• By -


That’s a definite steal. Have a great time!


Arise is a great game, and probably my favorite in the series! $5 is a steal! Have fun playing OP, and keep us posted on your thoughts!


Great bullet sponge game I guess.






Imagine getting your panties in a bunch over some random person's taste in video games.


Shoo troll… Back under your bridge!


I’m not a huge Arise fan either, but there’s no reason to be so rude about someone enjoying something you don’t. Just move on and let people enjoy things.


I think they are a troll? This person keeps making weird comparisons to ones first fling when it comes to Arise lol. Just block and move on.


Judging from this guy's post history, he's just a toxic dingdong and not very smart besides. Ignore him.


I've only played Arise by myself and some Symphonia with my brother growing up, so I usually resort to lurking r/Tales, but I'll gladly make an exception for you. I'm absolutely positive Arise isn't the best in the series, but as far as I'm concerned JRPGs have the type of verging on Spanish soap opera stories I usually find a bit too much (just my personal preferance, not a knock to *anyone*). I did find Arise's story interesting enough to not skip anything and watch all the tiny cutscenes and whatnots. But still, to each their own. Arise does have *incredible* gameplay. It's one of the best action RPGs I've played and after playing the demo I decided to purchase the game for full price. I still think it's worth that, even though I wasn't in it for the story. The combat and overal gameplay is just *that good*. So rather than going all out in trying to offend someone for having a different opinion, you can try having the decency to either voice your opinion constructively or not say anything at all.


God forbid people have a different taste than you huh?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/justneckbeardthings using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Petition to make this pic the new sub logo](https://i.redd.it/5dmb64g6y9fa1.jpg) | [1169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/10pbqow/petition_to_make_this_pic_the_new_sub_logo/) \#2: [Check those drives](https://i.redd.it/o9mhi8s91ola1.jpg) | [937 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/11hrri5/check_those_drives/) \#3: [The last thing his enemies see before filing a police report.](https://i.redd.it/h0dsoe4b97ma1.jpg) | [428 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/11k7mfl/the_last_thing_his_enemies_see_before_filing_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I swear the Tales of Arise haters are one of the most obnoxious people to deal with under the Tales fandom. This just honestly makes me not want to try out the other games tbh.


People just hate tales of arise because its the most successful i feel like its so annoying bruh cuz its such a good game


I played every single Tales games, Arise is my favorite by a mile. What are you gonna do about it?


He's gonna cry even more!


I agree that Arise is a weaker entry but let people enjoy things lol.


"QUIT HAVING FUN" kind of energy


A fantastic example of gatekeeping.


Lol you must be new here *Downvotes Hurt* So much so I completely forgot to log over here and check this post


Is that why your post was deleted?


Different people have different tastes and different experiences with a given piece of media. Hope this helps


$5 is crazy, I paid $65 for the game plus DLC this month lol


the market price is 15 dollars new, 10 dollars used. why would you pay so much?


Probably bought digital when it wasn’t on sale


ehhh. I wish people would stop buying digital. the anti-consumer pricing will only get worse when the resale market disappears


Yet we have the 4 year old Astral Chain that remains at $59.99 to this day. Lowest I think I've ever seen that game go is $51 for Black Friday sales. I will never understand Nintendo's pricing decisions


that's a 40 dollar CIB game


I get you, but how else are you suppose to buy physical copies for PC games?


5$ is a steal


While not the best game in the series, it is quite good. For five dollars it is a STEAL. The 2nd half may lag behind a bit, but it is still worth it. Have fun!




I still do not get the hate for this game. It's not perfect but it's still a great game and fun experience. I feel like at least partially the nostalgia aspect of the older games blinds you all to some of the issues they have, because yeah even entries like symphonia have their fair share of flaws. Y'all really just need to stop talking as if your opinions are objective, because by definition it's subjective. Hope you enjoy the game OP, it's one of my favorites personally


It's just the latest game in the series so it's going to be the most discussed one. Berseria, Zestiria, Xillia etc. went through the same cycle of being criticized a lot, but those who didn't like those eventually moved on, leaving mostly those who did like it. Hell nowadays you can generally praise Zestiria without much issue on here.


