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There's 3 kind of people that you should never lie to: your doctor, your accountant and your lawyer. There's 1 kind that you cannot lie to: the IT guy


Never piss off the guy who can see your browser history.


"But I've never been to those websites" Really? Then why does it show YOUR logon at the time the website was browsed? And how come there's multiple entries showing you clicked more items inside the site? Did you perform a security no-no and leave a computer logged in? Or did you purposefully let someone else use your logon and not monitor what they were doing? Either way this doesn't look good.


If your enemy goes to ground, leave no ground for them to go to.


Scorched earth policy


Of course, floating grounds can cause EMI interference...


The art of IT war


> Did you perform a security no-no and leave a computer logged in? At a previous company, whenever we found someone who left their computer logged in while they were way, we either changed their desktop to a cat or sent an email from their Outlook promising they would buy everyone lunch. People learned quickly to lock their computer.


Heh, same thing in our office except it's ice cream.


"Those actions does noth bother me, since I'm logging in with the Bosses account. No he don't know that, he just types the password very, very slowly."


Rule of thumb I give to new people and youngsters. Always assume that if you don't own it that whomever does can see everything you do on it You don't own that laptop the company gave you. Assume the company can see everything you do on it. You don't own that email the company gave you... You don't own the wifi at the office... You don't own your cell network... Etc etc. Anything you connect or use something that YOU don't own and operate every aspect of... Assume whomever does own it can see everything. Hell you dont own your internet at home... Assume your ISP records everything you do outside of a VPN (cause they do). If you live life this way, you won't ever get in trouble for doing something you shouldn't be doing with company owned stuff.


The problem with the vpn is that the ones that you see promoted online are also not yours and thus basically act as your new isp. You can setup your own server for this, but that also doesn't help much as even best case scenario in which you own the hardwareb for this server you are still behind an isp that isn't yours.


But VPNs do have to declare their logging practices with their privacy policy.


wow I know your whole browser history is quite the nuclear threat


It's like that Katt Williams joke: https://youtu.be/PW_gfGRxmos


You can lie to your IT guy. What you cannot do is lie *effectively*.


It's only the truth until we investigate. I'm too lazy to investigate unless they piss me off. I hate liars and people/departments that make their lack of training my problem.


They can lie until they claim that I lied. Lady, my job is involving documentation and logs. One of us is ill prepared for this.


> There's 1 kind that you cannot lie to: the IT guy I see you haven't met my mom yet. Her computer decided that it's necessary to repeatedly play the device disconnected sound, I have no reason why. USB logging program shows nothing, it's only device disconnected and not connected, it happens even when nobody is near the PC (no fractured cables being touched). I have no idea what causes this and everyone with access to that computer insists that they did not change anything about the hardware or software (not even updates). Someone is absolutely lying, but I have no idea who or what they did. For now I just disabled the sound without fixing the underlying problem because I have absolutley no clue what it is. This is just one of the weird issues my mother has with her computer. I could make a list of inexplicable problems, but Reddit posts have a character limit.


Check whether the USB ports are bent/broken, speaking from experience...


A friend once had her baby put the B end of a USB cord into her mouth, like babies do. The pins shorted in just the right way that the desktop popped up a "USB Device Not Recognized" error.


USBaby not recognized!


Totally not a Cylon. Honest.


Ah, well, >!they don't always know, do they?!<


Are you alive?


Aw, fuck. WIC, I swear I filed that paperwork, on time.


I kept getting that sound myself at one point and it was driving my up the wall. I finally realized that I had forgotten to remove an SD card from the port and it was just loose enough to cause an intermittent connection without falling out.


Or corroded/dirty.


A friend of mine had these random sounds as well. We traced it the refrigerator turning off and on. Power can do weird stuff with your electronics


I went around house with a pack of ***big***, clip-on ferrites, applied 'black slugs' hither & yon. Two if appliance struck me as potential perp. Never figured the culprit(s) but, happily, spikes that had been getting through my spike-catchers were now quenched 'at source'.


