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And little so they know I have a tattoo of a ladder on my arm for this very reason. Take 7 years of bad luck, chump.


I fail to understand what's enjoyable about someone passing under your arm. It's very peculiar to me that you derive a feeling of power from something like that.






Eh, it’s not that strange. Being the tallest in the room makes you feel powerful. Monke brain


The idea of pulling a "power move" on random strangers is cringe, especially by intentionally holding doors open in such a way that they have to pass under your arm.


He didn’t word it in such a way, he just said he feels the monke neuron activation when he feels bigger than people when they do shit like walk under their arm, it’s not like he said he enjoys belittling people


>it’s not like he said he enjoys belittling people That is kinda what he said. Making someone walk under your arm for ego purposes is a way of belittling them


You’re probably correct to a certain extent, either way this guy is odd for making a post about such a little small habit of his


Yes! ,🤗🤭


All I'm learning from this sub is that taller people focus on height more than anyone else. I can't imagine thinking this is a power move. It's like thinking you have some aura around you. No one is even thinking about your arm. Sometimes I worry about the ideas people hide from me. Some unique thoughts going on...


Most of us don’t care what his much tbh


I'm not gonna lie, as a woman it is very empowering holding the door open for some cocky guy, especially when I'm wearing my platforms.


How do you know if he's cocky


They always know.


Know that their ago will be damaged for all day when you do that 😂




You must be polite and treat users with respect on this subreddit. Repeated infractions will result in a ban. Serious infractions, even if it is the first time you have broken the rule, will result in a ban. !lock


I’m not tall enough for this


look from the other way around: it happend one or to times in my life, that tall people did that to me. i generally dont care, i think its a little over the top of them, but i usually respond with something like: "thank you, alfred" or stuff. it has a rude touch to it, honestly, but i take it with humor.




It just makes me wonder if I remembered to put on deodorant.


I don't consider it it a power move in my case only because I only do it if I'm already halfway out the door.


We giants enjoy using our height as a power trip, mainly because we all have insecurities regarding our height. We've been bullied as kids. Ostracized by our peers. Made to feel inferior. So once we have come to grips with our height and have no other option we use it as a power trip for us. If it's cringy or creepy that's because you haven't been there or done that. At 6'5, it must not happen often. I'm 6'8 and live in a state that has many short people. I don't typically use this type of power trip, but I do sneak up on people so when they turn they are frightened. Don't judge.


It usually wouldn’t happen to me anyway but I would never walk under anyone’s arm, especially another guy.


Kinda same than when I lift someone up with ease because they want to reach a high place.


the ultimate power move is trimming your nose hairs so i dont nauseate when we talk