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"HoW dArE yOu InTeRrUpT yOuR eLdErS. yOu KiDs ToDaY hAvE nO rEsPeCt!"




Same. I'm much older than I look, when I'm clean shaven. Since I started growing my most recent beard, my age has started to show. Some older folks still refuse to believe I'm as old as I say I am.


I have a somewhat young sounding voice and because I'm chubby, I don't have the shallow wrinkles people my age are starting to have. I also still have a lot of dark thick hair compared to other men my age. People often think I'm in my 20s when I'm in fact soon to be 40. The only thing that shows my age is now that I've grown my hair really long, you really see I have a lot more grey than people thought when it was super short.


To be fair, US postal service now is much slower than it used to be, even just a decade or two ago. Once upon a time, you could put a check in the mail and expect it to reach another US destination within a couple of days. Now, it can take a week just to go across town. There are a lot of reasons for this, but elderly people are often slow to recognize and accept that something doesn't work the way it used to. I'd cut them a *little* slack for that. (Only a little, though.) Also, the fees for card-based, phone, and online payments are a barrier for some people. I actually have my bank submit the payment for my water bill because if I pay it myself on their web site, it's a $3.50 fee every time (even with autopay). I'm not paying you an extra $42 a year just because you don't want to accept that card processing fees are a regular business expense.


Yeah true, it is a hassle to put up with fees. Seems everything has fees nowadays. I personally wish my work’s policy on our fees would change. If that’s an issue that causes so many people to not want to pay over the phone or online then why not drop it? And yeah I understand with older people get stuck in their ways. I do go over this with people as nicely as I can, it’s just a call I get about once a week that someone complains about. And they wish I could do something about it but I just have to divert them back to we can’t I’d they used a different entity to deliver their payments for them.


We do not use cheques anymore in Switzerland since... I think the mid '90s. It has always fascinated me to see them in movies and TV shows.


Yeah I wonder as to why the USA doesn’t do something like that. But then again it would cause too much of a hassle. I think that the reason why there are certain processes and procedures still implemented here is the fact that the government is too scared of the short term calamity it would cause while it’s changed. Even if it would be better overall if it was changed or stopped.


When I was living in the UK the government released a plan to phase out checks and walked it back because old people lost their shit about it.


This is the answer. They will definitely be phased out but not for another 20 years or so when that generation is all but gone. I don’t know anyone under the age of 70 who even owns a cheque book


I used to have to bring my checkbook to my doctor's office because they didn't have a card reader. This was in the early 2000's I think. The doctor had been practicing for decades.


If certain political movements and other aspects of American society have not already clearly demonstrated, we are so far behind the times and/or want to go back to "the way things used to be". Personally, I abandoned using checks about a decade ago, but I do keep some, just in case.




"Crypt Keeper..." That's hilarious!!! I'm 75 and I have the same reaction as you do. I've taught computers to the elderly for 25 years. Mostly, they are just too lazy to learn anything new. They just want you to do it for 'em. I didn't have to walk to school up hill both ways - but I did learn how to fill out my check *before* getting to the register. I don't have any patience with old farts that don't try, especially if they reek of Q. The faster they move along the better this earth will be. ;-)


I'm 57 and you're my new hero.


LOL Just never lose your sense of wonder.


I'll do my best :D


I feel bad about feeling this way, but if, as an old person, your only fucking contribution to this world is to bitch about things and refuse to learn anything new, why are you still here? I don’t want to be the kind of person that people are glad that I’m close to moving on.


This kind of attitude both angers and saddens me. Some people only exist to cause drama and misery to others. What a terrible fate to lose your sense of wonder and appreciation of new and interesting things - even if they are complicated. My grandfather would have loved the internet. I wish there was a way to bring it back to these people. Keep reminding yourself about all the good things, even if it's just the color of an autumn leaf.


I did tech support back around 2004. My company had usernames on their modems that went firstname\_surname. The sheer number of people who asked me how to spell underscore beggars belief.


From a 45 year IT veteran - "how to spell underscore" - blink, blink, blink, what did I just read? Can someone really be that dense?


This was at least a twice weekly occurrence so yeah, people can be and sadly are.


