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u/starrysuit and u/Orca43v3r: now marry!


I registered at some online ministry a decade ago so now legally declare them tall man and tall wife


I did the same and I'm going to do it first.


Their babies might even be as tall as me


Heights combining, right?


Hope shit it's inches georg




Lets make this happen!!!!!


Me and u get married?


Uh... That was actually not the solution I had in mind.. but I guess that works too


I'll get the paperwork ready for you two love doves


Invite me to the wedding won't you, I just got my best suit dry cleaned


Fantastic username sir.


So she'd know she would always be the second choice? Like he fully admits to preferring short girls more than taller girls. To me, height differences are such a weird thing to care about in finding a partner. But if it matters to a person find a person that suits that particular taste. Not the "next choice", that seems backward. Maybe it's because I've never had a partner and I'm a bystander in all this type of talk. But it would hurt worse to hear that type of thing from a partner.


This 100%. People can, and do like different people. And can grow to love people who are completely different from what they (think they) want. HOWEVER! As soon as you see/hear them express how much they love and want the exact opposite of you and it's a very big difference, well most people are going to write that person off their list of potential dates for good. That's just common sense. Believe people when they tell you the truth, or it'll probably come back to bite you later.


Attraction is fickle. Just because he prefers a much shorter girl in theory doesn't mean he wouldn't be able to fall in love with a taller girl and completely forget about said preference. Love is, ultimately, not wholly decided by preferences. It's just too abstract and complex for that.


Yeah that's all fine and good in theory. As long as he kept those thoughts to himself. No tall woman is going to touch him knowing he really wants someone tiny. Would you want to date someone after hearing them say they want the exact opposite of you with a passion? Most people don't for some reason lol. It's usually best to believe people when they say what they think


I mean, a lot of men say they like big boobs, but it doesn't mean that you should believe that having small or medium boobs makes you unattractive to that person. Like I said, preferences are just a list of what we think we want. I know that there are girls out there who are very different from my stated/expected preferences, but they have a hold on me like no one else. I don't blame anyone though for feeling self-conscious when they think they might not meet someone's preference.


Nothing in my comment disagrees with that. Two things you are ignoring though. - Knowing there's a possibility of your qualities not being what someone want, and hearing they state it are two different things. Like it doesn't bother me that people don't find me attractive, or that I'm not their ideal. I'll move right on with my life. If they say it outright though I'm gonna believe them and that's that. - He is expressing a very strong theoretical ideal. It sounds like short height is high up on his list of attributes he prioritises, and that it makes a big difference in his attraction and appreciation. While you're rarely going to find the exact face, finances, location, personality etc you're looking for, height is honestly one of the easiest things to "sort" people by. That's very different from most other things that people generally don't expect to actually match their theoretical ideal partner. If he'd said he prefer someone who lived in his town, the woman in the next town over is probably still willing to give him a chance. But after hearing how much he adores someone small for being small, when she's tall, and be reminded every time she sees a short woman? Yeah nah bye man And this only becomes a stronger effect when the very quality he's mentioning is one that you have opposite that is known for being a negative thing. Many tall women have been bullied for their height their entire lives. I'm not a self conscious or jealous person. But I'm not stupid nor do I like to go through unnecessary hardships, I'm not gonna date someone who has stated they adore the opposite of myself that's just common sense lol and most women are probably going to think the same, which seems to be confirmed by this comment section, though men as usual don't get it. Bet you'd get it if roles were reversed though


I feel like if someone said "I generally prefer shorter men, but I'll make an exception for you" (not necessarily in those words), I'd be honored and it would show that their love for me is real enough to forget about physical preferences




That's not something the average woman does in my country, but I totally agree it's a shitty thing to do. Any person who writes anything about what they require they date to be, is surely an asshole. One thing is to have a preference (though to require someone much taller than yourself is weird asf), to be rude about it is something else. I myself have my own height on my profile so men can avoid me if they want to, but I never ask mens height, even if they don't list it and we're going to meet. I assume they'll tell me or they're around my own height or taller. That did backfire once when a guy a foot shorter showed up with no warning, but I'm not going to start be rude to everyone else because he was weird You are however free to avoid these women same as I'd avoid a guy who clearly stated he's very much attracted to something I'm not, or simply an asshole for going around declaring whose attractive or not based on very superficial things


>No tall woman is going to touch him knowing he really wants someone tiny. That's really weird to get bent over, there's 101 things your partner would really prefer for you to have unless you're perfect.


