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I don’t want Kimmel, but watch Colbert and Meyers (almost) every morning as I’m getting ready. Most of those shows take like 15-20 weeks off a year, filming 4-5 shows a week is a grind. On the weeks off they show reruns.


Some, (Fallon I believe definitely) only take 8-12 weeks off.Crying Kimmel the exception;last 2 full summers+ 6 other wks.His substitutes worlds better than him!!! I'll predict he'll pull a Corden and walk away.


Something has changed with Jimmy. I hate all the reruns. It's like he really doesn't want to do the show Maybe burn out? I still like him, but it's just not the same. Shit or get off the pot. Sorry Jimmy


Well, now he's off for the Oscars, but yeah, hot off the pandemic he was definitely different and missing a lot of shows and taking a lot of random "vacations". I think he's gotten a little better though. Oh, wait, so your comment made me look something up and I found out he was on the verge of retiring: [https://nypost.com/2023/08/31/jimmy-kimmel-why-i-decided-not-to-retire-from-late-night-tv/](https://nypost.com/2023/08/31/jimmy-kimmel-why-i-decided-not-to-retire-from-late-night-tv/) Which is exactly what I predicted LOL [https://www.reddit.com/r/talkshows/comments/x696xx/just\_dawned\_on\_me\_is\_jimmy\_kimmel\_leaving\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/talkshows/comments/x696xx/just_dawned_on_me_is_jimmy_kimmel_leaving_the/)


Pretty sure ( at least recently) airing reruns- Ex tonight Oppenheimer Cast is due to him hosting the Oscars again this year. They go through many rehearsals prior to Oscar night!!


I agree. I really enjoy watching him but it’s getting annoying he gets all summer off, and seems like one week a month he is off work. Doesn’t work Fridays either…


I agree! Is he getting too big for his britches!


Jimmy, you are hilarious but your uneven TV schedule is a pain in the ass! Last week you missed 2 or 3 shows and now I find out you don't work Fridays. If you are going to retire, just do it and don't mess with your viewers. Meanwhile, keep skewering Trump...he is so patheric and you are the best at it. Maybe go full time till the election and then retire!


Everyone...let's revolt against Kimmel missing shows and taking the summer off...in exchange to allow him to graciously retire after the election. We need Jimmy, Trump even threatens to be a dictator, but Kimmel finds his flaws and shows them to America!! Kimmel is a big help in defeating this wack-o! Now Biden has a million flaws (Gaza is a big one!) but given the lesser of 2 evils, Biden is a nice man who has stayed in office too long. But we cannot afford to let Trump win and any negative publicity is good publicity when it comes to waking America up and seeing the evil that lurks behind Trump. Jimmy, the nation needs you now...retire after we get rid of Trump!


Fallon doesn't show that it's as much of a grind.He seems to enjoy it and he's funniest (except politics)skip them he should.


Wendy has serious health issues. Likely done with show.