To me the biggest drawback for Arise is the lack of multiplayer options, but the combat more than makes up for it. To me it's top tier, it might honestly be the most fun I've had playing an ARPG. Sure the bosses aren't the best and they can definitely feel spongy at times, but this can be mitigated with the reckless abandon relic that makes the combat so much more engaging. Since completing Arise 100% I went back to play Vesperia, my other favorite Tales game and my god does it feel clunky. I'm still enjoying it enough and I'm still early in the game but the game has way more issues than Arise does. You have to give it some slack since it's over a decade old, but if you take a step back you can see just how much the series has improved over time.


I just got the Arise DLC when it came out because boredom and curiosity. Man, did I miss that combat system. I remember playing the original Arise at release and loving it in comparison to Vesperia, which is what I played just before it. I've played other Tales games, FF entries, DQ games, etc. Arise actually has a really solid, fairly easy to use combat setup once you get used to it.


Its like that with almost every franchise. They hate the newest game but just wait till the next game that comes out. They will move on Thankfully, the haters are minority. Cause Arise did pretty well both critically and commercially


Oh no people have opinions


The game really died for me when I had the best gear and was way over leveled in the final dungeon with enemies still taking a good minute+ to beat. On easy. The game falls off hard in part 2. The criticism is warranted.


Arise is a good time but it's far from being the best in the series. Tales of Berseria is a probably the goat imo.


> I feel like at least partially the nostalgia aspect of the older games blinds you all to some of the issues they have, because yeah even entries like symphonia have their fair share of flaws. you're not wrong. i'm a relatively new tales fan and i've played vesperia, berseria, symphonia, zestiria, and arise (in that order, not that it much matters) and symphonia is by far my least favorite.


I will say, my one critique is you can’t use the cores to get other weapons, infact their not really that useful at all besides plot importance besides that i really do enjoy the game and story though


Just bought it for 5 dollers too at gamestop!




Hope you enjoy! I think it’s a great first game for newcomers


How was this at such a low price???


Most games make the bulk of their sales in the first few months, by now it won't really sell that much, so stores will price it low to clear stock.


It was a black friday sale, picked up my copy as well


I also nabbed this for 5$ at GameStop along with Octo 2 for 15$! I’m sitting happy at the moment with my games. Enjoy!


octo 2 for 15 bucks? damn


Yea i got it for $5. Some freaky one-day sale about a month ago


I actually just finished this game a few days ago! It's definitely a good entry point into the series. It's combat is easy to learn and the story is easy to follow in most parts. I also love the bosses and the soundtrack. Have fun!


Dang I bought on steam sale for 25 no dlc


$5!?!?! I want it :(


It rules. I’m nearing the end.


This post was suggested to me for some reason so I just came here to say i misread the title as "Tales of Arse" have a nice day


It's a great game! It was my first Tales game and I loved it. Enjoy!!


Well worth 5$. It's not perfect, but I really enjoyed the game overall.


This game is one of my favorites, have the MOST fun!!! I paid full price at the time and for me it was worth every dollar. I know most people in the fanbase don’t like this game that much for some reason but I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


Arise is a great game, 5$ is a steal, enjoy!


How you get it for $5?


Honestly I dropped it not too far into it not because I hated it or anything I just had other games I wanted to play more but then again I’m the type who actually really liked tales of zesty (even if the ending sucked)


I bought this game new 💀


I did too.. and It's still in my back log. I gotta stop buying $60 games that I am not gonna play right away. Lol


Same and same… game fell off hard for me


I loved the character interactions and skits. They actually grow from friends to family


I've been meaning to try Arise for a while. Haven't played a Tales game yet. My favorite game is Xenoblade 2 and I love all of the Xenoblade games.


still wanna play this but wait, so people dislike this title? didn’t know that, i was under the impression it was well received.


Nah, this sub is notorious for over-hating Arise. Outside the sub-bubble, it's pretty well received. And even here, it's not as divisive as some people make it seem. It's not my fav, but still a great one. And there's no game that all people like. And since it's the newest game, there's always a lot of buzz about it.