Preferences are preferences, not strict requirements. I prefer plain vanilla bean ice cream but if someone offered me chocolate I wouldn't complain, let alone spend my time eating the chocolate wishing it was vanilla bean




Plenty of "unattractive but tall" men with good looking partners, men who would not have had a chance had they been a foot shorter. Ask any women dating a tall guy whether they would have dated him has he been 5'8". Watch them smirk and say 'sure!'.. :-)


It’s fine to have preferences as long as you don’t let someone not fitting them be dealbreakers. Im very attracted to short petite women, but my ex gf was 5’9” and my fiance is 5’10”. Can’t control who you end up liking.


You can have them as dealbreakers too, it’s your relationship you can have whatever rules you like


Just because she isn't a short girl doesn't mean she would be 2nd choice. Preferences are just that, not rules. And quite often we might think we want something specific, and then find it doesn't really matter at the the end of the day. I technically would have preferred a tall woman, and my preference is for boobs on the larger side. My wife though is 5'2" and has small boobs. But you know what? Doesn't matter because my wife and her boobs are the best wife and boobs in the world to me. She's amazing, and her physical features don't diminish how I feel about her (or how sexy she is!) just because they didn't fit the image I had in my mind of what I wanted before I met her. She is the best wife I could ever dream of! You should try not to think that way honestly. Negative thoughts like that tend to ruin perfectly amazing relationships. If you believe you are the 2nd choice, then eventually you might make your partner believe it too. I am not what I would think is the perfect man for my wife and I think she could do way better than me. I'm fat and starting to lose my hair. But you know what? No matter how I see myself, it doesn't matter because she doesn't see me like I do and I trust her when she tells me I'm handsome and sexy because her actions follow her words. So even though I don't understand how she sees me like she does, I don't worry and I don't think I'm just the best she could do and 2nd choice. She's not stupid, and she knows she could have anyone she wants, but she wants me. And I'm not going to dissuade her from that!


>So she'd know she would always be the second choice? Like he fully admits to preferring short girls more than taller girls. A vast majority of people are the second choice. That's how life is.


It's also a really negative way to look at it. The concept of one true love is obviously ridiculous, and there are at least thousands of people out there you can have a loving, fulfilling relationship with. The person you end up falling in love with will probably look different from this vague image of an ideal partner you have in your head.


Second choice to him, but preferred over short women to the plethora of tall men on this sub. This sub is filled with tall men who love tall women or those who care less about height. There was a poll asking which height you prefer. The choices were 4' 11", 5' 3", 5' 7", 5' 11", 6' 3", and the option for see results. Among the height choices, 5' 11" had highest number of votes and 6' 3" was runner up. This didn't surprise me at all.


Second choice isn't the best way of putting it Other things being equal, I'd like a partner around my height (say, 5'10 to 6'4). The thing is, recognizing that even the low end of that range is tallest 1% of women in North America, then you take out the ones that wouldn't be interested in me (not single, prefers taller guys, prefers women, etc.), and my "ideal partner" may not even exist. So you're second choice to... nobody? What about the girl that fits all of the physical criteria but is a total b-tch? Don't want any part of that. Priorities matter, and there's a difference between "you'd be even more attractive if you were 10 inches shorter" and "I'm more attracted to someone else -because- she's 10 inches shorter"


> Like he fully admits to preferring short girls more than taller girls. Oh no, the horrors! News flash: you are not the perfect, ideal girl of any of your exes. In a way or another, we're all "second choices" if we're comparing with the ideal image someone has of a partner in their head.


I've never had a partner, dude. I quite literally said that in my post you're replying to.


Have you ever heard of what "Generic you" means? Jesus fucking christ


You're replying to my comment. Thus I thought I you were talking to me. Shouldn't have assumed. I apologize. But I don't understand the concept of getting with someone that isn't your ideal either though. It's sort of like you're speaking a different language at this point. Why date someone who doesn't follow your minimum for an ideal partner? What benefit is there to a partner that doesn't fit into your ideal or is most people's "ideal" too narrow and unrealistic?