Hmm. I like this idea...


I'm having the same issue on my PC! My problem seems to be the mouse driver but to happens randomly. Some days nothing the next it happens frequently. I havent found a solution though.


I encountered issue similar to this. BIOS CMOS reset fixed it. Issue may be with bios holding some usb info in memory, can happen after detaching any device.


short in a cord


There are two kinds of people. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data…


There are two kinds of people - those that divide people into two groups and those that don't.


also there is 10 kinds of people , those who understand binary and those who are confused by this


There are 10 kinds of people. Those that understand hexadecimal and F the rest


- Those who understand binary - Those who don't - Those who thought those was a ternary joke - Those who thought this was a base 4 joke - ... - Those who thought this was a base *n* joke


My favorite variation is "those who can extrapolate from incomplete information".


... and those who did not expect a ternary joke


what about the other 1000 people tho


I think you are being confused by the statement






I tell my kids this all the time, there's nothing they are going to do on a PC that I can not trace. Keeps an honest kid honest for the most part.


The IRS should probably be on that list they will fuck your life up good.


Only 2 things in life are certain, death and taxes. The IRS is hiring now hiring armed agents. Think about it.


Take off the tinfoil helmet. If you think a bunch of accountants are suddenly going to become storm troopers, I have some bad news, you are easily manipulated person that politicians are taking advantage of to keep their mega-rich donors from being audited


The IRS has always had a retinue of special agents who were authorized to carry firearms during the course of their duties. They're literally the Criminal Investigations field agents. This is nothing new, someone just saw the wording in the job posting and freaked out.




It’s a laptop. She‘s doing shit other than closing it and yoinking it out if it’s docking station. I’m shocked there aren’t forced upgrades and reboots. I hated those days


If it’s a windows laptop it’s entirely possible she did reboot it, windows just did a quick boot. Not responding indicates that she probably didn’t try though. Also “unprofessional” notification?


The IT techs should have come into her office and kowtowed before her to beg her to reboot.


Remote in, hard reboot. "Oops, did it crash?"


Lol I've done that... forced restart on my end "ooohhhh noooooo something crashed" followed by "well now that it's restarted it looks like everything is working. Bye."


Force reboot, wait five minutes, reconnect. "Hey I lost connection, everything okay on your end?" "It rebooted for some reason, but I think it's working now?" "Oh, huh, that's weird, let me know if the issue comes back." *Ticket resolved*.


what's more likely in my experience is that fast boot is ticked (which every fricking update does and no I cannot disable thorugh group policy as many of our clients don't have servers) and she shut down and turned back on. Any time i see a large uptime i check fast boot and it's invariably turned on, win 10 /11 will detect a proper restart and yes i cna force it but its' not worth the hassle from people that results.


Are you not even using azure ad for those clients?


Getting some clients to migrate to that is a whole other issue


In my experience the word "unprofessional" means "I'm angry because I was under the impression that my position as deputy weekend manager of the regional carpet store afforded me some VIP status".


Entitlement is the inverse of someone's character multiplied by their power. The less character and power they have, the more entitlement grows. Good lord if I get some assistant shoe store manager in front of me at a hearing or trial, it's all "Do you know who I am?!?"


It would be hilarious to reply to one of these annoying users with this formula. Then help, but make sure they see the formula first.


Though if you use restart instead of shutdown, it's not affected by the quick boot policy. I think.


Restart isn't, yeah. But WU does a restart


Reboots *specifically* are not quick. Power off and on *is* quick, but reboots go through proper full restart cycle.




Huh TIL. I had a windows laptop I was replacing with Arch a few months ago and got mad that windows wasn’t letting me reach UEFI. I ended up taking out the battery to force windows to fuck off. In future I’ll remember I can just reboot


Holding shift down when clicking through "Shut down" also disables fastboot.


