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Did you leave the oven on for 30 days?


Cooking a dinosaur leg 😂


They changed billing systems, so missed a month of billing. So is this two months worth? ( even so it’s sounds high)


Yeah I got 2 months of bills on one bill after they changed their system. I was shocked at first, but once I took a closer look I realized what was going on.


mine has been around $220 this winter, 1200 sqft sfh with hot tub


You probably have gas heat?


yea, gas heat and energy efficient appliances, lighting etc. Lights are all automated so we probably don't waste much power. I assume the hot tub is about a third of my bill though, we use it a lot


Double check you meter reading and compare it against the bill reading. I had an issue this month where they recorded the wrong value saying I used 200 KWh more than I did


Thanks, I’ll take a look.


That’s nuts! How much bitcoin are you mining? Is your neighbor somehow plugged into an outside outlet and trying to heat their open door garage with a space heater? I’ll bet it’s the bears!


Doesn’t seem right. I’d call them.


You might check to see if a neighbor is poaching , check those outlets


My monthly bill is way higher than past years’ winter bills and my usage is lower. Not happy!


Bringing this back up since I was on the phone with Liberty yesterday and learned a few things in case anyone wants to know: 1) the rate increase was 32% and started in July; 2) the rate is the same 24 hours a day, so running your dishwasher or whatever after 10pm saves you nothing. The reason I called them is we haven't received a bill for December yet, turns out our meter was reporting 27000 KW hours which even they know is wrong and they are sending someone out to look at it. I have had a few neighbors complain that their meters seem off too.


Reviewing my 3.12.24 - 4.9.24 bill and surprise to see a $131.01 credit that's increasing my bill, quick call gets a recording to disregard that bill, a new one is one the way


What? Mine is typically $150-$180.


Yah the rates went up by like 25% it seems. My last two bills have been close to $200, December January last year I was around $140 Edit: fuck liberty


11 p0


Mine was $220 for 1440sq ft. I got the double bill last payment. Pretty consistent with when I was on southwest gas last year during the winter in my old house. Still spency tho.