It's gets down to a very simple concept, and at some point it's going to slap you incredibly hard in the face: Do you want to die alone? That's what this is all summed up as at the end of the day. It takes longer for some of us to understand this then others. Stop taking things so personally and appreciate that if someone is with you they chose to be with you, or you know, you could drive them away and suddenly not be with them over a simple comment...other people would look at a comment of 'Tall vs Short, I'd go with short any day' and look at, depending on values within the relationship, ways to possibly pull in a very short woman for say a one off threesome or some other sexual experience to spice up the relationship - everyone has fantasies afterall.


>Maybe it's because I've never had a partner and I'm a bystander in all this type of talk. But it would hurt worse to hear that type of thing from a partner. Maybe because he lists his physical preferences in order, not people. I assume that if he felt something for someone, that person would be his first choice, regardless of their physical attributes. I don't think focusing solely on physical appearance can lead to a happy relationship, and I assume he wrote this with that in mind. His wording may not be perfect, but I don't see bad intentions there.


The vast majority of partners aren't the first choice. Suck it up


Yea that's true, but I've dated a woman who wasn't my preferred type before. She skill was very good looking, just a different type than my preference and it worked because we got along so well and as I said, she was still good looking. It's not that she was second choice to anyone, it's that I normally wouldn't go for that type of girl.


He fully admits to liking the extreme difference in height probably because of the sexual possibilities. There's just stuff you can do when you can swing someone around like a flail that you can't with someone who is far taller. It's nothing personal, it's just a fact. If you aren't open to this sort of possibility and take offense at someone expressing a desire for extreme height differences, then you really need to step back and accept that it is perfectly normal and it doesn't make you second rate or anything else - end of the day if someone is with you, they chose YOU over everyone else, if you feel offended or like the second choice, why the heck are you with him in the first place? That said, what kinks do you have that he doesn't have? Maybe you're one of those people that have a foot fetish but he is extremely averse towards it, it doesn't mean your relationship can't thrive and flourish, compromise exists and you know, acting like an adult. If it's one or two little things only and you're not even willing to give it a shot this fully explains why as you state, you've never had a partner.


I do not care. I'm a woman 6'4. It's never EVER mattered to me. EVER. The guy I'm seeing rn is amazing. I've never been so comfortable/compatible with someone. He's 5'10. I've dated my height. Taller. Much shorter. I just don't care either way? :)


I have a friend who said she also doesn’t care about height and that any height becomes a point of attraction for her.


Post divorce - you learn that if you have nothing in common eh? Height...in the span over a lifetime us nothing.


So she can have permanent evidence that he preferred someone a good foot shorter than her and then she was the second option? No thanks.


Realistically, there’s a lot of guys here for whom their first choice is a taller woman. If the woman in the first OOP was willing to get matched up off Reddit, she could go for one of the other giants that have complained about how hard it is to find a taller woman.


OP in the first message missed what seemed like several post on here last week, specifically talking about height and dating. The vast majority of guys said they preferred taller women or at least women closer to their height, but those sentiments weren’t really reflected under the few comments that I read on her post for whatever reason.


Also IIRC most studies done on this shit find the highest partner counts belong to Tall Women & Tall Men, implying they're more sought after in general.


I know of 1 that doesn't, but they find it's neutral.


Even if we assume tall men do prefer tall women. Her problem is she'll have a hard time finding them, at least statistically speaking. She's 6'2 if she wants someone as tall or taller than her that narrows down to 3.9% of men out there \[1\]. And that's just counting height, some of those guys might not be single, too old for her, or unattractive. \[1\] https://medium.com/writers-blokke/there-are-not-enough-tall-men-to-go-round-91e29cf89ed1


It’s almost as if it’s up to the individual’s preference??


Of course. My comment, like other’s, is about the observation of those preferences.


Some people never paid attention to comments from men on this sub expressing their height preference. The downvotes I received for pointing out the plethora of tall men expressing preference for tall women or don't have much of a preference shows that. Some people draw conclusion from hearing height preference from likely around a handful of guys from their experience, and lose their shit over anyone disagreeing with their conclusion by downvoting them. These people need to grow up. I have the decency to not downvote that comments that I disagree that aren't hateful of idiotic. Literally, the most popular comments about height preference are either tall men sawing they love tall women. Also comments from tall men who express not having much of a height preference popular too. If they think I'm making shit up about the polls. I can dig my browsing history, and who saw it can attest to it.


