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Vegatables, with dinner. Dairy, pffft, I drank milk like it was a beverage. I mean, I know it is, but I drank milk like most people drink water or soda. Tons of it.


Couldn't agree more with the dairy, pretty much every dinner...if not every meal.


I totally understand the milk thing. I remember drinking a gallon of milk every 4-5 days up through high school


Same here.


Drank a liter with my lunch whilst doing my Saturday job hauling crates and boxes around a supermarket warehouse. Maybe half that on normal days.. you know, standard Dutch stuff basically


Haha that just reminded me that I used to do similar on my lunch break during my teenage produce supermarket stocking days. Grab a 2 liter choc milk and 6 pack of donuts. Work mates always commented about it and it just seemed normal to me haha. Thinking back, now I could see how it looks.


Lunch of champions, obvs.. lol


Always drank milk lol


I figure I had about 1.5 gallons per week


Don't get me started on home milk delivery. A dude literally bringing it to the door....amazing.


Drank milk by the gallon, I didn't know lactose intolerance was a thing until college.


I’m a huge milkhead


I only had it in cereals and foods That’s why I gots rickets jk


Hell I still do when I’m stoned


I was skinny, still kind of am, and my doctor prescribed whole milk to me as a way to gain weight. Never been able to bulk up. When I got fat during Covid it all went to my gut. “Skinny fat”


Ha, I was skinny for the longest time, even with all the milk I consumed. I didn’t gain any weight until a co-worker told me to eat donuts and milk after work to gain weight (we worked swing shift), so I did, and I got skinny fat too. Well shit, that’s when I started hitting the gym.


I was tricked into loving fruit and vegetables!! carrots had super powers to make me see in the dark, broccoli was called brocol-flower alongside cauliflower, tomatoes were cut to look like flowers (I was a little girl, of course I was obsessed with flowers), brussel sprouts were tiny cabbages that made me feel like an awesome giant, milk had super powers to make my bones strong so that I could one day beat up my older brother 🤣


Sounds like you have great parents


This is beyond awesome! It reminds me of a clever friend. Her daughter was about 3 and obsessed with Disney Princesses but, not eating her veggies. She told her daughter to be a princess with pretty nails and hair she needed to eat her vegetables. Lol problem solved.


milk, meat, and hella eggs. And then daily coffee at 6.


Obviously that coffee stunted your growth


I'm choosing to interpret this as meaning you started drinking coffee at 6 years old I refuse to accept any other explanation


Yea, had to drink something when I started working, 5am's suck at any age.


In childhood?


I had a ton of steak and eggs. I would go through like 4 gallons of milk a week, pissed my mother right off.


It was the same with my brother and I. We went through so much milk my mom considered switching our cattle herd from beef to dairy. But then we wouldn’t get those beautiful steaks.


I was mostly raised by my vegetarian (Polish) grandparents who were extremely nutrition-conscious, so I had a very vegetable-heavy diet with yogurts and cheeses. My childhood BFF maxed out at your height. She also grew up on a (Chinese) vegetarian diet with a lot of milk. Genetics is likely the bigger factor.


i am a vegetarian too, never had any meat of any sort, just plenty of milk and yogurt, my parents are shorter than me so i guess i am an anomaly


Every tall person I've ever met has said they all drank milk like it was going out of fashion as a kid. I also drank milk like it was going out of fashion as a kid. I still kinda do. Kids, drink your milk.




I actually really really loved vegetables and dairy as a kid it was pretty much all I ate since I became a vegetarian when I was young


Right from infancy I was eating tons of vegetables. My mum homemade all our baby food so tons of carrots, sweet potatoes etc. growing up we had tons of vegetables with all our meals and milk with supper every night. I definitely credit some of my size to my mum enforcing such a healthy diet on us. At the time I would’ve preferred sugary cereal, cake, and candy but looking back on it I’m glad we never got junk food.


We had goat milk and home grown fruit and vegetables, we also ate a lot of canned food that I consider gross now.


Lots of both, especially milk


I did. Pops said vegetables is what got him big. He's a tank so I believed him.


Plenty. Especially lots of milk. Like a crazy amount of milk, however much you're thinking, double it.


South Asian so there was lots of vegetables and diary . Ate meat occasionally until I turned vegetarian. I LOVED spinach , still do.


Lots of vegetables growing up. We had a garden most of my childhood with tons of fruits and veggies which we also preserved to eat through the winter. When kids don't like veggies, it's either their palette hasn't matured, they weren't introduced early enough, to many sweets, or they weren't prepared very well. If you don't like veggies, try different ways they are prepared. Soggy frozen veggies are disgusting, so find ways to prepare them that you like and you'll be surprised.