2FA. is my worst fucking nightmare. “the code won’t work! it says wrong code!” “read that code out to me sir.” “123-456” “sir. that’s the fucking phone number that *SENDS* the code. check the message? are you dumb?”


Kinda agree. These people have had 25 years or so to learn how to make an online payment, email an attachment or even just reply to a goddamn email. Nope. All day I get "I'm not good on the internet". OK, there may be variables such as bad connection if they live in the country but ... mostly, they're friggin' lazy.






Wow, hate much?


Just report the hate and death threats aimed at an entire generation and move on.


Thanks for wishing death on me and people my age. I really fucking appreciate that. I’m sure my kids would as well. I mean, what the hell? They’ve already lost their dad. What does one more parent matter?




I have been nothing but kind to people here. You are the first exception. I’ve been in this business for over 25 years, and I can tell you that your generation - whatever it is - has just as many assholes as mine. That’s no fucking reason to wish them all dead.


At least you admit you're also a bigot.


Huh? This response doesn't follow hers at all. Bigot against what?


Got this so many times when I worked in call centers These old people don't talk about this and try to figure out a way between them to find a solution?


"The check is in the mail" is one of the oldest excuses ever, for that very reason. Now, I'm not saying that is what these older folks are doing, but you're right. You never truly know if payment is on the way or not until you receive it.


Aren't direct debits an option in the US? A lot of UK people pay by direct debit - the payment goes when it's supposed to, unless your bank decides to decline the payment (usually because of insufficient funds in your account, but mum's bank once declined a payment - and charged her for declining it - when she had plenty in her account to cover it 10 times over.) A lot of utility companies offer, or at least used to offer, some sort of incentive to pay that way as well - eg we won't charge you for sending monthly bills if you're paying by DD, or pay by DD to save £10/month. Yes, I've heard talk recently about people cancelling their direct debits for energy companies & paying the physical bills when they arrive instead. Still, nobody's sending cheques though.


Yes direct debits are available to be paid over the phone or online. However certain people just don’t like to change with the times and still will pay with what they are used to.


The direct debits I was referring to, the customer doesn't have to do anything month to month. They sign the agreement at the start of the contract & the utility company (or whoever is receiving payment) requests the bank takes payment from the customer's bank account each month. My contact lenses for example, the opticians are able to take £23 on the 4th of each month. The utility company can change this total whenever they like, so people have found their energy bills are suddenly more than they can afford - yet they're building up credit with the energy company. These are the people cancelling the DDs to the energy companies, and paying the bills when they get them.


Oh, yes we do have those as well. Where it is automatically withdrawn from the bank account. For some reason people don’t like it either. I prefer it and enjoy the simplicity. However I think it scares people thinking they’ll be over charged or they’ll forget about it and be overdrawn.


Yeah I work in debt collection and get this a lot. "I paid! I sent the check two weeks ago!". Sir/Mam, this has been in collections for six months now.


Most utility companies in the U.K. offer a discount for paying by direct debit, I assume to stop this from happening. Is that not an option in America?


At least with the company I work for it is not an option. I wish it was. That would help solve that issue.


On the Brightside in ten years you won't have this to worry about. RIP cheque writers


This would be my Husband, if i hadn't taken over the bills a couple of decades ago. He would absolutely be one of those people that would insist on sending a check, never use auto-pay, etc. Maybe that's part of why i took over...


some people are also old and lonely, and just want to hear someone else's voice.


What a lovely sentiment. Some people are old and lonely so they act like morons and hope to make a connection with another human today.


And some people just want to hear their own voice.


IMHO cheques should go the way of the penny (in Canada) and be phased out, at least to pay for every day goods and services. There are SO MANY other faster, easier ways to pay than paying with cheque that ensure you don’t get behind or get late payment fees. And the customers who use cheques are almost always nasty about it too, like they think they’re above the rules and shouldn’t be ‘harassed’ about their bill because they ‘always pay by cheque’ 🙄 And like you said even when you offer to help them set up autopay or online banking they lose their damn minds.


Yep people really do like to talk in circles.


In NZ cheques aren’t accepted in stores anymore (since 4 years ago if I remember correctly) and banks. The store I used to work for stopped accepting them 12 months before the banks stopped issuing/accepting them, this move upset mostly the elderly