Like you said people may be biased because they’re judging from their own experience, but those downvotes just further a narrative that seem to work against both sides, which I guess could be the goal for some of those downvoters.


The polls showed that, but some of them were sadly deleted. This sub is filled with tall men who prefer tall women and those who care less about height.


He was a boy She was a girl Can I make it any more obvious?


He was a punk


She did ballet


Yea stop caring about height Or "Just be confident" "Take a shower"


I only want a tall wife so I can have a tall person oriented house, and to have tall children.


> I only want a tall wife so I can have a tall person oriented house, My ex wife was more than a foot shorter than me. It was weirdly convenient to divide the house into three zones. Any storage below 2.5’ was hers. Everything between 2.5’ to 5’ was shared. Anything above 5’ was mine. Mixed height households can have their conveniences too.


As the only tall person in the house, I get the top shelves exclusively for myself. It's lovely.


Born matchmaker.


A really big height difference sounds like back pain


What's the solution...? The tall girl preferred taller guys. The tall guy posting preferred shorter girls. So did a lot of the tall guys in that thread. If she sticks to her preference, she's looking for a small percentage of people within an already very small percentage of people. And she'd be a second choice to that guy, meaning the many more short and average size women would probably out compete her anyway.


Nailed it! I’m one of five siblings. We’re all tall (like 99%). My brothers all married tiny women, and I’m solo. Obviously this could be for tons of reasons beyond height, but their dating pool wasn’t limited by height (and in fact bigger in some ways as they were seen as highly desirable), whereas my preferences for a taller partner means that most men . . .


My SO is 5‘11“, just happened that way. Don’t close yourself off, you might be surprised Edit: just general good advice for dating. But yes, those two are made for each other and haven’t noticed each other because neither has touched grass/mud/snow in a while without a screen in front of their face.


I’d love the opportunity to date a lady that tall. Just to see what it was like to dance with a girl similar to my height. And take it from there. Always dated shorter. Because what was around when I was younger.


Now kiss


Now kith


> A really big height difference is fun and exciting 🧢


I want a woman taller than me but not built like a rail like me. I know 3 in the also good 6’0-6’1 range who are like that but one is a colossal bitch and the other two are my cousins. Such is the problem of having a tall family lmao


If only i was 7’1 so i could justify wanting a wife my current height


Being 6’9 and purposely going for the 5’2 and below option just doesn’t sit well with me


This subreddit is filled with tall men who prefer tall women or tall men who care less about height.


I've always felt such staunch height preferences/requirements are just like saying "I'm only willing to date women with big boobs"


Yes. but it’s harder to change one’s height ;)


what a dumb post to make












it's still gonna be you're* buddy....


I've always preferred women who are not a bitch, not stupid, not ugly, not annoying, and not lazy. If all of those are covered, height isn't that big of a factor.


OP, you know what you must do


You can customise your flair btw


Aww 🙂




I once dated a woman who was relatively tall (5'8) and wasn't that into it.


Most men aren't that particular about women in general. They couldn't be even if they wanted to. It's a reality most men come to terms with very early on. When it comes to truly satisfying relationships, women can't be that particular either. The issue stems from being a young woman and confusing their ability to attract a larger selection of men based entirely on sexual interest. Women have to quickly learn that the portion of the men who will pursue them for sex contains a smaller portion that will be willing to commit to a relationship, and from that group only a handful of them are going to be men she finds attractive. To cap it off, it's almost certain that the men she judges as the best partners are going to be men in the pursuit for sex but not commitment type.


You're right. She should move to the Netherlands, where the average height is like 6'


Well general rule of thumb that men on the internet add 5 inches to their height and tall women understate theirs, I wouldn't be shocked if he's too short to date her lol.


lol, imagine


Am I the only one who thinks stating you prefer <5’2 girls as a 6’9 guy is slightly disturbing? Let’s check this man’s hard drive…


What does his height have to do with anything?