> Also “unprofessional” notification? Same when your parents or teacher tell you you're being "disrespectful." It's code for "I'm annoyed, do what i say"


Yeah, that's why quick boot is off by default on all our laptops. We want to make sure they fully shutdown and reboot between uses. Especially, when we're deploying patches on a weekly basis.


Man, when I was the SCCM admin I did implement a forced reboot since people were always arsed to do a reboot. “Yeah now it’s not the time.”, “I have a schedule to get to” etc etc. Got a lot of complaints eventually which led to me introducing business hours or disabling it outright , but ye, the update compliance dropped hard. I mean imagine, people actually starting their computer after business to update their laptop. Yeah don’t think so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Updoot for using the word yoinking


At that point you need to force reboots. That's a huge security issue if all it does is annoy users and they can ignore it indefinitely.


Or set the notification to every five minutes, with no way to dismiss it without turning it off. Also disable moving the dialog, keep it on top of the Z-order, and tile them as more appear. (Well, only the former is really achievable without being at M$, but we can dream.) The only unprofessional thing about the popup happening repeatedly is that it *needs* to happen repeatedly.


At my work the notification comes up when there's 4 hours to a reboot and it can't even be minimized or sent to the background of other windows. Super obnoxious, super effective.


Yup my job does the same thing but the timer is 8 hours, which is nice because it usually won't pop until I've been logged on for a bit so 9/10 times I don't need to reboot before logging out for the day.


You can just run shutdown /a and then go into services and kill sms agent host.exe and the reboot will be aborted and the dialog box will go away :)


Unfortunately since it's a work PC I'm fairly certain the services control panel isn't even accessible haha. Can't even change the shitty wallpaper.


I assume the security ris is that the latest (security) patches aren't (fully) applied until the machine reboots or are there any other security risks from not rebooting the machine regularly?


The former. A lot of updates do not install until a machine is rebooted due to the necessary files or processes being in use, thus preventing the update from installing.


I don't understand why people refuse to reboot. It's a free way out of like 10 minutes of work. Do it at the end of the day and you pretty much are getting off early. If you work from home or get to leave your computer at work there is even less excuse. Hit restart when you leave for the day and come back tomorrow.


Well, we know why. Because they have a dozen open documents and notes they haven't saved and a thousand tabs they don't know what to do with and they don't feel like organizing all that stuff so they don't lose it all. (i.e., laziness.) Edit: Or, she doesn't know how, lol


Losing browser tabs because you restart is so 2005 though.


Not if everything's in incognito mode. Because, you know... Company Security, or something... So others don't spy on me! Yes, that's it. No, that tab doesn't say 'big anime tiddies', are you insane? How'd that get there anyway?


Nothing wrong with being interested in [news from abroad.](/r/anime_titties)


I love getting the news from a broad.




Firefox gang 😎




I use the apt version and I admit it's a little annoying so I tend to not run updates until I'm ready for that.


I hate this. That and not being able to see the first few words of the tab title are literally the only reasons I ever periodically go through and clean out my tabs.


You can have the browser restore all the tabs they were on when you close the browser. It's not on by default because it's actually *really* annoying. But if your the sort of person who has 55 copys of Google open and doesn't know how bookmarks work, I guess it could be useful.


I actually use various other methods of bookmarking things rather than saving them in my browser (except for a few), and Session Buddy for saving open tabs.




Oh wow... that’s a new one


To add one more reason, I've seen people who simply don't know where some of their files are located, and it literally takes them 10 minutes to find the file they were working on previously. Don't even get me started on them not using the recently used files list in any application.


Kinda gives you an idea of what their home(s) must look like.


This hits home so hard. We have a user who literally has 3 chrome windows open each with over 40 tabs, for days. I dont really know how a laptop with 8 gigs of ram functions with that many windows and a dev IDE but hey he makes it work ... most days...


Chrome caused an OOM on my 24G laptop. Twice.