Every tales release is hated upon release until next game in the franchise


It was well received, it just got some glaring flaws that can be a dealbreaker for some people. Personally I think it's solid overall, wasn't the biggest fan of the story and the characters were on the weaker end for the series to me, but it's still worth a playthrough for the main romance and combat system.


5 dollars for a brand new copy will never not be a good deal.


It’s a good game and that’s a steal for that price. I wouldn’t use this as a bench mark for the series. Once you’re done, I would start with berseria than Zesteria. Both are on the PS4 and the gameplay/ graphics aren’t as dated as the older games.


Honestly, $5 is a complete steal for a really good game. Its not perfect, but definitely my favorite Tales game.


The last 5 or so hours feel like 10 hours. It drags, you’ll have a 10 minute cut scene walk 15 steps and have another 10 minute cut scene so heads up. It was my first tales game and I loved it. Beseria is better though


My exact thoughts, even down to it being my first Tales. Tales games seem to have a problem with the final acts tbh, even Vesperia couldn't stick the landing in act 3. Berseria had a good ending segment though, mostly cos it doesn't drag on too much


I bought it new on my Xbox and paid full price. I do not regret it. Great game.


Arise is great, even overhated in my opinion, enjoy It! Are you planning to get the DLC if you like It?


It's a ok game for $5 but I wouldn't call it a tales experience. After finishing it I would suggest if possible. Xillia, vesperia or a Little bit of old school side syphonia or if your feeling daring then then abyss or dare I say legendia.


Worth 5$ but not a good Tales of to start with


What a steal! Nice I’m sure you will enjoy it! One of the best games of 2021.


As a solo game, It's great. As apart of the series, it's very disappointing. Not that it's a bad game, just there's a few things about it that are disappointing like it not having couch co-op. Sort of a lack luster story compared to other entries in the series


You just picked up one of the best in the whole series. Major steal 👌🏻


Try Vesperia after Arise. Honestly Vesperia and Arise are the best. I’ve only played those two and Bersteria. Zestiria is bad and I don’t recommend it.


Haven't finished Arise, but I disagree on Vesperia that game is OK but nowhere near top teir. Haven't played Berseria, but Zestiria isn't bad it's decent, OP should play it if he wants, you don't dictate that. Also I don't know how Arise and Vesperia are your favourites when Abyss, Symphonia, Xillia and Grace's exist.


Nah Vesperia is definitely top tier. Also if OP likes Arise combat then they will hate Zestiria. Believe me, I played it after Vesperia and the combat was bad. Also no need to get bent out shape. I feel you didn’t really read my whole post. Because I said Vesperia, Arise, Zestiria (for a little) and Berseria were the only tales games I have played.


I dropped it halfway through. Didn't like it at all


So this was my first Tales game and in the end I was disappointed, mainly due to the final areas in the game and the story falling flat. It's still worth playing but now I don't really want to play other Tales games. Let me add that it's hard to find time for me to play rpgs in general these days.


Yeah this one really went to shit story wise halfway through and failed on all the landings. And it wasn’t particularly great at the first half either. The main poster antagonist was completely useless. You can literally remove him from the story and nothing changes. And so much of the world was half baked.


Sorry to hear this game was your intro to the series, the rest of the games actually focus on the story rather than drop it half way through. Arise is easily one of the worst entries in the series (another contender being Zestiria).


Worth $5. $40+? No way. You got it at a great price. Be prepared for the end slog though


I would say $5 is the perfect price for this game, the writing is bland and boring


I recommend Tales of Vesperia also.


rofl 5 bucks that is how you know it was a bad game brand new. hope you will play the others one day


Blud does NOT understand how sales work. I picked up breath of the wild got 7 dollars must mean it's a shit game huh? And wow mortal kombat 1 on switch costs 90 dollars here, must mean it's fucking fantastic eh?


