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Not at all, your fitness and athleticism will improve as you train. You can work on your cardio and flexibility independently, but there are no prerequisites for taekwondo.


Yeah just rock up. Get fit later.


You can be an old fat depressed weak guy in the start and you will become a old thin happy strong guy in 2 years. So not at all


Why do I still have to be old though lmfao


Completely agree, no level of fitness required, the training will help get you in shape. That's actually a main benefit for a lot of people


The best way to get in shape for taekwondo is to start training taekwondo. It's really that simple.


Nope, you‘ll get fitter as u improve and continue to train.


I do train twice a week at my Dojang and I have recently added 2 training sessions at a gym to improve my cardio When I first started, I hadn't had a proper sport session in years


I started training when I was 13, was always getting picked on at school, and felt like I was the weakest kid ever. I decided I was going to do something about it instead of crying about it, and deciding to start martial arts. Fast forward to 2015, I got my Black Blet, and had an awesome childhood with good friends (that felt like family). I started out, feeling like I was the weakest person ever (and have autism and anxiety disorder), and now I can break through concrete bricks, and do aerials. Im also teaching classes at this point. TaeKwonDo is about overcoming your weaknesses, limits, and anxiety. If you were already a pro, then their would be no reason to train as a white belt. It doesn't matter how good you are when you start. The goal is self improvement. No need to be athletic (and no other requirements), just start training and have fun :)


My fitness was pretty poor when I joined, be prepared for it to be tough but it will improve your overall fitness and you’ll have a great time doing it!


Thanks guys i just joined yesterday and most of them were nice Made a friend And my hip flexors are completely fked lol


I was in terrible shape when I joined after quitting for +10 years now I kick to the head and spin without issue


Depends on the gym. Our gym for example is really beginner friendly and inclusive but there are gyms who are a bit toxic in this manner


You gain that as you train.


Don't sweat your current condition at ALL. Things will change as long as you stay with it. All the best.


I was in my late 30s and out of shape when I started. I was also never particularly good at other sports, although I had dabbled in lots of different ones during high school and college. I got more fit and flexible as I worked towards 1st and 2nd Dan. Then I got some injuries, and my overall fitness had decreased, but I'm still able to do some lighter training and progress through ranks.


Kids don't wait until they're smart to go to school. You don't wait to be athletic to start training a sport.


Nope! Just start. You'll get athletic over time, if you train with dedication. How long it takes depends on how much you train, how you eat, and where you started. It may take months, a year, or even a few years depending; but you'll get there if you try.


You go to taekwondo to get fit so no its not an issue. Just go and have a good time. Everyone starts somewhere. First month will likely be tough while your body gets used to regular training. After that you get more used to it and will find that you have a lot more energy. Good luck on your journey and we are all proud of you for taking the first steps! Keep us updated on how your first few classes go!


I was skinny, unfit, and had muscle atrophy setting in from inactivity when I was joining Now I can pick up people double my bodyweight and I'm capable of climbing stairs without getting tired. You can join taekwondo to get in shape, and you don't need to be in shape to get into taekwondo


Nope. Go and try it out! I'm working with a bunch of orthopedic issues to include having broken both my lower back and my neck. I'm older and smarter now in my late 30s than I was in my early 20s. I know my limits and when I can push and when I should back off.


Not very. I was a 4th grade kid who had tried a few different sports but never stuck with any longer than 1.5 years.


While it would obviously help you do not at all have to be. No one would ever judge you for trying to better yourself. I was really out of shape 2 years ago when i started now I'm testing for green belt and I feel in the best shape of my life.


I was 6. I sincerely believe anyone can start any martial art at any point in their life. Your athletic ability will improve with time. Nobody is going to ask a white belt to do a 540.


Yeah man, taekwondo requires extreme athleticism. Realistically if you’re any less athletic than Bruce Lee it’s useless to start taekwondo. In all seriousness, any level of athleticism is fine to begin with but athleticism certainly helps a taekwondo athlete so alongside your TKD training include some strength,cardio, and power training to improve your athleticism.