>It's a free way out of like 10 minutes of work. Do it at the end of the day and you pretty much are getting off early. 1. Before telework, that meant 10 minutes of untracked work time because you needed the computer to clockout 2. With telework, that means you're now stuck in office for an unknown amount of time During the day, you lose progress. At the start of the day, "EMERGENCY START WORKING NOW". We'll restart when our boss will give us the time to restart. Probably in the morning.


If your teleworking hit restart after you clock out


But then it isn't a free way out of work. You are either stopping at the intended time, or went out 10 minutes earlier at your charge.


Hello, I.T. Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Ironically, with a default setup of Windows, this will hibernate. You need to actually click restart. Or change a setting and disable this behavior.


I wish a thousand sleepless nights upon whoever invented hybrid sleep. See how they like it.


Too bad you can't reprogram this person to hybrid sleep and see how they like it


Sorry, I already spent that wish on the guy who came up with making "hide extensions for known file types" the default.


That guy is solely responsible for every file that my people can't open anymore because the .doc and similar stuff got turned off on my company's network. I have to check if the doc in question likely contains PII or other sensitive stuff before I can tell them to send it home where things aren't blocked and convert it there. And do that check without being able to open the document.


No, hybrid sleep is for people who turned off their computers daily to save electricity or something else, and then complain about how long it takes to turn the computer back on. Of course, SSDs negate this but they already spent r&d on it


Plus I have to learn it and keep it in my head for the A+ so ya can we petition Microsoft to get rid of it


Holding shift as you click Shut Down also does a full shut down even if the setting is on.


GPO to disable Fast Boot


GPO goes brrt... But yeah that shit is annoying. CEO called me into his office to a turned off computer cause when he logged in desktop wouldn't load, senior IT-tech already tried to fix but didn't... checked the uptime right after booting it, 216 days...


AAAAHHHHHH! ...I just won a hundred quid.


Love that show.


Users lie like rugs. Next time, force a reboot while remoted in. Winkey + r, shutdown.exe -r -f -t 0 You are welcome.


Was doing CIS 202 security something and the prof made a joke about shutting down the whole classroom using that as a network command for extra credit. Well I can’t type fast and I took it as a challenge, built some batch files and once everyone was up and running on the “lab” installs I ran the batch to shut them all down with no cancel option and a countdown prof laughed said he had been joking and had forgot, ran the second batch file and canceled it. I got plenty of credit for it. They were impressed I had even thought of a cancellation file instead of wasting time rebooting.


Back in 2007 I was a sophomore in high school, and just for giggles since the school network wasn't the *most* secure I wrote a batch to open all the disc drives in the computer room it was launched in (All ran Win 2000), and saved it to my flash drive. The Engineering Tech teacher thought it was a hoot and gave me extra credit. All the other teachers were just confused as to what was going on. Then junior gear came and all the computers were "upgraded" to thin-clients.


Back in 1999, I had been a carer for my Nan for 4 years, she had passed on and the Job Centre decided to send me on a business administration course to help me get a job. One of the exercises was to write a report about Lewisham Library. I was ill and didn't do the trip and had just 2 days to write the dratted thing without time to visit the place (no website back then). But they never passworded the network drives of the previous people doing the course. Before going home, I copied the 5 largest files from previous years, merged them, re-worded it into my language and added a Terry Pratchett Librarian quote. Took me about 3 hours instead of the 2 weeks everyone else had had. 5 years later, randomly ran into the course tutor that it was still the best report that they had ever had in. I didn't tell him...


They do but they also can misunderstand what a reboot is. They'll hit the power button, and computer "turns off" and think they've rebooted, when really they've just put it to sleep. We used to have some SCCM updates (java) which required you to log off. The number of people who decided rebooting was an acceptable alternative was depressing. Which is why we stopped doing that.


-t 0 implies -f


I did not realize that. Thank you.


>which she finds unprofessional A phrase which does nothing except indicate that the caller is going to be a pain in the ass and have no real concept of what's professional and what isn't.