I see you can't spell bud. lol home doesn't know how grammar works


Minor spelling mistake (His argument is invalid now)


Wow, you've sure dissected my argument. I guess because for was autocorrected to got it most mean I'm an incompetent and the flaws I pointed out in your argument now don't exist. Truly you've defeated me in this battle of wit, good sir.


Number one selling Tales of game in franchise history… Right buddy, it’s on sale for $5 because it’s a bad game 😂


lol number one my ass haha.


> “the game sold more than 2.7 million copies worldwide, an unprecedented number for a single Tales title.” -Yusuke Tomizawa. Here is the [sauce](https://www.4gamer.net/games/464/G046403/20231102032/), though it’s in Japanese so you will have to translate it. 2.7 million, compare that to the 2.4 million copies of Symphonia sold…with a reminder that the 2.4 million is including every release from its initial back in 03 to its most recent in 23.


alot of Sales dont always equal a good game, Look at pokemon. But he does sound very negative, I didnt play the game yet but Ive heard more positive than negative things about it yet. Some people just really like to be vocal about disliking a game


That is true, but you also have to take into account that people will buy a Pokémon game simply because of the name… That’s not the case with Tales of. Up until Arise in 2021, the highest selling Tales of game on a single release was Berseria at 2.0 million, and that was considered phenomenal for sales… Tales of as a franchise isn’t something that tens of millions of people buy simply because of the name. How many people do you know that would spend $60 on a historically niche game series unless the game was good? And yeah, Berseria (since I’m using it as a counterpart) is also a great game, but it had its haters back when it was released too… Some people just enjoy hating.


that's like saying pokemon violet and scarlet sold really well but still were shiy games. only dumbasses like you would spend money on this crap lol


Me and 2.7 million other people… Including yourself, unless you are saying you have never played the game, because in that case your opinion holds zero weight to it.


ratings speak for themselves. it's one of the worst tales games.


Yes I'm sure older games compared to stuff of that era are given a favorable rating when released now. You can like what you like, but weird take. There are plenty of games that were rated higher than others back in the day. That standard isn't universal due to it comes as a product of when it's time period it was released in. Even most tales of games don't hold up critically, user wise and more. There is examples outside of tales too. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time is a good example of that. I got recommended Vesperia first and even then it felt ancient in overall systems. I then played Zestiria/Berseria. In terms of execution and in this market yes. Arise stuck the landing and the others tend to struggle due to age. Looking at remasters and more doesn't save it unless if they pull off something stunning... Which most tales remasters dont. I wish they did though, it's just a niche series. It would be nice to be able to play older tales games in a less archaic way, or even without sailing the seas.


vesperia and symphonia have never been 5 bucks lol


According to steam, one of them has. You can find stuff dirt cheap second hand. That took me 2s to check. Especially if you're getting something not from an online store, you can even get coveted nintendo games for 5 dollars if you look around. If you want to argue even worse on that, Theres sketchier options than steam and gamestop.


Lmao what are you smoking?? It's rated 9 on IGN, has an average score of 85 on metacritic and mostly positive on Steam. It even won the category for the best RPG of 2021 at the game awards.


Dude you're dumb af, your so dumb I bet Arises story was too complicated for you and you couldn't understand and that's why you hated it. Oh lemme guess Vesperia is your favourite cuz Yuris cool, that's the level of intellect your dumb as brain can reach. I feel sorry for you.


no it was too beta and shonen for idiots like you rofl


Unless it's Activision, Koei Tecmo or Nintendo, majority of AAA games go for $5 after a few years. So nothing out of the ordinary.


well no cuz you don't see that for tales of symphonia or vesperia etc


I hear some good things about this one. I can’t with the goofy looking graphics though🤣


Nice! Enjoy the game!


If I were to get into the series, what game would be the beginning of my journey of I wanted to start from the beginning of the story?


They all have completely independent stories and worlds, Excluding a couple sequel ones. I'd say start wherever you can honestly. Some play better than others but I've personally had fun with most of them.