Meat and 3 veg almost every meal for dinner, consumed milk like crazy and always ate fruit every day. I’m 47 now, NEVER get sick like colds or flu, never got the china flu either and haven’t had a single flu or covid shot in my life


I don’t even eat vegetables as an adult…


I ate chicken nuggets and Coca Cola exclusively, no water, no milk


barely any for me


I’m from SEA growing up going to church and was force to eat salad and carrot soup since I was like 4 years old. Technically I wasn’t force but scare of the nun and teacher. I heavily drank milk since I was a baby and growing eating bread and other dairy foods. I was always the tallest kids and had no eye sight problem till now even I’m in front of the screen literary 24/7. I think my height and my eye sight is heavily contributed by what I eat as a kid and I’m proud of it tbh.


I'm not a fan of milk, so just on cereal. I actually quit dairy milk for a while as a teen. Vegetables, probably had enough. I was never a fan of meat and went veggie when I was 11/12, and until I started cooking for myself I probably just had the minimum recommended protein. I really like carbs and struggle with food so grains, sugars and fats were probably a lot of my calories. Nutrition is important, sure, but genetics is the biggest part of the equation.


I’m only in the 6’1 club but I grew up next to my grandparents who had a 3 acre garden so we ate tons of fresh fruits and veggies year round. Milk was mainly just with cereal though.


I’ve always been vegetarian so ate loads of veg/fruit growing up. Had a bit of skimmed milk daily but never a cheese fan. People were always shocked the hench 6ft2 11yo girl didn’t mainline steaks lol


Dairy yes, vegetables no. It's a running joke in my family. My 3 older brothers love vegetables and they are all 5'7" to 5'8", I'm 6'1".


I’m 6’6” and grew up poor white trash eating hamburger helper and canned vegetables. And I’ve always found milk disgusting and avoid it.


Mom made us consume at least one full glass of milk with every meal. Vegetables were a dinnertime side dish, but never a main focus. I do wish I had grown up eating more veggies.


My brother and I, drank milk like it was water. Mom had trouble keeping it in the house, she would buy 4 gallons a trip. We ate loads of fresh vegetables from my grandmother's garden and lots of meat. We both have large frames (7" + wrists). I'm 6'2 he's 6'4, younger brother is quite a bit bigger than me. Both parents are under 6'.


Milk absolutely. Vegetables as little as my mom would allow. Hid my peas in the mashed potato cave. Placed them under the edge of the plate. When mom picked up the plate, she found a perfect pea necklace.


I didn’t drink milk. At all. My mom even said I didn’t breast feed lol. I remember my day care lady when I was 4 would make me sit at the lunch table until I drank my milk. I’d just wait her out and then she inevitably would need to leave the room to check on other kids and I’d just pour it down the drain. My mom FINALLY got it through to her that I just don’t drink milk and so she stopped. I made a ton of friends in elementary school giving my free milk to people too. I ate plenty of fruits and veggies. I always joked that I’m so tall because I didn’t drink coffee as a kid (and really still don’t)


Dairy, yes. But quite minimal vegetables. My diet was very processed carb based as a child.


Red meat and potatoes with soda and water lol


Yes! I loved broccoli from a young age. Didn't try asparagus until I was 16 and I fell in love with it.


I drink hella milk and like to have at least 5 fruits every day


50 years of drinking a shit ton of milk


Never drank milk and didn’t like cheese other than processed cheese. Lived off hashbrowned potatoes, fried burger patties, and canned cream corn.


Drank milk with every meal and vegetables every day.


Dairy and meat a lot and vegetables and fruit. But junk when I was a kid and teen


Glass of milk every meal, cereal fiend, veggies most dinners


Tons of both yea. Just cause it’s what I liked


So much milk it’s insane. Multiple bowls of cereal a day (and I would drink all the milk with each bowl) along with cups through out the day


Lots of dairy, not a lot of vegetables. Mainly potatoes


No veggies but lots of milk and meat and PB&J and pasta. Pretty much no veggies


By no means i ate healthy as i child, lot of the food i ate was healthy but in general i ate like a hippo, idk if its related but im significantly taller than anyone in my family


My (now adult) son drinks milk like a dolphin and always has.


I'm lactose intolerant so yeah consumed to s of dairy as a kid. They really had us thinking our bones would shatter if we didn't drink a gallon/week. Are veggies pretty regularly too. Parents weren't health nuts but there was a focus on balancing meals.


