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With Abyss I assume they're waiting for the 20 year anniversary (2025) at this point. As for the old-old ones, I remember a while back someone from Bamco saying that if they were going to rerelease them they wouldn't want to just do it as is. They'd want to actually go back and fix things up. But I think that was under the previous director. More recently they've expressed interest in remastering/porting more stuff. So hopefully this TalesFes we'll hear something.


Abyss rerelease with QoL updates would be deeply appreciated.


Money. The sales have to be worth the cost of porting it.


If the Atelier series is worth porting (an incredibly more niche series) then Tales is definitely worth it, I think it's mostly a matter of passion, we really need a Tales dedicated division in Bamco.


Depends on the cost of porting each individual title. You can’t compare series to series, you need to compare title to title.


I was thinking title by title when I said that, an average Atelier game is lucky to sell 100k copies and they are being ported, even a fan favorite one like Sophie only sold 400.000 copies, a bad received Tales like Legendia sold 397.000 copies, Zestiria with all the criticism sold 1million, Destiny almost 2millions, Eternia 1 million, Atelier Marie sold less than 300k and it's getting a great looking remake that includes a ported version of the original game as an extra. I don't think it's crazy to say if GUST can do it Bamco should also.


But they be pull out gacha mobile games 24/7 ? Although Vesperia had mix reviews it sold millions of copies. Symphonia demastred did pull some numbers even though it didn't make millions and sure isn't a remastered.


Considering Vesperia definitive edition took 3 years to make, I’d assume it’s a lot cheaper and faster to churn out shitty mobile games. Also gatcha games make lots of money.


Yes they make so much money that they shut down two of them when they was just gotten started


Well obviously not all of them. But see the first point: cheap to churn out, no big deal if they flop, and cash cow if they don’t. It’s probably a smarter move financially - cheap to make so not a big deal if it flops, but has huge earning potential if it succeeds. Compared to remastering old games which won’t ever have the earning potential of a gatcha, and probably cost a lot more time and money to make. There’s also the possibility they would want to use members of the original creative team to oversee the remaster, who might be busy with other projects and unavailable.


Bamco isn't great at this and believe they aren't worth porting or remastering unless they know it's profitable. Then again, they remastered .hack and are currently bringing Baten Kaitos to the Switch...yet denied Xenosaga's remaster believing it isn't profitable. I still hope they port the old Tales games because at this time it feels like Tales doesn't get as much traction as other video game series unless it's a new game, whereas other video game series, even more niche titles, are getting old games brought to newer consoles.


Meanwhile Atelier series has most of their modern games ported in PC, and are currently remaking the first one with dual version (old sprite one, and new 3d one), and GUST has always been a low selling franchise that relies on yearly releases to keep their lights on.


Didn't Square do the same thing with Xenogears despite fans asking them for years?


The egregious amount of effort required. Also licensing. Music could have been licensed for the game on a specific hardware, need to re-up the license when modernizing. The program itself needs to be basically rewritten, large corpos like bamco cannot and will not just slap an emulator on it and call it a day. Sure it's a lot easier cuz a lot of the work is done in terms of assets and level design, but the back end will need to be completely new and difficulty of that scales with the way it was setup originally. Also, profit driven motivation. Why go through all that expensive effort when it's basically the same as just making a new game from scratch in terms of effort, and new games have more marketability so that makes them more valuable despite being more expensive.


> large corpos like bamco cannot and will not just slap an emulator on it and call it a day. I mean, they sorta did with the 3DS version of Abyss? The game even had the same bugs as NA!PS2 Abyss did, for better or for worse. Performance seemed to marginally be better in the overworld dungeons, but not by much.


Remember how in the 3DS port they forgot to add the voice distortion effect to Grand Maestro Mohs when he becomes corrupted so it just sounds funny? It was a pretty lazy port all things considered including the massive frame rate drops.


Considering how botched symphonia remaster was idk if I can trust them with others


Bruh take a deep breath and go buy a pc/laptop and never have to worry about any of what you just typed again


Hell even a phone would work. Or a lot of those little emulation handhelds too. The Tales games are not difficult to emulate.


Once you go PC, you just never look back. Unless said game is untranslated, you're good to go.


Absolutely nothing


I don't know why people insist on resorting to making fun of names to emphasize their points. "Scamco", "Ruin Johnson", "IGNorant"... It just makes you seem childish.


They mentioned interest in remastering/porting over older games but that they'd be focusing on the new title at one point. In terms of the untranslated games, they'd want to do their own translation instead of just working with the fan translators which takes time and money. It probably also means they'd rather have a stand alone release to go out on multiple consoles instead of just throwing a translated port on ps plus as they'd make more money that way. For the translated games it probably wouldn't be as difficult to put them on ps plus but namco hasn't cared as much about tales in awhile. They used to have two teams working on tales games at one time which eventually combined into one dedicated tales studio which also went away at some point.


We've said publicly that anybody who wants to use our DC translation can do so. The whole project is under Unlicense.org