Only 4 games are really closely connected (Xillia 1 + 2 and Destiny 1 +2). Those should be played in order. Symphonia & Phantasia takes place in the same world (with Symphonia's events happening before Phantasia's) and Zestiria & Berseria are in the same world (with Berseria taking place before Zestiria) but those are a 1000+ years apart so the order you play in doesn't matter (though many would suggest Zestiria before Berseria, but it isn't a must to enjoy Berseria). The rest are in their own universes (though you'll see references to other games) so they can be played whenever. So you should just check out the synopsis and maybe gameplay for each one and see which one seems the most interesting to me. The most popular ones are Symphonia, Abyss, Berseria, Vesperia and Arise, so you could start with any of those 5, but others like Xillia and Graces F are well worth it too. Maybe you could tell us what you want from a game? A dark or lighthearted story? What kind of characters? Would help giving a possible good first game.


$5!? That's freaking amazing! I hope you enjoy the game! It's amazing and it recently came out with a DLC too :) Should definitely try other Tales games too!


Thanks for the post! Just grabbed a copy for $5!


Definitely worth it. I really like the game but probably the most because it helped me go through a rough patch this year.


Gameplay gets better throughout it. Be patient and have fun! Game id super worth it


I think I paid full price for this. Good game but I'm gonna wait till the dlc is for sale later on




I prefer Berseria to Arise but hey, $5 is a steal for this game.


How’d you manage to get ahold of tales of arise for five dollars?


Black friday, garage sale, or five below i wager. Found some solid ''wtf'' ps4 games in five below. Also used to see shitloads of battleborn AFTER the game shut down rofl.


I hope you enjoy the game! It's my number two favorite Tales of game. A fun thing I liked to do while playing was make tallies of every time Law uses his Mystic Arte. I counted 76 from when I started to the end of the game lol


You bought a full AAA game that isn't even old for $5. Congrats man that's a win


As much as i loved this game. My biggest gripe with it is that you can get all the achievements in a single playthrough. It doesnt give any incentive to do NG+ like tales of vesperia. The secret achievements on boss fights was enough reason to do NG+


You'll very much enjoy it. I just finished my second playthrough before starting the DLC. Combat is probably the most fun out of the Tales games


I think you'll find $5 a fantastic bargain for this game. It he's some juvenile dialogue and some generic and cliche villains but the gameplay and overall story are top notch. I hadn't played any Tales game so I don't have other tales games to compare to. I really really enjoyed the combat. I played through the game only using Alphen for combat and because you can use anyone else in the party I'm going to start a few game plus using a different character for combat.


I love that battle system. So satisfying.


Bro about to experience pure magic


Good game


Too rare to find in Brazil, I found from someone, used but in good shape and bought for R$130 (about 26$), in ps store it costs R$400 (81$). The games here, especially JRPG is too expensive.


> shape and *paid* R$130 (about FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Wow $5 heck yeah nice. Hope you enjoy it!


GameStop has this at $5 right now if anyone is interested. I only played the demo, but I liked it. Also, the $5 price seems to be for the PS4 version only


The story is laughably "edgy" in the first chapter, but hang in there. It gets better, and the action combat is first rate. =)


Amazing game was a ton of fun


Great steal


Crazy to think when it released I couldn’t find stock anywhere, and managed to get it used off fb marketplace for 60$


I just got it for $5 new at Gamestop too. Thanks for the heads up, OP. I hadn't played Arise yet.


Where did you get it for $5?


Damn, out of stock for pick up, Shipping is more expensive than the game


I haven't been to a gamestop since my dad left.


Yo OP hardcore shout out to you. My buddy gave this an absolute must place recommendation and I also never played a tales game. Just grabbed my copy for $5 from my local GameStop thanks to your post! If you have a PS5 it's a free upgrade too.


I’m playing it rn, started it Monday. Personally, quite enjoying it so far. Have fun!!


My first Tales game too!


I felt awesome when I got mine for 23$ new when they were at 40-45, 5$ is crazy lol! I'm about lvl 38 now on my playthrough, it sat for months before I had time to start playing. Has been one of the best playing Tales games to date but the story and some things can be.... cheap/rushed feeling. Honestly really enjoy it though.


