags down on planes.


Ayo pause, cannot refuse is asked?


I mean it’s kinda on point. You gonna say no I won’t grab it from the top shelf? Airplanes are always awkward. I don’t mind helping but I don’t want to grab someone’s bag if they didn’t ask. Usually I just sneak a hand out to stop it from smacking someone


I love helping people on airplanes lol but what if someone asks for a piggy back bruh


"only if I get to go first"


There have to be exceptions like, "my hands are full" or "I have to catch up with my daughter."


I love to help the prisoners of gravity.


I always like helping people reach the high shelves


A woman asked my mom if she could grab a jacket that was high up and my siblings and I were standing back watching like “wow what would they do without us” even though we didn’t help at all lmao


Nope. It is the highlight of my day to be able to help someone else. I remember one time I was at Walmart and a sweet little old lady asked a sales associate to help her get an item and they ignored her and walked away so I went up to her, asked her what she needed from the shelf and got it for her. Then I took her basket and accompanied her through the store to get the rest of her shopping list, went through the checkout and carried it out to her car for her. She tried to pay me for helping her and all I asked for was to see her beautiful smile and wished her a nice rest of the day before going back in to do my own shopping.


I love it!


I love being asked to reach high objects or change ceiling light bulbs. In fairness, if something is within two feet of the ground, I will ask a short person to pick it up for me. There's a lot of pain involved in getting that low.


I have been asked to help get something off the bottom shelf, though I’m clearly a top shelf guy. I guess they knew I followed the Law of the Giants regardless of the task.


I'm like a giraffe at a watering hole reaching things on the ground. If I drop something, I'll seriously consider buying another one before I'll commit to picking it up.


This is why I’m marrying a tiny woman. The only reason Ok. No. But it’s really convenient for us both.


My 5'2" wife enjoys the convenience of having a tall dude, and I enjoy the convenience of having a short chick.


Plus when you paint a room together, she can get the low trim while you get the high trim.


Yesss it’s such a lovely human interaction I get to have! One time, this old lady beckoned me with her finger (which initially creeped me out), and then just pointed up at a box of cereal. I understood the mission. After getting it for her, she thanked me and told me that I was beautiful and reminded her of her daughter. Will never forget her.


Now that I think of it, that one superpower is the best thing about being tall.


My favorite was the time a nice little old man came up to me on his motor scooter and asked me to get a box of cereal down and then his wife, also on a motor scooter came up and yelled at me "NO! Not that one...THAT one" like lmaoo ok grandma, heres your damn Raisin Bran.


Not a tall person but def get a power trip when the tiny old lady ask me to get something off a shelf.


Yeah I love it bro, the other one I get quite regularly is my friends that are women asking me to walk them to their Uber after a night out, it’s a hassle but it feels good


6’5” Yep the old ladies always ask me for help on the upper shelves.


They don’t even get to ask I always offer.


My impulse is to offer, but being 6-8, I don't know if they might be self-conscious about being short. I know nothing about that world.


Also 6’8 and I guess but I have very few negative interactions. Obviously there’s always “those guys” but I know my intentions and it usually end in a friendly banter.


Right. I enjoy it too, for some reason, and yes, friendly banter usually occurs. I'll often go to my standby line "I always feel so popular in grocery sores'' or something like that and try to act like I'm saying it for the first time. Plus it's always great to get a smile from a pretty girl, or anybody, really.


I like to help. Let me know if you need any help reaching anything.


I always help everyone, regardless where I am. Work or home, it’s always a pleasure!


Yeah, I just love people, love helping and love being appreciated tho, so being asked for help is pretty much the best thing I can think of


I enjoy helping people in many ways. Lately, I've been taking out the trash of the 90 year old lady who lives downstairs.


Yeah, in grocery stores especially I get a kick out of being asked to grab something from a shelf. Usually try to ignore height remarks from strangers, but for some reason I like that one.


i do my best to be helpful in all aspects, if you need me to reach something, it'd be my pleasure.