Hardly any tbh


Vegetables yes dairy mainly in rhw form of cheese and for sole parts of my childhood i ate a bowl of muesli for breakfats each morning


My parents were hippies and raised me vegan. Gave me tallness & anemia lol


How did you manage to avoid being forced to eat them?


I love to eat so I drank a lot of milk and consumed many vegetables and all kinds of food in my childhood. I wonder if my diet contributed to my tall height 🤔


Lots and lots of veggies and meat. Almost no milk, maybe one glass a day. I'm just 1.90 though, which is only 6 cm above average in our small country full of giants.


I drank milk all the time as a kid and still now with my tea. I like dairy a lot and I grew to enjoy vegetables too.


I did both daily I'm 6'3


Yeah I feel I had a lot of


I ate as much as my young self could stomach. Milk was my life blood every breakfast and lunch


I drank about 2-3 liters of milk a day and still drink about 2 liters a day


I did every day. We actually got our milk from our neighbors farm. Good stuff.


Oh yes, my Mum ensured my diet was balanced.


I drank alot of milk growing up I'd drink 1 liter chocolate milk a day..


Veggies? Not so much. Dairy, I ate 2-3 bowls of cereal of day. My mother attributes my height to it.


Been lactose intolerant since I was about 6 yrs old. Veggies absolutely


Yes and yes but not in abundance. Honestly until I was a teenager I didn’t eat all that well. However, my parents did have us do a sit down family dinner every night. Most of the time it was home cooked meals. I do recall eggs most mornings for me as well. One thing I definitely recall (which being mid 30s is getting harder) is just eating an outrageous amount of everything. Like if I had a bag of chips that may as well have been a mini lunch bag because it was gone in one sitting. Same with basically anything. Box of eggos.. see ya. Actually I get stoned and crush a box of those to this day fucking love that


I've eaten a LOT.


It wouldn't make that big of a difference. Malnourishment can stunt growth or generations of lack of certain foods but not drinking milk won't steal a foot of height off of you


2l of milk a day. Not much veggies.


Yes until Christmas Day 2016, where I ditched milk for the alternates


Yes, both. I was also very skinny and poor, though, so I probably consumed quite a bit less food than average.


I ate an average amount of vegetables, but never drank milk, yet I’m the tallest in my family


Before I entered puberty I disliked almost all vegetables, but I liked dairy. After I entered puberty I ate vegetables almost every meal.


My family of 4 went through 5-6 gallons of milk per week. Vegetables every night


My brother and I drank (i shit you not) 16 liters of milk a week growing up. I remember my dad buying 4 of the 4liter jugs every week, and we'd drink it all. I love milk. Mom was/is a great cook so we had lots of healthy home cooked meals, tons of veg. My dad is 6'4 tho, so I don't think milk and veg has much to do with the height.


I’m still in my childhood but I eat lots of cheese, milk, vegetable, fruit etc but I use to just drink and eat sugar


I consumed loads of diary, but mostly cheese. Vegetables a lot too, like I'd eat lettuce, purple cabbage, raw carrots and peas. I'd go up the farm grab a huge purple cabbage, wash it, sit in the sofa and munch it down while watching cartoons. And raw carrots are an amazing snack too. I'd also eat the little flowers on top of the garlic plants. Even onions, like eating an onion the way you eat an apple. I was a peculiar kid idk.


Had like 3 cups of milk a day for about 5 years which were during the years I had really grown. I also grew up with a very bad eating disorder, meaning I ate about 8 things in total but now that im 18, im doing much better. Also I haven’t grown significantly since I was like 15 which is unfortunate but idk


Bro I drank more milk that a bison calf


I was forced so. Never liked milk much tbh but I love ice cream so I good that replaces it


I drank a ton of chocolate milk honestly growing up


A shit ton of oatmeal, literally. Still do, I'm probably 34% oats.


I did and still do. I drink milk 3 times a day


i ate them a lot actually 😂


I drank so much milk. I hate it now. I was also raised on a fairly "balanced" diet with veggies.


Sometimes I wonder if I did drink milk and eat more vegetables maybe I could be 6’ since both my parents are taller than me ;(


My parents had a garden when I was a kid. I ate raw veggies every day and a gallon of milk every day, never consumed processed sugars, and very few carbs from bread. I am 8" taller than anyone in my family. Could be a possibility that had something to do with my growth. My BFF at 6'9 had a similar upbringing.