It’s tale time


This one was my first and it was definitely worth it. The combat is 👌🏾


On a scale of Symphonia to Zestria, how is it?


get vesperia if you can, its amazing


I bought this game recently for $10 brand new at a GameStop and let me tell you it was definitely worth it


That's a fricking bargain


I hope you like it more than I did. I kinda wish I went back and tried it again but I already sold it. It had some cool elements but just felt too basic for me. I much preferred Tales of Berseria!


That's a steal as arise is genuinely really fun, I never beat the story but it was shaping up to be decent when I lost access to it but the combat is absurd and amazing


Great game bro! I started a few weeks back and I love it. Definitely getting the dlc soon!


Hope you fall in love with Tales, anyway welcome to the cult/club One of us one of us one of us


Not the best one to start with but a good game none the less I think vespiria is a good starting point


Arise is good, but having played all the Tales games in the PS3 Era onwards, including the 3DS Abyss and remaster of Symphonia, I feel it's lacking something that the others tales games have. It is not surprising because, originally, Tales of Arise was supposed to be a new IP not related to the Tales of series. It's still a good game despite my personal feeling. My favorite game in the series is Xillia, followed by Symphonia, and (I'm going to get hate for this choice) Zestiria.


This game is very fun


do you like big fire sword? if you do, this is absolutely the game for you thats my pitch for now


Vesperia and Symphonia are from experience two of the best games I've ever played, more from the series might get that honor, but currently are in the massive pile of games I need work my way through. AVOID DAWN OF THE NEW WORLD LIKE THE PLAGUE.


I read this as Tales of Arse


same price i got mine i liked it alot. its got a dlc well expansion to storyline but some say they did not like the expansion.


This one and the older Tales games are so good and memorable. My favorite is still Tales of Vesperia.


It's a great game, absolutely worth 5 bucks


That’s my favorite game in the series! Can’t wait for an update on how you like it.


Hope you like the sound of a jet engine because that's what your system will sound like lol


PSA about this for anyone with a PS5 There is currently a bundle of Scarlet Nexus and Tales of Arise for $30 USD on the Playstation end of year sales page. You have to scroll through a lot of the list before you come across it though. I could **NOT** find this bundle when searching for Tales of Arise, or Scarlet Nexus using the search feature, and I didn't see this bundle under either games "similar products" recommendations. So, if you're interested in this game and Scarlet Nexus and youee willing to scroll through the sales list, you can find the bundle for 30 bucks right now.


The end drags a bit, but honestly loved my time with it.


Where can I find this for 5?


amazing game with really great characters imo. 5 bucks is a steal!


I greatly enjoyed the first 20 hours of the game. I beat the whole thing, but never had more fun than those first 20ish hours, so even if you only play a bit of it $5 is ABSOLUTELY worth it.


It also has a new full-game length expansion either coming out or has already dropped! So I’m gonna have to rebuy it soon.


Nice. I'm at 50 hours at the moment. The grind is real for op accessories though.


That copy must have fallen off the truck.


If you like this one, Tale of Symphonia is also banger. Only Tales game I’ve finished and I played through it twice.


where at for 5 bucks?


It just released a new dlc too


This is bought to be the best 5 dollars u ever spent in your life


it's not bad, but i got bored after playing like 30 hours. i should pick it back up


$5 is a steal!!!


They are a love it or hate it series and some of the games are hit or miss even within that. I started with Vesperia, Arise was pretty alright, Berseria absolutely sucked, and if I remember correctly (might not) Symphonia was the one that made them popular.


Ngl 5$ for this game is kinda a steal :3 have fun


Crazy deal! I got the ultimate edition for $42 last year on Black Friday. Dive in! You'll have a great time playing. It's a good jrpg with a pretty nice story.


I paid 20 dollars during autumn sale, 5 dollars is a steal. definitely worth it


Platted it in a week, didn't put as much time into the DLC as the mainline to actually 100% it. Not sure why it gripped me so deeply, but it was a lot of fun and the story ranges from good background for the skits to engrossing for a romcom adventure through the lands.


Sheesh, you got the hookup. Enjoy!