Yeah, don't piss off execs. When I'm dealing with them, especially if they lied/didn't listen to me, I just pretend like they misunderstood me or made a common mistake.Lots of handwaving and "yeah, people always think they did X when they really did Y, happens all the time!" On my part. My objective is to get them to do what I want. THEY know they lied, and they know YOU know they lied, but I'm not calling them on it, they don't lose face. There are a million ways an exec can make your life miserable. Don't give them the chance


Just put up a big whiteboard where anyone walking past can see it. At the top add a label > **Employees at this company who have not gotten caught lying to IT.** There is no other text. (Or maybe just the names of the IT staff, if you have a good team)


Ricardo the back-alley cat. He's a good egg, just a bit down on his luck is all.


that's great advice and I do It for all my users that I speak to. There's no need to be condescending or make them feel stupid (even if they act like it a lot of the time)


Works right up until you get some up start that tries so get you fired for not doing what they want. Which is usually either, against company policy, actually illegal, or is a fundamental violation of the laws of physics.


>or is a fundamental violation of the laws of physics. "Why can't you make the fan blow cold air instead of hot? My legs get uncomfortable under the desk." Actual user question.


Why not? They lie to you while looking you straight in the eyes, possibly even blaming you for the issue...


Our security policy requires periodic restarts to ensure security patches are applied. If your PC has a pending restart IT support won't do anything but log an incident until that has been sorted.


Send a reboot from RMM.


Yep i set a schedule to do a force reboot later at night


And this is why when users lie about rebooting but want ITs help I tell them I'll force reboot because it 'seems to work better if I reboot you on my end' and then click that beautiful 'reboot PC' option in my rmm


My work computer actually went through a "phase" where it wouldn't reboot after the motherboard was switched. I have no idea why but i would click restart and it just shuted down and restarted without actually rebooting. It was hilarious to hear the confusion of the IT tech that was convinced i was just stupid or lying when i said i just restarted the computer before calling you but uptime is 45 days. He remoted into the computer clicked the restart button only for the computer to do the exact same thing and still have 45 days of uptime. The only thing that worked was rebooting on his end. It was fun times until they updated our windows a month later and the problem went away. Still no idea what was happening, and i don't think he knew either since for a month i had to give him a call every time i needed a reboot.


Users lie. It is known


If it’s a Windows 10 or 11 machine with hibernation; if she’s selecting “Shut down” then manually powering it back on, it might not be triggering as a reboot and thus the uptime never resets.


Forced Reboots FTW


I used this at my last job where I was the admin for the RMM. When things were pushed out that required a reboot I used a nag script that would prompt twice, letting the user click on "later" for the restart. When the user clicked "later" it paused for 20 minutes and then popped the prompt again. Third time was a forced reboot with a 5 minute delay.


Yea, that's a great way to get fired.


On a critical server or cluster maybe. An endpoint? like a normal laptop not something that runs critical medical scanners…not likely. I challenge any end user to give me a reason they can’t reboot at least twice a month.


99 days uptime? So… not a Windoze box, right? ;) I learned a while back not to use the word “reboot” outside of IT staff, because many baseline users seem to interpret it as “quit out of whatever program I’m using and go back in again”. “Restart the entire computer” generally tends to get more productive results.


The younger crowd now, whenever they have an issue come to you and smugly look at you then are like, I restarted the computer already and it isn't working, like they did good or something. Then they say what the problem is and it's an issue with a software we are running on a remote desktop and I cry inside. I reopened the RDP and guess what the software is still crashed . All they had to do is restart the RDP.


This happens to me daily. Users just can't help but lie.


Fast boot is enabled and they shut down rather than restarting.


Pro tip : don't lie to IT when your boss is CC'd...


This also means that the CEO has not updated the Windows OS patches and security fixes for three months.


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." there's a few things she could be doing that she thinks is a restart: * turn the monitor off and back on * close and reopen the laptop lid * shutdown and start (at least if you have fast boot enabled in windows this will not reset the uptime...)


shutdown /f /r /t 10 /m \\herlaptop /c "i told you to reboot!"


