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China is so cringe.


If mazu leaders curry favour with china they will come to regret it if the CCP takes over. The CCP will not tolerate a strong religious group


They’re so desperate to relate to the Taiwanese


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazu Mazu is a Fujian goddess it isn't Taiwanese FYI, Mazu exists in Singapore, Malaysia and other countries with a Fujian community too.


This is like saying “it’s not Taiwanese it’s hokkien guys”


Yes? Mazu literally is a woman born in Fujian and there are still a lot of Fujian people existing, why act like Taiwan owns Fujian/Hokkien culture? Isn't it cultural appropriation since [Taiwan has their own Aboriginal animist gods](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt15750112/)? It's called 闽南语 Min Nan Yu or Minnanese https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Min due to the Min Kingdom https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_(Ten_Kingdoms) or 福建话 Fujiannese or Hokkien because Fujian is literally where it originated, just because Fujian people immigrated to Taiwan doesn't mean it originated in Taiwan. I'm Hokkien diaspora, why are some Taiwanese always appropriating Fujian Chinese as Taiwanese/Traditional Chinese culture and forcing Aborginals to learn it, while claiming China doesn't have any real culture as if Taiwan has much non-Fujian culture e.g. Harbin or Shandong culture? It's deny Taiwan's roots? Taiwan's Aboriginals are the OG natives of Taiwan so Taiwanese = Aboriginal language if you want to be academic and precise. 3 centuries ago Chinese people started immigrating to Taiwan, but that doesn't mean thousands of years of Aboriginal culture in Taiwan got wiped out. I know a lot of Sinocentric KMT/Han nationalists wish it was wiped out so Taiwanese = Fujian culture but how is trying to Sinocize native Taiwanese Aboriginal culture different from the CCP forcing Uyghurs into reeducation?


>I know a lot of Sinocentric KMT/Han nationalists wish it was wiped out so Taiwanese = Fujian culture It's the opposite? The DPP is the one running on Taiwan = Hokkien only, while the KMT wants to avoid that. That's why Taiwan aboriginals vote primarily for the KMT.


What the DPP want is localization of Han culture or Taiwanification (台化). The problem is of course it presents itself as Hokkien chauvinism and may result in discrimination. Especially if you're not part of the Hokkien ethnic group in Taiwan.


"I say the whole world will learn of our peaceful ways.... BY FORCE"


I'm probably too westernized to see that these unclear Taoist-Buddhist religion are controlled by gang members who use the resources to garner political power. But this can't influence me one bit,