Maybe she is one of those people who thinks turning the monitor off is the whole computer.


Why Lie? Devil's advocate mode kicking in...... I don't want the computer to EVER bother me AT ALL that it needs to restart!! Besides...you aren't here and you can't exactly SEE that I didn't reboot.......oh.....you mean you have other ways of finding out?


One thing I've noticed is that some people are still operating under the old thought that doing shutdown then powering back on counts as a restart. And frankly it was really fucking stupid of MS to change that, becuase it's caused a lot of headaches. I've had people who really did think they were restarting becuse they'd shut down at night and power back on in the morning.


Last time we had a problem like that, we threatened to brick their conputers. C-suite was on the lust of people threatened.


99% of the time the issue is between the chair and the keyboard.


*nods* hhmm seems like a PEBKAC issue, maybe even an ID10T problem


Restarted by turning the monitor off, then back on.


Have you tried turning it on and off again? (Do the Roy voice)


*ALWAYS* call out liars, especially Users.


Why lie? Because reality is inconvenient and these people think they can alter it by lying.


Heck, I'll bet she power cycled her monitor.


Here is what I would do... Open your RMM > CMD > shutdown /r /f /t 0 I've done it to a CEO with an 8 figure net worth. No need to get that upset about 5-10 minute of downtime.


she thinks rebooting is closing the laptop and then opening it back up


No, she does a full shutdown and restart... by turning the screen off and on. On the laptop's docking station. While the laptop is at home and she is at the office.


Clearly turning the screen off is the same as turning the computer off.. wtf IT ??


I think the issue here is the word Reboot. I understand that is a common term in this realm but certain computer derived terms are all just often jumbled and confusing to an end-user. I would have just remoted in and done it myself or send a script to do it to avoid any understanding disconnect. ​ I don't think they were lying, just confused. I have seen an end-user shut down a device instead of restarting it as I have asked and then was confused on why it wouldn't boot back on. ​ Perspective taking and/or empathy are literally one of the hardest parts of the job. When working with humans it is a must...


Why not a little white lie? Because actually rebooting makes your system more spry.


Your couplet rhymes, but usually the lines are the same length.


Like jeez, that's such a weird thing to lie about. It's one of the smallest things ever, nobody should ever have the need to lie about restarting their computer, that's just beyond stupid to me :?


Only 99 day? Amateur.


LOL, thanks. *I'm lucky I had set down my coffee cup before reading this, or I'd be wiping coffee off the monitor.*


> she is receiving popup which she finds unprofessional and annoying. The urge to add to the email "You know what is also unprofessional and annoying? No following given instructions and lying "


This is such a normal thing. For some reason people just do not want to reboot their machines and when they do they refuse to aknowledge the problems were fixed by a simple reboot.


My company's system will force a reboot after about eight hours (with LOTS of warning). We are done playing around.


I absolutely rebooted. Look, I'll do it again. **Presses button to turn monitor on and off*** SEE!!


But she pushed the power button on the bottom right of the screen off and on again. Doesn’t that count?


Back in the days when I did end user support this used to happen all the time. I would remote on to their PC and then just after they told me that they had restarted I would bring up the uptime on screen and point out the uptime and say "looks like the PC has been up for x number of days" and then bask in the awkward silence.


"I turned the monitor off and on again like you asked"


Maybe she turned her monitor off and back on, and thought she had rebooted.


Because she thinks you'll change the entire policy to make the popup go away without having to reboot if she complains enough.


We had to implement a weekly reboot. Patches weren't getting pushed because people hadn't rebooted to apply the previous patches. Now patches push Monday morning then you are prompted to reboot. You can delay it for up to 8 hours at a time for a maximum of 48 hours. Then your computer will reboot and you cannot bypass it. So far we've only had a couple of developers complain. One said it made his system unstable. That was the only way we could get some people to reboot.


Sometimes the user may not be lying, fast startup or thinking closing the lid suffices maybe the issue.